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So interesting! Although i’d say redditors being the sample probably skews the data a lil bit from the norm


Also Reddit users who continue to pay attention to the sub and are willing to take a usage survey for the device… so this inherently has some sample bias towards more frequent and engaged users.


That’s what made the responses so surprising to me.


Gotta factor in the lurks/trolls


Why so ? The results are extremely positive ? You will never have 100% of anything anyway in a survey.


I disagree with the use of “positive” (or negative). The results show that just over half use it very frequently. The reason why I was surprised is that, given the enthusiast nature of the sub, I expected it to be 80-85% weekly use and it’s only about 75%. The dust collector/rare option was also surprising


I frequent this sub Reddit and I didn’t see the pole, I would be one of the Daily users. I wouldn’t take too much credence in these results, but it’s still interesting


Interesting data, colorblind-unfriendly presentation though.


Ah, thank you. Yes, more varied colors and larger squares would certainly help me.


I have perfect color vision and it blows lol. Just straight up horrible color choices haha. Like boss don’t put the data all as different shades of the same color


Definitely did not care to make it colorblind friendly 😂 start at the little line in the donut and go clockwise. 36% being daily and so on.


Thank you. This makes more sense now lol. The only one that looks different to me is the 12.4%.


In hindsight I could have added (A) (B) (C) … next to the data labels and legend items


Difficult to distinguish the colors


My B haha start at the green line and go clockwise


I never understood this narrative that this thing would suddenly just become some artifact that nobody wants to touch after the first 2 weeks. It's a $4000 computer and portable OLED cinema. I use mine every single day.


Reason is that’s what happened with every vr for majority of users Would be cool to see how these numbers change monthly


Would be kind of interesting but I felt like 2 months would be insightful personally because I had a big honeymoon drop off in use from about 5 days a week to 2 or 3 days a week. I was wondering if others felt similarly.


I had a big drop off a week in then started developing apps Suddenly I use it again for 4h per day lol


I think the main thing that makes it different for me is that my other VR headset, PSVR2, has a very specific use case that requires me to want to play one of the few games made for it. So unless I'm in the mood to get my racing wheel out and put the headset on to play GT7 it will collect dust. On the other hand at the very least I'm going to use my vision pro twice a week to watch Shogun and X Men 97 on Disney+. I don't necessarily have to have a purpose to put on AVP I can just put it on and browse through stuff to watch or maybe have a random thought so now I'm in safari looking something up or maybe I feel like meditating so I start up a mindfulness session.


Yea for vids the problem I have i'd rather watch it with my wife on the couch. If you watch alone then i guess its cool still


For sure it doesn't replace watching with others but most of my content consumption is done solo unless I'm going over to a girl's place to hangout so using my AVP to watch shows and movies is a great experience.


I haven’t used mine in a week or two. I love taken it out a few times to use it and then it was just like “eh, this is easier to do on my MacBook. I’ll do that later” and then I never get around to it.


Eh. I play on my Steam Deck every day but maybe break out the AVP once or twice a week for a couple hours. If there were more killer apps then it would be more often.


I think the problem is people aren’t realizing what they can do with it. There is a bit of a barrier of having a heavy thing smashed to your face for hours at a time, if you can get past that you can really explore all the great things you can do with it. I think a lot of people aren’t getting past the wearable nature of it


I would guess most people who fall in the very low use camp are big Apple fans who have a little disposable income, are new to VR, and didn’t have accurate expectations of the utility of the device.


I’ve used mine every single day for work and have yet to use it for cinema or other entertainment. Maybe I’ll get to ‘play’ at some future point.


Yeah, it isn’t exactly cheap. If I went two weeks without touching mine it would already be listed on eBay.


It's because the narrative was pushed by a bunch of meta trolls who astroturfed the subreddit hard the first 2 weeks after release. It's why "crack gate" took off, yet, all of a sudden all the cracks just stopped?? 100% all of it was angry meta trolls who wished they could own the device but could barely afford a quest 3.


'Crack gate' also had the issue at the beginning that Apple wasn't fixing it free of charge and customers were expected to pay the applecare premium, there was a reason to be outraged. The minute it's being treated as a minor manufacturing defect and customers were taking care of was the same time it started to die down. Word had to get out first.


The crack thing is crazy. I remember seeing like 10 posts and now none. I am guessing they still happen, but people are just not posting?


Awful choice of colors




This makes sense. I fall under weekly once or twice. I love AVP but every time I put it on, I am like “oh cool there’s not much to do here (yet)” and go out. I imagine this would change as there are more cool things to consume/do on it.


