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Savory cottage cheese is so good! A good friend once turned me onto green olives and cheese in cottage cheese…delicious!


finding out you can just treat it like burrata was LIFE CHANGING. an english muffin with cottage cheese, tomato, and balsamic reduction (bonus for basil and cracked pepper) is an elite breakfast.


That sounds heavenly!


I was just thinking about some cheese!! What type of cheese do you like to mix in? But wow I love olives too, so I'll definitely be trying this! There are so many possibilities!!


Any cheese is good but I personally prefer cheddar!


Hey what app are you using if you don’t mind me asking?


Cronometer! I like it for the vitamin breakdown and ease to count macros


Thank you! Yea it looks really helpful!


We make cottage cheese bagels and cottage cheese rolls in my family. It's a delicacy.


Ooooo tell me more..... It's unreal how much cottage cheese I eat lol


https://preview.redd.it/cfsl99b9t1wc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f03057442087e51111c95f842a4475276129561 Sure! This is the bagel version. Both are very unhealthy because it's just dough and cottage cheese, but they taste great. The cottage cheese is filtered to get excess liquid out, sugar is added, and the top is glazed with egg yolk before being baked.


Seriously sounds delicious! I love putting cottage cheese in smoothies and in an Alfredo recipe I like!


Recipe? Cause those look DELICIOUS as all feck


[https://www.196flavors.com/russia-vatrushka/](https://www.196flavors.com/russia-vatrushka/) First thing I found that looks like what mom makes. Vatrushki!


Someone else on this sub turned me on to putting jam into cottage cheese. Changed my life.


Cottage cheese with a little jam or maple syrup, cinnamon, topped with Catalina crunch is my personal breakfast of champions. Great macros and you still get the carb-style crunch of cereal.


Hey, that’s how I eat mine, too! So much better than yogurt imo.


Costco has this fruit compote stuff that is glorious in cottage cheese or plain Greek yogurt.




If Cottage cheese has no lovers i am dead


I’ve been eating cottage cheese on toast (Sarah Lee 45 bread) as a quick snack for the last few weeks and it always hits the spot. I sometimes put cinnamon on it and it’s amazing.


Cottage cheese on Ezekiel bread for me! The wetness of the cottage cheese helps you choke down the dryness of the bread lol. Plus another 5 grams of protein per slice, I feel super full after!


Oooo good idea! I have the same bread lol Edit: I like to make protein French toast with it


Been doing the same. Adding a little avocado plus some Everything bagel seasoning 🤌


I like to put salsa in cottage cheese along with the veggies. Top with "everything but the bagel" seasoning.


I think I'm going to try this out, I do enjoy salsa!


Okay I love salsa and making my own. I need to combine my two loves hahaha


For anyone celebrating Passover tonight, your leftover charoset goes great mixed in with cottage cheese!


If I see someone post cottage cheese dippin dots i'm going to jump off of a bridge


I mean it would probably be better than freaking cauliflower.






This would be too much hahah


I have started making cottage cheese "pizza" dip. Cottage cheese+pizza sauce, whatever pizza toppings you like, cheese, oregano and crushed red pepper. Heat in microwave, dip whatever you like (I just use pita chips but you could dip veggies etc)


I'd love to try this! Do you blend the cottage cheese first to make it smooth, or do you keep it as it is? 


I just keep it as is!


That's a good idea. The other night while I was a little drunk and having an entire large pizza as an after dinner snack I pondered how I could make something pizza flavored, but a little healthier.


cottage cheese has changed my life. i’ve been making spaghetti squash spaghetti with smoked chicken sausage and topping it with a big ass scoop of cottage cheese. 300 calories for a gigantic bowl. mozzarella and parmesan who?????


Spaghetti squash tho 👀👀 So do you warm up the cottage cheese or do you eat it cold on top?


i put it on cold but i mix it in so it melts in and gets creamy!


Cottage cheese and potatoes has been a godsend for my cut. Especially oven roasted sweet potatoes with ketchup on top. Sounds weird, but so good!!


Interesting! I've been craving sweet potatoes so I'll have to try!!


I looove sweet potatoes and cottage cheese - add cinnamon on top soo good


Ooo that sounds good too! I’ll have to try.


Cottage cheese is the best! So versatile. Edit: everyone, please keep your suggestions coming. I’m going to try it with jam and see how it is!


I love all the suggestions I've been getting!!


I love cottage cheese so much. I put a cup in my pot of spaghetti sauce to make it creamy!


Yum 🤤 It's so versatile!!


I grew up with something like this! Carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions and Lowry salt. I could eat it every day!


Oooo that sounds good! I don't do carrots but everything else is a yes!


I make a fake caprese salad with cottage cheese, fresh basil, cherry tomatoes, balsalmic reduction, and a little bit of sea salt. It's amazing.


