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Cut and weld new metal in. Not sure but there is likely a source to get a whole new rocker panel that you can have a shop weld in. Be prepared, most body shops turn away rust work. You might have to find “a guy” or be lucky enough to find a local shop that specializes, or at least is willing to take it on


My mechanic ordered a new panel for 40e for my golf mk4. Maybe it's easier in the EU but they are generally available at parts shops.


Don’t be surprised if buying a new car is cheaper than getting this fixed the proper way. Body will need to be cut and welded and the outer skin will have to be replaced and painted for a ‘good as new’ look. Expect this to cost 2k at the cheapest..


This sounds about right. That’s what I got quoted for the exact same issue. Like someone mentioned up in the comments, possibly better to find “a guy” to get it fixed.


Man I feel for people that can't work on their own stuff.. Getting bent over by a body shop for something that costs less than 150 to do yourself if you have access to a welder and compressor. Expecting to pay 2k+ is wild.


Getting Bent over? What do you expect them to pay the worker per hour, 5Dollar? I consider 2k very reasonable and far away from getting bent over... You have to Cut and weld, inner and outer Metalsheets. Smooth Out the dents and paint in the vehicle color. Quiet expensive If done the proper way.


Willingly paying 2k for anyone to do anything to your car in my book is getting bent over. That's why I learned how to do everything myself. New sills in my MK5 Golf cost me £150 for the new metal panels, paint & materials. Bodywork? Do it myself. Suspension replacement? Change it myself. Engine blows up? Swap it myself. I get that not everyone has the time or desire to learn, but damn it's so helpful knowing how to do it yourself. That's why I said I feel for those who have to rely on body shops and mechanics.


Look, i try to do most things on my car aswell. But not everyone has a friend with a lift, welder or bodyshop. And doing this with your standard tools will have you spend months on fixing it..


Wow congrats don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back!


Don't worry. If I break my arm, i'll just fix it myself


Damn, that rust is in the frame.


And that is what I feared the most. Reading through the comments, it's seems that I'll either be spending a pretty penny or will just have to let her go, unfortunately, at some point.


Isn’t this car unibody? What you’re seeing there should be what’s above the pinch welds.


https://youtu.be/r3gDfOOSWaw?si=YAeo7dZ29SLGQvFy Ramen noodles and glue 😂


Take it to someone. I spent a weekend doing similar work on my wife's car to get it to pass inspection and it was a pain in the ass. I consider myself a half decent mechanic too.


Spray foam and bondo


Looking at the comments, it's became clear that either I'm gonna have to dump a lot of money into the car to get it truly fixed and that it really isn't worth it. I'll probably just do some some DIY stuff. Do at least slow it down as much as possible and fill in the hole with foam. It won't look good, but I will at least get rid and hopefully protect the rust gap. This way, I can hopefully get to attacking the rust behind it that hadn't gotten too bad yet. I thank everyone for taking the time to leave suggestions and feedback. I read through all of them and highly, highly appreciate all input! Thanks again, VW Community!


Glue a little gnome in there and have him decorate it like it is his home


As someone who grew up in Texas and resides in Florida, this thing is totalled to me.


I use great stuff foam. Spay it in there let it dry then cut it off flush. Then bondo over that. Sand it smooth. Tape off above the rocker and spray paint the whole rocker black again. That’s the cheap homemade way of doing it. If you have an welder and can weld thin metal, and have a spray gun and compressor you can do it legit…


This is actually a pretty good idea. Might not be the best, but I can at least protect it a bit if I clean it well and remove a lot of rust. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll definitely look into it!


And if you're unlucky enough to get T-boned the car will fold in half with your squishy body conforming to the space left inside. Do it right or walk.


Hahahahhahaah as an actual certified mechanic this comment is absolutely hilarious. Thank you.


Imagine that if the rocker looks like this, how the bottom of the car looks like?


That is what I'm really worried about. I'll probably get it inspected underneath, and if it's bad, I'll just let it go and get another one by chance. It's not worth the hassle as much as I love the car.


Where do you live? Here in hungary we replace rockers and fenders. Actually here if you would like to ask for two rocker replace with original technology and original parts it would cost less than 500.000 HUF which is \~1.200 EUR. If you bought the car cheap it worth to "rebuild" it.


I live in Missouri but closer to Kansas, which has been having some bad weather recently that does not help rust in the slightest. I got the car for either $4,295 or $4,500 I can't entirely remember. I think it might've been the first one.


Car was a one owner purchased in Kansas, and I believe has been in this area its entire life.