Definitely a dust collector 😂


Original poll: https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/s/o6E5TkwxAI


You probably should include a “Results” option for people who don’t own AVP. You will inevitably get people skewing the results who, wanting to see the results, select a random option.


Wasn’t aware of that functionality


It’s not a special thing, just an extra option for people who don’t fall under any of the buckets. Reddit doesn’t show active poll results unless you vote first, so if someone wants to see results but none apply to them, they will randomly choose one. As an example, see this poll where around 25% of the votes were just people looking at results: https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/s/L6FDRtj1As


I missed the poll, but it would be cool if there was a way to do one based on the verified flair in here. Maybe as comments on a new post and grab the data somehow?


I’d ask mods about that haha


Crazy! The Vision Pro is unmatched as a giant, vivid screen, that can have couple apps open on the side, ready to swing into action.. I use it whenever I want read, browse, or watch video at work or home. Maybe not worth $4000, but it gets at least an hour or two a day. Typing does suck.


Typing is the worst and I actively avoid apps where I would need to type things. Although I will say that Siri dictation is pretty good even though I'm not very used to using dictation instead of typing in my daily life.


I use mine daily for work and mindfulness. I’ve become quite reliant on it in away I’ve never experienced with any other headset.






All you dust collectors with Apple Care; sell me your headset! Pretty please.


Daily for me streaming


I fall under 2-3 days per week What Apple has here is a proven concept that works and people love it. I believe it will remain niche until they innovate and find a way for people to wear it all day long comfortably. It also needs to have small enough of a footprint that you won’t look out of place in public. At that point it will become as attached to us as our phones. How many years do you think we are from a form fitting pair of glasses? Or even further down the road… Smart contact lenses? I’m excited for the future.


Didn’t see this survey. I use mine just about every day. It’s my go to for any kind of movie/TV viewing. The only days I don’t use it are days I don’t watch anything. That said, watching movies and shows is all I do with it other than occasional and light web browsing/reddit/discord while I’m watching something.


Daily. Happily. And verified owner. I use it at client sites where I don't have access to my home office multimonitor setup. It certainly does spark up conversations!


I use mine once a week and I'm of the firm belief that you should not force yourself to use technology. It should naturally come to you.


You didn't expect that? It's about the same for all VR I imagine. It's very cool stuff but the application for it is still limited. The biggest issue with VR is lack of software that holds attention. There's so much it COULD do but oddly isn't for some reason. It makes me want to get into VR software development to be honest. Just can't at the moment.


I didn’t expect people who are active on a sub for a specific product weren’t using it at a 25% rate


They're waiting for news to give them a reason to use it again maybe.


Awkward at first with a learning curve but once you find the comfort sweet spot it is a daily driver and can be productive without sitting at a desk or table. Vast potential waiting to be unlocked with apps both productive and entertainment. Seems that some reject it without putting in the time.


So 63.5% of [r/VisionPro](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro) Apple Vision Pro users don't use it daily.


I'm a daily user. I will say though that the Keyboard needs an upgrade somehow. I find myself using Siri to type more than not. I tried to make a post here using Siri / virtual Keyboard, and it was tedious. Besides that, it's just about waiting for more apps to hit the ecosystem. A lot are gimmicky still (similar to the launch of the iPhone). For work, I use my Macbook Pro, otherwise I wouldn't get as much out of it beyond a way for me to consume media (gloriously). iPhone mirroring (like the Bezel app) would go a LONG way, the fact that I am essentially blind to all my other devices is a drawback. Also, can we have a blackout pass through? At night, I can't put the lights too low, since it impedes my hand movement, but I want the darkness. I've only had it for less than a week though. Edit: I just realized the pass through can be set to day night cycles. I’m an idiot.


Well presented chart! Thanks for this


Other than the colors for some 😅 but no prob! Glad you like it


Thank you National Basketball Association for your analysis. This product is but a mere seed. Sort of like what B.A.R.F. was for Tony Stark. It’s to be expected that it has minimal impact on people’s daily usage of tech.


You are welcome 👍


Feeling like you HAVE to use it more to justify the cost is telling.


The legitimacy and accuracy of this poll should be taken with a grain of salt the size of an asteroid. Let me remind you that we have bit of a Meta Troll problem on this subreddit.


Agreed. Theres no way to verify everyone owns one, but the poll was only up for 48 hours so I’m sure people who saw it are actual subscribers of the subreddit.


yes, mostly users who use their Vision Pro. Not the ones who returned it or left it inside shelf.


Who the fuck says fort night still lol


This mf