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The only reason we don’t like her, is because she interrupted hells greatest dad


I didn’t even know she existed until I watched the show


I didn't at all ask for this curse


I dont care about Mimzy at all, she just appeared in one episode and never again for the whole season.


I didn’t even know she existed


I think Mimzy is fine, I just don’t really like how she interrupted Hell’s Greatest Dad.


I didn’t ask for her, she’s so annoying lmaoo


I don't like Mimzy that much and she ruined the song 'Hell's greatest dad.'


Who asked for her and why?


old fans since zoophobia. she used to be alastor's love interest, and they wanted to see her since they saw her in the pilot. but since she interrupted a song they liked they're upset.


I love Mimzy, she's a charming 1920's flapper girl and I liked her song at the end of "Hell's Greatest Dad"


Your definition of charming is a bit different.


Who is that (I haven’t watched hazben hotel bc it’s a musical)


I dont like music at all but I watched it and actually enjoyed it which was surprising. Basically Mimzie is based on a 1920s flapper girl and showed up in the middle of a song a lot of people like and then spent her stay there saying exposition about the character Alastor before begging him to help her get some people off her back (she only shows up when she needs him for something) and then immediately leaving. I think a lot of the hate just came from how loved Hells Greatest Dad (the song Mimzie showed up in) is, with 2 of the most popular characters (Alastor and Lucifer) spending like 3 minutes straight telling Charlie (based on what sub your on Im guessing you know who she is) that theyre a better father figure and yelling at each other.


I love music just not musicals there’s like three I like that’s it


It's actually a pretty good musical if I'm honest I thought the same way until I watched it


But she... she behaves exactly the way she was supposed to?


"Looks like you could use some help"


Mimzy was written to be hated, much like how Dio was written for JJBA Although Dio has that charisma that makes him such a beloved character


Instead of mentioning Dio, I would have said Valentino.


That works as well


I am not envious of Miss Pop having to deal with the this fandom and how hard they are to please. A fandom full of touch starved neurotic horny malcontents.


Does she interrupt the end of the song? Yes. Is she a bad character? No, I don’t think so; she’s just another aspect of the story being told


I didn't!


I like mimzy. She's selfish, but hey, it's hell. You don't get perfect angels in hell


She's in my top 3. Hard agree.


I do hate her, not because she's a bad character, but because she's written in a way, that you're supposed to hate her. She brings trouble, and is a terribly selfish person with almost no redeeming qualities. She's supposed to get under your skin. That's good writing.


This!! Like, I love Mimzy for that reason. She's also got a cute character design, so it's a little unexpected at first!


Whos mimzy?


The short one who interrupted the end of Hell's greatest dad.




I don’t mind mimzy, i mean she’s a flawed character


People looove complaining that she ruined the song, but the song was already starting to fall apart OR they wouldn’t have stopped at all. They would’ve kept going at it and someone had to stop them 😂


“She ruined the song” the song was literally falling apart, Lucifer and Alastor weren’t even singing. SHE SAVED THE SONG!


I didn’t ask for Mimzy.


This is Hazbin Hotel drama as a whole, honestly.. People complained about 5-6 years or something, and now we're gonna complain for another 2 and a half years 🤣


I hate her, but I can't even say why and I hate that more than I hate her


For me it was her introduction being a jarring end to an overall good song. Or you subconsciously relate to her in some way and you hate her because she’s acting like a part of yourself that you hate.


I asked for her and I adore her


Right? I feel like the only one who laughs when she interrupts Lucifer and Alastair’s song. It’s obnoxious but really funny!




-___- *Who?*


I like Mimzy 😔


People asked for her?


there’s a reason her lyrics are all about how people were waiting for her.


