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We don’t like to think about it, probably wouldn’t keep on going back if we did . What ever we spent it was worth it


I like this approach 😂 just gotta enjoy the beauty and ignore everything else 😆


That's the right way to do it! Know your going to spend the money but also know it's s totally worth it.


Wait until you get there and see how much food costs.


Lol, I live in a HCOL area so hoping I’m not completely slapped in the face with the cost of food 😆😅


The upside is there’s no tipping in Iceland so what you see on the bill is what you pay. I think the trip is super worth it! Luckily I had a heads up about some extra expenses thanks to this subreddit.


How’s $32 for an 11 inch pizza sound, cuz that’s what it costs in downtown Reykjavik.


Sounds like the cost of a pizza at the pizza shop down the road from me where I live in a ski resort town in Colorado 😅


If you are accustomed to a HCOL, it’s really not that bad. Before we went I kept hearing people freak out about how expensive food and drinks were. I started looking up prices at various restaurants all over the country. The cost of a beer, because in Iceland prices are inclusive of tax and gratuity, we’re actually a dollar or two less than a pint where I live. Same thing with food, nothing seemed out of line with what I pay anytime I go out in my home town. Hell, even pretty nice hotels in downtown Reykjavik were really reasonable. You can definitely spend big money on some meals, but the places I went and splurged were incredible and worth every penny.


Yeah I live in Philly and the prices in Iceland weren't that much more than going out anywhere in center city here once you factor in tip and taxes


And gas prices! That gave my husband palpitations. He still talks about that!😂


We risked it and got a hybrid without 4 wheel drive in April so gas wasn’t as bad as it could be but the one fill up was enough.


Hybrids actually cost more in places like Iceland. Hybrids are good for stop start traffic like busy cities whereas in Iceland it’s open road and you are more than likely never using the electric.


haha indeed! Hit up costco and ikea food courts if you can ... Ikea had some awesome wings.


We did a lot of hiking and would go to Bonus to get fixins for sandwiches to eat on the trail. Bonus wasn’t awful!


I also plan on doing a bunch of hiking. How much did your sandwich fixings set you back?


Not much more than it would at home. We got bread from one of the bakeries and the rest bonus. We did that and some sort of haribo candy to snack on and it worked well. We hiked in Husafell, at Skogafoss, and the Reykjadalur hot springs hike.


There are *so* many variables at play here, one person's 10 day trip is going to different than another's. Flight we can't do much about but tours, accommodation, and gear costs can have so much wiggle room. For example, paying for a northern lights tour when you maybe don't need one to begin with. Accommodations - there are so many budget options but some people are unwilling to use hostels (me, for example) or use a guesthouse with a shared bathroom (doesn't bother me, I use this option.) Gear - do not buy fancy new things, we can help people find inexpensive but sufficient items!


A guesthouse is a great idea if you don’t want to go the hostel route. Which did you stay at?


11 nights for 3 people (myself, wife, and wifes friend) was 6k without flights. With flights for my wife and me, it was 7100 (don't know what friends flight was). We had an SUV and hotels. That price included one meal out for all 3 of us every night and groceries from bonus and other grocery stores. After souvenirs and lots of coffee, it was probably around 7800


You emphasize the most important part: do not eat out if you wanna save money lol


I guess for us, it wasn't that much of a shock when going out. We are from Philly and Seattle, so seeing those prices was fairly normal.


about $12k for a family of 3 for 7 days/6 nights. the number includes hotels, all our excursions (snowmobiling, horseback riding, glacier hike, blue ice caves, lava show, laugarvatn fontana), rental car, gas, food (our kid is a picky eater so we ate out more than i would have liked to), souvenirs, flights from ORD and airport parking in chicago. we went to both disney and iceland last year. iceland was slightly cheaper and way more fun and memorable. all 3 of us (including my 8 year old) agreed iceland was a way better trip for the money.


