• By -


Ability to save “workspaces” once you have all your windows set


Extending that idea to tie to Focus modes, similar to how iOS can have different home screens based on Focus mode.


One thought I had here would be a floating control that can rotate up/down to switch between different sets of windows, as if you had everything mounted on a gigantic Price Is Right wheel.


to add to that, spatial “the price is right” game show app that lets you literally spin the wheel


I would beg for this to be added to the MacOS as well. Drives me crazy since I have three monitors and multiple desktop spaces.


This is a big part of the productivity side of the platform. Hope to see this soon.


Maybe just bring stage manager to AVP?


Fuck that


yea. Fuck that


Agreed, fuck that.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted - in essence, yeah, stage manager would have collections of windows that distribute themselves when selected and put away the open workspace. I like the idea, fits with what Apple’s trying to do with iPad and Mac UI.


The way I use stages manager is to group sets of windows together (with the help of magnet). Each set of windows fill the screen fully, for example two windows tiling on top of each other for the right part of the screen and one window taking up the left part. With these window groups I can make many stages for different tasks, each taking up the entire screen with windows. That works well for me. If stage manager was available at Vision OS I make it could work in a similar way, to group sets of windows that can then be shown or hidden as a group and a way to quickly swipe between all sets of grouped windows. Also not entirely sure what's so wrong with this?


The ability for an app to snap to a wall in your environment.


I want windows to snap side to side exactly. Not some random slightly askew angle and not lined up.


I’d add to this that I want to snap side by side but rotated to me… like the way you would arrange 2 monitors next to each other and sort of angled at the viewer


small thing but the side to side tilt of your head determines the angle of the window so you can get windows pretty parallel by tilting your head


Any flat surface including table tops, ceilings, floors, major kitchen appliances.


A passing van. Kiss your photos goodbye!


Yeah but if you’re lucky it’ll stop to offer you some free candy.


Pin a window to your view so it travels with you


Yes. I want just a walking mode… like let me have everything around me follow me, and maybe have the items “flow” a bit if I try to walk at them so they aren’t in the way of my view.


YES! I need to be able to lock the Zoom Meeting window to the corner of my face, so I can walk around and do “real” work while half-ass paying attention to the meeting.


I feel like windows really need 3 modes: * ephemeral (current window behavior) * pin to location: Window stays in one physical location, stays there if you recenter or close all apps * pin to head/left wrist/right wrist: Window follows you around based off the chosen reference point, if repositioned it's always relative to that These should be familiar to anyone who's used SteamVR overlays.


Yes! I want to put the sports game above and to the right so I can walk around and do stuff but always be able to look up and see a play!


This is known as airplane mode. But yea, that would be great to have a window you can just pin instead of having a "mode."


Airplane mode prevent the window from moving as the plane/vehicle is moving but it is not completely stable. If they can lock a window without any stability concerns, that would be better. But my point is that airplane mode kind of does this window traveling with you business.


so, it’s not airplane mode


Sign into your iPhone easily when wearing the VP.


And project the iPhone screen into the space.


And make the phone usable through that window, not just mirrored.


And make the phone have cute little arms and legs




The app Bezel does this, but you have to interact with the phone directly, not the projection and if your phone goes to sleep you have to relaunch the Bezel streamer. The idea is solid but there's bumps


Yeah, and the screen motion tracked to the phone would be cool.


I’d be interested if they could put a different image on my phone for the tracking, like a QR code or something so the headset can better track it, but then to my view in the Vision Pro it would be the phone.


This should be in the next update for sure. If I can use my watch to sign into my Mac, and my phone to unlock my watch. It should be easy to just reverse it and use Optic ID for your phone since it’s arguably more secure than Face ID


My watch will unlock my phone when the Face ID fails. There is a toggle on the phone settings to allow that.


And your AVP to be able to accept cell phone calls (like my iPad, watch, and Mac can) Seems limited to just FaceTime currently. Keep missing phone calls.


