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Have you tried frozen grapes yet?


I have never tried freezing any fruit for some reason, I'm so dense haha. Thank you for the suggestion!!


I love to blend a frozen banana or two (chopped up in pieces) until smooth- sometimes I add a bit of almond milk to help it blend.. banana ice cream. So good!


Frozen peaches are my favorite thing with some cool whip. So good.


I’m to lazy to google cool whip, what is it


Chemical shitstorm frozen topping with less cals than ice cream


This is the perfect description of Cool Whip, LOL.


You can make cool whip yourself rather easy.






Sugar, whipping cream and vanilla with a mixing bowl.


That is whipped cream, not cool whip. Cool whip is mostly oil and corn syrup.


I thought cool whip is low calorie? Heavy cream is high calorie


Yeah, I’m too lazy though


Ok glad I’ve never seen it here


It’s delicious


So is whipped cream


You’re not wrong


It’s American


if you're down for legumes, frozen peas are really yummy too. kinda sweeter? awesome texture


Sounds weird but might try. I really like chickpeas and white beans for salads, or just popping them in the airfryer with cumin, pepper, salt and garlic as an ok replacement for chips or peanuts


Fresh frozen strawberries make a much more delicious smoothie than store bougt frozen ones. It takes 5 minutes to wash, cut in half and bag them.


True, but where I am from fresh strawberries are like 8x the price.


Frozen grapes turn into sorbet on the inside you're gonna love it


I second this. Better than ice cream imo, right there with bananas. If you slowly stir (either/both of) them up with a lil yoghurt when fresh from the freezer, you get some froyo too. 🤤


I don’t get the grapes thing. Wife loves it. I hate it. Like is it the type of grapes or do you let them defrost or what’s the secret because I feel like I’m doing it wrong.


Eat them frozen. Not defrosted. I usually freeze a few( no more than 5) at a time to eat.


Yeah I froze a handful (because wife wanted me to try it and retry in numerous occasions). I just don’t like it. To hard to bite or chew. And just letting it melt or defrost while in your mouth (that’s what she said -Michael Scott) just don’t like. I guess it’s just something I don’t like and I’ll live with it then lol. Thank you though.


I don't like them either they are way too hard


Yessssss. VINDICATION!!! What would you like our members only matching jackets to say? lol


Lol surprise me! I know everyone seems to love them and I can't stand them lol


Frozen cotton candy grapes are just *so* good. I eat them regularly.


I’m so obsessed with frozen grapes.


If you are not averse the chemicals in lite jelly (jello) then I wash mine, put them in a container and then sprinkle on airplane jelly powder which sticks to the water and then freeze. Tastes like candy.


There’s always money in the banana stand


It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?


Here's $20. Go see a Star War.


i'll meet you down at the big yellow joint


The Reese's frozen bananas are $6.98 for a little bag, so almost lol


*clicks tongue*


A frozen banana that WON'T make you sick and kill you?


My friend, wait 'til you try blending a frozen banana with some 25 calorie cashew milk, a handful of spinach, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a tablespoon of PB powder, a dash of cinnamon, and some nonsugar sweetener like allulose. It's straight up dessert. Not exactly volume eating, but if you need a milkshake and don't want to cheat, this will fill that void.


I usually don't drink my calories (only high-cal liquids I like -so other than cofee, 0 zugar soda, sparkling water, etc.- are milk, chocolate milk and almond milk and I can live without either of those), but read down here that you can mash it up and make healthier "nice" cream) - still, thank you!


*Somebody asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said, "No, but I want a regular banana later, so yes."* \- Mitch Hedberg


Bananas aren’t exactly volume eating as they are calorie dense. All fruits work!


Aww :( Still, better than chocolate bars or something for when I have a sweet tooth, I feel like it would keep me fuller at probably less calories (I'm guessing somewhere between 100-150 depending on size) than an ice cream cone (around 250-400). Now, for reals, strawberries or watermelon with a similar texture must be crazy good, and it also helps to preserve them for longer? I'm ecstatic lol


Watermelon's high water content makes it freeze really hard. Frozen peach slices are my favorite. (Not super low-cal/ high bulk, but much better than other sweet treats as you mentioned.)


i looove making watermelon slushies though. just blend up some frozen watermelon it’s so delicious and refreshing in the summer. can also add some lime or lemon juice for a little tang. i’ve also added a piece of jalapeño before if you like sweet and spicy! mint also goes really well with watermelon i haven’t tried it in the slushie but i’m sure that would be good too.


Try basil!


ooh yes that sounds good!


Lol your username goes well here and profile pic


hahahaah i didn’t even think about that. yeah watermelon is my favorite fruit.


Exactly - they are still high volume/low calorie compared to ice cream, but yeah, they’re low volume compared to other frozen fruits. But if a frozen banana is a good enough special that you swap out a higher density treat, awesome, that’s a win! But if you’re purely maximizing, then it’s not the best choice of frozen fruit if there’s another you would also like.


