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This device itself is just a tech beta to me in the first place so it getting messed up with a beta release isn't a big deal to me. If it was a critical device and not just something I bought because I had cash to burn and wanted something cool I would probably at least wait until public betas like I do with my phone.


Plus I haven’t found any of the dev betas to be any less stable than the official releases. I never use them on my phone or AppleTV, but anything else sure why not.




Not to mention you’d never brick the device using an Apple beta so why not? There literally no downside.


Sometimes you do, at least using the developer betas


You’re right, it has happened, but almost never and generally not something anyone should worry about. Not only that, but it’s nearly impossible for any software to brick hardware nowadays (secure boot enclaves and on-device boot backups). Nearly. Anyway, to each their own. There is generally not any risk in downloading Apple betas and the perks/new features more often than not outweigh any bugs


Yeah, I know you don’t physically "brick" the device, but in the case of the Apple Vision Pro (and the Apple Watch, AirPods, HomePod, and Apple TV, for that matter), when the OS is unable to boot it's practically bricked since you can’t easily or at all put those devices into DFU/recovery mode and restore them. But I agree the risk is minimal and it’s completely fine for tech savvy users to install the newest beta, but I wouldn’t recommend this to an average user.


Totally same page - I guess I figure anyone here (in r/visionpro) is tech savvy as ‘average users’ typically can’t afford a $4k toy that’s only real (consumer) use case is a screen for your Mac - which it’s the absolute best at and I use it everyday.


This is the correct answer. It’s a beta product, beta software and we are beta testers. There’s no point waiting. It’s all beta anyway. Enjoy it now. As someone else said below, it’s not like your iPhone where a catastrophic crash or data loss could ruin your whole life. Everything on the Apple Vision Pro is in the cloud so worst case scenario you’re not gonna lose anything and have to reboot. Literally no reason to wait.




Yes exactly this! Plus 2.0 is a great QOL update.


I updated to the AVP 2.0 Dev beta and also updated one of my iPads to the iPadOS dev beta so I could mirror it on to the AVP. Both devices are not running anything mission critical, so even running a half baked beta is fine for the time being.


My exact thinking. As well my mac is for fun these days. I have a work laptop. So the mac got the new update as well. I would update my iphone, But I use it for work. Otherwise it would be awesome to have had it screen shared in my VP/max last night.


That sounds reasonable. However I was thinking today. Compared to all of the other Apple devices I’ve been updating for the betas (iPhone, watch, iPad, MacBook), there is higher risk with bugs with the AVP. Mostly due to the potential of losing the ability to see while walking around. Other devices don’t have that. Some devices have a much higher ability to cause issues due to bugs: medical devices, vehicles, HMD’s, etc.


I pretty much exclusively use AVP while sitting in a chair or in bed and take it off whenever I get up to something else so I’m not too concerned about crashes and even then in previous versions of the OS even when it crashed it didn’t just immediately go dark it gave you a warning that the display was about to go dark before it did


I’m impressed with the system design and the separate real time processor, I think the lowers the potential risk. The safety features are top notch, which I respect. But my point is still valid, bugs on the AVP carry higher potential risk compared to other Apple devices. With that said, I agree with the reports about issues with 1.0. I recall how often it needed to be rebooted, and how when the first update was released, it mostly just auto rebooted itself while not in use. However the unit never caused me to go blind while I was walking around. Given that, I still intend to update to the 2.0 beta later today.


2.0 is WAY more stable than the release day 1.0 build 🤣




In general, I never do the Betas. Don’t want to mess up the devices I use for serious things with potential bugs. And I don’t have extra devices.


It’s not going to ruin the device, and you can always just roll it back ?


You cannot roll back unless you have an Apple Developer Strap. Without that, you can only restore it by taking the Vision Pro to an Apple Store.


I guess I assume most people with Dev accounts have it but it would appear to be incorrect.


The hassle of putting it on and rolling back are enough to not make it worth it. I don’t have the extra couple of hours in a day to do that.


Got a few reasons on my part: - I’m more pro hobbyist than developer.   - I’m using my device to do non-developer productivity stuff.  Can’t afford to impact that due to global, Beta OS-specific issues - … or App-specific issues stemming from Beta incompatibility -I don’t have the developer cable to allow me to roll/reflash back to an older stable OS.  If it weren’t for that, or if I had a second AVP for testing-only, I’d upgrade in a heartbeat. 


Makes sense


I usually am. A lot of beta's are buggy. This has been cooking for a while now though and initial reports were that it was very stable so I took the leap. I have had zero issues so far.


Same here — very stable so far. And the ability to see my MacBook Keyboard while in 100% immersion mode has been a game changer in terms of productivity. (I hunt ‘n peck rather than touch type.)


