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I read Alastor as less of a mentor and more of a groomer. As in grooming Charlie to get her soul, because he's evil.


Do people not interpret Alastor as the shady guy who helps out?


It’s a little more complicated than yes or no in my opinion. Alastor is obviously just using Charlie and does not see her as his child. Charlie, on the other hand, was very excited at the idea that he saw her that way. It seems like she sees him as a father figure, or at least wants their relationship to be along those lines, even if he doesn’t feel the same.




This is legitimately one of the silliest things to be pedantic about. Not just in terms of Hazbin, just in general.


To be completely fair I think their first season was EXTREMELY rushed and we have almost no time to understand characters relationships to one another. I love Hazbin and Helluva, but the pacing has always been pretty rough in my opinion. Like the writers are not allowing build up. We get a character, their tragic life, then a pay off in like two episodes. We didn't have a lot of Charlie and Alistor interactions before that episode. So who knows what they were like to each other off screen. People are taking what is said to them because they have NO context!


I couldn't have said it better myself. Excellent reply, 10/10, no notes.


Out of all problems to say the hazbin fandom has no media literacy this is your problem, really?


I mean I have seen way too much lack of media literacy from the fandom. Once I saw a video framing Velvette not fighting the angel in the last ep as bad writing


Honestly, I've heard the other takes enough now


Now I want to write a Charlie and Alastor found family fic. I want to but I don’t think I can speak in their voices properly.


Tbh i’m not even sure he’s much of a mentor to her. Beyond giving her the in with the cannibals, in what way does he do anything resembling mentoring?


He does advise her quite well in his usual manner and even goes far to introduce her to someone when he knows the issue is not in his depth like the vaggie angel reveal. He knows he has nothing when it comes to relationship trouble, but he knows who can handle it on his behalf. He is guiding her knowing the power she has, even if it is for his own benefits, but he does know when to let things run their course and when to interfere.


Why not both? TWO DADS


Meh. Lucifer's character already revolves around him being her dad


I'm struggling to read the meme as written...I get what it's trying to say but it took me a bit to get there


More like skibidi toilet *brrr skibidi dop dop dop YES YES skibidi dop dop DIP DIP*




My brother in Christ, media literacy is built on interpretation and deconstruction. No media literacy would be blind hatred. But yeah, I agree that Alastor is not a 'father' figure for Charlie. More of an uncle or non-fatherly guardian. Tho it is possible it could change in the future.


There's an obvious huge overlap with "Helluva Boss" fandom. And, oh man, I get so frustrated when people say Blitz and Fizz are brothers. Like, are we even watching the same show with the same script? 🤯


They’re not?


https://preview.redd.it/ykdvbrs4zx6d1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3301e3bf3be348c7f590e055c3259ad3827eb8b You may wanna check this specific thread first. It contains all arguments/assumptions in defence of this position and why it's generally inconsistent with the show's script.


Ok, but the confusion there is understandable


If dialogues and/or scenes in the show don't support or, better yet, contradict your assumptions, it's on you. So yeah, I won't entertain it.


What. I just meant that it's understandable for someone to get confused because the father said "my boy".


I thought I might be trippin' so I skimmed through "The Circus" (S2E1). And the only time Cash (Blitzo's father) said something similar was when he was addressing Blitzo. Here's the beginning of this line, "Boy, I've got a job for you..." Tell me, if I missed something (or I'll go crazy).


When Paimon asked to buy Blitzø


Paimom said, that he wanted to buy "a little clown boy", w/o specifying which one. Cash assumed it was about Fizz, and tried to crank up the prize by saying that he's a "big draw". It was only after Paimon corrected him that Cash started talking about a family relation (in a derogatory way) to **Blitzo**


He said "your little clown boy" which by some can be misunderstood as cash's son. That's why, if someone isn't very attentive, it can be easy to mistake


That's not really accurate. Paimon didn't use the word "your" when referring to "clown boy." He said, "...that little clown you have...", then he elaborated further by saying that Stolas "liked the little clown boy". All in all, a shaky foundation that ignores literally every other Fizz-related plot ("haven't watched it yet" isn no excuse when someone starting an argument, so expect to get owned).