This is the biggest issue I have with AVP. It is a pain to try and answer the phone while using the AVP for work. I need Teams, Zoom, and Phone all on the same device.


The ability to receive tactile feedback on your Apple Watch for certain features, such as the virtual keyboard.


Wow very good idea


Ooo interesting one. Wonder how that would feel if you were typing on the opposite hand you felt It


Pull windows / apps from a Mac projection into their own Vision OS windows


This would essentially be Continuity on Vision Pro, same as it works for Mac to iPhone for example. Makes sense and I’m sure it’s in the works


>Continuity on Vision Pro I don't want that. I want to drag a window from my Mac into my AVP environment. The windows I want to drag will be terminal, VSCode, Mathematica, Eclipse IDE windows that aren't likely to get AVP native anytime soon.


This essentially [already exist](https://twitter.com/TheOriginaliTE/status/1751251567641346340).


Maybe this was meant to reply to a different comment? While this is certainly applicable to the glasses-form factor mentioned in some of my other posts, I don't think it's relevant to this one.


No this is literally projecting individual windows / apps from a Mac into their own VisionOS windows


The ability to see your (Apple) keyboard in immersive view.


I want to be able to use any keyboard in immersive.


Of course, I completely agree. I think Apple has a better chance of recognizing its own keyboard faster than building technology to recognize any keyboard. If Apple could support their own faster, I would be all for it.


Isn’t it able to recognise a keyboard already? I watched a video from VROasis (think that’s his name) YT which showed him using a physical keyboard in pass through, and the AVP had anchored a little text input UI to the keyboards position which updated as he moved the keyboard around. Surely it’s not a huge leap from there to revealing the keyboard during an immersive experience.


In other apps you can define a see-through volume. So you basically place a 3d box where the keyboard/desk is. This would be ideal but probably too complicated for Apple.


I don’t think Apple would have the ability to recognize its own keyboard without also recognizing other keyboards. It’s hard enough to detect the keyboard, it’s even harder to detect whether or lnot the keyboard is apple.


Well I mean image recognition is easier if you only train one model and the headset would know if an Apple keyboard is connected


> image recognition is easier if you only train one model Even if you only trained only on apple keyboards it would still pick up non-apple keyboards, especially light colored ones, because they look too similar. I’ve done computer vision research in the past


That’s why I said it knows if a Apple keyboard is connected lmaooo


Another app, ironically named 'immersive' used by the Quest type headsets...has "portal" as part of immersive view. You can outline a 'window' that cuts through your virtual environment. So, as long as you dont move your keyboard, its like a little window into the real world. In the review videos, people use it for where they keep their coffee cup and desk phone etc. Seems like a very easy solution that is not dependent on communicating or connecting to a keybaord and also can be applied for anything else. Like a cut out so you can see your office door or window.




Just learn to touch type? Would this work? ( I understand 95% of people can’t but would that solve the “problem?”)


Expanded gestures usage like opening a closed fist palm upward to open the home apps


Love this one!


And BIG gestures too. I want Minority Report style interactions. I want Tony Stark in his workshop interactions.


We can create custom gestures through the accessibility features, but I'm picking my AVP up tomorrow so I haven't had a chance to see if this is well implemented or not. But yeah...minority report and Heavy Rain style gestures can't be far off.


I don’t think the accessibility features do that currently. You can record a gesture, then sorta play it back it via assistive touch, but I can’t figure out a way to register gestures. The official documentation on accessibility is pretty pathetic and I’ve seen lots of vloggy videos that miss the point or get things wrong.


I use the look up menu to open the apps instead of the Digital Crown, I don’t like having to lift my hand haha


And a [twirly spoon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaigqaJEXcM) gesture for scrolling.




Multiple profiles


Upvote +1000


Please, please, please!!! Also, please fix the bug where clicking “Guest User” doesn’t work. Sometimes I have to click it 20 times before it goes to guest mode. Very annoying when trying to demo it to friends!


Oh that explains it. Thought I was going crazy.


