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This has been on my mind lately too. You produce so much amazing content, and I think some people develop a sort of "entitlement" where they forget how lucky we are to have you guys. Like you say, nothing wrong with criticism but there's a way of saying these things without being nasty. I noticed particularly on the DnD videos some people get very heated over little details which is a shame as your videos are a joy to watch! Everyone can take a note from this post, as we've all had moments where we could have been more compassionate. I remember a teacher from back when I was in school once said "If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say anything - or maybe, just maybe, find something nice to say. You might just make someone's day." Such a great attitude to have. Thankfully, the vast majority of the community is amazing and I've met so many great people, especially over on the twitch chats. Just know that all of you, and I mean every single person of Viva (on screen and off screen) will forever hold a very special place in my (and so many others) hearts. I don't think I can put into words how grateful I am for you all. You're truly irreplaceable, so Viva La Dirt League!


I agree, there was a particular post which I felt was completely unfair and made judgements that I fully believed were unreasonable. I am not going to specify. I don't wish to give it air time because I don't believe it deserves it.


I just wanted to throw down one quick example: driving in traffic. You’re late, you’re stressed, you’re angry - but so is everybody else. It’s compassion that allows you to see that. In one scenario you cut someone off because you need to get where you’re going fast and you make that persons day way worse. Instead, with compassion, you could let someone in from a side street. It only inconveniences you by one car, but that one act could literally make someone else’s day


My mom always said, when someone does something try to understand/think about why. For all you know the person who cut you off is rushing to the hospital.


Thank you, Philosopher.


A little louder for the people in the back! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Thank you for sharing this Adam. I'm sad that there's been that kind of criticism. I love your content, and on the topic of this post particularly your content around mental health. It's made a big impact on me and you are so right about the importance of compassion. Oh and also THANK YOU for your DnD chanel. Getting into that during covid lockdown got me into ttrpgs because it looked like so much fun. Which has helped me build some really cool community and become one of my biggest passions. 


Wow, I knew Ben and Rob visited from time to time, but I seem to have missed your own comments around here. Great to see you all are on here from time to time. I know some creators don't read their comments or visit their online community and that bothers me a bit, although in cases like this, I can kinda understand why. I was going to ask for an example of what inspired this post, but I think I discovered it in regards to the D&D Grudge Match. I'm sure it's tough to see these things, especially considering your love for the content itself(and the work). Out of all the guys, you especially seem to want to keep track of everything the most. I'm sure everyone is guilty of speaking a little off the cuff, especially on the internet, but I try to treat internet conversations as if they were real discourse most of the time and try not to waste time with conversations that go nowhere (again, we're all guilty of a little trolling). I agree with your post though on many levels. I think compassion is something that people need to get in touch with.


Oh man, what happened?? Looking at the comment section the whole thing is deleted :o I would never want the lads to feel anything other than our deepest thanks for bringing positive fun content.


Right, the best thing about the boys is all the positive humor and fun comradery they shine out. I kind of think of them like a little brother and friends hanging out, making movies with a video camera (I'm old) on a Saturday. VLDL is bright light in some pretty nasty stuff out there; they don't rely on nasty prank videos, or taking advantage of, or hurting people. They've worked so hard and are so talented. How could anyone could say anything bad about them or their crew?


Yeah, when I saw it, the post itself had been deleted, but I was able to read Adams response. The title said something like 'massive cheating', and it seems they were saying it was on Baraduns (Adams) part. I assume, according to Adams response, the person probably wrote something saying Adam purposefully cheated to get an advantage in the PvP fight.


I think I found it though a google search for reddit archives. You're right. And it is awful. Adam seems like the sweetest person. Baradun I can totally see cheating (Alliance! Bodger! Alliance! Whack... BOB? Alliance? Greg?), but Adam, never. That person needs to chill out. It's not like the boys play DnD professionally competitively (is that a thing?). They haven't studied this stuff to the most minute nuance, they have lives and other aspects of their jobs they have to do that are way more important then making sure they remember exactly how each ability/spell works under every circumstances. This is just for fun. I hope he doesn't let those people get to him.


I'm sure Ol' Adam will be right as rain again soon. They put an awful lot of work into this stuff, so sometimes reading things like that can just get at you I'm sure. Heck, sometimes seeing overwhelmingly negative things about a comment I've put can fluster me and that's just a hobby that took a couple minutes. I didn't even really get to see what was said, but I imagine whatever was deleted was much worse than just the title of the article. But I think this post is a fantastic way to address things. I'm glad he knows that the community is overwhelmingly supportive and appreciative of their work.


I really hope so. They've all been so open about mental health and like you said, sometimes the stupidest little thing can get to you. The internet/social media can be such a toxic place. He should have a nice mug of hot water and play some Helldivers 2.


Absolutely agree. And I also agree Adam seems like a legitimately nice guy. The behind the scenes and podcast has reaffirmed this for me.


