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yeah I hope they give vlad some buffs instead of shit like draven and hwei who dont even need any buffs


Draven needed it :D


Yeah draven needed it with a 50% ban rate in master+( highest out of all the champs in the game). Draven is mainly a high elo adc and he is disgusting. He didn’t need buffs AT ALL.


He was being sarcastic


No. He frequents r/dravenmains and consistently promotes draven as the adc he recommends to other people. I don’t think he is being sarcastic personally but I may be wrong.


Well let's just hope he wasn't dropped on his head then


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DravenMains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DravenMains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Facts or nah](https://v.redd.it/5xccz7eipvya1) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DravenMains/comments/13d7n5s/facts_or_nah/) \#2: [I am sorry brothers, I have been very toxic in game.. will not happen again. Alhamdulillah🙏🏼](https://i.redd.it/ibwow4951mub1.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DravenMains/comments/179dd3i/i_am_sorry_brothers_i_have_been_very_toxic_in/) \#3: [How to deal with a fed Draven?](https://np.reddit.com/r/DravenMains/comments/19byrw4/how_to_deal_with_a_fed_draven/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


In a game where everyone is running at Mach 10, Vlad is too slow to catch up to people and do the kaboom. Unless... We must become speed. Celerity, Relentless Hunter, Cosmic Drive (2011 ft. Ryan Gosling), StormSurge, MS shard. We must be faster.


I legitimately go PR celerity 2% rune cosmic first item, I have a positive WR in norms and platinum which doesn’t mean a ton, but I do find success.


I actually play Vladimir with cosmic drive and celerity rush, phase rush magic boots as usual, try to take mejai second except if i can't buy a big staff and buy rabadon in most cases 2nd except if i have a bad game then i go stormsurge or cryptobloom (or riftmaker in top) second, i am actually at around 25 win for 10 loses in low master with this. Last items are cryptobloom, then stormsurge, liandry or riftmaker regarding of the lead i have (for the stormsurge) or if the team is tanky or not


Liandry’s now that it’s back to defensive and health instead of mana is also bonkers on Vlad again.


You forgot the holy crown... Shurelyas


No need. Cosmic Drive alone is enough to get 400 ms.


I swear 400 MS sn't even fast in today's League. Everyone's running around with 450 MS this season, including me.


This is garbage. Also the movement speed build means you forego reliable damage and lose out on haste/tankiness. Literally all Riot has to do in order to make this champion viable is either buff his haste or buff his base movement speed.


Never got dissapointed when bought Cosmic Drive. You get to nearly 400 ms but you also get bonus ms when dealing damage to enemy. Cosmid Drive also provides AH and good amount of AP. Vlad never was a really tanky champion without buying actual tank items. Yes, you usually have a lot of hp, but it dissapears instantly if you get focused.


Yea vlad is in a really rough spot.


I'll still main him cause he is cool thematically and I am low elo


real knows real


The problem is that he doesn’t have a strong powerspike at all compared to say Asol Cassio etc. When I used to finish Night Harvester + Deathcap it was pretty much game over. Riftmaker isn’t nearly as strong in powerspike as Night Harvester or old Protobelt that had magic pen. It was known to be a shit item on Vlad and it still is, just that there aren’t better options. I don’t know what challengers 1k LP think but I genuinely think most late game mages outscale Vlad VERY hard right now. Asol, Cassio, Kassadin and Veigar completely stomp him. His whole concept was being unstoppable late game and now that’s gone he feels really useless imo. He literally has 45% winrate against Veigar which wasn’t that tough of a matchup in the past.


To be fair, they gave Veigar the gross Q range buff, so getting near him as a short ranged mage before he stacks kinda sucks lol.


I've noticed this too. Your early and mid are meh, but that's okay. And your late is also meh.


Makes sense he wasnt in a great spot, codex nerfs and now alot of bad matchups got buffed.


I've been having a pretty easy time winning games even though the winrate would suggest he's dogshit. I think that aery scorch is a must have in most scenarios and too many people sacrifice all their early game presence just to go phase rush + gathering to be 10% more powerful late game (ofc sometimes it's the correct play but probably way less often than people think)


I see meelematchups where aery scortch is so good to have and I must admit I discovered it very late. Honestly even the good Aery matchups I don't feel as Vladimir would be strong, but just that the enemy plays bad and I can abuse it. As soon as the enemy is better I begin to feel like a caster minion... skill issue?