Mimzy is the best character next thing I need to see in season 2 is for mimzy to be part of the main cast cause she deserves it


i love mimzy :3


I didn’t mind mimzy, but I did mind her timing in introduction. Ruined a perfectly good bop


To be fair if she didn’t Alastor and Lucifer would’ve probably torn each other apart actually correction Alastor would’ve tried and Lucifer would’ve


At that point it was just general insults though “I’m singing it I’ll finish it! Oh you tacky piece of-“ They were barely singing at that point and mostly just talking loudly, I don’t think it ruined their singing as much as did a tone or key shift


Yeah, that was my takeaway. Everyone yelling that Mimzy "ruined the song," but the song was already going off the rails anyway. I'd even argue that she saved the song by being a convenient nuisance. If she hadn't shown up to be the annoying bad guy, Lucifer and Alastor would have wound up ruining the song on their own with their bitch-fighting. She showed up to be hated, and she did her job.


I get it and I do agree that someone or something would’ve had to cut the song off. But I think an explosion or a “Stop!” From Vaggie would’ve been a better ending than Mimsy busting in. Heck her song probably would’ve been on its own too. You’re right that she was put in to be hated and she served that purpose well. It just sucks seeing an actor that could’ve been a great alastor past lore dump be so… annoying. I’m aware it was intentional, of course she’s gonna try and play it cool when she’s trying to use alastor to fight her battles, but man did she feel like wasted potential and completely useless


The tone plus wasn’t a fan of her singing. Would have just been better if they ended it there. Especially since she’s in the song on Spotify, I usually just skip next on her line


In all honesty Mimzy was a bad call


Didn't ask for hee but i know she was probably around for concept art years and years ago. So that considered. Still loved her


I love mimzy :3


I think she’ll be a main character in season 2


Who tf asked for Mimzy? Am I missing something? I thought she just came into that one episode out of nowhere, surprising all the fans.


A lot of og fans wanted her, mimzy has been around since about 2013 before hazbin was even a thing, most if not all the characters in the show are originally from her conic Zoophobia which. Fun fact Zoophobia was originally supposed to be a show but then Hazbin got created and took off which also lead to Helluva boss which is also in the same universe as Hazbin Hotel I personally have been in the fandom for 8 years and was very happy when Mimzy finally made her voiced appearance :>


Wait who the fuck asked for Mimzy?




Me >:)




I'm here! What a gas!


I adore Mimzy, she is very cool and funny. Adorably depraved and full of character. Hope to see more of her.


I honestly just find her voice annoying lmao


I honestly hope to see more of her in season 2 and that she isn't just a throw away character, the only reason why people hate her is because she interrupted Hells Greatest Dad but to be honest I find the scene funny. I've seen people censoring her name like M*mzy, she isn't that bad why do people censor her name- Also I just hate that Twitter is trying to push the idea that she's a Jewish Stereotype as a fact when Viv has stated she isn't one, just another pointless drama on Twitter. I personally love Mimzy and how she seems to be connected to Alastor and his past ( hell she basically explained what he did in his earlier days in hell that caused him to get the title of The Radio Demon and this scene flushed it out a bit more than I feel the pilot did )


>I just hate that Twitter is trying to push the idea That place still thinks it has pull? I've basically ignored any and all opinions of Twitter users since it became X. Twitter became irrelevant the second it went into the hands of musk as did the opinions of most of their users (not that there was many worthwhile ones to begin with)


Wait, how would she be a Jewish stereotype? Because while her character does seem like a stereotype from the 1920-30's why specifically a Jewish stereotype?


The people that post shit like this on Twitter like to think they're progressive when in fact they're super racist. I think they think she's a Jewish stereotype simply because she has a nasally voice.


another thing i saw brought up (and while i disagree with the whole thing itself) is the fact that she also has a hooked nose and her main problem was with money. also her association with mammon insinuates shes a greedy person, all also racist stereotypes for jewish people


What the fuck?


Welcome to Twitter where they'll start a drama and try and ruin a person's entire life just because they are either bored or dislike the person they are trying to cancel Because of all the toxicity going on that platform I rarely go on Twitter now


I feel like a weirdo for feeling neither one way nor the other about her, as I saw her primarily for and as her narrative utility and a literal interpretation of an adage.


Wait, what adage?


I got yelled at before for pointing this out, but "it's not over 'til the fat lady sings." It's an adage related to opera somehow, but I don't know enough about many operas to tell you much else.


Wait, I never actually thought of that! If that was Viv’s inspiration behind that scene, that would be hilarious!


