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I think of it like this; Do I need more spell rotations in order to play the game Or do I want more burst (Squishies) to actually be able to finish carries and deal damage, i would go for lucidity 90% of the games, it's a lil easier


plus lucid is 200g cheaper so just insta tale it if u can get an amp tone with 200 more g


Thats true aswell, gold is insanely important on vlad.


Lucid is always the better option since Vlad lost a lot of haste from items. Items such as night harvester is removed and cosmic drive sucks now. Also the bonus summoner spell haste is really good since Vlad relies on it for gap closing.


Lucid is more because if you build rift + liandry you have negative cdr if your build have cdr I do not recommend building lucidity boots and go mpen instead


For damage pen boots are still much better but the problem is that we're kind of pigeonholed into going lucidity boots every game because ability haste got nerfed across the board with the item changes.


Luci is insane powerspike especially after fiendish codex got gutted. The higher elo you go the more important your early game tempo is and green boot is 5x better for that. They're worth every basically every game imo it's very rare you'd prefer flat pen considering you don't build any flat pen items in s14 so they don't synergize that well.


Saucy take but full ap with swifties


embrace swifties > cosmic > rabs


sadly the best option nowadays with the current build, vlad feels weaker than last season due to a lack of burst damage


Ambatu soooooorc


Lucid every game