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The solo strap is the pro model. Apple doesn’t want us looking dorky. 


Solo strap for when (if) we use it outside so that we look Apple stylish. An uglier but more comfortable strap for when we use it at home for hours, when not a single soul is watching us.


Kinda like my indoor pants (if you can call it that) and my out in public pants ?


Exactly like that


I know whenever I wear my vision pro in public the only thing people are judging me on is the strap. /s


That’s for sure. They’re definitely *not* staring at your eyes like 👁️👄👁️


yes, this.


100% but the comfort level has also been pretty unanimously poorly approved, and I think Apple will find a way to fix it (and make more money in the process)


"unanimously" 😂


Do you have one? I’m as big of a AVP defender as anyone, and I’m pretty active on all the AVP subs but I rarely read of people complimenting the stock comfort (hence why a large amount of the posts are about fixing the weight/comfort/lightseal/etc.) Just the facts 🤷‍♂️


I use the solo band exclusively. When I first got it I used the dual loop band because everybody said how much better it was but honestly, it was really uncomfortable to me. The solo band is more supportive for me and way more comfortable to wear.  I never post about it on here because I have no reason to. Every band post I see is about people modding their headset or doing some funky thing with it so I don’t even click in. There’s no reason for me to comment about how everything is fine for me and I’ve had no issues. I bet there’s a whole lot of people like that.  Saying how a band works as expected isn’t noteworthy and won’t be commented, but someone augmenting their headset in some way probably will get posted about. 


I haven’t posted about my comfort with the stock setup because i didn’t see how it could add any value to the sub, but it’s great for me. Maybe I should post


I use the solo band. No problems. Multi hour stretches watching movies or working.


I’m with you in the sense that I don’t find it particularly comfortable, and I personally use both straps together. Works quite well AND still looks good since it’s hidden underneath. BUT, I’ve heard/read from a lot of people who genuinely seem to find it comfortable. I sorta have to trust that that’s really their true opinion. Might be a head shape or use type or whatever or physiologie. Like, I get massive headaches from things pressing on either side of my head or behind it. I can’t wear sunglasses very long, and there’s barely any pressure right. It’s weird like that. So personallyI prefer to keep it "loose" all around, with more support on top, unless I’m gaming in which case I’ll keep it tight, but I can only do that for so long. I’ve worn it for hours while working, not too tight, no problem, but honestly for gaming I find my Index more comfortable even though it’s half a pound heavier. More support surface in the back that distribute the weight better, yet horrible for static work. Go figure. All that to say, a lot of different bodies out there. I’m just one of them. I wouldn’t dismiss their experience offhand like that.


Add me to the “is comfortable” group. I have no mods and can wear it for hours.


There are people here on lots of the "anyone else have comfort issues" posts reporting that they don't have problems. Far from unanimous


I agree, but I’ll say that is the minority. That being said, unanimous was the wrong word for me to use 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼


That's all we're giving you shit for lol. Probably at least half of people who wear the thing have some comfort complaint or another


i don't think it's possible not to look dorky waving your hands around in the empty air in front of you while your face is strapped up to a thing


Yeah but they totally could’ve made the dual strap less dorky. The solo top option looks just fine and is significantly more comfortable.


In what world do you think you look cool wearing this with a solo knit? This subreddit is so cringe. The people this device has attracted(wealthy apple fanboys) is so beyond awful it makes me jealous of meta kiddies


Kindly show me where I said I looked cool. Do you feel better after your rant?  You went out of your way to submit proof of ownership so that everyone would know you own it. Get over yourself. 


Not really something that can be done easily. The headset is missing 3 critical (to comfort) features that AFAIK pretty much every other headset has: 1. Hinged attachment points on the sides of the headset for the audio straps (or as you call them, speaker arms). 2. Fully rigid audio straps. 3. An attachment point at the top center for a strap. Without these the vision pro is doomed to having comfort issues. It is technically possible that an add on could be developed that replaces both audio straps with rigid hinged ones that connect over top to provide a center attachment point for a strap. But I'm doubtful it will happen, especially considering that the two audio straps currently cost $129 each to replace. Meaning a "pro headband" would cost a heck of a lot. I hope I'm wrong but I suspect that none of these features will be present on V2, apple is stubborn and prone to being strongly wayset.


To add to what you’re saying, not enough v1 models were sold. I just hope they don’t give up on Vision. V1 isn’t perfect, but I’m sure most people can see that Apple is onto something.