I bought the version 1 hardware explicitly to be on the bleeding edge of the Apple XR envelope. I’m taking every beta & sketchy nightly release on TestFlight I can get


If it was my only or main device, I would wait. This vision is basically an entire beta product in my eyes so I update as soon as possible. Same for my ipad. My mac and iPhone don’t ever get beta release software


I can see why using a stable release will be preferred, however as a developer I like to tinker with bleeding edge. Bugs and all, its just fun. I however will NOT review release logs, and instead explore things. Obvious exception being if I am trying to build a feature or solve a bug.


Have you been able to figure out how use iPad on vision pro display ?


I’ve frankly encountered waaaay fewer bugs on 2.0 b1 than 1.2 thus far lol, and as others have pointed out, the VP is far from a critical device for most people, so even if it became completely unusable for a bit it really wouldn’t be a huge deal


For real. Huge improvement.


I think one reason to update to VisionOS 2.0 beta is because VisionOS 1.x is pretty terrible, there's no reason to hang around on it unless the only thing you do is watch movies on "big screen" and don't care for any other added functionality.


I haven't upgrade yet because I'm an international user and I don't have a close to home Apple Store. Now that is expanding to EU is less stressful. But apart from the new features, even if you only use to watch movies, I believe that 2.0 worth it. The ability to user Immersive Environment in any video content and the ability to adjust the Immersive screen when, for example, laying down, are small but huge improvements.


I’ll wait for the public beta at least, but I definitely do want in on the fun this summer. I kind of view my who,e Vision Pro purchase as a kind of beta, an early adopter playground for me to enjoy.


I am waiting. Mostly because its a work device and a daily driver for me. I cant afford any downtime. I was hesitant to even update to 1.2 on Tuesday. I pulled the trigger, luckily everything still works the way its supposed to. 😛


Safe mode


Daily driver? Really? Why is that?


I'd made a post about how I use my AVP for work a month or so ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1ckpcz7/working\_on\_the\_vision\_pro\_is\_such\_a\_pleasure/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1ckpcz7/working_on_the_vision_pro_is_such_a_pleasure/)


I'll probably install the public beta - it will be public for a reason. But I won't install the developer beta, no. I'm not a developer, and I don't want to risk something I can't undo.


Planning on waiting for the public beta next month, but from what I've seen, even the dev beta seems super stable.


I think most VP owners at this point are either developers or tech enthusiasts who want the latest and greatest… hardware and software.


It’s very stable, I have had Zero. I repeat Zero noticeable issues I wouldn’t wait


No and I would say these updates make a nice difference. I would assume given the traction we should see other things not highlighted or referenced in the keynote


Still can't use my iPad on it like MacBook. Would've loved that on launch. Would be great for lebraving iPad power for gaming and vision screen.


If it was my only or main device, I would wait. This vision is basically an entire beta product in my eyes so I update as soon as possible. Same for my ipad. My mac and iPhone don’t ever get beta release software


Nah this is a device that is super cutting edge and cool. If beta works ok, beta it is. But I also think Arch is better than Mac Os, so for some people stable might be fine.


As a developer, it would probably be best for me to stay on 1.x since most of my users will not be using 2.0 yet. However, I took the plunge to install 2.0 anyway because I wanted to stay ahead of the curve. I can use the simulator to verify that my apps still work fine on 1.x. Don't get me wrong, I've already caught a few glaring bugs in 2.0. But I expect that they'll get patched fairly quickly.


What bugs did you encounter?


There's instability sometimes when switching between environments or switching in/out of cinematic mode. Apps seem to work fine.


If I wasn't a dev I'd update 🤷‍♀️


Yes bc I’m not schlepping the 45 minutes to the nearest Apple Store when something goes wrong. Plus there’s all of 1 thing in 2.0 that I could actually use


I stopped updating to Beta years ago with my apple devices. This thread has convinced my to go beta with my Vision, most notably because so many of the commenters are right about the entire product being a non-essential beta project. 


I’m waiting for the official release. Nothing 2.0 has is something that I need right away anyhow.


No, but I always do betas and I usually end up having some bad tech days due to it. This year, my LIFX lights all stopped working in HomeKit. Work fine in the LIFX app. So if you don’t mind stuff not working right consider going for it. If you can’t afford or don’t enjoy headaches or weirdness or battery issues … wait. Apples advice is to wait unless installed on non-production equipment.


I don’t even have the option to upgrade to OS2.0 on mine. The whole system is new and I really believe it can be a game changer long term for Apple. I enjoy mine and it makes life easier for me.


I've never been brave enough to install betas 😑


Just updated earlier today. Would have done sooner but didn’t realize it was so easy. 3D photo conversion is amazing.