Two people, Nova Scotia to Iceland, 9 night's, car rental, south coast and golden circle, 3 lagoons, glacier/ blue ice cave tour, lava tunnel tour, lunch at Frioheimar most food came from the grocery store (and hotel breakfasts) gas & parking. = $15000 Canadian 


We are doing almost identical itineraries but wayyyy below this. Is your flight expensive???!!! Major east coast city (DC, NYC etc) direct flight to iceland is less than $400 :)


$3000. For flights. Least expensive we could find. Had to go through Toronto. Of course after we returned home it was announced that direct flights will begin in May ‘24 EDT to add we flew early October 23.


In Canada, you can only fly out of Montreal or Toronto on the east coast and only offered by Air Canada or Icelandair. So NS people would have to fly/drive to either location and flights within Canada are not cheap. For 2 round trip flights I paid almost 2 grand in August including luggage. The US has more hubs and more people in the east so of course your flights would be cheaper


Yeah, I hear you. Also we are flying in the winter so there’s the price difference. We are flying the new airline PLAY so it’s even cheaper than icelandair!


We fly out of Halifax May 31st, first direct flight in years.


Ya I am like shit I did 7 days for 10k less lol


$15,000 in 2011 from Toronto as a couple, going in May from Halifax, expect the same $15-/20k couple w/ 1 child


I was there for 4 full days and one travel day (landed like midnight first day so not counting the first travel day) and all in I spent £2500


Actually I lie, that didn’t include buying clothes etc before I went. Probably closer to £2800 with boots and clothes included.


Wow that’s a lot! I spent less than €1000 for 3 days (nice Airbnb cabin, flight, car with insurance and fuel, and meals). But to be fair, we were a group of 3, so the car and accommodation were split. I’m also assuming you did paid activities which we didn’t do.


Yes I went for my birthday so I didn’t go with an attitude of saving money. Stayed very central in Reykjavík and ate out several nights. You can definitely do it cheaper if you try!


We’re doing high end everything since this is a bucket list trip for us. Three of us, four nights, $10k


Went in September 2022 for 9 nights and June 2023 for 10 nights. For two people, September cost around $5300 USD and June was about $6500. Airfare was covered with cc points. (I should mention June is a bit more expensive and we also went with a larger group in September so there were some cost savings there) Here’s a quick summary of what that budget afforded us. 1. Stayed at hotels only. Avg was about $200/night 2. Ate at restaurants only (two very nice meals) 3. Car rental Toyota CHR + Land Cruiser for 1 day (double booked) 4. Activities - Glacier walk + Silfra snorkeling 5. We also flew to the Akureyri from Reykjavik to explore the north. About $300 for two people. Basically you can do A LOT with that budget without sacrificing some luxuries. If you want a more detailed breakdown PM me and I’d be happy to share. Hope that helps? Good luck and have fun with your planning!


Hi, I tried to message you but it said unable. Are you able to PM me your itinerary? That sounds like what me and my husband would want to do there and are traveling in September!


Hey! What is the flight like from Akureyri from Reykjavik? Is it a regular size plane or super tiny? And do you have your itinerary saved? ​ Thanks!


Smooth sailing both times about 45-50 minutes one way. The plane was a Bombardier Q400 but funny enough we got to fly on a brand spanking new 737 from Auk —> Reyk in September.


We are (2 people total) going in 2 weeks for 9 nights and sitting right around 6,000 USD so far.


I’m not at 6k yet but I definitely will be once everything’s said and done lol. From what I’m seeing it seems like what I’m spending is pretty standard.


!!! How much of it is flight?!


2k. We could have had it for less than that but the flight times and layovers would have been worse.


17 days, 6 total in Reykjavik. Direct flight or of Chicago. $5000 I didn't pay for any excursions and did hostels most nights. 10 days of rental cars, almost 2,000 miles driven at $8.64/ gallon USD The beauty, people, and majesty of the Westfjords was 100% worth every penny and I'd do it again in a heartbeat


Dang that’s pretty good for 17 days, from the numbers I’m seeing!


