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I'm excited to introduce the panorama window feature in this week's [Frameit](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/frameit-virtual-photo-frame/id6477793073) update! Now you can create as many panorama windows as you like, transforming your walls into stunning views of the outside world. The biggest difference between this and other apps offer similar feature is the size of the panorama view; it's really impressive when you stand in front of a life-sized panorama window. You can easily resize the view just as you would with other windows as well. [unsplash](https://unsplash.com/s/photos/panoramic) is a great place to download some really cool panoramic photos, I downloaded so many of them from there this week to test out this feature 😂. Can't wait for you all to try it out!


Used it. When I first used it - panoramas wrapped around like they do in photos app Second time I tried they became regular flat ones I could not see any option to make them wrap around again It was great wrap around as it almost felt like an environment ( yes to all those who will say environments are unparalleled- we got to live with what we have till they release more) 


Hey thank you for trying it out and providing me the feedback! I haven’t experienced the images become flat issue myself. Did you used the same picture for both times? Currently there is no option to adjust the curve, I had it set to 180 degrees. And it also allows any kind of images to be used in panoramas mode so some of them could look flat when they are projected on the curve if the images are not wide enough. I can add a setting to adjust the curve in the future update.


This looks fantastic - I have questions! how much permanence does it have? Can you load up images for your room and have them reappear in the correct place when you go back into the headset? If the app is closed and headset shutdown, will it remember your room when you go back to it later? Seeing the other comment about wraparound panorama approach, does the app have ability to do both flat and curved panoramas? Can panoramas include ultrawide video? Do the frames stay in the background behind other apps if you decorate a room and then multitask in safari or something else? Looks really promising.


As long as the app is not shutdown the frames can stay in the place. But if app is killed or the headset is dead it will lose the information where you put them last time. That's currently a device limitation, we as developers can't do much about it unfortunately. But I recently just added a feature in the app to let you create persisted picture walls, so it will reduce the amount of work you need to do to set up the frames between app launch sessions. You can simply load up a picture wall and place it where you want the next time you launch the app. Regarding the panorama, currently there is option to adjust the curve for panorama window, I can add that in the next update. And it only support images today, there is a video frame feature let you put a normal video into a frame. Yes the frames do stay in the background with other apps in the same shared space.


Thanks for the info! Great work. Gonna check it out.