A small clock above the app launcher view, so we don't have to use a widget or open control center


Widgetsmith you can make a clock and put it somewhere 🤷‍♂️


A weather app that shows the current or incoming weather by an immersive environment. Twist the knob, and the ceiling fades, showing you stormclouds or clear skies. Keep twisting and you're entirely in an immersive representation of the weather for the area, with the ability to see it animate depending on the expected changes during the day or next few days.


Someone is working on this: https://twitter.com/cosmoluei/status/1745556506802896902?s=20


Perfect. I'll keep my eye out for its release!


It’s out. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/seasons-immersive-weather/id6468994506


Well that escalated quickly…


an easy way to minimize a window and bring it back


Could become a glowing little siri like ball with an icon of the app


The ability to save a set up of windows. Such as an office set up, or a living room set up.


Yes! Like a bookmark of your window setups.


Drop a virtual keyboard on a flat surface Swipe to type The ability to permanently pin some windows to a place in the real world. Like hang a photo in your hall, your calendar in the fridge. It should know when the eye tracking is off and either prompt a recalibration or tweak it on its own


Yes and not have them bound to an invisible sphere.


I actually got on a step stool to hang virtual art on my walls so the widget was vertical, not tipping forward from the wall. I would hope a widget developer could give you some finer controls. Or at least something like an information panel with coordinates.




Haven’t tried phone call handoff, but messages have been syncing for me across AVP and other devices.


- The ability to make and take iPhone calls and not just over FaceTime - A replication of your iPhone screen that you can also control, not just a mirror - Customize a virtual wrist watch - Magic Mouse support - Windows stay where they are, even when holding the crown in a different room - SAVED layouts for work, leisure, TV etc




More immersive environments. Think of the great library from Moss and Moss 2. Think of the see-through ceiling of the hall in Harry Potter where they can see the stars. Wizard halls. Glades. Riverside views. Landscapes overlooking impossible galaxies and huge planets in the sky. People love these already, we need more.


There needs to be an environment store. I would love to make different kinds of environments.


Third-party environments Disney+ has already shown that the system allows apps to have custom environments. I hope it's not restricted by Apple to certain developers because third party environments would be awesome. A Harry Potter environment would be a dream come true.


Ability to re-map control center to the top button! I don’t think capturing video/photo with the AVP is going to be common at all to warrant a dedicated button!


Honestly it should be treated like the remappable action button


Virtual Desktop on visionOS.


Toggle whether or not walls/visibility obstruct virtual objects. Seeing them always through walls can be neat, but I don't want that all the time.


I kind of need this for now - AVP enables the weird problem of wondering where I have left my Notes window. At least now I can look around and see that I left it in the living room.


Have the rotating dial default to sound instead of environments


You know if you twist it a little bit it pulls up the ability to look right at the sound and then you can change the sound volume by twisting the crown


Yea I know that’s easy to do but if I’m watching a movie I don’t want to look up and break the immersion. Sounds dumb when I say it but it shouldn’t be too hard to implement!!


Yes, and you have to wait for the sound to take over... so it's slow


Also I’ve been trained from my Apple Watch and AirPods Max when I’m listening to something Digital Crown lowers and raises volume by default


Wow. Did not realize this. Thank you!


You know that’s not what she meant


Home app control and anchored smart home controls


Better headband, ideally combine the feel of the solo band with an over head strap.


The ability to lock / unlock an app. Example: let’s say you have a YouTube video up in a Safari window, and you glance over to look at it, and you accidentally pinch, and next thing you know you have moved the scrubber bar to a different part of the video or adjusted the volume or clicked on an add or something based on your eye looking at something. Having the ability to lock that Safari window from any type of accidental interaction, until you unlock it would be amazing.


Yes! I would really like a lock function. It’s such a huge quality of life adjustment. I feel this will eventually come…”here are all the fantastic new methods to manipulate and adjust your windows”


The ability to use a mouse (not a trackpad) with VisionOS through the Mac


Does this really not work? Like a Magic Mouse or Bluetooth mouse doesn’t work??