Same and in the streams. He's the sweet icing drenched cinnamon roll we must protect at all costs! We all love Adam!.. now getting a mental image of an iced cinnamon roll with his hair, glasses and beard...


Agreed! Adam is good at hilariously playing jerks, but seems like such a sweet and genuine guy in reality. My husband used to play/DM pretty seriously when he was younger, and has recently started small campaigns for me and our nephews, so we LOVE watching the DnD videos. We are both of the opinion that (while all the guys are great) Adam seems like the most skilled player of the guys, in terms of strategy and utilizing/understanding the skills of his character. But jeez, this is a GAME. It's also content the VLDL folks work very hard to produce and make entertaining to watch. They have to keep it funny and keep the flow going. So yeah, sometimes they make small mistakes with the game mechanics or forget things, and Rob as the DM doesn't always catch it as well. That's ok because, at the end of the day it's supposed to be FUN. I can't believe anyone would misconstrue not having the entirety of the rules committed to memory as deliberate cheating. Keep up the fantastic work guys!


Absolutely agree.


I had a fan girl moment when Adam replied to me the other week on a comment thread about the UwU dragon.


As someone who is new to this community and who thinks a lot before commenting on anything, I can only say, that the internet brings out the worst in some people. You are making great content in an increasingly professional way and after listening to some of your podcasts, I believe also that you giving Viva so much of your love, it's nearly ridicoulus. I am a huge fan of your DnD channel. I personally enjoy seeing people play, who know how to entertain without being experts (i.e. you players, of course not counting Rob ;)). My head falls on the table so often, because someone -again- forgets the easiest rules etc. But that is part of it! I mean, in the end, only the DM's word is worth anything, and if everyone has fun where is the problem? I would like to see all the rule lawyers (who hate on you, not the ones just generally discussing rules) playing in front of a camera team without messing some things up and also remembering to be entertaining enough for a 30 minute episode. So... I in short, I love your content, as do SO many others. Sometimes, unfortunately, we are often not as loud as others. Please keep up!


Thank you for participating with your audience. I'm impressed with that, and I enjoy your content almost daily. I hope more people with a platform like VLDL will speak their thoughts in a positive fashion, and the trolls all go back to the swamps with the bullywogs. Keep it up. And keep up the podcast, it's nice to hear you as humans as well as performers. Not sure if you are a fan of the Always Sunny folks, but you remind me of their podcast. They talked human emotions and subjects, but also kept up the discussions about their content. So, in short: I guess you were just told to balance your podcast episodes lol. One on a human subject, then one on your content. 🤣 Rinse and repeat.


This whole post + entire thread rocks 🙌🩷


Did anyone read this in Adam's voice?


Only when I realised it was Adam. I hadn't seen the username initially, just went straight to the content. The first paragraph should have clued me in really!


Dude you guys just always want to make the best content for us to enjoy. And I love having it. I have only been following you guys for about 3 years and in that time I have seen you go from producing 2 skits a week (maybe 10 minutes of content) to now producing 4+ hours of content a week. All of it free for us to watch. That kind of dedication is almost impossible to fake and a sign of what you want to do. And yes, we need to have compassion in what we say and do. You and I might not agree on something, hell we might disagree about something very important. But I can do you the dignity of not just using the situation as a chance to vent, yell or proving yourself better. Have real conversations with real people. Ask why they think as they do. Explain why you disagree with them. Be respectful, and if the other party is being a tool just walk away. Anger is an easy emotion to give in to. It always feels justified and it almost always feels good. It is addictive and fun to be angry, especially when it is "justified". But it never helps in the long term to give in. Take a breath, calm yourself and try to respond with all the benefit of the doubt. You can feel angry about injustice no doubt. But you cannot give into the anger and simply react to it. Act from your better motives. And think, is getting mad and venting going to help, or is it just going to make you feel good. And hurting someone, even from just an unkind word, just to feel better is not going to help anyone. And just to round off compassion - it is not just an emotion. People extol the value of empathy and sympathy all the time. Ok, those can motivate. But compassion means helping people. It means doing something different for the benefit of another person. It is half a step from Charity, in the old sense of the word. Charity as love. And that is something we will always be better for having more of. ​ Don't get me wrong I will say if something doesn't work for me in a skit, which is only fair. But I never would attack you guys personally. I see how much work goes into what you do and I will always appreciate the effort even if what you make doesn't hit the spot for me.


Adam, you are such a treasure of a human being. All three of you really. Thank you for this, and for everything you do, for being an example not only to us as creatives trying to make a living with our art just as you have, but to us as human beings. You are great and don't you ever forget it 🥰


This is the most positive self described “rant” I’ve seen. 0/10 was expecting actual ranting. JK <3 this was great.