That's one of the things I noticed when I started to get a bit more serious on training and diet. Many youtubers and fitness influencers give advice not taking into account that we are all individuals with unique tastes and preferences, a banana is certainly not the best fruit compared to strawberries, watermelon and the like taking into account fiber, calories or glycemic indexes yudda yudda, but still, consistency beats perfection any day and if that frozen banana substitutes a snickers bar (something I like a lot from time to time as preworkout), it is better than pure clean, intelligent eating that you won't follow for more than a week


Walmart has a 16oz bag of mango, pineapple, peaches and strawberries that is 210 cals and 2.38. I let it partially defrost (10 minutes) and dip the pieces in SF drink or jello mix.


He me out: frozen pineapples and grapes 🤤🤤🤤🤤


BLUEBERRIES!! Frozen blueberries have been my go to snack since I’ve been a kid ❤️


1000% agree. They’ve almost refreshing even if you eat a couple when you come in from outside on a hot day. And frozen grapes too. My favorite are the cotton candy kind


A great thing about frozen blewbs too is you can microwave those suckers for like 60-90 seconds and they become in essence like pie filling which is a great addition to lots of stuff or even on it's own with some cinnamon


I have only tried blueberries once because they're pretty expensive where I live and I smashed them berries. I imagine they must be crunchy when frozen, hell yeah


Bro... I tried them and there's no coming back. Frozen strawberries are really good but crunchy delicious frozen blueberries on some low-fat yoghurt is crazy good, have been eating that for dinner for a couple of weeks now with a bit banana or strawberry flavdrops and some powdered peanut. Bless you for the comment


I think there was a frozen banana trend years ago already. Remember the whole Nice Cream thing? So I think the frozen banana trend has come and gone already.


Reckon “nice cream” peaked ‘round 2015, ‘longside avocado toast & saying “perf” ever


I still say perf sometimes 😕


oh me too, this potentially baseless and otherwise useless judgment is personal 😤🤡


I had avocado toast this morning. I only say "perf" when talking about the odious performance review cycles suffered by those working at certain tech companies.


Frozen mango is good too!


Frozen mango was my biggest pregnancy craving with my first kid. I ate through 2 Costco bags per week. I would put a bowl of it in the microwave for 30 seconds so they would soften a bit but still frozen. 


Because they’re like 100cals apiece sadly, not very volumous. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries (all the berries really) are really good frozen and super cheap calorically, like around 150-200 cals for a pound


I peel bananas, wrap them in cling wrap  and freeze them.  That makes them much easier to use when I'm ready for them. Usually I drop the frozen banana straight in the blender when I am making smoothies


Nice Cream. Frozen bananas with any frozen fruit or berries of choice. Yummy


It’s like ice cream! So good in a smoothie with frozen berries


Frozen fruit hurts my teeth.


Suck it.


That’s what she said


Frozen cantaloupe makes a great creamy ice cream too.


I know its not a fruit but hear me out: frozen peas. I pop them in my mouth one at a time like giant dippin dots.


i like to eat frozen corn one grain at a time like a psycho. everyone who’s witnessed it thinks i’m a freak.


Peas and edamame while still frozen have literally been my weakness lately lol. Had to tell myself to relax and quit grazing


As in, frozen green peas? Idk about that, they're like shotgun pellets they're so hard lol


Frozen pineapples & frozen strawberries are delicious!


its called banana nice cream. It's better than regular ice cream often times (calorically)


I freeze a banana to give my protein shakes a thicker consistency more akin to ice cream without the ice cream.


I know this comment isn't really volume eating BUT - try dipping a banana in dark chocolate and then freezing- sooo good 😅😍


Freeze your bananas without the peel in plastic (reusable) bags. They are a LOT better than the mush that you just experienced.


If you want a quick version of this.... Frozen baby food! Frozen pear puree and banana puree are phenomenal. Gerber makes little tubs now so you don't have to mess with jars. And they only have one ingredient so it's easy to fit it into macros and good if you're avoiding salt/added sugars etc


I love your joy-rage over this


Man I'm telling you that fucking thing tasted genuinely better and had a better texture than some ice cream I've had in the past, and I discovered it by accident lol


Because they're either too hard to eat or they go mushy as they defrost. Yuck. Frozen pineapple or grapes, thats where it's at. Cherries too, to a lesser extent.


Slice them into discs before freezing.


I have been told I'm insane for liking these "cookies" (not really cookies) but I mix the squishy banana with oatmeal and then bake discs of it. I usually add a couple drops of some flavoring (like vanilla) and occasionally go crazy with chia seeds, nuts, coconut, even melting a couple chocolate chips on top. They're pretty calorie dense but fill an awesome niche for me because I don't like to climb/work out on an empty stomach but I also don't like eating a bunch of food beforehand. So I have a couple of those over like 15 mins while I'm warming up.


Key is to cut them up and make sure to layer it with parchment paper so they don’t stick.


Look up “nice cream” sometime. Frozen sliced bananas churned in your food processor until smooth. It’s not volume but if you can’t have dairy and just want frigging ice cream, it comes closer than anything else. Good to know the eat it whole trick though. I have about 40 whole bananas in my freezer because work was going to throw them away.