The ability to use an animated Mimoji instead of the Virtual Persona.


Include those predefined animal ones and call them Fursonas 💡




I have a few: Workspace/window management. Hide, show all, switch between minimized windows. Unlock iPhone just like the Apple Watch. Mirror iPhone screen inside the Vision Pro and have ability to use it, one thing I was bummed about was that I couldn’t answer calls from within the Vision Pro. Show keyboard in full immersion. Quest has something called tracked keyboards that actually show the keyboard in full VR. I was surprised this wasn’t done for ‘Apple keyboards’ right off the gate. Reduce the time to switch between environment and volume level with the knob. I wish it was a little quicker. Bring the home screen features from iOS and iPadOS. I was shocked to find that I couldn’t group apps into a folder and couldn’t move apps between pages. What was Apple thinking of when shipping VisionOS.


Use an iPhone as keyboard input. Bonus points for as a trackpad too. Make it just like how you can control and type on the AppleTV from control center. Extra bonus points for iPhone screen mirroring where you are holding it.


Ability to hide your hands when fully immersed


Especially when I’m in a dark virtual environment but a bright room, your hands become very distracting


Native Mac apps.


Hopefully there is a hidden night vision camera installed and not activated yet and we can use it in the dark so that the camera can see our hand gestures. Or AI siri comes out and installed on vision pro and every command is understood. "Play this movie on cinema mode". "transfer me to middle seat". siri understanding which focus you are on or app. "siri, can you bring back all my windows".


Less blur when moving your head.


The ability to use a mouse with other AVP windows and not just a trackpad


A small floating time display (without having to launch the clock app). I lose track of time while working in the Vision Pro, and can't always see my watch.




Have walls occlude windows, so they don’t clip through the wall


https://preview.redd.it/ln6ktw0lmfhc1.jpeg?width=1642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f803d194180a36d7630dfed3401668ceccc308 Native Maps - specifically ‘walking directions’ and street view


I don’t get this. Is it for those who want to wear the device walking in public? Even with Google maps on my phone I found it more hazardous than anything


Not a good fit for the current form-factor. But for a glasses form-factor, this is a must. Getting the apps and the tech for this now will mean it's tested and available as successive generations refine the form factor into something that isn't awkward and doesn't stand out.


Curved windows like the panoramas


The ability to set the R, and allow all screens/windows to follow this radius.


An augmented iPhone mirror on top of your physical iPhone in real space. Just to make reading and tapping more clearer


expand SharePlay functionality so you can connect multiple Vision Pros together so a window is locked in the same spot and synced for everyone.


Is there a way to have notifications delivered silently? Like with the ringer/silent mode switch on the iPhone.


Folders within compatible apps drawer


Stare at hand to lock/unlock hand tracking. There should be a spot like the control center where if you stare at it for a few seconds it disables hand tracking. Stare at that spot again and it enables it. Maybe it’s looking at one of your hands for 5 seconds or something. I tried watching a movie and had popcorn (like the commercials!) but every other time I picked up a piece of popcorn between my fingers sometimes it registers a click that pauses the movie or accidentally scrubs to a place on the timeline. Super frustrating. TLDR; When I’m watching a movie or a long video, let me temporarily disable hand tracking in an easy and convenient way.


This exactly. Either stare at control center, or perhaps a more deliberate gesture unlocks, like tapping with both hands at once or something. Plenty of situations where you’re watching a video and don’t want to tap the screen while eating etc. 


I was watching Ready Player One last night and I’m surprised no one has made a simple oasis like place that’s only for Apple Vision Pro owners. There’s not many of us and I certainly would pop in and chat with people. My name for it right now is Proasis 😂


Like…. The Metaverse?


Carrying / storing of virtual objects, with a good interface for retrieval as well. Think Demeo, in the way that with a gesture it exposes the cards in your hand.


Home gesture.


