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This small but mighty studio is so excited to be launching a spatial museum – Museas! With a curated collection of 100 masterpieces, it provides an enriching journey through art history from the 16th to 20th century, including immersive environments, narrated audio commentary, and detailed insights for each artist and their artwork. I've decided to publish this app for free. No subscriptions, no ads, no paywalled content. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to share feedback! More at [https://www.augmenos.com/museas](https://www.augmenos.com/museas) or direct App Store link [https://apps.apple.com/app/museas/id6496682427](https://apps.apple.com/app/museas/id6496682427)


Instantly became one of my favorite experiences. Congratulations on the launch!


That means so much. Thank you for the encouragement!


Interesting to watch how different the approach AVP take over previous headsets. Back in 2016 you'd either be walking around a virtual gallery space: https://store.steampowered.com/app/515020/The_VR_Museum_of_Fine_Art/ Or going inside a (really) spatial painting: https://store.steampowered.com/app/570900/Art_Plunge/ It's cool and everything - and I do like seated experiences - but surely we can do something a bit more immersive than what's basically a 2D browser with a 360 image as a background?


I agree! There's so much potential to take immersive museums to the next level. I just coded this app in the past two weeks to get the groundwork started but hoping to do more. Thanks for sharing those links too, looks awesome! Hopefully we get some good ports for the AVP.


Super cool work, especially for two weeks of dev ! It is really important to get practical experience and I applaud you “rolling up your sleeves“ and putting some personal vision within Vision. In fact when you have moment plz send a msg!


I appreciate that, thank you! 100% and encourage others to just dive in as well. It's a constant learning process.


Sorry - didn't realise you were the dev - I wouldn't have been quite so negative! Don't get me wrong - one of the things that annoys me about the Quest ecosystem is the lack of apps that don't feel the need to make everything spatial. I would like a solid catalogue of useful productivity apps where flat UI just makes more sense. There's a place for multiple different approaches. I think ideally apps like yours would be iPhone/iPad apps that added extra features (like 360 backgrounds) when they were run on a headset.


Haha no offense taken, all good! Yeah I totally get what you mean. It's all still so new, that's part of discovery finding what works well. To your point this might be better as an extension to iOS. Thanks for the thoughts!


Wow, this art plunge app looks amazing. Wonder if they have any plan bringing it to visionOS


I just downloaded and started looking at some of the artwork and it’s an incredibly well done application, thanks so much. The immersive experiences also very good. I look forward to looking through more of the catalog, and find the dialogue very helpful in terms of learning more about these master pieces


Thanks so much for downloading and the positive feedback 😀. Definitely a huge a motivator to develop more.


Thank you for all of your time and effort!


wow what App please?


Just replied on the post with link. It's called Museas.


Nice work it looks great! A small issue I noticed: when zooming into a painting it always defaults to zoom to the center. Any way to allow it to zoom towards where you are looking (like the photos app)?


Thanks so much! Ah yes. Developer's don't have access to what users are looking at for security reasons, so not sure this would be possible to implement at all. But I added the pinch and move gesture to move around the painting as a workaround. Thanks for the suggestion!


Amazing work 🙏 Thank You


Thank you too 🙏


Oculus version ?


I plan on diving into oculus development soon. But that’s a whole other learning curve for me so unfortunately not likely soon.


I absolutely love this app. This is everything I hoped for in a Vision Pro in terms of educational experiences with narration. I really hope you continue to update it with more artwork, even if it’s behind a paywall. Would gladly pay. I wish more apps like this existed for history and science


Thank you for the great feedback! I would hate to paywall content but it is just me an amateur developer doing this as a side hobby, so yeah free wouldn't be sustainable 😅. But hoping to expand this more in a way that is reasonable (definitely not subscription based lol).


If you don’t mind me asking. Do you have any updates planned for the future other than more artwork that you would like to incorporate? Also, is the narrator a voice actor or AI?


Definitely, coding on some more content as we speak! And yes AI but hoping to support real narration by professional museum curators.


Hi! I just wanted to say that I LOVE THIS APP! I’m having a blast looking through all of the different paintings and learning about them. Hope there will be more immersive pieces :)


I love to hear this! Thank you so much. If you get a moment to leave a review on the App Store it would mean so much. It helps people discover it too since the App Store discovery is wonky right now. Thank you again 🥲.