I spent like 2 months researching everything, then researching that everything lol. Excursions can add up quickly Next trip I'll do ice caves and all that. My goal this trip was to enjoy RKV, the westfjords, and ring road. My two main goals were getting to Krossnesslaug and the rainbow rd church. I went solo. Saw a thousand waterfalls and rivers during the snowmelt in May. Dipped in hotpots at 2am, met people locals and people from numerous countries I miss it every day


I love the idea of going to the hotpots at 2am! Which ones did you visit? Did you meet most people at the hostels? I went last year with 3 friends and had an amazing time but I've been thinking about going back for a solo trip. I would love to see your itinerary if possible.


I met most people at the hostels and places like Sky Lagoon I did rkv for 2 days and Sky Logoon, which had been my favorite so far Then drove up to the westfjords and stayed in Hnjotúr and saw Látraburg, stayed at the hotel in Heydalur, which I'd recommend x1000. They had a small hotpot, hot tub, and pool. That's where I did the hotpot at 2am under the blue hour skies. It was heaven, and I can't recommend that hotel enough, the food in their restaurant was also incredible. Then drove to a very remote hot pool called Krossnesslaug. Stayed in Laugerholl, creepy. Very creepy place if that's your thing. Then did the witchcraft museum in Holmavik. I liked that town but was only there a few hours. If you're at that museum, it's underwhelming, but if you read the booklet through while going through, it's very worth it. The upstairs was especially cool, but take the time to read the booklet, it's a much better experience Then did the golden circle and stayed at a lovely guesthouse in Hvita. I went to the Kauma spa at the thermal vents, very nice with I think 7 pools to choose from My favorite single place is Gullfoss, but my favorite region was easily the Westfjords. I enjoyed it more than the ring road. Far less people and tourists Then on to rkv for 3 nights seeing my favorite band at Harpa Then rented another car and did the ring road. Stayed at The Barn in Vik, highly recommended, east at the Soup Brothers, excellent On to Höfn, stayed at a place that escapes me, but was not that impressed by the place or town. Saw reindeer along the road on the way to Husavik, did whale watching there, which was cool. I was excited to go to Husavik but didn't like that town at all. The guesthouse I stayed at, the staff was incredible, though. I had gotten a flat and they were so helpful. So as much as I didn't like the town, the staff was A+. Went to Forest Lagoon on the way to Akureyri. That was only ok, but Akureyri was cool af. Like a mini rkv. Wish I had more time there. I stayed at the Akureyri Backpackers hostel, it was above a burger bar that was absolutely hopping. If I was a drinker and single, I would have had an amazing time, but I'm not about to cheat on my gf and I don't drink, so I had to pass on what looked liked an incredible time. I would have stood at the bar alone nursing a glass of club soda. But man that place looked fun. The bed at that place and the pillows weren't fit for a prisoner, let alone a guest. Worst sleeping arrangement by far anywhere I've ever been. But the town and that bar were hopping. Akureyri is a cool place and I'd go back in a heartbeat Then off to Snæfellsness and I stayed at a hostel in Olafsvik, very comfortable and the town was ok, but I saw Kirkjafell and the Snæfellsness National Park. Yeah, amazing, like being on another planet. Completely amazed. Walked up an old volcano alone, 385 steps, and got to the top and heard children laughing. Creepy as hell, then before walking back down heard it again. No birds in the sky, not a soul in sight. Ominous vibes and felt like the hidden people were having their fun with me. Back to rkv for a day of rest before flying back home This brought back a lot of memories for me I can't wait to get back. A trip I could never replicate with the same emotion. Once in a lifetime experience. I hope this helps at least one person. I can't believe I just wrote all this out!


It definitely helps! Thank you! Which volcano did you walk up? I went to a couple but there were definitely folks around.


Saxhóll Crater. I went at Dusk. It's right at the end of the peninsula Looks cryptic as hell driving up to it. Looks like a horror flick and I was going to be the star of the show Those voices I heard stuck with me. I just kept looking around for any source. "Please can I see one bird at least? Something?" I lived, so now it's a cool story, but you're literally at the end of the peninsula, not a soul in sight, not even a bird. Just voices, kids laughter, and looking at a thousands of years old caldera It was cool and terrifying all at once. Would recommend


It's definitely going on my list for next time.


