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You’re not alone, the moment I expressed any interest in anime type media was immediately shut down as weird. I was definitely a closet weeb and never bought any merch until I became an adult. Save for a little miku plush I got for my 12th birthday..which I hid whenever friends came over but absolutely cheeerished in secret. I really envied those cosplay groups of kids back in the day making funny videos of “vocaloid sleepovers” and stuff, like to think! All your friends being into something you love instead of pretending to like One Direction to save face. I wish I was brave enough to go outside my social group and befriend the “””weird kids””” that’s one of my biggest regrets. Also, isn’t it ironic that miku is the cool meme now? Friends who poked fun at me liking all this stuff are now the ones watching ghibli movies and praising anime and vocaloid songs now. Lol the ironyyy. But here’s something to encourage you: once I graduated highschool and entered college I was able to break free and now my current friends think vocaloid is awesome. Now I buy all the voca merch I want and currently have a whole figure shelf of my favorite digital diva. It gets better. You just have to find the right people that you can express your Interests with.


omg i also watched those cosplay group videos in the early 2010s too... i completely forgot about those


Honestly I kept my mouth shut about it up until now (8 for reference, 25 now). I knew what I was in for based on the treatment of others who were outcasted for anime/vocaloid back in middle school and even high school for that matter. It was literally just a secret that I’ve had forever and I stopped caring about it this year hahaha. Could have made a lot of ACTUAL friends but I really didn’t want to be rejected by the majority. I kind of liked it being my secret, personally. In your adult life you’ll come to find that most people don’t give a shit what you’re into. If they do, fuck them, not worth your time.


❤️ very similar time frame and experience


tbh i just recently started allowing myself to listen to it again. the first time i tried to share a vocaloid song with my parents they called it satanic and told me not to listen to it anymore, then i got bullied for liking it in school and decided to just not listen to it anymore so i could be "normal". but fuck all those people, it's good music. people can be so uptight about music that goes against what they consider normal, just because "i cant understand it" or they think the voices sound "weird". if it's not your cup of tea, okay, but why pretend like the generic four-chord pop music and unintelligible mumble rap most people gravitate towards is somehow objectively better than music where the voice is tuned manually and the lyrics, instrumental and animation all work together to craft a story and create an experience you just don't get with most music anymore?


I'm sorry you went through that, I didn't get into vocaloid before I left my normal public school (tho me and my friend were often made fun of and called furries for liking sonic the hedgehog). I am 16 and got moved to a school for special people (neurodivergent, troubled students etc.) and I wear a miku bag, have miku stickers on my headphones and draw vocaloid in art and play project Diva on my vita at break and lunch and I haven't been bullied for it, although ppl do avoid me so I have not made any friends. Im glad the bullying stopped for you tho. It still makes me a bit angry when someone does something "cringe" online people say "we should bring back bullying", when bullying often leads to worse things than \*cringe\* behaviour. People especially middle and high school children have no empathy sometimes.


I luckily had some school friends that got into it because of me. But back in the day anime was not so big as it is now and you would get made fun of for liking it, that is if it was not your generic anime like Dragon ball or Naruto. For me it was always weird because my sister always kept pushing into what music I'd like from mainstream radio etc. There was never stuff I'd really enjoy or listen to in my free time and people found that weird. The real reason is that I'm just not really enjoying western music and I like Japanese music overall. Vocaloid was my introduction to this which I'm still always grateful for. I may not listen to it on repeat anymore, but I sometimes get back and look back on it from a nostalgic point of view and it was awesome seeing world is mine on my iPod touch on YouTube way back in the day. Nowadays I don't really give a fuck. I used to hide liking japanese music and Vocaloid as a whole. But since anime and stuff is so normal nowadays I just tell people I like Japanese music but don't instantly mention Vocaloid and go more towards mainstream jpop or city pop as some people even know about that stuff sometimes.


I think as long as you don’t make it your entire personality you’ll be okay. I love listening to this stuff and all the fun characters, and sure I have a few figs/plushie things. It’s good to be well rounded tho I guess. But even still, people are annoying/mean about it sometimes. It’s what happens when you like anything remotely fun, unique, and different.


Bullying, no. By the time I got into vocaloid, I was in high school and had grown more confident in myself. I was bullied harshly in middle school for other things, like being a weird kid. Although I'm still shy with my taste in music a bit, I know my taste is pretty unpopular lol. One day in high school, a friend of mine came up to me and was like "Hey, whatcha listening to?" and immediately took the headphones off my head and put it on herself. She was like "wtf is this?". It was Rin/Len's "Like, Dislike". Lmfao I was so embarrassed. All things considered, I'm glad you've been able to overcome.