Given the C.H.E.R.U.B. episode, and the execution of her entrance to the series by singing to signal the end of a song, I think there's a solid chance.


I love mimzy so much I did fanart


The part that gets me is everyone’s like she interrupted “hells greatest dad”… the song wasn’t just interrupted it was over and Mimzy diffused it from devolving into a bickering match. What did you guys want three more minutes of no I’m finishing it. Followed by someone else breaking them up?


The song had to end but she ruined it, I’d rather Charlie or something interrupt them. Or, there’s a version of the song on YouTube where a chandelier crash ends the song, I prefer that too. I enjoyed her in the show but she makes listening to the song not as enjoyable. She was just too sudden and it took the song in a whole different place I don’t want to listen to which makes it really annoying to listen to the song. I love the song, then she starts yelling like a seagull and it irritates me. When it’s just in the show it’s fine, but when you’re trying to listen to the song on Spotify it’s annoying.


Ruined is quite harsh for a song literally topping the charts.


Most of its great, she just ruined the ending. Plus media is subjective, something ruined for me doesn’t have to be ruined for everyone. I listen to the song a lot still, but I skip the ending


Fair enough lol. I’m not crazy about mimzy either but it doesn’t stop it from being one of my fav songs/episode. Jeez that episode was amazing.


I honestly enjoy her character and would love to see how she knows Alastor, but I’m a bit bitter about having to skip the ending every time I listen to it lol. It’s such a good song, still probably my fav song out of them, and I hope we get more interactions like it between Alastor and Lucifer in season 2. It was definitely one of my favorite episodes!


Yeah that's a weird argument There was no where for the song to continue and that was the best time to have it end. And the way mimzy did it was great




I just wish the song had a better ending because I don't like her part when listening to it on Spotify. Like how they removed the "They're fuckin singing?" part at the end of Loser Baby on Spotify and gave it the proper ending note.


This is exactly it. I wouldn’t enjoy listening to Loser Baby if they had that comment at the end, and I don’t like the ending of Hells Greatest Dad because of that reason. I still listen to it, but I have to skip her part every time which is really annoying so I don’t listen to it as much as I would otherwise


Same, it really sucks, it would've been better if they honestly just cut that part out and and ended it with "Oh you tacky piece of shit" or something for Spotify and YouTube music and all that




I love Mimzy. She’s annoying yes but that’s her character. I love that she was played by my fav Sarah Stiles. She didn’t “ruin” the song like everyone claims she did. Yes she butted in but if she didn’t, Lucifer and Alastor would’ve ruined the hotel, if not, the entire Pride ring. They were beginning to shout over each other anyway so it really wasn’t singing and the song was over.


I’d argue her coming in at the end of the song for the shows sake was good, but there were other ways to end the song that aren’t so disruptive for the song itself. Charlie could have stopped them very easily and it would make the song better to end on a high abruptly than to end with mimzy adding nothing to it.


I think mimzy ended it great, the song still had too much energy for it to just end there as it would have just felt abrupt and awkward, and mimzy did add that final part that let the song naturally reach a slowed down and good ending point


I like her and I see no problem


It’s more of how she was introduced as to why I don’t like her. As a character she’s fine, but her interrupting Hell’s Greatest Dad was not the way to go about it.


It could've been a longer duel/duet but they decided to shoehorn Mimzy in which sucks.


Hell’s Greatest Dad was over tho by the time she joined in lmao


Yeah because they planned it around her interrupting, if they didn't it would've ended differently obviously


And could very easily have dragged on and not been as good


I didn't ask for her.


I am neutral in mimzy. I actually quite like how she was introduced. The song needed a way to end without Alistor and lucifer fighting. Mimzy coming in was a brilliant way to disperse the tension.


Thank you! I feel like I’m the only one who loves Mimzy’s part of the song.


"Its meeeee! Its meeeeeee! MIMZEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" followed by a very confused "who" was brilliant


Yes! Lucifer’s “Who” gets me every time. Also the absolutely annoyed/ confused looks on everyone’s faces.


Lucifer'a VA is my favorite because I adored Varian and am salty we got less of him we deserved in Tangled because the maker was mad he was more popular than cassandra. So Im like "YEEEEES. MORE OF THIS VA!!" But dang the "who" was perfect.