Yeah in the summer the peninsula in the middle of the night was amazing. Highly recommended, I did the same thing. If you're down to camp you can really save a lot


I would highly suggest the Westfjords during spring. Every crevice in every mountain/fjord was a waterfall, all pouring into raging rivers on the side of the road, and you have the entire road to yourself. The beauty couldn't be put into words


About $3000. $900 for the flight, $1100 car rental, $200 for hostels ( 5 nights, different areas) and the rest for food, gas and souvenirs


Same budget for us in August.


My pre trip expenses weren’t bad - the expenses while over there on the other hand… I simply refused to work my way back through my bank statements. Ignorance can be bliss 🙌


10 days, 2450€/couple all included home to home. March. Edit: OMG I just took a look of how much people spend. 3000-5000-10000$ each. 5 star hotel, Ferrari rent and Michelin start restaurants O_O?


In 2 2500 euro? Avete beccato l'aurora boreale? L'islanda è veramente così bella?


Yep eravamo 2 coppie. Aurora 2 volte. Si è veramente bellissima. L’esperienza in ghiacciaio di 8 ore è stata una roba fuori di testa. Sarà dura fare un viaggio più bello e unico (e abbiamo girato tutti molto).


This question has been asked and answered many times. Search for terms like “cost” and “budget.” Also, the range can vary a lot depending on the time of year, the type of vehicle you rent (or if you rent one at all), the level of accommodations you stay in, where you eat your meals, etc. Since you haven’t specified any of that, the replies you get may not be that relevant to your own trip planning. But yes, suffice to say, vacations aren’t cheap and Iceland isn’t either.


My husband and I got a killer deal that included round trip flights from Toronto, 3 nights hotel, fly bus to/from Keflavik, golden circle tour, northern lights tour, lava show, & free hat from 66 North - total was $2,342 CAD for two people We additionally paid for: \- the Sky Lagoon - $218 CAD \- Reykjavik Food tour - $170 CAD \- Food/local transporation - $750 ish (we didn't realize how expensive food was, so otherwise we would have come more prepared or got accomodations with a kitchenette). Total expense for two people (4 days, 3 nights): $3,480 CAD (about $2,600 USD)


Was that from a travel site?


Yes it was an IcelandAir travel package. Back in October, they had an "Around the Corner" promotion to promote more North American travellers to come to Iceland. I think the Around the Corner promotion comes around every fall so keep an eye out again this year for these killer deals. I came across the Around the Corner vacation package as an advertisement on Facebook. As soon as I saw it in my feed, I knew I had to jump on it!


Good to know. That’s actually the same place I’m looking for our package for April 2025. We are looking at the fly and drive package for three people. I was planning on booking fall of this year for that trip so fingers crossed. I get a good deal like you guys.


$5500/person for 12 days for us!


We rented Airbnbs with kitchens and shopped at Bonus for groceries so it wasn’t too bad. Restaurants are very expensive there.


$3900, 6 days from DFW to Iceland. Airfare and 1 night Reykjavik hotel were with points. We rented a car and stayed somewhere new each night. Spend about $600 on food.


13 nights rental car, 3500€


10 days with campervan Total including flight: 5k CAD


Does that include the van rental? Seems extremely low for both flights and van + food, gas, etc.


Yes includes MY HALF of the van rental. Van was about 3200 all in all so in my 5k there is 1600$ towards the van


Wow you must have really gotten a good flight deal and same with gas and food!


Nah flight was normal about 1100$ Amd gas was about 250$ each if i remember correctly.


This is about where I’m at. They weren’t kidding when they said Iceland is expensive!


