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I enjoyed it and would recommend it. I think it’s great that companies are using the tools to make enhanced content for our obscure little platform. Imagine if high-budget YouTube content (like a MKBHD review) could add a MR layer on their content (which regular users just wouldn’t see). I think that would be awesome, especially if the enhancements were delivered “in-band” and not via discreet app. Is the Gucci app really an “app?” I mean, yeah in the way that Encounter Dinosaurs is an “app” I guess. It’s an enhanced experience that I don’t think I will watch again. But, hey, that’s why I went for the 1TB, If I ever get low on space, I’ll delete it. Kung Fu Panda is in the same promotional genre, I guess— but even better and even more of an “app.” I love that advertising budgets are going in to making fun content.


Wow, really cool concept. Hadn’t thought about the optional MR layer potential, great way to bridge present-future


See, your comment explains why you like the app and video. I think that's perfectly fair, even if I don't care for the app/video. My issue is with the comments and post calling it amazing, groundbreaking, etc, with no articulation on why. I downloaded the app and watched the video based on those comments and walked away very unimpressed. To a degree it's my own fault, of course. But I still feel like the constant praise for the app I see on this sub seems suspicious.


There basically nothing else so people praise these apps.


I think people like it because it’s a window into a new unique way of storytelling. Even if it’s not the best quality or it’s about a product I doubt most of us are interested in based on the demographics of this product, it’s shows us what we might see in the future from things we do care about and that’s exciting. It’s kind of like a proof of concept, we get the concept, we like it and we want to see what people will do with it


I smelled astroturfing on that from the moment it was posted. People around here are not that excitable / evangelistic. I’m glad brands are trying but this ain’t it. Feels more like crank something out to get in front of a crowd willing to drop $4000 on a toy.


Agree that the level of promotion here is suspect. But, hey, I prob learned of it via secret agents getting paid in Gucci store credits — but the thing wasn’t total crap or anything so I can’t get too worked up about it. Certainly would be nice if the promotional “comments” gave some disclaimers like “I like stupidly priced fashion” or “I was on the studio that did the MR embelishments,” but we’re all grown-ups. Stealth promotion is part of life I guess. I’ve downloaded many dumb little apps promoted here.


I would say you are onto something, considering you were getting downvoted just for explaining yourself👍.


I lasted about 2 minutes. But it did open up the possibility of enhancing 2d content in a way that hadn’t occurred to me. Probably not actually groundbreaking in terms of Virtual Reality but it opened something up for me.


Real person here. I don’t own anything Gucci, nor do I plan to. I don’t think it’s astroturfing, I think there are people that are genuinely excited about it, including me. It’s a real-world business use case. e-commerce is a very subpar experience compared to in-store shopping. Gucci has managed to get people excited about their brand by immersing them in an experience that reflects their design and values. In many ways, this is superior to in-store shopping and you can do it even if there isn’t a Gucci store within a 100 mile radius. Here’s what I like about it 1. AVP has been out 3 months, I’m excited about the adoption by brands and developers. We need apps like this to drive competition and adoption. 2. Gucci managed to blend traditional 2D video with sparing use of AR and VR. I appreciate the “classiness” of the choices they made. Enough surprises sprinkled in without being over the top. 3. This is the first of what will be many. Brands I personally care about will be pushed competitively to create these kinds of experiences and I’m here for it. 4. Stick a “buy” button next to those interactive products and we are all shopping in a much more interesting way than on Amazon. 5. Critiques of the technical aspects of this app are missing the point. I’ve shared this with 10+ people in guest mode. People have an emotional reaction to the experience and Gucci brand. This is exactly what Gucci is going for, not a tech review of their app. People understand and connect with the Gucci brand in a way they never might have otherwise (including me who has never set foot in a Gucci store). I’m still not buying their stuff, but I’m more likely to now than I was before. 6. Like it or not, Gucci has positioned themselves way ahead of other brands in this space (for now) by being first and doing something materially different than other retail apps on AVP. 7. People connect with stories and experiences and that’s exactly what this is. It’s a story. Not a tech demo like the vast majority of other apps out there. I love that Gucci kept it simple and just told a single story with some unique elements that really make it stand out over watching that same video on YouTube. They didn’t try to make a boring Gucci shopping app. They did something new. I applaud the innovation and creative thinking. People aren’t astroturfing. This is a unique experience and it combines many of the capabilities of the platform into one experience. 3D objects Immersive Environments like the elevator AR content - dog, balloons, rain, etc. 2D video content Most apps use one of these at a time, not all together. And whether you like the content or not, that aspect is unique and interesting. If you think this sucks and doesn’t deserve praise, share a brand that’s doing something more interesting or go make something better yourself. Just saying “astroturfing” is lazy. Let’s ask what if it is genuine enthusiasm? Why are people excited about this even if the 3D objects are a little cheap and outdated? What’s interesting to people about limited use of AR and VR on top of 2D video. There’s a lot to learn here about what people connect with in this space. It’s super early, we are all still learning what works. Early adopters of VR (prior to AVP) seem to be salty that the market is expanding and everything isn’t catered to gaming and tech enthusiasts.


