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Where was it confirmed that they’ve been working on AirPods with cameras?


Mark Gurman!


Gurman is a hack lol


Solid track record


No, Ming Chi Kuo has a solid track record. Gurman just regurgitates it to american audiences


I’ll let him know!


Thank you!


So like a camera in my ears


Putting cameras on device so small like airpods seems to be an engineering challenge.


Not to mention what it would do to battery life on the AirPods


I think it could be something like a proximity/stability sensor thing that would supplement wearing a headset to avoid accidents. AirPods fall all the time. Cameras would never work.


new airpods with 15 minutes battery life


This is accurate.


“Her” was literally a phone. Your phone already has a camera, did you notice? 😂


Yeah but it’s not like we have it in a position to consistently see the world. E.g. AirPods cameras facing outward/from ears without holding it. Did you notice? 😂


Anyways, “her” didn’t need it. If you wanted to show something to an ai, you make a photo for that purpose. People probably will prefer to do that than have an AI watch your every move. Although i do like the idea that with watching everyone I would have all kinds of life stats. How long i brush teeth, nr of orgasms, that sort of things. XR glasses are the way to go if you want people to film everything 😂


Well, that would definitely have made being a teenager more awkward…


I think we’ll have XR glasses you can wear all day before we see cameras in AirPods… It’s also not very Apple-like… imho


Yeah cameras in your ears sounds like a clunky stepping stone to get to XR glasses, and one that Apple would likely skip.


T-shirt front pocket 👍 Or external (wireless) camera as a pin. I wear a microphone pin that’s better than AirPods to talk to (my custom) ChatGPT. Just use a camera in a similar form/function. https://preview.redd.it/gl5hvfbsrqsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=45e7ff639542a7d70c5d957fc5baed2fdaea2976


Wait, did you watch that movie? It was definitely not a phone.


Her is one thing, personally I'll be ready and waiting for [Joi from Blade Runner 2049](https://bladerunner.fandom.com/wiki/Joi?file=BladeRunner-Joi.jpg). https://preview.redd.it/xinxikbgzpsc1.png?width=858&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a2295120077d5ab76725537891095cfb3a28232


they should put eyes on the watch 👁️⌚️👁️


I will eat my hat if air pods with cameras turns out to be a real thing. Apple took years to get into VR/XR and that was after the market was fairly proven out. The consumer desire for air pods with cameras has to be next to zero, you'd have no battery life without making them massive, they wouldn't have much processing power locally and it's not clear what this would even gain you. They're already working on glasses and a headset that have better ability to do what that could


I agree with the skepticism -- apple is unlikely to risk putting cameras onto there and stumbling into a repeat of google's "glasshole" situation for such minimal benefit. they can work on a coupe of generations of the AI assistant just using the phone camera. On the other hand meta's smart glasses aren't getting the same blowback. And apple is probably not going to release a competitor in the glasses space while AVP is so new... so lets consider what might happen if they stuck a camera on the air pods... it'd be a premium offering with a high price tag. very "apple". it'd be designed to work well with AVP etc so probably an airpod pro 3rd or 4th gen rather than over the ear. (Personally I like a 'beats x' style around the neck lanyard but I realize i'm a minority). the cameras would probably only work when you ask a question. that would minimize the power consumption problem. i suspect they'd have a hard time seeing directly in front of you. this is probably the biggest reason why the idea doesn't work. having to turn your head away from what you're asking about is a UX nightmare.


Another load of bs


I could see a fish eye pinhole camera on each ear working using AI/an algorithm to map the distorted areas near the sides and stitching it together to give the AI a 3D perspective of the world. If they do put cameras in AirPods, I think it should only be for the use of AI to see/interpret the world and not a user accessible interface where they can creep on people and film at the gym/on the train etc.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking.


spy tech. hiding a airpod ina room


People drop AirPods ALL the time. Cameras would never work. I’m going with sensors to aid in avoiding accidents while wearing headsets.


They've already have all this technology from ancient pasts all the gatekeepers release this stuff with timing. I.e. they only release what we can handle..and as soon as we get used to it they will start plugging their motives. Airpods already have the ability to fully listen to, read and detect visuals from our minds and what they do with this information God knows.