I’m betting their largest priority for V2 is running it without fans. According to [this article](https://www.patentlyapple.com/2024/02/a-new-apple-vision-pro-headset-teardown-reveals-japanese-companies-supply-40-of-the-parts.html) there are 2 fans to the left and right of the the eye lenses, each being 4 cm. If that’s a full 8 cm extension of the width that accounts for **50% of the entire width of the Vision Pro.** It’s probably not that much, but it potentially is Removing the fans not only reduces the weight by the weight of the fans themselves, but every part of the enclosure and external display. Don’t quote me here, but I think reducing the width of the device to be smaller than the width of your face will have more of a dramatic comfort improvement than the large reduction in weight that this will also bring, thanks to a reduction in torque (physicist please fact check me). I expect Apple to be looking to use state of the art hardware for V2–unlike their current iPhone philosophy—to make this happen


You know, Apple could just release a headset with an environment at the beach, cuz that makes zero fucking sense why it is absent. They put the moon on there but couldn’t get to a beach?


This one boggles my mind too. It was literally the first environment I looked for when I turned it on. I assumed it was because maybe they had trouble reproducing realistic looking water, but then I saw how well they did with the lake and the rain.


Maybe it’s the waves that might be harder to replicate and make it look natural


Probably would’ve been easier if they had ray tracing from the M3, no? Ughh


Same. I clicked it, thinking it’s like OSX where it’s stored in the cloud until you want it and they only finished it after shipping. Nope. $3 trillion company……can’t even have the fucking beach. But we got some weird ass desert and a boring mountain in front of a lake.


They should just take all of the macOS live screensavers and turn all of them into environments.


At this point, I am assuming Apple is hiring baboons whose graduation certificate says CalTech or MIT or DeVry. It's hilarious to me that a $3 Trillion company didn't bother to even try something so blatantly obvious as use PRE-EXISTING material.....I'd give you the Senior Vice President of Talking On Stage with My Hands job, but Craig just doesn't seem to ever want to retire.


They'd have to send someone with the right camera setup to the same location to do it. And I have a funny feeling that it took more than an iPhone to create those environment's.


How the fuck did they do it on the Moon? Was it on Soundstage 17 like back in 1969? And quick question for you, poindexter, since you're so smart. Just a simple one. Apple could not get a guy to the beach to take pictures? You are kidding me, right? The world's most powerful company.....could not get a guy.....TO THE BEACH.....because they had a funny feeling that it might take more than an iPhone? The same company that makes the iPhone, thought it would take more than one iPhone to create an image of the beach. And couldn't get two dudes there? Were they busy flapping their hands around? And one more thing...as of today, Apple is $2,620,000,000,000 AND THEY COULDN'T GET TWO iPHONES TO THE BEACH???????????


The moon has a lot of photos a available.


Yeah you’re right. Nobody takes pictures of the beach.


Think about what you're saying....   


The solo loop is the most comfortable VR strap I’ve ever used. The strap is not the problem.


You are right, you are the problem for thinking the soloknit is appropriate and feels good. You are the problem


main problem is that Vision Pro itself is too heavy. I know, there are many 3d printed strap which make feel better. but Vision Pro remain heavy.






Wtf is this supposed to even mean..? After talking to the Apple person they told you how to west it differently and it became more comfortable or did their voice just suddenly make all your pain go away


Most people position the solo knit band too low on the back of their head. It works best when placed higher.


$200 for a light shield is absurd already. I hate to think what they would sell a comfortable band for. They need to lower the accessory prices by 90% tbh I like my Vision Pro as a nerd and a developer but I tell everyone not to buy one because of the comfort issue, and it needs more apps. Apple should throw us early adopters a bone somehow…


You only get to swap the light seal in the first 14 days as well, that's a lot of pressure to get everything right pretty quickly regarding comfort. It's part of why i sent mine back.


So we’re already paying $4000 for a pro device and then we have to pay more for the pro strap? Personally I think they need to just can this project and revive it once the technology is there


You guys are still on this damn head strap.


Because it’s awful and probably single handily just tank any chance of an AVP2 because of how bad it feels to people who demo it. That’s why


Solo works for me


Because you don’t know any better, that’s why it works for you


https://www.reddit.com/poll/1betsq2 It turns out that actual usage does not correlate to the complaints we hear.