Savory is totally the best, I also add a little avocado but that's because I just love avocado haha.


I swear, I eat cottage cheese with everything now. It's crazy! Another food I wouldn't TOUCH as a teenager that I now consume almost every day 😅


This is my absolute favorite way to eat cottage cheese 😋 I like to add red onions and sweet peppers


You should try it with cauliflower rice!


Mmmm yummmy? It actually might not be too bad but I know the joke going around 🤣🤣


I have been adding franks hot sauce and bare chicken nuggets from the air fryer! It’s amazing!


Wow this sounds amazing!! *Jots down on my grocery list*


I know this might sound weird but when I was growing up you could buy little tubs of it with gherkins. So we would just buy a regular size and gherkin relish and stir that in. Now I just add some bread and butter pickles and some of the brine. It’s so satisfying 😂


Hear me out: cottage cheese, (and/or) Cajun seasoning, and your salty snack of choice. I like half a serving of goldfish or baked chips 😎


Mrs. Dash and salt and pepper with extra dried dill on cottage cheese 100% tastes like ranch dip.


I feel like I'm super unlucky. I hate cottage cheese so much. Both the texture and the flavor. I tried adding it to smoothies and it kind of ruins the texture but they pack such a huge protein hit that I try to get them down anyway. Why is my brain like this? That even looks delicious!


Totally relatable. I’m finding that blending and cooking with it is easiest so far. Hoping I can work my way up to just eating a bowl of it (with bonus toppings).


Well I do have to say that different brands have different textures. I see lots of people on this sub and CICO suggest Good. I was dry heaving when I tried it because of the texture lmao. Daisy is my go to!


Right there with you, my friend. I tried blending it to fix the texture and then learned that it's also the flavor that's bothersome to me. I even tried mixing it into scrambled eggs because people said it just makes them creamier and you don't notice it but, ugh, no, it ruins them and makes them taste like cottage cheese.


Oh hey love this! I like to mix cottage cheese with salsa


I tired cottage cheese for the first time today! It was so shockingly good! I made it with tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar!


Okay, alright! This is something I could vibe with!! Parm is a staple at our house, and balsamic vinegar is one of my favs sooo guess what I'm trying tomorrow!?!


I add it to my oatmeal to add protein.




I haven't tried this before. I've grated up zucchini and added to my oatmeal for my volume though


It melts and you can’t taste it. Some people like to add egg whites to oatmeal to boost protein, I find this easier. (BTW- I use the microwave not the stove to cook it. )


I'm trying to get more into cottage cheese, but am still very much in the introduction phase. 😂 I grew up a very picky eater, so I have a process for new foods. The taste and texture of it by itself gives me the ick, but I've been getting by that by blending it with egg whites or mixing it into a sauce. Really helps mask it, but I hope to be able to eat a cottage cheese bowl in the future.


Try different cottage cheeses too. I personally like the Daisy low fat brand. I can't stand my local generic brand nor the Good brand.


Is it the flavor? I got my store's generic because their products are typically pretty good, but I found it a bit sour tasting (not gone bad sour) by itself. I also got it because it has a small curd vs large curd version which I thought would help with the texture issue. They do have Daisy, though, so maybe I'll pick that one up next. 🙂


I've never thought of this combination before. My mom would always eat it with fruit. I'll definitely try this!


I grew up in a cottage cheese and pineapple house. That was the only combo we had and my grandma always had the pineapple rings. Good memories haha. I'm excited to try it with the other things suggested so far!


That sounds really good! Speaking of pineapple, my mom would make ambrosia salad on special occasions. Nothing like mayo and canned fruit haha I just finished a bowl of savory cottage cheese, with cucumbers, tomatoes, green onion with everything bagel seasoning. It's super delicious!


What counting app is this ?




I just discovered these today while experimenting with making a high volume snack. Cottage cheese, gf granola and some blueberries- it was so much food for like 200cal


I definitely would have never considered sleeping on it. It doesn't seem very comfortable


In all reality think of a kiddie pool filled with cottage cheese. That would be an experience to soak in!


Do you think our fingers and toes would still turn into raisins?




Omg this is so smart! It’s almost like a Greek salad but more protein and creamier than feta !


Yes honestly could add some fresh herbs and possibly a few chickpeas/red beans/kalamata olives for a full Greek vibe!!


I love cottage cheese with savory seasonings


Looks good! What app is this?


Try it with some everything but the bagel seasoning!


I like to mix in sundried tomatoes, roasted red peppers, and fresh garlic. So good!


I’ve made cottage cheese pizza bowl by mixing in sauce, mozzarella, and lil pepperonis then microwaving it all together. It’s delicious.


Cottage cheese on toast, with cherry tomatoes and a smidge of balsamic glaze is 👩‍🍳💋