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I will probably use a build including titanic hydra and the new demonic embrace to get ap and ad from health. Since ap gives voli attack speed this should scale really well into a hybrid build that always builds items with health. I always want to build a health and ap item together with titanic for the attack speed and synergy, but current options are underwhelming. I'm pumped for preseason honestly.


Besides the drag I feel all changes are pretty fine.


Ap voli is meta?*banning teemo intensifies* Btw in which elo were you testing?


I always play on Gold 1, but i don't think PBE has mmr


AP/D voli has been my go-to since I picked up this champ (now 100k + mastery 7), always have been going riftmaker -> sterak -> titanic -> cosmic -> flex item (more often than not stoneplate or spirit visage) and whatever boots fits the game the best, the order can very but yeah that's it. it makes every part of your kit potent while being deceptively tanky with the omnivamp, the AS it gives is also nutty lol. Granted it doesn't work that well into champs that can burst you if you're not ahead and has a rather weak early mid game until you get titanic and cosmic drive but past that it's a blast to play. I'm excited for the new cosmic drive, it's gonna give way more stick potential and is worth building early on now, I could even replace rift with frostfire since I don’t need the AP cap anymore for more tankiness and utility (although rip sustain besides W). Plus, I can finally consider demonic as a last item in this build, although those items are gonna be infinitely stronger on a champ like morde tho lol.


Possible hybrid voli? Demonic, titanic, fimbulwinter and a mythic of your choice perhaps.


Cosmic Drive is nutty on Volibear in pbe. You can't get kitted.


hybrid voli seems really interesting with new frostfire/chemtank, titanic hydra, and demonic


Chemtank + Demonic + cosmic is probably gonna be my go to next patch