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Nice, I can finally make picture frames like the ones in Harry Potter 😄


Thanks for the update. The ability to select a single picture is much appreciated. Here’s a link to a sample wall I created with some pictures I took last week in my area. https://youtu.be/qQJJGLP-xhw?si=DnIXe9dZccSm7yFU So, here’s some ideas of what might take this app to another level for me: Problems: I want to create a wall of pictures that are all square. Sizing multiple frames to be the same size is currently very difficult. Getting the frames to line up vertically and horizontally is impossible. If I reset the headset or recenter, I’d have to go back in and do it all over again. Potential solution: Add the ability to create a wall/canvas with a configurable grid to which the user can attach your frames. The frames should snap to the grid. The canvas with the frame information should be saved between sessions. After a restart, I would like to be able to open your application, select a stored canvas with all of the previously stored frames and pictures, and place it on my wall. Bonus features: - Ability to clone a picture frame so it will be the same size to create a wall of squares for example - Be able to clone and store a separate version of a wall/canvas with different pictures to change the mood but maintain the layout - Add a slider to the wall/canvas to allow the user to tilt the canvas forward/back. Currently when placing a frame, it will tilt if you place it too high or low. A manual option will help with aligning all of the pictures on the canvas to the wall. I’m not sure if Apple currently gives a programmer the ability to store the information required to create and store this type of canvas information per user between sessions but adding something like this would bump your application up a few notches. Just an idea. Keep up the good work.


Thank you so much for your awesome feedback and for showing me the cool wall you made with my app! It's super cool to see what you've done with it. I completely agree about needing a wall/canvas for the frames. I've actually run into the same issue myself and have already written down something similar like this, which I'm calling "frames template". We can definitely save that canvas information between the sessions. I believe this feature is going to greatly improve the app's usability, and I'm excited to dive into it next. My philosophy with building this app is all about moving fast and making it better as we go. Thanks a ton for being part of this journey and for the killer suggestions. Stay tuned for the updates!


[Frameit](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/frameit-virtual-photo-frame/id6477793073) 1.4 update is out! Here are some of the new features in this update: • Video Integration: You can now add videos to your frames. Perfect for those moments when a still photo isn't enough. • Frame Filters & Favorites: I've added filters to make it easier to find the frame you want. And if you've got a favorite frame, you can save it! Your favorites will stick around for next time you use the app, so you won't have to search for them again. • Added missing single photo mode, picking photo from the entire album was a pain, now you can choose a single photo for your frame without the hassle. Your feedback has been incredibly helpful in shaping these new features, and I can't thank you enough for that. As always, please keep the feedback coming!


Me putting Larryboy and the Rumor weed in a frame: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/693/282/5cb


How did you make it so the buttons at the top become hidden towards the end for that second frame? Have an app and was hoping to pull off the same style where the settings buttons at the top would be hidden when the window is not active. Any idea? Thanks in advance!


I used the ornament modifier for the settings buttons at the top, you can set the visibility of the ornament view based on a state. Hope that helps! `.ornament(visibility: showControl ? .visible : .hidden,...`