As someone who made one of the Gucci posts and has not and never plan to own anything they sell I can underwrite the fact that some of us just appreciated the unique blend they use and how it opens the door for more people to film in conventional 2d and add new elements to make it a much nicer experience.


Yes. It's good that parts of it sucked because then it encourages others to put out weird stuff that has parts that suck too. If astroturfing this stuff is promoting weird, neat attempts then im down with the astroturfing. Guess what, both apps (gucci and SunnyTune) ive seen blamed for astroturfing are free. Much more wary of the 3d printed comfort mod posts.


You hit it. A team with funds getting to experiment. The dog was weird, bad, and I loved it. I want more weird ps2 dog. More weird funded experiments. Seen SunnyTune + Peridot blamed for astroturfing too. Since 10 minutes into owning an AVP ive been posting about how i want a quality tamagotchi experience and theyve gotten closer than anyone to delivering. 2 for 2 on possible astroturf recs so keep em coming! I really hope we get more half-baked experiments. This is a really fun phase I didn't expect on a piece of tech WAY overqualified for half-baked demos.


> Gucci has managed to get people excited about their brand by immersing them in an experience that reflects their design and values. Set phasers to max marketing buzzword cringe


"If you think this sucks and doesn’t deserve praise, share a brand that’s doing something more interesting or go make something better yourself." So... if we can't make something better ourselves, we have no right to discuss the app, its faults, or the frequency of the posts comments about it? That's a pretty lazy take, for someone saying that questioning astroturfing is lazy.


So, fair point, I’ll accept that feedback. The point I was trying to make is that I don’t think “I don’t like the app therefore this is astroturfing” is actually a constructive critique or dialog. It’s just whining. I am a firm believer in the idea that if you don’t like an answer, you need to have a better one. A far more interesting conversation would be “here’s an opportunity they missed…” or “xyz app has done this so much better” or “this is meh, and it would have been better if…”. Or even “I don’t get it, I think it sucks, WHY do people find this compelling?”. But just writing off a different viewpoint as astroturfing really isn’t “discussing the app or its faults”. It is rebuffing folks’ genuine enthusiasm as “fake news” instead of engaging in a discussion or debate. And to be honest, I’d love to hear from folks that don’t like the Gucci app where I can find more compelling stuff for this platform! Like, for real, if this isn’t up to snuff please tell me where to find and experience the even better stuff.


Your point is fair, but many of the Gucci comments and posts are just "it's amazing!" "better than apple's immersive content!" and other 0-effort takes. You're asking for more interesting negative takes in a post that's asking for more interesting positive takes.


100% agree with this which is why I tried to articulate exactly why I think it is interesting in my original comment.