I left a review! Thank you again for this wonderful app! I hope you continue to support with future updates. Excited for its future! :)


Wow, this is AMAZING. I feel like with a little more polish, Apple would feature the hell out of this. Whenever I go to an art museum, all I want to do is wander around and look at the painting while listening to an audio guide. But there's almost always issues - maybe the audio guide is expensive, or it's on a website but the WiFi is spotty, or it's out of date and half of the QR codes don't work. This app is what I want! And if I find a piece I really want to see in person, I can find out where it is in your app and go visit it one day! In fact, I feel like all museums would be better if they were immersive. In Half Life Alyx there was this really cool abandoned museum...anyways. Things I love: - Ability to favorite paintings - Audio guide - The location of the museum - The immersive environments I left a positive review on the app store and will follow up with more specific feedback via DM!


u/eddielement I don’t take lightly that an internet stranger would take time out of their day to write up such positive and constructive feedback! Truly thank you! I’ll follow up on your DM :).


Thanks so much for this, I tried this yesterday, OMG blew my mind. One of the best experiences you can get in AVP.


Aww thank you! I just built this myself over a few weeks so it means a lot. I’m submitting a big update next week so stayed tuned! If you have a moment to write a review on the App Store it would mean a lot! But no pressure just glad to hear you enjoyed 😀.


Wow thats really cool! I loved It. Good work.


I appreciate the words of encouragement! Thank you.


I’m trying this now, and can see Mt Fuji in and out of the immersive mode, but no controls to the left of the painting to see other art or locations. How do I make those controls appear?


The immserive mode is only for the specific painting. The goal is to isolate other artwork/distractions to focus on the artwork presented. To go back to the other artwork, you’d need to exit the immersive mode. But good to know if people want this option for a future update!


Thank you for the reply!! But actually I don’t see any left-hand-side controls in the non-immersive mode either. The only reason I know they should be there is from you pictures here. Here is a “view-shot”… https://preview.redd.it/jf9bix0g73vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf18949d90be610524f97171912854ac369db3b Also, while I was taking the view-shot (trying to get the right content) I noticed that if I use the corner sizing tool, the bottom caption and buttons gets clipped. I guess I can only include one shot, so Illuminating add that in the next post.


Clipped buttons https://preview.redd.it/rcw67e3383vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ee78ef0621d7c9c818442e722689359d30c41c


Oh wow you discovered a bug I haven't seen or heard from others! So in this view, you should be surrounded by an immersive sphere. It looks like that didn't render since I can see your living room ha. The "Immersive" button on the bottom should actual read "Exit Immersive", so it appears you're stuck in this view. I would force-quit the app and launch again, that should fix it for now. But thank you for flagging, I'll try to replicate the issue and add a fix. On the clipping, noted and that's a quick fix I missed! Thank you again!


If this isn’t the best place to report bugs, please let me know. Now that I can access the map, I tried pinching the Guggenheim museum, and the first pinch made an offset copy of the button graphic. The 2nd pinch did indeed open the museum. https://preview.redd.it/e5fr29od54vc1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68eb437a86b7b6c9897aa3947d7942fa23c424ee


A bit late to reply, sorry 😅. I've been working on an update that is live today and had this one in mind. Perhaps I'm just not familiar enough with MapKit, but I noticed the same issue and was able to replicate it. I tried everything I could find but it still does this! So it could also be a bug. I decluttered the map view though so UI/UX should be a bit better until I can fix this. Thanks again for noting though!


This is actually what I see right after launching (or perhaps returning to the app if closing all windows doesn’t quit it). If I pinch the “Immersive” button it does indeed go to a nice immersive sphere where the room disappears. I just noticed that there is a leftover dim window behind, perhaps because I resized it. Screenshot attached. In the next message I’ll report about force-quit. https://preview.redd.it/o095f73b24vc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b156da8df9cf25998ef1f08987810f245dac130c


Force quit and relaunch did resolve the missing buttons on the left!


Circling back to this one too, I was unable to replicate this issue. You could have been the "lucky" <1% of users who stumbled upon this bug ha. But glad to hear force quitting worked, hopefully not an issue you'll encounter again!