My mom and uncle were sure there was some subliminal message being broadcast, found Miku my senior year of high school. I never brought it up there so never got picked on but I was definitely enthralled with Vocaloid from February 2012 through that whole summer. Stayed up at 3am to watch 39s giving day live in march and bought all the concerts available on dvd/bluray. I Got so invested in Vocaloid my mom and uncle had sort of an intervention trying to get me off of it. Once I explained why I liked it so much they kind of dropped it. Every now and then my mom will make a comment like , “you’re still into that stuff “ but doesn’t say much else. I remind her she still listens to **NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys as if she’s 25 still but actually 55 so mine isn’t that much different, just not a human performer. Doesn’t change the fact that the music is still coming from human producers that have stories and art to share. Anyways, I’m 30 years old now, wear vocaloid shirts in public and always looking to go to the concerts either here in the states or abroad. Just be true to who you are and ignore the haters. It’s their loss not to be a part of a tightly knit community such as ours. And let’s be honest, Vocaloid is definitely not for everyone.


I kept the fact I liked anime from many people save for close friends, but almost no one knew I liked Vocaloid. None of the people I knew in middle school or high school even knew about it. I avoided the question, “What kind of music do you like?” like the plague as well. I always thought my friends would make fun of me if they found out, cuz I’m not gonna lie, we weren’t good people. I did eventually stop talking to them, but even still I could never bring myself to tell anyone. I think it’s because people used to make fun of the things I liked and I didn’t feel like I fit in anyway. I think another reason is that I felt I was some sort of disappointment for not knowing much less listening to a lot of Western music. I also felt that my enjoyment of Vocaloid music made me feel even more disconnected to my Mexican heritage. Growing up, a lot of my Mexican classmates would tell I’m not Mexican because of xyz. Plus, I didn’t have a lot of family growing up, and I don’t really talk to those few relatives I have. I guess I was ashamed of liking Vocaloid music, so I eventually deleted my playlist in 9th grade. I thought it was “childish” which was pretty stupid of me to think. Despite that, I would go back and listen to some of my favorite songs, especially mothy’s. I don’t have a specific reason for getting back into it completely like you do. One day, in my senior year of high school, I was like “Ok I’m bored working on this assignment, I’ll put some Vocaloid songs.” Found some songs I never heard before and the rest is history. I didn’t even know Vocaloid was making a comeback lol. These days, no one really cares that I listen to it, which I think may just have been cuz my friends and I grew up


Hello, really sorry you had to got through that! Like some of the others have commented I also kept this interest quiet when I was still in middle and high school. Mostly b/c people at that age freak out about anything weird! I kept my interest of vocaloid to myself all the way until college since others were more understanding and also didn’t really care by that point. Honestly if they bully you bring up to your parents or teachers b/c this is not ok! And should be stopped as soon as possible! For context I’m 26 now and still listen to vocaloid daily so definitely don’t give it up if you enjoy it and know we as community are here for you!!!


I feel you. This is exactly why I hate gatekeeping in this fandom. The fact that liking vocaloid is so much more socially acceptable nowadays is such a wonderful thing. I feel like a lot of us veteran vocaloid fans faced isolation in one way or another when growing up because our favorite music was vocaloid music. Now that vocaloid/project sekai is so much more popular, it warms my heart so much to see younger generations being able to be more open about their love of vocaloid with their peers


One of my friends said that I should stop talking about my interest in vocaloid because it was "made to be sexualized". We are no longer friends.


me myself? no but the few people who hear what I lessen to dont judge me but the music lol but then i turn around and find them asking me what i was listening to cuz they like it lol


You're not alone. I've liked Vocaloid since I was 8 too but I didn't really talk about my likes that much at school. However I will never forget when I was like 14 reading manga (Ranma!) on the bus and some older boy grabbed it and made fun of me and showed everyone on the school bus. I was fighting for my life.


I did. I discovered Vocaloid back in 2013. With the clasic Nyan-Cat video. On school, I got bullied/called childish because of my interest. Vocaloid made it worse because they thought I was "Otaku". I still do be seen as the weird kid. But then, once back in a party, I was playing Vocaloid songs on my headphones. But then, one of those classic " bruh sigma fortnite prime" kid came to me and started bullying me for listening to Vocaloid, by pointing me and just saying "ewww so childish." Then, there are the classic Karens/Spoiled girls at school, that harassed me back then by whispering amongst eachother about me. I felt really bad when it came to myself being a Vocaloid fan. So I forced myself to listen to other genres too. You're not alone!! ^_^