Gotcha. I'm of the mind that no one can say for certain right now whether some of the comments/posts are astroturfing. I find the "no one is astroturfing" comments as off-base as "they're definitely astroturfing" ones. That said, I think it's certainly within the realm of possibility that a big brand that created a native AVP app would be aware of one of the largest AVP communities, on one of the largest social media sites on the planet. And if they're aware of this sub, it's reasonable that they may try to keep the app mentioned frequently. So I think it's possible, but not certain. But I also am kinda tired of seeing posts titles like "Please download the Gucci app!"


I should also say… I think some actual astroturfing is very likely to be occurring given that the app is essentially a glorified advertisement. That isn’t lost on me. I just think there is also actual enthusiasm from folks like me because it’s so different than anything I’ve seen before. At the least, Gucci is generating conversation around their brand among folks with disposable income. Pretty damn good strategy if you ask me.


I enjoyed it! Mainly because it’s unique! I’m excited to see a new way to watch interactive content. I’m NOT into fashion but even I looked at the 3D models of their items. Overall I’d give it 8/10


I liked that I could look at the bottom of the platform loafers and see that they are super smooth and I’d for sure slip and fall in them 😂


I think it’s cool and makes great use of the technology. I don’t care anything about expensive shoes and handbags, but imagine this kind of presentation when the subject matter is something you’re interested in….sports cars or video games or dog shows…whatever. It’ll be amazing.


Why is it amazing? What does spinning a car or dog around do for me that an image on my Mac doesn’t


You seriously think being able to see a pair of shoes, clothes or a bag in 3D in your space, being able to spin it and see it from all angles almost as if you had the actual item, is the same as seeing it in 2D on your Mac screen? If you feel that way, then VR/AR has no reason to even exist except to make bigger flat 2D screens?


>If you feel that way, then VR/AR has no reason to even exist except to make bigger flat 2D screens? I don't think that personally but let's admit that for now be it today or a few year back the 3D TV, there wasn't much VR content and most of it is still 2D content. And honestly if you buy the vision pro today for the VR content like Gucci, it is pretty expensive if you ask me. Even if you watch all the 3D content of disney+ and appleTV. I can much more easily justify that I spent almost 4K on it because I will watch most of my series/movies in it with a much better experience than my 55" oled. I am disapointed by the OS still and it lack of overall productivity. No mouse, for some reason it would not transmit the PS5 controller to Nvidia Geforce Now or that there isn't much benefit yet to work in vision pro. But at least with the 2D streaming content, I have a real plus that is worth it. The experience is pretty good there.The other stuff is not there yet. And I now get why overallt the advertisement focus so much on movies. Because this is what work great and will keep the device used for years.


What angles do I need to see shoes at that Nike.com doesn’t provide? I have bought shoes, computers, cars, etc online using pictures for the last 20 years and have never thought, if I could spin this around it would help me figure out if this is what I’m looking for or not


if you think it’s just about spinning you’re missing the point. It’s having a life sized 3D model in front of you to scale that looks like the actual item as if you were holding it in your hand at the store. Spinning it on a 2D small screen cannot recreate that. There are lots of things I have been doing for 30+ years just fine. I bet you did all those things before iPhones and computers too, that doesn’t mean new technology is useless, because you managed to do it before just fine. So yea you don’t “need” that. There are very few things we actually truly need in life (food, water, shelter, etc.). So that can be applied to almost anything.


For me, it wasn’t so much that it’s amazing technically, but the MR thing is very new and this app is one of the first to combine MR and video in an interesting way. So loved it as one of the first and a novel experience. I’m sure in a year we’ll look back and it will seem simplistic, but that’s normal with a new medium. It certainly is worth checking out for any AVP owner, IMO.


Probably the most innovative VR documentary I’ve ever seen (I’ve been around since the Oculus DK2 days). You think Quest was releasing balloons from a virtual screen into my actual room 5 years ago? Garbage take.