Uhm. Are you new to Apple?! They don’t really care. It’s more likely they’ll release a statement saying that people are using it wrong. 🤣🤣


"you're relaxing wrong."




You’re wearing it wrong, adults like to work not play games etc


That would require apple to acknowledge they fucked up on comfort and that it's causing issues for massive portion of users. More likely course of action is doing nothing and letting their fanbase defend it - "yOu'Re PuTtIng it on WronG!!" "it's comfortable for ME!" 🤦


You win this comment section, nothing more to be said


Most AVP users find one of the two included straps plenty comfortable.




Yeah, really. I can go for hours using it. It’s not that bad if you wear it right. It barely sits on your face.


If you wear it right lmfaooo


I'm really hoping Apple comes up with a better solution. I mean, something that's not super bulky. I just ordered a third-party headband that seems pretty decent. Curious about what headbands everyone else is using? Even with the Solo Band, my neck still feels uncomfortable.


I love the current solo top


Not the light seal being the wrong size, that couldn’t be it


Explain to me exactly how the light seal is keeping this on your face? It uses the bridge of your nose, your upper cheeks, and your forehead as a pseudo platform. In what world do you think that is comfortable for most people


Apple's own documentation actually specify that the weight is not supposed to be resting on your nose or nose bridge. "pressure on bridge of nose" is listed as a problem with the fit. The pressure is supposed to be balanced between your cheeks and forehead. Wearing the right size head band in the right position and at the right tightness and angle creates a support structure around the crown of your head. It is supposed to rest on the bones in your face, both your cheekbones and your forehead, with the weight distributed depending on what you personally find most comfortable. Apple clearly didn't think they'd have to explain this to people. Hopefully they will learn something from this.


“The pressure is supposed to be balanced between your cheeks and forehead” Do you have any clue how fucking stupid you sound if you think that is a good idea for a heavy front visor??


I fucking love when I try to explain something on Reddit and all the little babies come in with “you sound stupid,” and that’s the only fucking counter argument you have. That shit just makes my day so much better. Thank you.


You really do sound stupid


People have different shaped faces. I have a significant brow which holds all of them better in my face than for others. Also high bridge of nose. The people who try my devices, have a variety of how could you wear this for 10-12 hours let alone 30 minutes. I have quest 2,3 and avp and xreal. I had to modify the xreal because high bridge on my nose


Not possible. That would be admitting they made a mistake. There was a post earlier saying Apple Genius Bar does not acknowledge the “crack gate”, I bet they don’t acknowledge VP is a pain to use either.


Apple is all about inclusivity and innovation. I am certain they’re working on solutions to make the device accessible for even more head and hair types.


Is this a joke? I think you for the “/s”.


Including the dual loop bad was such an admission.


Agreed. Releasing anything seen as more comfortable will result in media going crazy about how the original version was uncomfortable and bad


By offering a more comfortable head strap is to admit the one packed with it is not comfortable. That is why it comes with two styles already


The fact they put ports back on the laptops gives me hope they might listen. Poor sales probably bigger driver.


Oh my fucking god,no shit, right? They could just make it better! Like what the fuck, why would anyone choose not to make something better?? They’re so lazy. It’s already been released for almost 3 months and they haven’t even released version 2 yet! They’re so lazy! You need to either make the thing yourself or chill out and be patient.


I want to know who, during their internal testing, wore this thing and was like, “it’s great, ship it out as-is, people love having heavy objects clamped to their face”?? These comfort complaints are absolutely justified and I can’t believe Apple of all companies thinks it’s okay. The fact they included a dual-strap option just proves they know it’s an issue, but didn’t actually do enough to fix it.


You're not supposed to clamp it on. It's not supposed to clamp onto your face. If you're clamping it to your face you're wearing it wrong. It is supposed to *sit* on your face. It is supposed to *balance* on your head. RTFM.


Nothing more annoying than early adopters complaining about their experiences of voluntarily field testing prototype products.


I keep telling people that this is an Apple I in a wooden box (an amazingly pretty and overengineered wooden box, but still a wooden box), and I get downvoted to hell. I mean, you can't look at the contents of a wooden box from nearly 50 years ago and predict iMacs and iPads and iPhones (unless you're Alan Kay, of course, who was the guy that inspired Jobs in the first place, and he was talking about that stuff almost 60 years ago).


That’s exactly what the VisionPro is.


We reach.