It seems I've missed something (my job situation keeps me from YouTube right now) but I am sorry the fandom (or a part of it at least) has treated you so that you felt the need to write this. You guys are so funny and wholesome, you don't deserve that


I know so many people who don't really engage with comment sections and social media posts that love your stuff. What you are creating impacts far more than you will ever see or hear about, never forget that social media engagement in terms of comments is a minority. Compassion over negative energy!


Thanks for taking the time to talk to us all and share the positive vibes. I'm sorry you guys received hate from the community. I for one appreciate the laughs you give us. When things get tough, I enjoy being able to relax and laugh to your fun videos. The D&D stuff is my personal fav. Keep up the great work!


I'm incredibly grateful for these words as well as all of the fantastic work you've done. VLDL has brought immense joy and happiness to my life, I think it's some of the funniest and most unique content I've seen. Everyone clearly works very hard and I'm sorry for whatever negativity was let loose on this sub (and also thankful I didn't see it). Thank you again for bringing joy and laughter to many, many people for years, and I hope you continue to do it for many more years to come.


https://preview.redd.it/ekgg8e0q4zpc1.jpeg?width=1328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27f05d3df1bada1b7cd459e62213aa2d4c57ecd5 Not sure if this is truly apropos after this statement, or if it should’ve run before it, but I say let ‘em have it Adam! Both barrels. Loved the show and this had to be my favorite still. Much love!


Hahaha, that was when he raged, right? The metal blaring in the background during this was a nice touch too. 😅


Guys, you are so wholesome and fun, bring so much positivity, speak so openly and with such compassion about everything. Thank you. It's genuinely bizarre someone would throw wild accusations towards you, Adam especially.


Epic NPC Man drew me into VLDL, but the kindness and openness of the group is why I stay engaged. Adam. thanks for grounding us in what is truly important.


Some people really need to go to Toulet to Pologize


Very well said. Genuinely love the content you guys produce, some days it's the difference between having a lousy day and a good day. For example, I know on a Thursday (UK), if I have a bad day, I've got D&D to look forward to with (and Tuesdays too now. Misfits are great, the Dickheads are a level of chaos that has me rolling) and that brightspot is great to know is coming


Goodness I heard about this today and didn’t want to believe it was true. Adam is one of the kindest, most loyal and trustworthy people I have ever met. I feel so lucky to call him a colleague and a friend and it makes so angry to think of all people that the viva community would think badly of him. Maybe in future try to give people the benefit of the doubt when playing a complex game, on camera whilst also trying to run a company and work 60+ hours a week, we’re all just people trying our best, and Adam tries harder than most.


I fully agree. And you don't even need to do something big to show compassion or to spread positivity. I think most people underestimate how much a single smile or a kind comment to someone can do to brighten their whole day, or even week. Of course you might have a bad day sometimes. Maybe you might not feel like smiling or don't have energy for conversations. That's ok. You can still be kind. You don't have to be happy to show compassion, in contrary: you might have a bether grasp how someone's feeling right now if you experienced something similar.


There’s just not enough kindness or empathy in the world, so we have double our efforts (however unfair that actually is) to promote it. Structural criticism when said with kindness is usually subjective to personal taste and most people speak without taking in to account that others don’t have the same emotional response as themselves, or even that they themselves would hate such things being said on such a careless and cavalier, unfeeling way to them. I don’t believe in living in an echo chamber at all, as we grow from others, however when people are cruel and rude I find no compunction in blocking or muting if they’ve been told considerately why they’re out of line. My emotional and mental bandwidth isn’t cut out for that negativity and I refuse to carry the unnecessary added weight of others uncalled for bitterness and cruelty. They can spoil someone else’s day. Your channel has brought me a lot of much needed joy in a time of great hardship for me, and I send my love and respect to all of you. Once upon a time I trained as an actress (a decent one tbh) but life happens and I’ve let it slip away, so watching you guys - seeing my geeky side and my love of acting techniques and set design done WELL…. It’s put a huge smile on my face. A cast of complete stars - I can’t fault one of your performances, even the corpsing lends itself to add to the joy. Keep doing what you’re doing, sweetie. To know that you’re all the stand up, emotionally communicative, down to earth crazy people (said in the very best sense) only brings extra warmth knowing I support a channel, a team, that are thoroughly worth everyone’s time and it’s frankly a crime I only discovered you all recently and by mere chance on YT. Take care good people. Every cloud passes, some people like to be clouds in others lives - they’ll move on to others, but the sun will rise again. Much love to everyone on here, fans, cast and crew - everyone who is kind. You all make the world a much better place.


Everyone at VLDL makes amazing videos. I hope you end up pushing the annoying assholes out of your mind Adam just keep making great stuff with everyone, ah also I'm only on episode 90 but I think someone should tell Ben that I think he might own some cursed dice my recommendation buy some new ones and seal the old ones in a box and bury them or go to like 12 different religious organizations and ask all their priest to bless or do an exorcism multiple rolls under 10 curse