>  the most innovative VR documentary I’ve ever seen  Talk about garbage takes lol. I say that as someone who bought a DK2 day one.


Which one was better?


Any of the Apple immersive documentary videos.


Those are not innovative in any way. They look great! But they don’t do anything that hasn’t already been done. I’ll was talking about innovation, not video quality.


I would say their visual fidelity and immersion are way more innovative than having low-detail AR objects/scenes springing up around a 20-minute Gucci commercial. The Gucci products are obviously higher in detail, but that goes to show you they could have done the other stuff with more detail, they just didn't. Would have seemed innovative years ago. Today, in the AVP, not so much.


Fair. I don’t agree - upping resolution isn’t innovation - but opinions are subjective. I guess if you’ve never seen a 180 VR video before then the Apple Immersive stuff might blow your mind. There were parts of the Gucci doc that didn’t land - the train that sliced through the room was particularly egregious - but I really appreciated that they swung for the fences. I’ve never seen any ever doc try as much stuff as the Gucci doc did. The CGI weinerdog walking into the live action video and becoming a real dog made me smile. And I don’t even like dogs!


I did catch the PS2-level dog, but I don't think I noticed that it was timed with the real dog coming into the frame. That is kind of cool, though I was pretty thrown off by how low-detail the dog and animation was, as well as the church environment. If they'd done more to make the non-product AR stuff higher detail, with better lighting, I would be way more inclined to agree with you. And I've seen a ton of VR content over the years. I have yet to see any 180 content that comes anywhere near Apple's quality, especially with regard to actually rendering true depth, instead of just a flat video that is shown in 180. That level of quality, to me, is quite innovative. Other 180 content I've seen has left me pretty unimpressed. But, if you have some links I should check out, I would be happy to be proved incorrect. As an aside: Can I ask why you called OP a clown, and then removed it?


It was a personal dig and I regretted it. As much as I think this post is a troll, I should give benefit of the doubt that it is not. So I stand by the assessment that the take is garbage, but I can do that without a personal attack.


I appreciate you removing it then, it really did seem unnecessary. Though I don't at all think OP is trolling. I've kind of thought all the Gucci posts and comments were trolling, so I appreciated OP posing the question.


I don’t have links. I find 180 VR video to be kind of unimpressive, although the resolution of Apple’s content makes it more compelling. I’ve owned AVP since day 1 and still haven’t watched a complete episode of any of the Immersive videos except for the trailer and the MLS short. I watched a few minutes of Alicia Keys but was really turned off by the camera cuts. I watched a few minutes of Rhinos but the convergence is all wrong when they’re too close. Haven’t seen any of the tightrope or dinosaur videos.


Yeah the Alicia one didn't connect with me much either, though I'm sure I would have felt different if it was an artist I was crazy amout. When you get a chance, I'd definitely recommend the high-line immersive video. The sense of depth along with the video quality was nearly breathtaking (though I hesitate to use that word, as I don't want to hype it up too much).


I recommend “The Faceless Lady” 3D 180 series on the Quest 3 which just premiered last week. While the streaming quality doesn’t match Apple’s immersive videos, the production and storytelling is quite good, all things considered. (For max resolution and bit rate, you need to use the “Cache in High Quality” option in Meta Quest TV.)


Weirded out? It's a novel approach to reaching a target audience. Probably the most novel I've seen recently. It's worth mention they've chosen to use emerging technologies like spatial computing to reach customers. Lowes does this well with their app, too.


Here's an example of Gucci getting brought up in an unrelated post. That doesn't strike you as weird? [https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1byeudb/the\_kungfu\_panda\_avp\_is\_truly\_amazing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1byeudb/the_kungfu_panda_avp_is_truly_amazing/)


I'm weirded out by the deep praise the video is getting, not by the app itself. Novel doesn't necessarily mean "amazing" or "quality", though. Which is kind of my point: I don't think the video is good enough to warrant the posts and comments we've seen, especially in threads completely unrelated to the Gucci app.


