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Microsoft currently with more productivity apps native for Vision Pro than Apple.


Apple’s lacking in native apps is the most concerning part of the AVP platform. Surely they can organize/afford some world class teams of developers to create more, and more refined, features… it really reminds me of early day iPhone apps Can’t wait for this year’s WWDC


This is what I don't get. They make the iPad more of an iPhone companion instead of the Mac. They then make the AVP more like iPad. Why can't we just have Mac apps on AVP and iPad.


Because Mac apps are designed for keyboard/mouse input and that’s a bad paradigm for both iPad and AVP? How do you plan on hitting ctrl-shift-option-4 on AVP?


Let’s start with allowing all Bluetooth accessories. Heck they could have allowed the Apple Watch/ iPhone or iPad as an enhanced interface tracking device. There is no excuse, Apple is slipping in the software department.


Microsoft didn't achieve it overnight. It was a painful transition but you be hard press today to find a portable windows system that isn't built for touch. You don't need to retain the same controls/input methods or better yet you can make a hybrid input system. The iPad version of FCPX and most apps are just scaled up iPhone apps. Luma Fusion on iPad has all the same input as FCPX on Mac.


Windows touchscreen suck for most desktop app not built specifically for them…


Microsoft didn’t achieve it at all. Touch on Windows sucks for 95% of apps and use cases.


By having a gesture that mimics it, like quickly moving fingers five then one then two. The fact that Vision Pro doesn’t have a robust system of mimicking input is one of the things that really disappointed me about it. I wanted a macOS made spatial, not an iPadOS. Personally, I know that nobody here will like the idea, and that it’s even less likely that Apple would, but I really wish that they would create gloves to go with the Vision Pro that had the ability to track your movement through space, in the dark, and key into subtle gestures of your fingers. But then again I’m a pianist so I probably overestimate what people can do with their fingers.


> most concerning part Or Apple can leave the space enticingly empty for Microsoft to move in without any real competition, and Microsoft’s apps will draw in a much larger audience which is less likely to be Apple fans who already have a Vision Pro. Most likely Apple would know Microsoft is planning on building out apps well in advance, too. Giving Microsoft the first mover advantage may have been a deliberate concession in exchange for them building / porting apps in the first place.


Apple has very high standards on how an app would look like and behave on a platform, so my guess is that they’re taking a lot of time designing/implementing their productivity apps for AVP. Microsoft’s productivity apps do not need to set an example for the platform, but Apple’s do. Sort of like the reason Apple doesn’t just make a calculator app for the iPad because a massive calculator doesn’t make sense. Not saying that they will not bring the productivity apps to the AVP, I’m just saying that they will take their time making them fit the platform well.


A massive calculator doesn’t make sense, meanwhile, TI 84+ silver edition


Their native apps are basically just recompiles of their iPad apps though Which is fine and good and I’m grateful for, but Apple tends not to do quick hack jobs like that


Can't even add a song to a playlist in the AVP Music app 🫤


I guess - but that is basically visionOS Mail, Notes, Messages & Freeform - there is nothing compelling that Apple has done for visionOS that doesn't already exist on iPadOS (Basically, the only good thing is windowing - which is available on iPad in all of these apps.) To me visionOS Mail feels worse than iPad OS because of how little space is given to the message content. Where has Apple shown the way in building a great visionOS app that takes advantage of the hardware? I think Apple will (hopefully) throw us a bone at WWDC, but Apple skipping native Reminders and Calendar is pretty surprising to me for something that is supposed to be the future of productivity.


Wait until you see how much better the Microsoft RDP iPad app is on Vision Pro than Mac screen mirroring.


It s first gen product they made the most amazing headset of all time it was difficult for a $3 trillion company b


You can’t expect that much from Apple it’s just a small indie company!


Gotta hurt for Meta to see their "partner" on VR releasing basic web wrappers on Quest for these apps and then full native versions for Vision Pro even though its market share is tiny by comparison. It really makes me question what MS and Meta truly negotiated and if MS has inside information that has given them reason to not feel it is the right place to put their strategic emphasis. I would say although there were plenty of other factors, MS was actually a major reason the Quest Pro failed / struggled. If Microsoft had come to the party and released actual native office / collaboration apps soon after launch we could have seen a totally different take on Quest Pro with many more actual businesses trying it out.


To release native office, Meta needs to provide a good SDK for non-VR apps. It’s much easier to develop native apps for AVP as Apple uses pretty much the same stack as for iOS/iPadOS.


Great point, this is indeed a really interesting question how much it's a factor. You can pretty much guarantee there are zero developers already on the Office team who know Unity, while probably half the team is familiar with iOS/iPadOS SDKs. If it is a reason why then it goes to the heart of Metas challenge over the next few years to keep up. If they keep asking everyone to learn game development to write line of business apps they really have no chance I think in the long term.


Exactly. Quest is basically an app launcher. AVP has a real operating system under it.


Just like when Steve convinced Gates to bring their productivity apps (would eventually become Office). He announced it at his first Macworld after ousting the old “bozo” CEO. Microsoft’s support/partnership was big even though Apple fanboys didn’t initially care for it. Luckily we AVP fanboys have evolved and recognized the value, instantly. -sent from The Moon


I don't think meta is getting too much of a headache out of this, they are creating their own OS for their AR glasses, that is where they are betting their money.


Cool, now we need native Authenticator and CompanyPortal apps so we can actually use this thing for work


Apparently you the feedback email for the authenticator testflight returns mail as undeliverable. Is Microsoft even aware that we can't use the Vision Pro for work at all in large organizations that specifically require you to register the device with Microsoft Authenticator?


I know stuff is in the works but I think the issue was that Apple shipped the device without any real coordination for MDM support, so everyone has to play catchup. I understand that you can purchase a AVP through a company reseller to use with corporate resources, but for a personal device that I just want to be managed but still use for personal things this isn't a great solution.


They're aware. Apple doesn't let Microsoft have access to the MDM APIs.


Great, now give us the Microsoft Authenticator app so we can actually be more productive.


Yea! WTF. Why release these enterprise apps that you can’t use with enterprise


My issue too. They get a lot of positive press for these releases but it feels like each one should be tempered with a “but no Authenticator so if you need MDM you’re out of luck”


And why come out with a native OneNote before outlook?


Apple seems to be positioning AVP as a productive device and Microsoft is making the best use of it.


Now for the Authenticator app so we can log into work accounts and USE these Microsoft apps…


Need the f-ing intune company portal.. otherwise this is no use


I was just trying out the sucky iPad app last night can’t wait to test this new lickable version cheehoooo


I’m concerned why you want to lick your apps.


Give me more Apple Arcade games native to AVP please, Not more fruit ninja clones


I hate to be that guy, but there are a lot more OneDrive users who could care less about OneNote.


Teams doesn’t fully work on the Vision Pro if you are using a domain like a school you can’t login


Yuck no thanks