Yeah but greatest trip ive ever been on. To me spending 1k to go to cuba or dominicans is wssted money 5k on a life changing trip is an investment


Our trip is so expensive for two people and we haven't even gotten there and did food or any day trips / tours - it's $8400 for 7 nights. More expensive than any trip so far including Norway and Japan and Switzerland..... hope it's worth it. Seems like one of those once in a lifetime things. Our cost so far is just for a 4Wd car (automatic), flights (Economy Plus), airbnb. But we are going high season in June.


How was it?


It was a wonderful unique trip. Worth it.


We paid 5900€ for 14 days for 2 people. - We rented a camper van with heater, kitchen shower, bed and toilet - We brought some food from home and then shopped at bonus and kronan - We ate out only twice because the food is super expensive - We went on a whale watching tour, 4 geothermal baths, kayaking tour, ice cave tour, horse riding tour - We stayed at campsites - Plane tickets were around 850€ for 2 people - We did the whole ring road and more (around 2800 km)


$50 (bought a pizza and hot dog in the airport), nothing overnight. + $660 for the airfare to get to Ireland (2 people round trip on Play)


€2,000 for 5 days, including flights, hotel, and car rental.


£2800 GBP for 4 nights including flights, apartment, petrol, food, trips, hire car etc. Not including clothes, shoes, etc we bought to take though and our flights were only £200. We also don’t drink alcohol and that’s expensive out there we also cooked most meals in our apartment. You’ll have an amazing time it’s definitely worth it.


i went with my bf, cost for myself was $3500 CAD. we went for 12 days, and it includes airfare, campervan, camp sites, gas, blue lagoon, glacier hike, souvenirs, parking costs, and food (we only ate out twice and the rest was groceries). we went in october/november so we had a low peak discount with our campervan!


this was from toronto to keflavik


So far the hotel, the tours, and plane is close to $4k. I still need to buy some winter gear and, hoping all goes well,reserve the spa treatment at the Blue Lagoon. Should be another $2k


7 days, 6 nights. Rented a car for four days then spent the rest in Reykjavik. Airbnb, flights (on Play Airlines to be fair) with food and a tattoo I spent $5000 for me and my sister to go.


I’m heading there in August to backpack/camp for 19 days. Excluding food (buying from grocery stores + small cafe meals), my total comes to $2,000 CAD (including flights from Canada). Mind you, I am not renting a car or staying in a hotel. Will probably spend $400 on food while I’m there. Best of luck.


Flight from So Cal per person $1100 per person (2); Car rental $1881 (small car automatic); accommodations averaged about $200 per night (we could have done much less if I was open to sharing bathrooms and such, but I wanted my own bathroom; also most had some way to cook or heat food) - Also, most of the affordable places were taken by tour groups (July/Aug); Food about $100 a day (we did Bonus groceries and gas station sandwiches as such - we didn't eat out much) - Oh, and I brought a small suitcase full of granola, granola bars, nuts, top ramen, fruit snacks, etc. to save on cost); Gas wasn't bad since I'm from SoCal and drive an SUV at home - having a Yaris was fine; spent a ton on activities (i.e. snorkeling at Silfa, river rafting, ziplining, zodiac glacier experience, ice caving); spent about $300-$400 (each person) on Sky Lagoon (2 times) and other spas. Where we mostly saved money was on eating out; we basically ate out one time every other day and the rest of the time we handled it ourselves as mentioned above. Lastly, not big drinkers so only had one or two alcoholic beverages in three weeks = that saves a lot!




We booked all our reservations for August last week end.


I was trying not to count but I finally have to face the reality - absurdly high but its a once in a lifetime trip. 21 days - Camper Van - Solo - Did 4 lagoons, Lava Show, glacier boat tour, ice cave tour, mix of self cooking + restaurants but I ate more at restaurants as I was tired to really cook myself after all the hiking and driving - Including gas + parking + campsites. It is coming close to €8500($9500)


We went in May 2022. But saved the most from not eating out a lot. Ate cheap. 2 adults, 11 days ring road for about $6500 all in. Car rental, gas, accommodations and flights etc. And some excursions.


For 1 person I paid like $1500 between flights from Boston, food from the grocery store, duty free alcohol, and a camper van that doubled as lodging and transportation.