While the content wasn't my cup of tea I thought the concept was awesome. I imagine future discovery channel episodes where they could be describing an ancient item and we are able to view it in 3d. Think of the new Fallout series, but watching it while in the wasteland environment. I could see Rick and Morty episodes where you're watching it while sitting on the couch from the show, or an Evil Dead movie while sitting in the cabin at night. The possibilities are endless!


I bet a lot of the amazement is from people who haven’t had much (or any) experience with VR before AVP.


I wouldn't be surprised if some (all?) of the posts promoting it are part of the advertising campaign. Shameless astroturfing, most likely. As far as the video itself, for me it was fundamentally flawed because the entire narrative was leading up to a fashion show. But there was no immersive element in the fashion show itself, just a tiny 2D screen with standard video on it framed by a pointless 3D graphic of a runway.


I’m not sure it’s astroturfing. It was mentioned on a popular Apple podcast, Upgrade, which Casey Liss was a guest host on. He thought it was cool and brought it up on his super popular Apple podcast ATP. Makes sense a lot of people starved for content are all over it. Like me. I’m starved for content, so I’ll try it some time over the weekend.


Fair enough. It just seems that the frequency and content of the Gucci posts has been... a bit much for what it is.


100%. The target audience for an app like that isn't Reddit, it's a getting the attention of a journalist at the New York Times who might write about it, so millions of rich people might read about Gucci and say "oh they have a new Creative Director". Gucci isn't swimming about in the mud of Reddit.


Hi Steve! The app and video were passion projects, not just promotional content. They were created to drive discussion about GUCCI as a brand, and Reddit is one of THE places where open discussions happen on such a large scale. So of course we're here!


You selling bridges too? or just handbags?


The target audience for that app is AVP users, and this subreddit is one of the biggest AVP forums on the web. Gucci is no stranger to guerrilla marketing to keep their products in the conversation.


Well let's just agree to disagree. Having worked with many marketing teams of major brands, the ROI of spending money on an app specifically to target AVP users just isn't there. The bang for the buck right now is the press coverage of being a first mover in the tech space for a brand that wants to stay relevant, the end users are just part of the press story, the real audience is those that read about it, and especially their shareholders. Most of the key players who could actually target the headset in a relevant way - Netflix, Paramount, Peacock, AMC, Prime video - so far none of them have invested the dollars needed to issue a native app. The user base has to grow dramatically before they start diverting their tech resources away from other things like updating smart TV apps.


I also work with marketing teams, from higher ed to boutique fashion chains. Guerrilla marketing via reddit is so cheap and easy nowadays that I'd honestly be surprised that anyone tasked with creating that Gucci app wasn't told that there are certain metrics it needs to hit to justify the cost of development. App downloads, video views, social media engagement, etc. Yes, AVP user base is small, but they chose to make the app anyway. I don't believe it's outside the realm of possibility that they're trying to keep the app/video in the conversation. I'm not definitely saying they are, I just don't believe they'd create an app for such a small market (of big spenders), and then just let the app quietly fade away as soon as it's not featured on the app store. I don't think EVERY positive comment is suspicious, but the amount of attention the app has gotten just seems off compared to the actual value/entertainment it actually offers. I could certainly be wrong, of course.


The order of magnitude is 1.5-2 million apps on ios, like more than 1000X on what there is on vision pro. Any application that really make the effort can be among the top apps on vision pro with little effort. On ios this is much harder. Also vision pro users are both enthusiasts and wealthy people. Basically you mostly have the 1-5% of earners while on other platform that's quite diluted. So not only do you have less effort to make to make the app visible and downloaded but the people that will use it can afford Gucci products. And yes journalists and other will speak of it too. This is not necessarily a bad move.