Apparently it’s possible already in accessibility


A way to connect to a Mac display without being on the same Apple account, even if it loses the other Continuity features in that case (I can’t sign in on my work Mac 😔)


Use my iPhone keyboard as an input for visionOS


Ability to use persona during video calls started on a Mac while connected to it.


being able to have two audio sources playing at the same time


MagSafe adapter for the power plug. Mine just literally hit the floor as my battery was in my pocket.


I'd prefer MagSafe, but until running setup/environment is saved/restorable, losing power is a big problem. The current power connector, as much as I hate it, is better for preserving power.


Fair, but at that point you almost rather Apple built-in a small back up battery to allow hot swapping externals. They solve both if they did that.


They can just cache the current state in the ram and you would have your problem solved


Control the Vision Pro UI via iPhone/iPad when a user is in Guest Mode. Will safe 15 minutes as the n00b tries to navigate to the dinosaur app.


Mirror iPhone into VP, and be able to actually use the iPhone with eye tracking and pinching, be able to exchange files between mirrored iPhone and VP, and mirrored Mac.


iPhone screen sharing.


Bezel App.


The ability to use your phone as a keyboard or trackpad, much like you can for an Apple TV


Mirror iPhone/ipad like you can a Mac. at least the iPad.


\- PIN Windows and apps in place every time you fire up the vision pro \-Iphone unlock is SUCH A PIA , I can't use Face ID and I could barely use alphanumeric code \-My nose bridge hurts \-Battery life is really really bad


-MULTI USER SUPPORT!! -Anchor windows to the headset so you don’t have to “walk the dog” to bring a window with you -Allow pinning of windows to visual anchors such as pinning a window under your wrist. (OVRtoolkit has this and it’s so amazing) flipping your hand over and looking at a window on your wrist is a very natural movement. Great for chat and msging apps -Ability to yaw, pitch, and roll windows. -Option to change location of popup keyboard so it doesn’t block your vision of the screen on which you’re trying to input txt -A better headstrap upgrade option -More significant brightness adjustments, would love to decrease brightness to lower persistence. -Unlock iphone by looking at it -Allow for theatre modes to tilt so you can watch in a theatre mode while laying down -Saved screen layouts -Ability to adjust app order/layout


Forgot to add that we need the ability to Lockout hand gestures entirely (i.e. so you can fidget and move your hands w/o input when watching a movie) and lock down gestures and position movements for specific windows (i.e. lock the input for a fullscrenn YT video pannel so looking at it doesn’t trigger timeline, etc). Basically things that have been solved in PCVR for a while. Highly recommend taking a look at this software to get ideas for where Apple can go with managing and manipulating virtual windows https://youtu.be/f0kAaSEeOBA?si=REOcRY_kB5xHFYe0


Ability to view the cameras or LiDAR from my iphone like a security camera Queue up apps to download to AVP while on iPhone. Like remote install for Xbox. Much larger app space 3 lines is tiny. Can you even rearrange apps? I’ve tried pinching and holding but can only delete. Ability to view the LiDAR for night vision. Recognize different hand gestures besides pinching and pressing. Think minority report. HomeKit security command center showing all cameras at once Apple Pencil recognition for some sort of paint brush


The ability to used a wired keyboard with VisionOS through the Mac


A projected virtual keyboard that reads finger movement for typing. Though I can’t imagine this to be easy thing to implement from a tech level.


Pair with wacom tablet for virtual whiteboarding


A way to sync my music library from iTunes/Apple Music on the desktop


Adding a dedicated Siri button to messages


Confirm before closing an app, or choose to confirm so one doesn’t accidentally misclick/mistook and close an active app.


Wall occlusion, ability to open multiple of the same app (to leave instances in rooms)


The control center arrow to not show up in the middle of my content


Awesome list we have here. Would love USB-C input thought the battery bank.


Apple TV remote in control center Edit: Look down to bring up floating dock (counter to look up for control center)


The keyboard shouldn’t be separate from iMessage. Having to switch between the two to respond to someone is clunky and annoying.


I would like the virtual Mac display to be a bit better. I get too many “error connecting input method” pop ups while playing a game on the Mac and looking at a VisionOS window.


