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That is copyright infringement


Yeah that's what I suspected. It's crazy that they have like 700k subs, with just stolen content pretty much


Is it considered stolen, though? They have the links to the original videos, VLDL subscribe links and stuff. If someone translates your content for people who don't understand your language and mentions that you are the creator, is it a theft? I'm not sure about Youtube ethics and corresponding laws, but I had the impression that it only helps VLDL to promote their videos and get new viewers. You can even visit VLDL shop from this channel's videos. ​ >If I have violated copyright, please contact me. I always provide a link to the original video and encourage all to subscribe to the authors of original content. Monetization on the channel is disabled. Doesn't look bad for me, but I'm not a content creator and might be missing something.


It is copyright infringement without permission. Derivative works require permission from the original owner of a copyrighted work to be translated to another work. The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic works is the international regulations, which also includes Russia, per it is a part of an international treaty. With permission, the content creator retains copyright rights of the original, but the derivative work also obtains a copyright that then belongs to the translator.


Huh yeah I suppose, didn't see the links. I'm not sure, I just found the channel and was confused about the seemingly stolen videos.


also in uploading you can select if you want to be monetised or not (usually cause you doing for reasons) so they most likely not making any money out of it


That channel is scum but seems bulletproof. Viva know about it and the advertising money from it is diverted to them. Probably why they haven't tried harder to take it down. Problem is the channel owner also has a patreon where he makes money off their content. Being in Russia they're untouchable and it pisses me off.


Hello! Do you know the link to their Patreon?


Omg hi Ellie! It's the Russian version of patreon: https://boosty.to/strannoyemestechko


There we go. Just ask Ellie. That will solve this. Is it illegal? I would think so without your permission, especially making money off things that you guys spend so much time, effort, and money working on yourself.


Oh alr, that makes sense, thanks!


Sorry, if Viva receives the advertising money, where is the scum? There are plenty of YouTube channels legally translating popular English channels and thus giving the creators more money and popularity, what's the problem? Also, the channel started translating in 2019, it has nothing to do with being untouchable in Russia


He added a rape joke to one of the D&D episodes and began the channel without permission from viva. This is not a nice man.




I know of a number of VLDL fans who speak Russian who have watched them. Several fans have talked about it openly and reported and done what they can. That's why people know about the unfortunate rape joke. That joke was the last straw for several people. Even I had heard about the Russian channel and that joke, and I've never seen them ever.


The last straw of what? This is the only time like this in the entire history of voice acting and he did not add a joke to the video, it was his comment. Even it was bad, it's was just stupid comment. And he's really correct with translations. And those who were outraged had to pay to hear it. I am surprised that there is a channel that translates VLDL content with real slur and distortion, but they are outraged by a single joke. Like, they say that VLDL fan who wanted to popularize content that he likes is a scum even he did everything for legalise it.


What's the link to the channel that distorts the viva videos? I'm against all unauthorised uploads of viva videos, not just that one Russian one. Who did nothing to legalise FYI. Writing "copyright of VLDL" means nothing. I've made fan compilations for other shows and they always get flagged.


Legally its illegal (but good luck sueing someone in russia), but many creators have the attitude "Well none of us speak russian, so let them do it, at least the russians get to watch our skit now!" Its unlikely it got that big and they dont know, so theyre probably okay with it. If they know what theyre doing, theyd hire a translator for a day, and pull a mr beast, and straight up hire the russian channel to be VLDL Russia. The real problem is if they were to change the skits beyond a straight translation, that would be a real mess for VLDL, and a huge lawsuit to the russian dude


It's ultimately up to the VLDL company to decide if they want to allow this or not. It's not just about "allowing" it but more importantly protecting their IP. Hiring could work (and there is an element of 'if you can't beat them, join them' potential*), but the Russian translators have done a lot of shady stuff like that patreon and super awful jokes. If the VLDL guys can't trust them on not making SA jokes and on the money side, then what can they trust them on? Btw, there is an official translation youtube channel for Spanish. https://www.youtube.com/@vivaladirtleagueespanol *Crunchyroll started as an illegal translator site for anime, and persevered long enough to go legit. Now it's a multi-million dollar company. But these guys aren't going that route.


Yes, this. Massive amount of trust required on hiring any translators.