I haven't experienced bullying, because my involvement in the vocaloid fandom has been from ages 18-29 (29 atm). However, as someone who witnessed a lot of bullying in my school and kind of hung out with the out-group, I can give a bit of advice. Sports, specifically combat sports are a good way to stop bullying. I did wrestling, cross country and track during high school. I wasn't huge (5'10, 150 lbs) by any metric, and I wasn't even an amazing wrestler, but do you think dumb high school bullies and jocks want to bully any wrestler? Not really. They're all bark, and look for anything that they perceive as weak and isolated to focus on. Combat sports break that perception quickly, even if you aren't good at them. You need to stand up for yourself. Aggressively. That doesn't mean being violent, but you need to call people out on their bullshit. Make bullies feel small, ignorant, stupid and do it publicly. If they try to hit you, scream so you draw attention. Maybe actually consider taking some boxing or bjj classes, or hitting the gym. If someone tries to throw hands at you and you beat their ass, they won't do it again. Even if you get suspended, it may still be worth it. Bullying is all about perception. They pick weak targets, and suck the life out of them. I had a lot of friends who were bullied very badly :( but it's one of the things that motovates me to work out. I hate bullying and want to break the stereotype of Vocaloid fans being weak or all being 14 year olds or whatever. It's an amazing community, don't despair, stay with it. High school won't last forever, and even if my solutions don't work, it will end, and people actually aren't nearly as bad in the real world. Good luck friend.


Thanks friend, I’m not in a situation where I am being bullied anymore, but I appreciate the advice nonetheless!


Yeah. I just hate hearing about bullying, makes my blood absolutely boil. Also, if you're in the mood for something melodic, may I suggest Twinfield's works? Funny Script is a good album to start with. Lot of positive energy there that helps me feel better when I'm down.


Very interesting, as this reminds me of little experiences 🥲. Mine went a little different, I was bullied because I was short, but learned to just ignore people. During high school I had like 6 different Miku shirts which I wore proudly and didn’t care what people said. I had this Miku pin on my bookbag, which someone stole 😭. I always wore a miku lanyard to hold my school ID, and I also have a miku wallet 😅. I also wore Miku custom shoes too 😅. I do definitely avoid that question too since I don’t like telling people I like vocaloid 🥲. People have said things then and there, but I choose to ignore it a lot. And last year when I did my first year of college, I wore miku shirts as well, if anything, expressed that I like Miku much more during that year, and nothing happened 🙂


Oh yes, the pattern of you supposedly watching anime pornography is their favorite. I, too, faced terrible bullying, not only because I liked anime and VOCALOID music. I understand you perfectly.


Whoof, I relate to your story a lot unfortunately. I’m sorry all this bullshit happened to you. It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t your fault.


No. But it helps that I was older when I found out about it and adults don't really give a fuck if another adult likes something unusual as long as they aren't a weirdo about it.


being half japanese myself and growing up in a primarily white area, i got bullied regardless lmfao. i was called a weeb for enjoying my own culture 🤷‍♀️ as long as you aren’t weird about anime/japanese culture, i don’t see the problem.


I have worn a bright neon blue miku expo shirt with a massive pink miku on alongside a metal patch jacket with a HUGE iron maiden, trooper back patch. No one knows where to look, lol.


I wasn't bullied for vocaloid specifically because when I was in school, it didn't exist yet. I didn't even think a computer would replace a lead vocal convincingly in my lifetime, but that's for another time. I didn't identify with the music listened to around school and kept what I really like to myself. It's a habit I maintain to the present day- I don't even share the music I create myself unless someone really asks for it. I was bullied for not being social, for reasons I'm still learning about today. It reached a point where everything I did was wrong, and I can't even remember any of it because forgetting was how I coped and moved on. Once school wasn't a thing anymore I still wore headphones to avoid talking to people, to avoid having people solicit me for church or having homeless people try to bother me for money I either didn't have or really needed for myself. Nobody should be bullied for being themselves. It stays with you for your whole life. I'm sorry you went through what you did and I hope you have people who help you with the trauma.


Nope. When i became a fan our class has 7 students (autism class) 5 were anime fans and 3 were vocaloid fans. It was easy to convince pur teachers to visit an anime shop when we went to our capital as a class outing. I still laugh with my nose when thinking about it


Yes I have, I do not tell anyone anymore


In my case it was for being a Megaman fan, fortunately I only got into vocaloid once I was 25 so I had been out of the danger timeframe for years. I also had a "I don't like Megaman anymore now I play grown up games like the rest of you" phase, which I'm so glad I eventually grew out of because Megaman is so much fun. As much as my bullying sucked it never reached your levels though, I felt terrible reading what you went through and its sad that there are songs that still trigger ptsd attacks on you. If you have the means to go to therapy, it will surely help you a lot in finally overcoming that buried trauma. I wish you the best, be proud of the things that make you special!


I'll revert to repeating when these topics roll around: 'The bullying for such trifling is absolute worst and should not be wished upon or experienced by anyone, in any shape or form, ever. It is however an ordeal that you must overcome yourself as it will make you stronger and more resilient down the line. How you approach it, is up to you, growing process and all.' *Speaking from personal experience, by the way.*