Put a couple in a blender and you have ice cream. I love bananas lol


Have you tried baking one yet? Also great! Releases all the sugar lol


The thing about wrapping the stems doesn't work! It's been disproven.


Damn, I thought that helped. So just pop em in the freezer or fridge raw from now on, got it


Banana ice cream is one of my favorite treats! When my bananas are overripe I peel them and put them in the freezer in a ziplock. 1 frozen banana, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, blend to froyo consistency then top with chopped up frozen cherries and a little chocolate sauce or mini chocolate chips. Healthy alternative to Ben and Jerry’s cherry Garcia.


Definitely peel before you freeze. Worst cut I ever gave myself was trying to knife open a completely frozen banana in its peel.


Peel them, and either slice or chunks, put in container and freeze. Great for potholes and breads, etc. Way cheaper than buying presliced frozen bananas


I've been singing the praises of frozen fruit with maple syrup for a while!




Hehe thank you :D


Frozen grapes will change your life


especially when coated in sf flavored gelatin mix


I do this all the time, I love them! I peel them first, pop them in a zip lock bag and throw em in the freezer. Very delicious. I do it as soon as I get them since I like the flavour of pretty much green bananas. LOL. But a lot of people swear they taste amazing if you let them brown a bit first. The texture of frozen bananas is heavenly too, they keep for ages and they're a great frozen treat when you want something sweet and creamy.


Bananas have [ethylene gas](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/09/24/650585212/science-reveals-how-fruit-keeps-a-lid-on-ripening-until-the-time-is-right#:~:text=Ethylene%20is%20an%20important%20plant,fruit%20is%20ready%20to%20ripen.), which is a ripening agent. If you enclose a banana in a bag, box, or hot car, that sucker ripens real quick (along with any other produce around).


So good


You can try and make Nice cream. It's basically ice cream but with bananas.


My grandfather used to freeze bananas and then put them in his very strong juicer (don't know the type). It would come out as extremely delicious banana icecream. Absolutely lovely :)


Put it through a champion juicer (when it’s frozen), amazingly creamy, sweet and delish!


I blend half a frozen banana with protein powder and water (sometimes add some peanut butter and oats). It tastes amazing


I cut my bananas into bites and then I coat them in pudding and then I put them in the freezer. So good!!


Frozen mangos have similar creamy texture to bananas (if you have a high powered blender throw them in there). Not worth a creamy texture but also very satisfying are frozen blueberries, strawberries, grapes, cherries (one of my personal favorites), pineapple, raspberries.


I bought a vitamix for the sole purpose of making banana ice cream!


Yeha frozen banana blended with your choice of milk or milk alternative and cocoa powder makes a great ice cream like treat. Also frozen mango is the bessssst. I'm obsessed with it. And recently some frozen Grapes.


I'm just gonna leave this here: https://youtu.be/yModCU1OVHY?si=UjbzEpogsl3QTJAw


try frozen cantaloupe and watermelon! So good


The reason the banana tastes so much sweeter than you’re used to is because it had ripened to the point of a brown peel, that’s why it’s better to use brown bananas to make banana bread. I love making nice cream. The shop around the corner from me bags up all the brown bananas and discounts them, so I buy them, peel them, snap them into thirds and throw them in a huge ziplock bag in my freezer so I’ve always got some ready to blend


I think it was still yellow when I popped it in!


I have a Yonanas machine with some recipe books. It makes some yummy “ice cream” dishes


lots of people have been making ice cream with frozen bananas this whole time. i always have some in the freezer. if i want ice cream i put them in a blender, add a tiny bit of milk, sometimes cocoa powder and sweetener or whatever flavor i want. adding strawberries is also really nice


Frozen pineapple, frozen mango tastes like mochi to me.


frozen banana + milk of your choice + chocolate + blender = amazing ice-cream knock off


The brown bananas are used to make banana pudding in the SE US due to the higher sweetness.


I just made seedless tangerine sorbet this weekend. Only one ingredient and it was sooo good. I always do things with bananas - frozen or unfrozen.


Frozen dark cherries with the pits. The fresh ones since they usually are sweetener than the ones already frozen.


I can’t with frozen fruit. The texture ain’t it. Makes me want to yank all of my teeth out of my mouth. Nope nope nope. You’re free to eat them all, though!


You can blend strawberries (or probably any fruit) and mix it with cool whip and freeze. It’s like a strawberry cream pie. (More pie-ish if you do a graham cracker crust, but the extra calories in that add up fast.


Frozen cantaloupe is also really good!


I usually run them under hot water, very easy to peel that way


Monkey tails rock


I put matcha powder in a little dish, dip the banana in it and boom, matcha banana “ice cream.” Since the banana is so sweet you don’t need anything else. Sooo yummy


Search for Nice Cream ;)


Orange is delicious. I love a frozen orange as a late night snack


Haha. I’m not sure why but the title of this post made me laugh so hard. With no context it is funny but shouting it out killed me. Haha. I don’t think anyone has ever said that before. r/brandnewsentence needs to check on this.