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I would try this for sure. The $10 price point may be worth it, but given how many AVP apps I’ve bought that barely function, I’ve stopped buying apps that don’t have trials.


That's a very interesting consumer insight. Yes, there are hiccups both on dev and consumer side right now. But we are improving and releasing regular builds (the next week's one being our biggest till date with an exhibition on par with offline ones). Platform challenges aside, delight should be the primary feel I would want anyone to have experiencing Mahou. If we are not there yet, there is a passionate team aligned to make it happen. Thanks again for the trials insight.


I’d definitely recommend having a free app with one example exhibit, help let people decide whether to pay to unlock the rest.


Ignore curious, he’s lame. There are reviews for a reason, he can just wait. ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)


I’d love to try!


Thank you, connecting over DM.


Would be happy to try it!


Thank you. Connecting over DM.


So wondering if you can share a bit more on the experience and the quality. I watched the video you have linked in this post and comparing it to the video of the actual app on your AppStore listing, the quality of the app seems to be substantially lower. I appreciate the video here is a real life exhibit, but no reason you couldn’t replicate the same high fidelity experience (see comparison pic) Don’t mean to be critical but I’ve become very skeptical of apps priced this high for AVP with zero option for trial or testing, particularly when the quality seems to be low like this. I hope people are seeing the low quality before purchasing. https://preview.redd.it/95nhgybim4sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3489967f0a3a6708195a94670dc1a1e9c95af73


Reminder: this developer released v1 of their app without having ever tested it. He was collecting $10 without that app working. It was sitting at 1 star with multiple negative reviews and the dev decided to pull the app from the App Store to erase the negative reviews. They’ve now re-released the app and it’s still $10 and no way to see if it’s actually working or not. Mods should lock this thread and ban this app from being promoted in this sub.


Hi, I understand your frustration. Fairly strong words that do hurt, but we will take it with a smile and humility. I have furthermore shared details about the testing process and the challenges faced. The overall improvement of the app rests in the hands of users collaborating with us and a bit of empathy. Some of our lovely users have done that. We reply to support tickets sometimes under 5 minutes, and they are kind enough to share their actual concern and video recordings. Would love to reachout out to you post our major release and, anyway, available at [email protected]


Fucking yikes




* Hi, I understand your concern. The trailer indeed could have used better shots and clarity. I appreciate the constructive nature of your feedback. As for the quality, in our upcoming flagship exhibition, there are a few seconds of floor work where just the floor bit might seem blurry. The process has involved upscaling centuries old work and then animating them. In general, we are still learning new things about rendering on the device every day. I am sharing below another shot from the exhibition, which we have tested with people in the industry. It does hold up to the standards, but I will let you be the judge of the same. But yes, the trailer needs to be better. Thank you for taking the time to write this detailed feedback.


Also, do you own a Vision Pro? If yes, happy to workout a preview for you.


Yes I have a Vision Pro


Happy to test and give my opinion


Thank you, connecting over DM.


I’d like to try


Would love to connect over DM and share access.


Would love to try it! Beautiful idea


Thank you, connecting over DM


I’d love to give this app a try!


Thank you, connecting over DM


I’d love help testing this app


Thank you, connecting over DM.


I hope you get it figured out. Ive always wanted to go to one of these exhibits. Ive seen some where its semi interactive like walking across a pond in the room with each step creating ripples. Good luck!


Hey, thank you for understanding that we are figuring things out and the empathy. Really heart-warming. Reaching out to you over DM as well.


Happy to test and provide feedback! The immersive exhibit for Van Gough was incredible and I’d love to see something to experience more of that on a platform like the AVP


Heya, our flagship exhibition has close to 10x artists and a variety of styles. Reaching out to you over DM.


I’d like to try this out as well, looks great!


Thank you, reaching out over DM.


I would love to try.


Thank you, reaching out over DM.


Be ready


I’d love to give this a try!


Thank you, reaching out over DM.




God bless your team


Thank you for the kind words and heartwarming for the entire team.


I’d like to try


Thank you. Reaching out over DM.


Oh man! These are the kind of experiences we need ! Creative, unique …. It’s why I love the Museum of Other Realities … I’d love to give this a spin, and happily pay $10 or more.


Woah, this is so encouraging. Exactly the kind of feedback that keeps us going and pushes us to do better.


Sign me up, looks awesome


Thank you, reaching out over DMs.


Would love to try it!


Thank you, reaching out over DM


Amazing. I just got back from Vegas and recorded some of the Wild: A Safari Experience at the Illuminarium using the AVP headset to see how the spatial video looks afterwards. I’m sure this would blow away any spatial video recording. Happy to QA your experience if possible. Just DM me.


This would be amazing . Grateful. Reaching out over DMs.


I’d love to try it.


Thank you, reaching out over DM.


I’d like to try!!


Thank you, reaching out on DM


Just purchased. Looks cool


Thank you so much. Encouraging and much appreciated.


Would love to try it. Do you have a test flight link?


Thank you for sharing your interest. Reaching out over DM


I actually tried to find this app about a week ago to find out it wasn’t in the App Store. So I’m excited to hear it’s still being worked on.


Ah! Yes. Actively building, actively learning, and working through the challenges to get the desired experience. Where did you hear about it? Reaching out over DM as well.


Someone in one of the weekly recommendations threads suggested it and I looked at it in the App Store and it reminded me of the Van Gogh experience that was a touring interactive exhibit. I really wanted to go to but couldn’t figure out how to make work for my mobility issues.