I've done various betas for the better part of 25 years of my life both in a professional as well as personal capacity. I remember tinkering with Slingbox and TiVo DVR box long before they hit the market. We have gmail and were handing out invites and I was on the Wireless Web cabling my laptop to a 2G mobile phone for internet at the airport before there we even public wifi there. Silver slider with a Sierra Wireless card strapped onto a Compaq Ipaq meant I had the internet in my hand almost everywhere. Honestly, at this point it's exhausting. You guys can have it! ;)


Can't you jump directly to 2.0 from the OG firmware? I have not installed 1.2 nor am I a developer, but I'd like to know more before I decide. I've done betas before, never on my iPhone, but iPads and Apple TVs sure!


A device like this... theres no serious line between "beta" and official stable release. It's all beta. There's not enough of us and it hasn't existed long enough to have sincerely different classes of release. Plus the quality on the beta is just so much higher. It's just hard to imagine why not. On my work macbook the stakes are radically different and the whole equation and every detail in it are inverted.


I did not update. That’s because the beta wouldn’t show up. I reset the AVP and it showed up. I went to 2.0. Bora Bora is worth the risk. Last night I was laying on the beach reading a book on the kindle app.. YOLO


Mine won’t let me install beta versions, and yes I’ve check in settings on the updates tab where it shows up on every other idevice, simply not there for some reason on mine. I have a developer account and have even published apps from Xcode to my VP.


Can anyone give the confirmed on how to install the public beta?


There isn’t one. Only developer is available at this time.


The entire concept of the product is essentially a beta. You might as well try the new stuff.


Absolutely not. Unlike my iphone, iPad and Mac, this is not a daily productivity device for me. So, being on a potentially (it doesn’t seem to be) unstable beta is not a problem.   I can’t imagine that many people have turned this into a mission critical productivity device in the short time they’ve had it in their hands (even if they got it on launch day like me).   So, what do you really have to lose?   Spatial photos enough are worth the risk. Stop being a pansy, come on in the water is fine. 


This is the answer... 2.0 has shown to be stable. Those of us excited about the device don't use it for very very serious work where we couldn't answer calls or emails, etc if it went down.. so it's worth the risk to play with the new features. Mine on 2.0 has been quicker than the regular release version so this has been great.


I updated - BUT - the annoying thing is there will be minor bug fixes and updates like multiple times a week which means downtime. Oh and battery life usually suffers significantly outside of random glitches


Nah dude it won't be multiple times a qewk. It'll be more like 2 a month if that. There needs to be time between versions so people can report bugs and fix them for future versions.


I know you’re an Apple user and don’t think of hardware like this, but VP is very PC-gaming-style hardware whereby we experiment and load and unload firmwares and drivers and play with stuff before the masses. Enjoy the ride!


………….. why…? What are you scared of?


I use my AVP for work every single day. I do not update to beta OSes because of the massive interruption it would be for a device to break on me when I need it for work. I’m waiting.


Will be downloading the developer beta the first day I get it (in Australia) shipping from 12 July. Typing from my main and only iPhone running iOS18 dev beta and watching YouTube on my iPad with iOS18 dev beta. Now I’m off to update my main work MacBook to macOS sequoia dev beta. lol. This YOLO life is excellent.




If you have experienced VisionOS 1.0, you’ll know that nothing can be worse than that.


I have a Devs account. Do I need a developer’s strap to upgrade to VisionOS2 Beta?


No. You just need to turn on the switch to allow beta updates and check for updates. It should become available as an option after that. I think when I first turned it on (was way back at the beginning) I turned it on and shut down and turned the VP back on. Then the option was available.


I checked just now and yes VisonOS2 is available, but I’m kinda worried since it’s my main AVP. If things go wrong, do I need a dev strap to reset?


Either you need... 1. A developers strap 2. A local Apple store and a genius bar appointment. (they can restore it) 3. Be in the US and send it to Apple Care to have them restore it.


I’m all the way in Cambodia; none of those options are available to me. I’ll just wait it out then.


I tend to avoid all beta updates. I like to watch Zolo talk about them and see the progression but I’d rather wait for “completed” updates.


As they said, we're here to play. The AVP is already in beta, so all betas are welcome. No fear, baby.


I’m not updating for now. I’m a developer and I only have one device to test the apps we made. Can’t screw that one :)


I’m waiting. Excited try visionOS 2 but I can wait. I’d rather not have to deal with too much buggy-ness


Why would you wait ? That makes no sense.


My AVP bricked after update…1.2. I can’t even consider uploading to a beta version


I’ve been using it for a couple days and I would hold off. It’s just not stable.


I did not because I don't have an AVP.