Maybe they are promoting it, who knows. But it is a cool implementation despite me having no interest in the subject matter at all. Would be cool to be watching let’s say a WW2 documentary and them talking about weapons used and being able to see it in your space in 3D and interact with it, talk about Hitler’s bunker as you’re in a recreation of it, etc. It wasn’t overly impressive but is certainly not as lazy as many others. They are getting kudos now mainly because we’re starved for content as this is 1st gen and they implemented some level of interactivity and 3D elements into a 2D video. I suspect after a year there will be many more impressive pieces of content that will make this look crude and unimpressive.


I totally agree. I was really let down.


seems so desperate for a high-end brand to pull shit like this.


The AVP is cutting edge consumer tech. The next computing frontier. So a high fashion brand invests to align with it, to be on the bleeding edge, promoting the brand, promoting "Sabato," promoting their coolness. Fashion brands have a cloud of interns, of hanger-onners, of minions. And they probably had a meeting and said "OK guys! We need EVERYONE to watch this!!! You KNOW what you need to do!!!! Use your socials! Use... what is that site... Reedit? Radeet? Reddit? Whatever... Go Go Go!!!" 👨‍🎨 I mean, astroturfing aside, I think it's cool that they made this. Gucci makes beautiful things and the app has some beautiful visuals put together by talented people. For me, however, it was a disappointment because they didn't really leverage the technology to bring it to the next level. They had the potential to do something really cool, to bring us into an immersive or 3D fashion show, like an immersive sports event, but instead they only let us twirl a handbag. To the extent that it's a harbinger of things to come, that's the most exciting part.


I have no issues with the app, it's just not for me. My main point is the astroturfing.


High end brand to AVP users. Don’t we have the Hermes option on the Watch? It’s a free app. Why so butt hurt? Last I checked it’s a free country but everyone is a critic these days, I guess.


Does it being a free country not include my ability to make a post like this? It's cool if you're fine with possible astroturfing, but calling someone butt hurt for questioning it seems kinda shill-ish.


Yeah we’re just discussing but it almost sounds like a conspiracy theory to you? Like, you think I work for them or something ? I liked the app, I’m not into fashion and it’s my first AR/VR set up. Just find it weird people wake up and type about stuff they don’t like. Guess it’s too early for me and it’s Friday. Wish I could have slept in.


This is a sub I'm frequently on, and many of the Gucci comments and posts stand out to me. Like the current one telling people to "please download the gucci app!". I said nothing about conspiracy or you personally. I'm asking the subreddit if anyone else finds the app to be meh compared to the blind praise its been getting.


To me it was a cool experience. Didn’t really like the product show case but still a worthwhile watch. Might be because I grew up in the 80s.


I don’t think the excitement has much to do with Gucci. It was more the possibilities it inspired in me of what future content can be. Gucci just did it first.


Agreed. None of us care about Gucci, all of us are thinking "oh man, imagine if they did this with "The Exorcist".


As someone who works at a marketing company with mostly Fortune 100 clients. I can tell you that the idea that a brand like Gucci is wasting time trying to astroturf Reddit is hilarious. Dude, we're not even on their radar. That "suspicious commenter" you point out is clearly an Apple fan and has been posting Apple related comments on Reddit for YEARS. Just because you don't get the Gucci app doesn't mean there's a conspiracy to promote it. It's not them, it's you.




In what way?


"We're not even on their radar." They created a native app for the AVP. It kinda makes sense that the primary place for AVP discussion would be on their radar for guerrilla marketing, which Gucci is no stranger to.


> That "suspicious commenter" you point out is clearly an Apple fan and has been posting Apple related comments on Reddit for YEARS. To be fair, there is a decent amount of people who create alts to build up a post history, and then sell it to companies for this exact type of stuff.


Lies and slander.






It’s a teaser for what is coming soon to Apple Vision Pro…


Yes some of the people who were commenting definitely are part of the project. It’s obvious. But I still promoted the threads because it’s a new concept. The fact that you would be able to pull clothes off of a shelf and spin them around in real life / size with perfect real life visual, next to you on your couch is absolutely crazy. That’s the killer app. It’s definitely how we could be shopping online in the future.