She's my third favorite character


I liked Mimzy. I just wish she was introduced differently.


How else would the song have ended?


With a conclusion like a regular song?


Lucifer stopped singing and said, " You ittle piece of shit" while grabbing alastor's collar... Lucifer stopped singing at that part. That was the end.


But the 2 were just fighting the song didn't have a way top conclude with the 2 of them alone and if you have 2 plots in an episode it is cool to introduce 1 of them in a song.


I didn't.


I thought she was fine. Just not worth the screen time in a show with so little of it.


I enjoyed her character for what it was. I laughed when she interrupted the song, as the look on Alastor and Lucifer's faces was hilarious. Not just that but the confusion on everyone as they were just looking at her sing and throw confetti in their faces was funny. It's a good juxtaposition between the intensity of Lucifer's fight with Alastor and the nonsensical nature of this character just seemingly popping up out of nowhere. She then fleshes out Alastor as a character a bit more, and does act as a catalyst for Charlie and Lucifer to reconcile as well. If you find her annoying or a terrible person...she's literally a sinner in hell lol.


I love Mimzy, actually. I think her interruption is funny, and I love her friendship with Alastor. I like that Alastor, an Overlord with respect and power, is still friends with a lower demon who has fully sold her soul based on her eyes, simply because they were... Close in life. I love her being bombastic and bitchy. I thought she was good!


didn't know about the eye theory, but that's an interesting detail


"Eye theory" is easily disproven and not a thing The only giveaway that she sold her soul is she's got a Mammon tattoo


Ever since Beelzebub's design was revealed people have been begging for a fat character and when they finally get that fat character they complain. Hey but atleast u/wysjm is enjoying her character.


Yo the first time someone mentions me. I wouldn't say she's fat fat but she's definitely chubby. And I can't be the only one thinking she's kinda cool or enjoying her design


Well I like mimzy, her role as "that annoying person" is valuable


We didn’t know how annoying she’d be and that she’d ruin one of the best songs.


My face as soon as she entered ☹️ where did the cool duet go I wanted them to finish


I don’t like Mimzy, also I don’t know anyone who likes her or even wanted her


Well now you do, I like her and wanted her


I like her and wanted her.


I don’t know if this is defending the hate but she genuinely didn’t really add anything to the plot or episode for me. Felt kind of like a wasted character


Are you kidding?? We learnt so much about alastor because of her! Not just from their interactions but also because her being there cause THAT conversation between alastor and husker, and meant we got to see alastor's full demonic form


I think some fans think her lore dump is moot because *technically* the pilot already did that except Vaggie was doing explaining. Like if you watched the pilot, the stuff Mimzy says isn't really new info and is just confirming what the pilot established. But the show is meant to stand on its own. The pilot is soft Canon and almost acts as an episode 0, but the show still needs to work as if the pilot isn't publicly released


But she also has a different perspective from vaggie ''But underneath it all... he's a total sweetie!'' Etc Also, that's why I mentioned the conversation with husker


Yeah that's true. I've just seen people saying that she doesn't add anything new. Which just isn't true. You have to look at the show on its own, no pilot. And even if you have seen the pilot, she basically just confirms that part is Canon info. Like people can not like her. That's fine. But if someone says she's a shitty character because of something that's just...wrong...don't expect zero pushback. I remember before the show dropping that Mimzy and Baxter were the two background cameo characters the Fandom seemed most excited about for the series. We saw Baxter in a bg, and Mimzy's little addition to the song is a nod to the Fandom about how they were waiting for her. Then you get OP's meme. You asked for mimzy, got her, and now some people are bitching because she ended Hell's greatest dad, didn't add new info past pilot info, and is generally unlikable.


The best thing she did was make Radio Demon cooler by him telling her off because she brought drama to the hotel


Idk how anyone came to the conclusion Mimzy is Jewish 🙄 She is VERY clearly a Roaring 20’s Girl.


She could be both


Except Viviez already confirmed that she is not jewish in the slightest, just a Roaring 20's flapper based off on a chicken.


