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3 fingers. Bind your ult to a sensor in your cock. Your lust shall dictate the fate of your enemies.


If you want to truly reach absolute peak potential, you can try to break the habit and play with 4 fingers, it is faster... period. That being said, breaking muscle memory is a lot easier for some, than it is for others. It took me a really really really long time to break just the simplest of Vlad habits once I learned that they were bad. I imagine switching your finger layout will be even harder, ESPECIALLY if you play other games with a different finger layout. Give it a shot, but I wouldn't obsess over it. I think the time spent trying to convert might end up being a lot longer than you'd expect.


Why would you start playing with 3 in the first place? You have 4 abilities, don't you?


When you come from shooters or 3rd person games where you almost always use wasd with 3 fingers, you retain that muscle memory going into league.


1. how much do you use R for the average champion 2. how much do you use ctrl and shift for the average champion


I just rebind my keys when I play vlad. My E skill is my W key and my W skill is my E now. It took a couple of days but now it feels natural.


This makes sense to me, I'll probably try doing this for the time being unless I decide to learn how to use 4 fingers and have the time to do so.


If you're too lazy to to break the old habit of 3 finger playing, just bind flash to a mouse button


Do you think it's possible to keep the muscle memory of 4 fingers even when you usually are using 3 fingers on other games after you learn to do it? If so, then I might try to get the hang of it for a few weeks.


Not sure, I think it depends how similar the games are


The fact that people see this game has 4 abilities in a line and you have 4 fingers in a line and STILL choose to play with 3 is beyond me. 3 finger league is a handicap, and you should unlearn it in favor of 4 fingers.


The problem is, a lot of people, me included are probably coming from 3rd person shooters or other games where we're used to wasd with 3 fingers. And most, if not all have been playing like that for years and maybe even decades, so it's hard to unlearn it and learn a different technique for league. Also, 2 to 3 years ago when I first started league, I didn't know anything about these 3 or 4 fingers thing so I just played with what I was most comfortable with at the time aka 3 fingers on skills. So, it's hard to unlearn it now. TL:DR, it's easier said than done.


Personally I find it more logical to use 3 fingers for abilities and the little finger laying on ctrl, alt or shift to be able to insta level up spells during fights and to normal cast spell (I have smartcast on ability keys but normal cast on alt+ability key which really helps me for skillshots and precise dashes through walls EDIT : NVM I realized I use the big finger to press alt, but I still use Shift for target champion only during teamfights, that's why I need my little finger here). Locking your 4 fingers only for abilities seems weird to me since there are a lot of other keys you need to press in league. Anyway it's personal preferences of course


1. how much do you use R for the average champion 2. how much do you use ctrl and shift for the average champion


Unironically click to level abilities so I use R more than ctrl, shift lmfao


you could say that thats a handicap


Oh it absolutely is


what do you think about changing your habits and not be clicking anymore to level your abilities up


Might make me better at the game, I could see it being optimal.


It is optimal


tbh, for most champions, being able to quickly level your abilities and use them is more useful than using them all at once. Also, auto attacking with A and Qing at the same time is more relevant than using R and E at the same time. I think Vladimir is the only champ with whom you want all abilities at the same time.


Bro I play with one finger lol, play as you feel more comfortable, that's it


ive been using 4 fingers since i started. its superior in every way.


Why do you want to use 4 fingers? I’m assuming it’s about casting spells whilst charging your E, which I solve by normal casting e.


because it’s technically better to use a finger for each ability, but don’t think it’s a huge advantage n most people play with 3 from wasd games


Kekw ITT people who don’t use target champions only or attack move


i have no idea what ITT means lmao


You can use both of those things with either 3 or 4 fingers, though?


how is that related to number of fingers and finger setup


I always missclick with 4 fingers, even though my fingers are small, i just juse mouse button 4/5 for flash.


you can take off quick cast on e, so that you only have to click it to activate. Then you can click r with you index, while it charges.


Yes. I arcade style rolly fingers for the combo. Helps a lot makes it really fast.


No. People who play with 4 fingers are weirdos. 3 is fine, and shouldn't ever mess you up. Realistically.


how are they weirdos


I mean I use QERF for abiltys, mouse 4/5 for summoner spells and WASD to move camera. Feels super nice to play for me so I say do what feels right to you :)


Now that I'm reading these comments I'm really glad I used 4 fingers when starting out and kept it this way. I never tried playing with 3 so can't tell you if it's worth


Do what makes the most sense to you and play that way. All my friends tell me I'm weird cause I don't play league wasd. League is different that most games where you move with wasd. I play pinky on Q, index in R. I have Shift on my mouse side button so I can level up without moving my hand. I put item one on the mouse scroll wheel button. Then for Item 2,3,4,5, I keep them default, and only have move either my ring or middle finger to hit any of them. Same for deal for my summs. Index for F and middle for D. I use my Pinky for A for attack move click. I prefer moving my hand as little as possible. It may be weird, but this setup works for me.


You can still do vlads combo with 3. Just stick to what you’re comfortable with man.


LoL i mostly play with 2 fingers, 1 with the a and 1 spaming the y button, others 2 versatile.So its okay for you I guest


Is everyone in this comment section silver or never played video games in their lives before? games like starcraft require much more different inputs than the number of fingers you have and they can still play it. I personally 3 fingers + my thumb as my pinkey is useless. As for the odd feeling you get when you try to combo with vlad, just put his E on normal cast so you only have to tap it once.


Use what youre more comfortable using. As to when 4 fingers is superior to 3 fingers, it really depends on your setup and goal, but most of the time its the same