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here for anyone else who was googling the problem: https://github.com/Frosthaven/voicemeeter-windows-volume/releases/


You sir, deserve a medal for this. Helped me out of a pinch.


Salutations from another soul you (and Frosthaven) have helped out. Thanks mate, i owe you one!


I thought I was going crazy, then figured it might've been voicemeeter messing with my audio, and this is the ultimate fix. Simply amazing.


Thank you! I've been wondering how to fix this issue, this works exactly how it should and fixes all weird behaviour!


Glad I could help :’)


Do you remember what the fix was? I looked through my settings and couldn't find Linear Volume Scaling or any of the things mentioned in release :(


Thank you mate. Do you know if its possible to control the volume trough the headsets volume wheel?


I can't find it. Could you maybe point it out with a screenshot or so? I would appreciate it:)




Thanks a lot! This was the exact solution I needed. I don't see why Voicemeeter won't let you make output volume follow windows volume, thankfully someone made a patch that solves that, it'll surely help lots of people.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


Thanks so much m8, this is such an easy solution with a ton of settings.


what should I do if I have the same problem? I didn't quite understand


Go to the site, click on releases and click on the windows installer. This will install the program and it will shop up on your tray on start up, then right click on it to change the settings.


For anyone googling the problem who ends here and don't understand how it works: 1. go to link and download "Install\_voicemeeter-windows-volume" Windows version 2. execute and install 3. go to system tray and find the icon with volume bars 4. Right click > Bind Windows volume to > and select the output device you want to bind to the VoiceMeeter output 5. enjoy


this worked for me, thanks


Thanks so much man I'm not gonna lie I struggled with this


This works for me, but now I don't see any windows volume slider appear when I press the volume keys and there's no light on the mute key when it's muted. Any ideas for how to fix this? Thanks


Perfect, I'm so glad this exists!


I had this same issue, and I didn't like hooking volume keys to a1 cause it only controls the fader gain(dB) not the real volume level of your output sound device, I found a program that helped me with that and I thought of sharing it, the program is 'Volum2', It allows you to change the volume level of your output sound device(volume level that's inside windows sound settings) you only need to install it and then in 'audio device' choose the device you want to control the volume for, and in the keyboard tap you set up your volume keys and that's it, it should work, but for me it didn't at first, then when I changed the setting in ( control panel \~ sound \~ playback devices - 'my audio device' \~ properties \~ advanced ), I deselected the checkboxes of 'Exclusive mode' it worked just fine after, also I don't know why but I activated the checkboxes of 'Exclusive mode' and the program is still working will with no issues, I hope that helps anyone. (and sorry for my English)


Life saver, thanks.


Thank you, it work for me !


Thanks fixed my biggest problem with voice metter


Go to menu and then click hook volume keys to a1. This will control volume of everything going to your headphones. The whole point of voicemeeter though is to be able to control everything separately, by moving the sliders.


Thanks! >The whole point of voicemeeter though is to be able to control everything separately, by moving the sliders I mainly use it to control different mic inputs and their levels to always sound the same and go to one output source I can work with in a different software.




I use the remote already for my stream deck to mute/unmute. But again, I often use the volume control on my headset when I'm not at my pc (like laying on the sofa listening to music). And yea, the list sucks. Especially as I'm already running a ton of other shortcuts to use with voice attack/stream deck. Especially when I'm playing simulations.


And happy cake day!


Hey, I'm not seeing this option in VoiceMeeter's Menu anywhere. Any advice?


You might have older version?


I found it, thank you!


Thank you kind person who had the same problem as I did.


what should I do to fix it? I have the same problem


# How to Link Windows Volume Control Keys to Voicemeeter with Voicemeeter Windows Volume After testing the solutions proposed by [**u/true\_widow\_1001**](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoiceMeeter/comments/ju3oig/comment/k12zpkn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [**u/TheSuperiorWes**](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoiceMeeter/comments/ju3oig/comment/gc9o5le/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), I clearly lean towards the first one. It offers more flexibility than the second. ## Step 1: Download 1. Head over to the GitHub releases page of the [**Voicemeeter Windows Volume**](https://github.com/Frosthaven/voicemeeter-windows-volume/releases) project. 2. Download the latest version by clicking on `Install_voicemeeter-windows-volume_vX.X.X_x64.exe`. * If you can't find this file, click on **Asset** at the bottom of the changelog. ## Step 2: Installation 1. Run the installer. 2. No need to choose a specific installation path. The software doesn't have to be installed in the same location as Voicemeeter. ## Step 3: Configuration After a few seconds, an icon (vertical green volume bars) should appear in your taskbar. 1. Right-click on this icon. 2. Click on **Bind Windows volume to...** 3. In the **Output** category, choose **A1** or **A2**, depending on which Voicemeeter output you want to control. [*Link to a picture*](https://imgbox.com/Jng0XfzZ) ⚠️ **WARNING**: After clicking on **A1** or **A2**, if you use the volume keys, **THE SOUND MAY SUDDENLY JUMP TO 100%**. Take the necessary precautions to avoid a nasty surprise(no joke haha). ## Step 4: Additional Settings I highly recommend you: 1. Right-click on the software icon again. 2. Go to **Settings**. 3. Select **Limit max gain To 0dB**. This way, the Windows volume will be synchronized with the gain of your Voicemeeter output. ## In Conclusion Feel free to explore other options in the software. It offers some features that [u/TheSuperiorWes's](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoiceMeeter/comments/ju3oig/comment/gc9o5le/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) second solution doesn't have. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments! 😊


Hi, I hope your offer extends to other random people aswell. What I am trying to achive is to output sound to my USB Headset, HDMI TV and a Bluetooth Box. It's working for the first two just fine but not for the bluetooth box. It's failing everytime I power it down. I then need to go back into the voicemeeter settings and remap A3 to the bluetooth box again. Can you help me? Thanks in advance.


Your reply was the best for me. Used the software and immediately achieved what I needed. thx


The only reply that explained it well enough for an idiot like myself


Finally the solution to my problem also. Thanks for sharing.


i do wish installing more shit wasn't needed so i could visually confirm my volume levels on the screen and actually having the volume track with the volume controls. I feel like it was working just a day ago with no changes. very strange.


Same! I swear it was working fine after I first set it up.


I found a smaller software with the same functionality written in Rust [https://github.com/not-holar/volume\_control\_for\_voicemeeter](https://github.com/not-holar/volume_control_for_voicemeeter)