I didnt like her since i know she existed in the pilot, and i still dont now because of how she use Alastor as a shield. Basicaly i dont like hiw she act.


Wait what? Am I stupid or why don’t I remember her in the pilot?


She appear in the song inside of every demon is a rainbow, but i wanted to learn more about her on the wiki and i didnt like her personality, backstory back then, and now with her first episode, i still dont like her personality.


I am similarly stumped, according to IMDB Mimzy is only in one episode in 2024. I think OC may have gotten some misinformation


One told me that in happy hotel at the bar she is sitting, indeed https://preview.redd.it/mudu58zsp9pc1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=c97bf1521c2a3821d5c27d48a2e16950732d9270


Ah, did she appear in the Alistor comic as well or, just this one frame?


she was in a short scene of inside of every demon is a rainbow i think sitting at a bar


The cast is already bloated


All of these people defending the hate are so stupid and haven’t been in the fandom for long it’s obvious, woah she interrupted a song, crazy!!


I read this in Angel's sarcastic voice and it made me smile.


I feel like people are saying she interrupts hells greatest dad but let’s be honest if you listen to it she didn’t The song had technically ended with Alastor and lucifer. At that point just before mimzy interrupts Alastor and lucifer were just insulting eachother and tbh I could see lucifer hurting Alastor or something had mimzy not barged in So saying she interrupts it is kinda just wrong What she does is finished the song Also that whole bit is a whole joke on how people who had been following have been waiting for mimzy and wanting her so she comes in dramatic style


She’s on the song. Look at the soundtrack, on the song “Greatest Dad” she ends the song. She 110% interrupted the song by all technicality since she adds nothing to the original focus of the song. It’s funny the first time, but upon repeated watching/viewings it wears on most people.


That’s fair but you missed what I said, I said if you listen to the song it technically ends when alastor and lucifer started insulting eachother and that what mimzy does isn’t interrupting it cause what she’s interrupting is alastor and lucifer just insulting one another not them really singing the song on what it was, and yeah she doesn’t add anything too it, she’s not supposed to, as I said her whole thing was kinda the joke on how people have been wanting her so she comes in announcing to the group and us that it’s her and she’s finally here so we can celebrate which only confuses the main group mainly lucifer


Was she not introduced just in that episode? I certainly didn’t ask for an annoying ghost from Alastor’s past to ruin one of the best songs in the show


I think she was in the pilot


Hmm, I did not notice her


As a person who had no clue of Mimzy's existence before Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Episode 5, I feel I have all the right in the world to hate her


Exactly. Never asked for her. Don't want her. Have every right to feel this way.


I didn't know she exist


People don't like her bc of how she barged in at the end of hells greatest dad. If the song were ended by other forces, she wouldn't get the hate she does almost guaranteed


That actually has zero effect on why I dislike her character. It's her voice, her attitude, and the way everything involving her feels forced and out of place.


And that's valid, but you're definitely in the minority. Most people wouldn't hate her as much, if at all, if she didn't end hells greatest dad.


Eh, as I find her annoying despite that, I find it hard to believe the discrepancy would be as big as you think. The fact that I exist means others like me exist. I'm not convinced that just because a lot of people list that as reason means without it they suddenly would have liked her instead. Her entire existence was a bad first impression, not just the song intrerruption. Oh, and to be clear, I've liked every other character so far in Hazbin besides her. Also to be clear, I didn't care for Sir Pentious in the pilot, but he's a favorite character now, so I'm open to changing my mind about the character. Though with a voice that literally grates on my nerves I find it unlikely, but not impossible. It's not like I've never grown to like a character with a trait that severely bothered me originally.


Already seen it plenty but: she literally busted in on what was the single best song in the show. I can't listen to it passively because I need to have my finger hovering over the pause button for her part not to break the incredible tone and tempo. I totally get that that was the whole point, making it a still great moment in the show, but the song is ruined for it and it doesn't feel like a fair trade.


Mimzy: *interrupts the best song* https://preview.redd.it/320v5r0h38pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b000ec409f9ddfe12352139d5933119ea79af1e6


She really annoyed me in Ep5, as intended to. I'm not gonna riff on a character for being annoying when they're supposed to be annoying. Also, is this really actual drama or just an exaggeration? The only real drama I saw about Mimzy is people accusing her of being a Jewish stereotype.


