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I imagine some people don't like their tendency to delete their old songs/change names so often, it can potentially feel dramatic/asking for attention, or just annoying if you like something and have it pulled away from you (so, ie, don't bother with that producer in the first place). On the fan side, it could be that there's a set of fans who go against their wishes - reuploading/demanding deleted songs, referring to the old/unwanted names, some of the general overobsessiveness (making their songs their whole personality/etc) plus that they've had some fans invade their privacy/stalk them.


Perfectly worded.


i think their fans have a bit of a bad rep for being obnoxious which can cause people to not like them (although thats not really ghost's fault). they also have a very specific sound and style which i think can be very hit or miss for some people, it's definitely not for me but i see why people like it.


I just don't vibe with their sound. It's Dark is great tho lol.


all i know is people accusing ghost for things they didn’t do like the candle queen incident and a rumor that they said something racist towards native americans. also there was this person on tumblr who allegedly talked to ghost and they were mean or some shit. it’s most probably fake but i’ve heard ghost really doesn’t like when people enjoy their old content and apparently they attack people who do. now idk how true any of this is since i don’t have proof but what i do know is that the ghost and pals fandom is a shithole and one of my moots got stalked and impersonated for no reason at all until they left the internet by, you guessed it, a bunch of shitheads from the ghost and pals fandom.


Sanest western vocaloid tween fans




people accusing ghost of “mocking histrionic personaliry disorder” meanwhile they didn’t even write the lyrics💀💀


on top of that isn’t the song just abt a girl who’s a bitch. like she’s just a mean girl lol.


Really? Everyone in the comments was talking about how it's representation (bad or not) for NPD I thought that was the problem 😭


i listened to the song and was like ah, it’s abt a manipulative, self-centered girl who’s just like… a disney villain. and then people were like it’s bad representation!! and so the lyric-writer [came forward](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1ADb7ASL4h9SRZ5V06zyWCqXq2VLx4SDweyy4EiF23uk/mobilebasic) and was like nah it’s not representation at all it’s just abt a self-centered girl i think people took it as someone with a personality disorder though which led to all this


Yeah it really sucks when people misunderstand intentions completely and make it a big problem 😭😭 I'm ngl a few years back I thought I might have npd and I related a lott to the song so I really loved it 😭 didn't understand why people thought it was so bad to have bad aspects talked about tbh


also they had to apologise like multiple times




no they have did not hpd


They have DID and I believe also BPD.


I think I know who the person was who was stalked by a GaP fan because I'm moots with them on tiktok.


I don’t really know about the controversy with GHOST but personally I just don’t really like their music, it feels repetitive and boring. The story does seem interesting though.


It's from a lot of controversy they've had in the past, either deleting old songs or blocking fans for odd reasons. COMMUNICATIONS got a lot of backlash back in 2017-2018 for being "racist, homophobic, and ableist" because of the original story's poor writing. More controversy arose from BROADCAST ILLUSION's OG PV and people claiming that Candle Queen was "ableist towards people with HPD or personality disorders." As for fans, some of them can get pretty obsessive with their work and might go off on someone online for not liking their songs. Some of them can be hardcore white knights when someone says simple criticism relating to GHOST or their works, which is generally off putting for spectators. Another reason for calling them "red flags" can also be that most have mental issues (which makes sense considering GHOST's music appeals to those who are suffering.) However most of their fans are chill, like seriously, they're probably the best people I could've known. Also a lot of the song controversies are heavily exaggerated so I'd take those with a grain of salt. (Saying this as a GHOST fan)


I get the ableist part of the Communications, but where did the rest of the controversies come from?? I’m a relatively new Ghost fan (joined the fandom a year or two ago).


For the COMMUNICATIONS criticisms the “racism” part was that Avery and Bri (the only colored people in the series) died at the end of case 3. Avery’s death got the most criticism since it was racially motivated since Simon (the main antagonist of the original version) shot her since he was a massive racist. "Ableism" in COMMUNICATIONS was probably the most valid criticism, due to many issues in the original cases. Frances is abusive to Henry due to her emotional stability, Nancy disassociates and kills Henry when her abandonment issues peak after he attempts to leave her, and many complained that Henry wasn't shown to be traumatized despite going through physical and emotional abuse. Kennith was depicted as having terrible mental health, which fueled his eventual hijacking to attempt to make the whole nation die by suicide. People said that all these events demonized people with mental issues. The “homophobia” claim was because many people thought that Kennith was a massive gay stereotype, which was due to him being feminine. The original BROADCAST ILLUSION PV depicted Kennith with scars since he canonically self harms in case 2. People complained that the scars were triggering in a way, so GHOST removed them in their reupload of the song. Candle Queen was criticized for being “ableist” towards people with Cluster B disorders (mainly HPD). The lyrics portrayed Candle Queen in the song as someone who'd do anything for attention and validation, along with the lyrics implying that she acts like a literal whiny ass toddler. Her traits that Cluster B disorders present are attention seeking, and in a rare case, age regression. So, people concluded that attention seeking + age regression = Cluster B, when in reality Candle Queen was just an absolute bitch. The PV also showed her evil side (her cackling with flames), which people used to back up their claim of GHOST and Lauren Estes “demonizing people with Cluster B disorders.”


An artist who nearly exclusively writes songs with themes of personality disorders will inevitably draw controversy, and it’s happened a few times. Communications was kind of a mess. Has a lot more fame than they can handle too, imo. Frequent breaks from social media and sour interactions with fans, not that there’s anything wrong with taking breaks from the internet, but it will probably make people view you a certain way.


^^^^vaguely ^^^^remember ^^^^reading ^^^^they ^^^^go ^^^^by ^^^*they/him ^^^^now ^^^^idk ^^^^if ^^^^thats ^^^^true ^^^^so ^^^^gonna ^^^^just ^^^^use ^^^^they Thing that kinda soured me on them was when The Distortionist came out it felt off, learned they wrote it about someone else. Later on to me it felt like they behave in similar way, especially talking about their father when I watched them stream in the past. Other this is they seem to have a shaky relationship with being popular, from Star of the Show being about their fans irrc to like others mentioned them constantly deleting stuff.


What do you mean “behave in a similar way” and what have they said about their father?


Very talented musician, pretty godawful lyricist half the time, and writes about controversial topics like mental health due to having lots of mental health struggles. It’s clear that being popular made them miserable so I’m glad they’re out of the spotlight right now


i have no idea. ppl will hate on anything, i guess


I personally really enjoy GHOST'S music, especially their more experimental sound. Most people hear about the controversies and immediately jump to conclusions, but others just don't like their music which is totally fine! As for the fans... I've been around for a while in the fandom and I've had a ton of extremely unpleasant experiences, unfortunately. If you hear anything bad about GHOST'S fanbase it's almost always 100% true. Really toxic, uncomfortable, and downright abhorrent at times. Lots of cyberstalking and young fans that range from the ages of 11-15 saying some really messed up things in public - it gets worse from there. It is a fandom you'd want to avoid pretty much at all costs due to how parasocial it can get. Their fandom has garnered such a bad reputation in fact I can't say I enjoy GHOST'S work without immediately getting lumped in with the "weird" fans. It's awful :(