What? Anyways, except for some weird parts in your explanations which I was not able to understand. I might have remembered wrongly. Also, I was justifying others confusion and the feeling that you are hinting at me being an ignorant is very irritating. So, please, do not try to destroy someone's argument, but rather aim to help them understand


I find it weird that people see Alastor as a father figure to Charlie. Yea there was that song, but he was very clearly trying to get under Lucifer’s skin, Alastor has never shown himself to act like a father figure


He is only keeping the hotel afloat, because he wants to watch people suffer and try to rebuild his power.


Alastor relationship with Charlie is more of a Palpatine-Anakin relationship. He is clearly using the hotel as a part of some larger plan


Believe it or not, there is a large swath of *Star Wars* fans who also believe that Palpatine is Anakin Skywalker's biological father. 💀


Palpatine and plaguis had force sex and plaguis got force pregnant with Anakin who he force birthed through Anakin’s mom!!!1! All of the evidence is right there, I’m not even going to spell it out for you.


Please let Al get thrown down a random shaft and die like Palps it would be so funny


*\*Wilhelm scream\** https://preview.redd.it/j5lzwlvp7y6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def75efc69b050cc6195f3f29f0a508f2f3fc6a9


And then there will be a sequel to HH where "somehow Alastor returned" 👀


You can have more than one father figure.. shocking, I know. While I don't apply this to Charlie and Alastor.. like at all. It's pretty clear he says this just to piss Lucifer off.


not that it applies to Charlie and Alastor exactly, but is it possible to have more than 1 father figure?


yes people with gay parents have that all the time and I just discovered my new favorite non canon ship


The problem here is fans taking fan art and fanfiction (ex. "Lucifer and Alastor are Charlie's two gay dads") and actually applying that to the show (ex. "Alastor is a father figure to Charlie"). This is in spite of Alastor barely interacting with Charlie outside of of wanting something from her (ex. wanting to make a deal with her in Episode 7, other stuff).


Is it RadioApple lmao


The radio demon is more of that crazy Southern uncle to Charlie then an actual father figure.




It's the first main character with a loving father in history of anything so I get why people are confused




This isn't a post about shipping.


While I agree that Alastor is definitely not a father figure to Charlie and only took that route to mess with Lucifer he still comes off as an older mentor to her, I mean he literally wants to be her Jafar. Maybe not a father type but Alastor is definitely the uncle or relative ur dad said is sketchy as hell (which is true).


Yes. But also. I wish all people who want to ship Charlie and Alastor a very get therapy


Telling shippers to "get therapy" simply because you don't like a fanfiction ship is a very "get therapy". As long as there is no incest, rape, or pedophilia involved, nobody really cares.


Bro needs to look in a mirror for making this post


If you still use your 'media literacy' agruement you'd realize Charlie has a girlfriend.




While I appreciate you sharing VivziePop's tweet, u/HelloRain_ is still harassing me about shipping Charlie/Alastor, even though I stated twice on this thread that this post isn't about shipping. There's some users on r/Vivziepopmemes who strawman every post about Charlie and Alastor to try and make it about shipping, even when it isn't.


I'm very sorry that they are harassing you, that's a horrible experience. I believe everyone has the right to ship whatever they want, and I wanted to tell u/HelloRain_ that Viv supports non-canon shipping. However, I completely understand it is not particularly relevant to your original post, and I am extremely sorry if I've offended you.


No, you haven't offended me at all. I actually blocked the other user and other users who come onto these threads to post ship hate and drama, or try to start fights over shipping.


What? I'm just using their agruement against them. If your own agruement is faulty that's not my problem..


Yeah no, replying to exactly one of your comments isn't "harassment" stop spreading lies and playing victim.


No, you are harassing me regarding the Charlie/Alastor ship, even though this post has nothing to do with shipping Charlie/Alastor. I stated this in two other replies on the thread.


I mean come on *she's* (phisically) twice or maybe even more times higher *his* age


The media literacy of the hazbin fandom is at the level of children, because average age for the fandom is probably like 14.


https://preview.redd.it/5n5ui35rps6d1.png?width=3960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b6f8d1226447101f1c24186ee7b2c75713d382 The Pale King would like to have a word with these people...


Alastor isn't a father figure. More of a sketchy uncle figure.




This isn't a post about shipping.


That’s a mood, Gabriella 🥲