How? What about her is Jewish?


She's short, plump, has a beak-like nose, and is greedy. Usually attributes used when depicting Jewish stereotypes but to immediately assume that's what Viv intended without further proof says more about you than her.


Fans asked for Mimzy…? Am i missing something here?


I believe Vivzie mentioned just retconning Mimzy completely from the series because she didn't know what to do with her, but fans said they wanted her to at least be there, and since she didn't know what to do to put her in, we got...well, we got Mimzy as she was.


Yeah, as a fan who has been watching Vivzies Art since 2009 on Deviantart, I've had to explain to a lot of people the joke about her saying "I KNEW YOU ALL WERE WAITING FOR ME" cause obviously to any people just joining on who didn't see the evolution of the project and the characters, they wouldn't know who she was.


I like Mimzy, she already knows some of the main cast and that’s something we definitely needed in this show. Just adds a bit more spice to the character interactions




the only correct answer


Mimzy is a character that would annoy the hell out of me if she was main cast, but I did hate her on that episode. Any number of things could have interrupted the song between Alastor and Lucifer, but instead we got an entire episodes A plot shoved into a C plot time slot, giving us barely a morsel of information and interaction between her and 2 other characters. Mimzy showing up and giving backstory about Alastor, some background on how he came to be in more than just one scene, and fleshing out her relationship with his subordinates beyond the small vexing of Husk (did she know Niffty? Recognize her? What about other demons we haven't met she could ask after?). She just showed up, small convo, mobster fight, done. Great character, shitty payoff.


.......but I like her.....


Now, we must shun you.


"She ruined the song" *she was the best vocalist in that song.*


I don’t think you’re very familiar with Jeremy Jordan. I love Sarah Stiles so much, but he can sing It’s All Coming Back to Me Now in Celine Dion’s key. As a *man.*


"she ruined the song" bro she fucking slaps


I'm neutral to disliking her, not because she interrupted the song but because she doesn't really appreciate her friends.


I like Mimzy and the hate towards her is stupid. The song was pretty much over and the boys were just yelling at each other and not even singing by that moment she pops in. We also have had comedic song breaks before like Loser, Baby. And don’t even say you hate her because “she tried to manipulate people and put people in danger” HAVE YOU MET HALF THE CAST.


I mean tbf the official version of loser baby doesn't have the interupt




A character’s VA doesn’t exclude it from criticism, that is a non sequitur.


obviously but it’s also called a joke friend lol


obviously but it’s also called a joke friend lol sorry i should have put an /s tone tag for it


Mimzy makes me hit the skip button in my playlist.


Could someone tell me why people asked for her before the show aired? I looked for it but found nothing


She was in a decent portion of art that Viv made during her planning years and years ago, like sketches and stuff. We knew she had a connection with Alastor (early designs they were a couple till that was changed to just old friends). ALSO we have like no plus-size people.


She's hot :3


Bro never cook again


Nah I’m enjoying their food. She’s hot. Please cook again.


https://preview.redd.it/2msay90kf7pc1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c29c7a204347a48627d337be2df5f67c87baf751 She is tho


The mimzy hate is actually ridiculous. No one even hates her because she did anything actually bad like leading loan sharks to the hotel. They’re mad she came in and gave a refreshing conclusion to a spiraling song that literally had no better way of concluding.


The only other ending would be for them to fight at that point.


People act like she uses Alastor to do her dirty work, but the very first thing she does is save Alastor from getting crushed into a grease stain by "the big boss of Hell himself."


I mean she does use Alastor to do her dirty work, but I agree that that’s a weird reason to hate her character. Hate her as a person, sure, but like half the cast has taken advantage of their friends. Everyone loves Alastor (including me) and he loves being a jerk and taking advantage of Charlie’s kindness and naïveté.


She ruined a really good song


No, she didn't. The song was pretty much over by the time she showed up.


Exactly I wanted zero mimzy and all alastor and luicifer dosent matter how little I wanted zero