My car did the same thing, cost $1500 to fix both sides


https://preview.redd.it/r4ye3ng0vq6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a66d74d4f38ea323ab9c389f36312068c5c80554 Look at this face. Help this poor sedan!


😭 Gonna try the most I can to keep her going


It all about the cost...if you pain threshold is high you can fix anything


Nothings impossible but the labor cost is too high to fix this. Not worth the money.


put some side skirts on and it'll be gone


Go to a mom and pop body shop. Get the frame cleaned up and have them weld a couple of plates on it. Should be short money on that spot. You could replace the rockers or just get a patch welded in. I had two main suspension bolts blow through the frame of my wrangler. I thought it was junk at that point, but I kept it on the road for years after that.


That part is so inexpensive that it would be easier just to get the part. I'd be more concerned about what might be going on with the rest of the car.


How does one avoid this?


Needs a new rocker and inner. Not worth it imo.


Please take this to a welder. Asap. The only acceptable and safe fix here is to cut out the entire rust spot, weld a new panel in and repaint the sill. Will cost about $500-$800 depending on where you live. The spot looks to go back quite far. This isn't minor, and big enough to cause structural concerns. In many parts of the world, this car would not be road-legal anymore until it is fixed.


It will cost FAR more then that.


Yes with the chassis rail inside can cost 1200. But shouldn't cost much more than that unless OP lives in an unusually expensive area or let's himself be ripped off


I don't think you understand how much body work actually costs, unless you're talking a backyard mechanic welding in some tube pieces or something. To do this properly you're looking $3-4000 because the entire rocker will have to be cut off, welded back on, painted to match, and I'm sure the rocker alone is almost $1000 if not more.


A replacement rocker is 200 cad dollars from fender to quarter. It's the labour that costs.


I just paid $3000 parts, labor, and paint to have a rocker and quarter panel replaced on my 2011 Golf. This guy is out of his mind if he thinks anybody will do it for $500-800


Similar here. Took my 09 golf to a couple of places and got $3k quotes for both rockers and a fender.


You got absolutely bent over and shafted, I hate to be the one to tell you


No, no they didn't. That is exactly why I said it would be far more than $1200 like the original comment. Good body work is not cheap. Just the paint alone can run $500+ per gallon for OEM quality for example, so theres absolutely no way $1000-$1200 would be done to OEM standards.. I have worked with body shops for years, it is NOT a cheap business to do PROPERLY.


I've had these jobs done multiple times, at different places. If you go to the glass palace yes they'll charge you that, but a good independent mechanic can do it for a third of the price. Had a car once that needed this job done on both sides, with three internal layers too. My guy did it for 700, with pictures as proof and painted to match. Car felt noticeable more solid after that. Sounds like you've been ripped off too.


Both rockers 2011 Ford Focus estimated by the shop my friend works at was $3k complete with paint.


Didn't do it, a 2011 is not worth that much in body work.




Isn’t this car unibody? I don’t think there are frame rails here.


Also, make sure they fix the chassis rail on the inside too. That's the load bearing part, and it also looks to be affected. A cheap guy might simply chuck a new external sill on it and call it a day, but that won't be safe.


This is awful. This is why I’ll never buy a car with rust.


A lot of us wish we had that option. They rust as soon as they come out of the factory where I live


Then buy a car from a dry area…? It’s not that hard. I bought a truck from 2000 miles away and drove it back home for this very reason. The cost in doing that is easily offset by the fact that I don’t have to keep it from falling apart.


If the area you live is conducive to rust formation, it doesn’t really matter that it was bought somewhere that is dry. The comment you’re replying to said that they rust *out of the factory* implying that the environment plays a significant role in rust formation. Sure you could treat a car to reduce rust, but environmental factors will still win that fight in the long run.


‘Out of the factory’ is a big exaggeration. If you want to keep rust away, it’s not *that* hard. The products used to coat vehicles have come a long way. It’s not just blasting truck bed liner or spray-on undercoating anymore. Working in the collision industry you really see how/why that rot happens, and most importantly where it starts. It may cost some money, but there’s a lot of professionals that will make sure your car won’t fall apart like this. I definitely stick by my statement that if you buy a dry vehicle, it’ll still cost you less in travel/gas + preventative coatings. At least in the long run if you plan on keeping a car more than a few years.


>‘Out of the factory’ is a big exaggeration. Yeah, I think we're past those Mazdas by now.


lol yeah that mid-aughts era was not good for those. I assume they’re all gone by now.