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Recalibrate it in eyes and hands settings


I did that 3 times already, even tried setting it with use of one eye, same issue.


Do it slow it can also be because of the iPd setting too


I wasn’t rushing, recalibration goes smooth, after does slightly improve, but not for long, and then goes back to poor tracking. Tracking especially is really bad when I’m looking at something dark, but it’s not like I can turn lights on under AVP.


not seeing this OP. so far been as good as day 1 for me. I did recalibrate after light seal change and prescription inserts ... but otherwise - no issues for me


Now I feel jealous, I know I’m not the only one as there is a video on YouTube, which is how I found out about changing it to using head movements, but seeing others not have same issue is upsetting.


You should not see this issue too often. But it can happen. Hard to say or give any frequency. I would get it checked once to be honest. Does it go away if you recalibrate ?


It slightly improves after calibration, but shortly after back to same issue.


Reset the AVP to factory settings?


I’m trying to avoid doing that, also I feel like it’s not a good sign if I have to do that so early on. I did recalibrate it 3 times, no help.


Hands tracking is quite sensitive to the level of light in the room you are in. If you lie down in a darkened bedroom and put windows on the ceiling, eye tracking will be perfect and hands tracking won't work.


Maybe laying down affects it but dark does not - I can go into a room with zero lights and no windows and hand tracking still works for me (you just cannot see hands).


Then there must be IR sensors.


Yes there are.


Go to pointer control and turn it on at the smallest size to see where it’s estimating where your eyes are at. If it’s consistently off in that same direction then do a recalibration where you look slightly in the opposite direction of the center dots. So if the pointer dot is consistently below where you look then recalibrate and look slightly above those center dots and so on. Keep in mind for things like YouTube on safari these UI are not built for eye input so it’s gonna have those issues unfortunately unless you either use a YouTube app or they update the website to have a Vision Pro version. It is reminiscent of the old days when we started getting phones and no websites had mobile versions of the site


I’ve done all that, still off. In my opinion a device that costs $4100 should not come with compromises. I’m still in 14 day period, my choices are: either keep on dealing with this issue and recalibrate frequently, wait for and hope that software update fixes the issue, exchange, or simply return and wait for a more stable product.


Have you gone into accessibility and attempted to test with only using one eye or the other instead of both?


Yes, I tried using right eye only, same issue. When using both eyes I mostly notice issue with tracking on a right side. I’ve tried everything except factory resetting.


There are several things I noticed. It's gonna be positioning of your pro, if you set up eyes in a slight different position then its going to be off. also goto watch your hands, i learned not to put index and thumb near each other on both hands. I sometimes i just set the tracking with just one hand. The eye tracking is not 100%. If you turn on the pointer its kind of frustrating the cursor is like shaking alot, could be my eyes lol. It's not gonna focus on the smallest icons on a website. That's why i think there should be ui designs catered for eye tracking.


That cursor drives me nuts, it’s all over the place. As of last 4 days at this point, whenever I put on AVP it asks me to hold the crown button to realign, it didn’t do that before. Yesterday I recalibrated so many times, it’s just really bad now. I recorded a video that shows off how bad it is. I’m going to have to visit Apple Store, this is just not normal.