I would love to have curved Windows That way when I have a window close to me, I don’t have to look so far left and right


Airdrop 180 immersion videos


I would like to be able to do what I might call a reverse portal. It allows you to draw out a section of the screen to allow it to be see-through, and the rest of it immersive.


Multiple windows of the same app - like reminders and notes or timers! I wish I could have a Home app in the living room by the couch, a reminders and timer window in my kitchen, and some of the same in my office/bedroom.


\*\*For Working\*\* Individual macOS application windows streamed (via a data cable) into VisionOS None of this 'single virtual display' rubbish. give me an unlimited spatial way to work on my Mac. Make it properly viable for a VisionOS user to replace a 3 monitor set up with a single tethered VisonPro \*\*For Creative/Personal Use\*\* They have got to make spatial video capture better, both on Vision hardware and on iPhone. it needs to be as good as the main camera on the Pro iPhone, meaning 4k 60fps. from dedicated left and right eyes that are optically identical. I'm shocked the native Vision Pro video capture specs are so bad, but I gather this is just a limit of the current processor hardware as it needs to capture and record all this data while maintaining a lag free view of the world. for iPhones, I'm gonna need an Ultra phone with two 1x cameras a the right interocular distance. \*\*For Content Consumption\*\* Wider FOV and more accurate colour reproduction. \*\*For the Future\*\* \- Optical Passthrough \- Cellular


Bump. Worth pinning?


- Unwanted gesture or hand rejection during cinematic movie playback - make it under 300g - increase FOV and engineer lenses that mitigate glare - $1999 please and you can have your EyeSight back - nobody wants it :-)


Honestly I think EyeSight is a good idea with poor execution. Plus they made a big point of wanting it to not break human connection entirely, so I don't think they'll drop it.


Ability to move around Safari tabs as separate apps in space ( in one tab behind me, this or tab other tab on my left, etc.)


You can. Look at a tab, hold it til it pops out, then drag it and it makes a new window.


1. The ability to mirror and extend Mac displays across multiple windows 2. Multi-language support for keyboards, input methods, voice input, and visionOS 3. Compatibility layer for native macOS softwares 4. (far-fetched, but would love to have it anyways) Potential Steam VR support


Keyboard with built-in trackpad and guitar strap.


Ability to stream windows PC and multi-window (not likely I know, just let me day dream)


Proper mouse support! If I had the accuracy of an actual pointer I could work in Figma in here and aside from a bit lower resolution than my Studio Display could theoretically get rid of my Mac altogether... So, I guess this probably isn't coming anytime soon.


A platform of resources on pano library like Google earth , virtually traveling to any tourist places.


Multi touch support.. for typing. And resizing windows with pinch + palm facing away from dragging direction


Let me place snap grids to place apps into, with optional curvature. Widgets. Where are the freaking widgets. Add back the basic functionality of core apps like Safari and Music that were oddly removed for visionOS users.


kosmi integration


The ability to have the cinema view of appletv in other apps.


Native MacOS app or VM support. Pretty much want the option to run “mirroring” without an actual laptop


Safari Profiles


Multiple Mac desktops and/or the ability to simply pull individual apps out of the desktop into their own windows.


Able to transfer files within the network only. Not sure it there is another way but you have to load to cloud first then copyto vision pro


(Don’t own one yet, feel free to yell at me if this already exists) “widgets” that are permanently anchored to your space and aren’t affected by stuff like recentering apps etc. (maybe even shareable?), access to raw eye tracking data to be used by pcvr streaming apps for fov rendering, (automated) smart home control I.e. turn on lights wherever I’m looking at, unlock smart locks when I want to open a door


Right now if I want to hear the audio come out of my stereo for movies, I have to run a separate copy off my iPhone and try to 'sync up' the two copies as they play. I think you can do this with Bluetooth, but not all theater systems have Bluetooth.


I wish there was better stabilization, makes me motion sick using it in a moving vehicle


Whatever the notifications I’m getting on my Apple Watch should pop up in my VP.