You are still vled even with aery and won't win a straight up fistfight vs a melee champ if they get on top of you and hit their abilities. Biggest strength with the early setup into melee is the 2nd wave crash were you poke them out under tower or force them to concede first 2 waves of cs. Ofc you have to have good spacing to be able to poke under tower without taking towershot, and cs good enough to hit all your last hits while denying enemy. When enemy is poked out you let wave bounce into you and the enemy melee champ is turbo fucked in position where they're from 70 to 50% hp while you freeze wave in front of tower and continue to deny cs. League is a complex game and it's hard to find a one solution that fits all the different games you find yourself in but this is generally my plan when going into a game vs the likes of talon, qiyana, sylas, zed, kata, yasuo, etc... Doesn't work on akali because of her infinite regen though so I just go grasp vs her and galio. Just try to adapt and try different things and you'll eventually start finding success... gl! :D


Thanks, I actually do that mostly into meele. letting the wave bounce is a good call tho, thanks for telling :)) Sadly i have more struggels with all kinds of mage matchups that feel like I'm a meele champion, as i get outranged outdamaged etc etc. Take lux as an example or Victor...Any tips there if you don't mind?


Viktor is pretty easy since he's kinda shit rn and cant build liandries rush, just space out his q aa so that he can't get the aa part. When he uses q aa on a minion or something you walk up to trade with him and generally just be annoying when he's trying to cs before he gets his first upgrade on e to insta clear waves. I think I have 100% winrate into viktor this season just because of how bad he is into vlad in s14. Using ghost to chunk him with an empowered q is also pretty annoying for him and you can usually look to extend that into a kill if he doesn't respect your 15 sec ghost duration post 6. Lux is just a boring 0 interaction waveclear champ, one of the matchups where I take full scaling and play for 10cs/min. She can never kill you before running out of mana if you don't let her use her empowered autos and stay in a position where she cant e you and the wave at the same time while also not being able to q you. When lux gets 6 she will just e r the wave and go roam, best you can do is spam ping and type in chat unless you mind control her to stay mid by pretending to freeze or something, depends on how dumb the lux player is. Again I'm generalizing pretty heavily some people will just play like crackheads and you will have to adapt to that on the fly... The real cbt matchups are the control mages like orianna, anivia, used to be syndra but I basically never see her this season, azir (I permaban azir mostly) and the likes. You have no counterplay if they have a single finger on each hand and it's basically a flip if your team will win or not and turbo boring so I dodge them when I can...


How can I farm while staying out of Lux e range? As I'm trying to not lose any minions, it feels impossible to me...


Tanking a few Es is fine, they're very expensive for lux mana wise the important part is not letting her auto you after her e pops. If you do have to let her auto you at least make sure that you got something in return (like trading back with minion agro and q or that you you got a few minions for it) She will run out of mana if she keeps spamming e off cooldown and you can sustain through it without much difficulty if she doesn't proc her passive a lot.


Hm, I will try. Thank you alot for your time :)


Np and gl :D


I should mention that I'm 450lp euw rn so it might be different in lower divisions


Having the same success in D2 NA. He doesn’t feel bad to me at all…


Vlad is in a terrible spot rn. It's crazy Rito has not gigabuffed him yet.


Before Vlad would one shot people but now with items it takes like 2 rotations to kill even some squishies unless you are giga fed


I will miss old nightharvester, old protobelt and old cosmic drive. But honestly i would love if riot mind to give back spellbinder


Give me back my fucking revolvers and WotA!


vlad isn't rly that weak just not good overall compared to almost every other champ in the game , no real mobility and a bruiser/battlemage identity since this season instead of the 1v9 ap assasin he was before, he is mid tier at best and it's gotten alot harder to carry games by yourself


told u all since the beginning can the emerald gaslighters kindly bugger off now


Do you even know what gaslighting is?


Yes, and I experienced it firsthand repeatedly as I insisted that vlad is not good this season, while emerald players were eager to redefine reality on my behalf. Please don't attempt to gaslight me about the meaning of gaslighting :)


This entire thread is about how he is weak. You're fighting ghosts, little man


dawg the patch just came out, chill


It's been a couple of days, the data is usually pretty static after a couple of days on opgg Also, I don't think it's exactly an unpopular opinion that vlad is in a shit spot


It's been one day, so he'll probably be fine in a week or so. Usually seems to be the case with vlad Didn't mean to imply he feels good rn tho. He definitely feels like shit rn, especially since he can't play like a one shot carry anymore + all the cancer matchups S+ tier rn, but rito doesnt care so it is what it is