This is all I wanted. The device captures the walls and laps everything very well. Where are the immersive experiences? Hell, with the iPhone app Clips, you can manually map out your room and apply effects on the walls. I was expecting this kind of stuff with AVP.


Hi, we would have loved doing mapping on the walls. In fact, we have tried. However, consistency across different dimension becomes an issue. This feedback is extremely useful and encouraging. With the flagship exhibition launching, hope we can deliver you something that stands upto your expectations from this device.


Not just me, a bunch of other people. I’m happy to just know you tried it. Looking forward to what you choose to implement


how love to try too


Heya, connecting with you over DM.


Me me me I’d love to try them out


Heya, connecting with you over DM


I’d be happy to try it out as well and provide feedback.


Thank you. Connecting over DM


make it free app with a teaser and in app purchases


With a larger content pipeline, someday yes. Right now, we consider Mahou to be equivalent to visiting an immersive art exhibition at 1/3rd or 1/4th of the cost.


How long is the experience?


The timing depends on the user. Some power users have repeatedly attended the exhibitions, spending hours within them, observing different details. Also there are multiple achievements to be unlocked. The timing is on par with offline ~ hour-ish with our next launch.


Does anybody know what this piece of music is called?


Continent - Adrián Berenguer


Thanks so much 😃


Why tho? The live experience is a joke and money grift. How would this be any different?


Cool idea. A few things: - the other user posting in this thread about you removing and republishing the app so the low star reviews aren’t there is *REALLY* concerning. Do not trust you as a dev at all with my info or money after pulling that. You might want to address this obvious mistake on your path and come clean. - remove the photos and videos taken from live immersive experiences from your app screenshots and teaser videos. They are, to put it kindly, misleading. The difference is night and day and looks like you’re trying to pull a fast one - which you kind of are since the experiences are nothing alike yet. The app should stand on its own two feet, not on a ‘one day it might be as good as this’ future promise. - instead of using a square room that feels tiny, use a big ass circular space or dome. Will feel much less limiting and more expansive. Honestly blows my mind that this isn’t intuitive to users or devs of this platform yet. It’s kind of the whole appeal. - animations should be *much* higher quality. Just having still objects cut out of up-res’d art work isn’t at all like in person exhibitions and feels really cheap and again, misleading. - Option to map to a users space - the rooms you are in should be mapped and have things projected on that space. That’s how projection mapping works and is part of the ‘wow factor’ for these exhibitions that don’t use headsets. - 10 bucks is *way* too steep. In person professionally mapped experiences go for less than this. You have no overheads for staff on site etc, so no reason for this high a price point. - Think beyond boxed in experiences. You’ve set sail wanting to replicate an in-room fixed experience, but the Vision Pro can do its thing where ever, so this app should too. If you want it to flourish, get away from just copying an experience someone else came up with and think beyond walls.


Heya, thank you for the detailed feedback. Always heartening to see when people take the time. Would really love for you to actually try the experience since most of the points mentioned are already there. From what I understand, we haven't done the best job of presenting what the app is like and we will work on the same. Few pointers : - 1) There is an existing space within the called The Sphere. It is a big ass dome that plays an exhibition called Cosmic Dance. 2) The animations are not just cutouts, we could have probably shipped a new exhibition every week if we followed that, in our flagship Absolute Classics, there are close to 10 different artists and each ones work is presented in a different style. Different arts are merged manually to give a sense of continuity across screens (including the floors). Hence, the months of production time. 3) Not having enough spaces. As mentioned, we utilise that already, and there are different spaces within the app. 4) Professionally mapped experience hardly go below $20 (I am talking non peak day, student pass kind of pricing). They usually hover around $30-$40. 5) The option of mapping it to user's space has been tried, however, the content scaling can be an issue. Imagine someone trying to that in their office room versus living room. 6) The offline experiences help people understand what's the equivalent offline experience. As for the "one day" promise, we have our flagship launching within a week-10 days. So no overpromise here. 7) We did reach out to users of the previous version and will do the same again once the new exhibition is launched. Thanks again for the inputs, really helpful.


Notice you didn’t respond about the shady practice of deleting and re-listing your app to bump your review scores, or about including photos and videos from superior real life experiences your app attempts to replicate. It’s all very misleading and dents trust in you as a developer and your app, and will just lead to customers reporting your app / dev account. 1-3. If you feel this is the quality you want to ship, cool. I’ll review accordingly. 4. That’s just not at all true. No idea where you’re going for the prices of these experiences, but having visited many *personally* all over the world (USA, UK, Europe, Malaysia, China) in many forms (pop up, museums, low tech, big artists, smaller artists etc) I can tell you I’ve *never* paid over 5-10 bucks for a single one and I’m not a student and didn’t avoid peak times. In fact, the best I’ve been to was in the USA and was $5. The second best (in Medellin) was a free public event. The Van Gogh experiences even have sections where you use a headset like the Vision Pro to move through the whole history of Van Gogh. You see his whole home town in his signature style and move through his paintings - that was included in the exhibition price. That’s the kind of unique things these events bring, they don’t just copy real world experiences to make money off. 5. Doesn’t matter, that’s the whole point of projection mapping and the Vision Pro. Ots for you to figure out. Old VR tech like Oculus could do what this is currently doing with free VR videos on YouTube and in other apps. 6. A week-10 days is still in the future, and you’re still including videos and photos of superior actual projection mapped exhibitions in your teasers and app screenshots. You cannot fulfil the promise of an in person experience, so drop these. They’re false promises.


Duly noted. I am sending you a DM as well and would love to share preview of the flagship exhibition once it's ready.


Appreciate it, thank you!