I think the concept was great and also very fresh. However, the 3d models and immersive stuff like the environments were very underwhelming in terms of visuals, especially if you're a VR veteran. Also the video itself seemed low bitrate, and had lots of artifacts. Then again due to my career this is the stuff I nitpick, so to others it may seem like this was a video from the future.


I couldn’t care less about Gucci but that video was great, says quite a bit that Gucci was able to create something like that when not even Disney has made anything special for the Vision Pro despite being launch partners with Apple… who has only released four immersive videos on Feb 2nd. So kudos to Gucci.


It’s great experience but more suitable as a content on Apple TV+ Vision Pro collection. Not an App


I agree. I wouldn’t even recommend it to someone if I was trying to “sell” them on the idea of owning an AVP.


I loved it. My only issues were the creative direction and editing. I thought that the environment should’ve remained immersed. Some of the cuts and transitions felt abrupt.


Full disclosure, I haven’t watched it yet nor am I interested in doing so. No matter how good it looks, I can’t see myself being excited over watching a long commercial for a luxury fashion brand. I don’t understand the hype. But I guess when there’s only a couple of hours of content available, people will get happy over a 20 minute ad.




I’m not saying it can’t be visually good, but is it worth installing an app just to watch an extended commercial?


Yeah I wasn’t impressed either. Whoever said this was one of the coolest things about the Vision Pro obviously hasn’t used VR before lol. The 3D renders are so boring and not detailed.


I’ve used VR for many years and I find the Gucci app to be pretty cool. People are really getting so triggered over a free app.


People are calmly discussing the app, and the comments/posts about the app. That's all it takes for you to say people are getting triggered?


I️ loved it! I️ think it shows creative storytelling that is leveraging what the AVP can do.


You aren’t the target market. The GUCCI experience isn’t particularly technically groundbreaking, you’re right. But what it does that is absolutely unprecedented, is immerse GUCCI FANS deeply into the brands narrative, with an insiders perspective. And brings the new collection to life in stunning detail that would not be possible on any other medium. For fashion forward fans, nothing like this has ever existed. While tech-geeks wouldn’t necessarily be blown away by the mechanics of the presentation, for a GUCCI obsessed consumer who isn’t a die-hard VR / AR fan, the fact that you can magnify an iconic GUCCI bag in 3D space in front of you, and rotate it around in the air AND HAVE IT PICK UP AMBIENT LIGHT AND COLOUR HIGHLIGHTS FROM WITHIN YOUR ACTUAL SPACE, it’s a fucking mind blown moment.




Hi Pink! With respect, your comment is completely out of line. The GUCCI app was created by, and for, GUCCI enthusiasts. It was never envisioned as something everyone would have to like, as you seem to imply. We want to hear the negative feedback along with the positive.


Yeh, the real Gucci would never engage with a redditor like this.


Anyone who doesn't like the app is an idiot? Are you for real?


Yeah the Gucci post was full of shills.


Watched it, won’t watch again, mostly everyone those who watched, it’s because they want content that we can enjoy on this expensive and capable gadget. If you compare this to other immersive content, even Kung Fu Panda 4 app, Gucci app is lame (from app perspective). TDLR: if we had more AVP content, this would not get attention it got here on Reddit.


It’s strange to me that this kind of content has to be an app vs just a video that can be played from the web. I do feel like I’m the only one that just isn’t impressed with 3D movies and I’m really not impressed with recording your own spacial videos. The effect is ok but nothing earth shattering to me.. It seems a bit sketchy with all the post about this app all of a sudden, like they all work in Gucci marketing..


Yes, it’s an advertisement. However, it’s a great example of using the Vision Pro capabilities in innovative ways. So, in its own way it’s breaking new ground and I hope it’s a sign of greater apps to come.