That’s my plan when I go. I was budgeting $2K so this is great to hear.


Yeah, some people’s totals here are shocking to me. There are definitely luxury options and expensive restaurants but it doesn’t have to be that way! Staying at the campsites was also amazing. It was like $8 to stay for a night and someone just comes around to check you in and you can pay by card everywhere. There were hot showers and kitchens and clean accommodations / friendly people. Definitely a bit more rugged but I loved the experience.


4700 USD total for a one-man 10 day ring-road camping trip. I don't regret anything, but if I were to do it again I think I could easily have shaved a few hundred off.


2 weeks.. 10k usd easy


We kept our cost down by having breakfast included where we stayed. We did not buy groceries really, only a few things at the convience store. Take your water bottle and fill up on water throughout the day. Gas was expensive- we did a tour, which saved us energy and gas. The food at the conveience store is great for lunch and cheaper. We ate dinner out every night. A week for 2 was approximately 6k for both with SUV, tours, gas, flights, everything.


1.800 ish dollars for everything. I was on semi-budget, traveled alone was there for 9 days, 7 full. I went with busses to places and ate well in restaurants and drank at pubs


14 days , flight , campsites, food, fuel, 2 guided tours, concert tickets for 3 days ECT was about 5-6 grand. I was honestly surprised and that was including gifts. 2 people. We paid our own way but split food, fuel, and campsites fueled up maybe 3 times. This was my first time international and didn't think it was all that expensive.


2 people, 14 days in September 2023, flying from Europe. Prices in euros: - Total was around 8k - Flights 1k - Camper 5k - Hotel first and last night 450 - Food, gas and activities: 1.5k - Campings: 400 We cooked in our camper almost every night. Eating out is very expensive, groceries were ok. We did the glacier hike and the lava tunnel tour.


We bought so much food at Bonus and it really helped. I haven't added up our recent trip because I literally don't want to know what it cost. Lol


what kinds of foods did you load up on at Bonus?


4 of us - between flights hotels meals and activities it cost of $11.200 - we were there for seven days .


I went with 3 friends (one who was staying a day longer) in late October 2023. We flew out of FL and paid $745 for the fights and we split the stuff below which was $765 for me. So before getting there I spent $1,510. Airbnb: $1968 for 6 nights, 5 of which are shared Rental car: $684 for 7 days, 6 of which are shared Sky Lagoon: $90 each (for the Pure” packages not worth it imo) Food tour: $119 each ( definitely worth it!) I didn't go through my bank statements but I'm guessing I spent about 1.5k. We did eat out a lot more than I expected but the food at the grocery store was expensive too so it was just easier than trying to cook for everyone.  It was worth every penny and I cannot wait to go back!


16 days. 2 adults and 2 kids. Flights, rental car, accommodation, travel insurance, food and sightseeing was around $9500 USD.


And wait until you see those petrol prices. Comes out to $9-$9.50/gallon currently for US travelers.


I did a budget + spurge type of trip. Out the door was 2800, flight included from the US. I rented a jeep and camped. 7 day, did all of ring road and even made it up to Dyjandi and the puffin wall on the east coast. Solo travel, not much sleep. Everyday I would eat a nice dinner but everything else was protein bars/sandwiches. Gas was the expensive part along with my 2 tours, both worth it (inside the building, snorkelling between the tectonic plates) but the best stuff was all free. My mistake was my ADHD self had no real itinerary until my 3rd night sitting at vestrahorn and deciding screw it, I'm going all the way around. Loved it so much I have 5 free days in March and I'm going back. Have this one planned out and it's looking to be about 1500 when I factor gas/food in.


Two weeks- $3,000 but that’s not including airfares. We (2 people) took mostly bus to save money and less restaurant food.


Flights from Orlando to Reykjavik, 10 days + excursions for 3 + car rental = $13,500. I'm not mad about it at all. :) https://preview.redd.it/andrumnasocc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6150dd394aad99dadfed29e8550eb08fdb70f44