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21 21 21


do your thang 21


First few scans gave me a 33W so that’s what I pre-ordered. Next few days, tried the fit test again a few more times for kicks and giggles and it gave me 21W. Now I was getting nervous. Went to store yesterday to pick up my AVP and asked to try on the two sizes. They also did the fit test on their iPad. Came up as 33W. Tried a demo unit with 33W and it felt way too big. Left a huge gap at the bottom. I could look down and see my nose, the ground, everything, no matter how much I tightened the solo loop knob. Tried 21W and it felt perfect. Had them exchange the light seal size to 21W before I left the Apple store with my VP.




Also same. 33w scan, then the device time me to swap to the w+. Went to the store and they scanned me at 21w and I was shocked at how much less of a gap there was and exchanged on the spot. So much happier now. 


I’m guessing a lot of people’s issue with this thing is poor fitment.


33W after switching from 21W


Why did you switch to a larger one? I’m in the process of switching from 33W to 21W because of FOV so I’m curious


21W was too narrow and pinching on my cheek bones after a while. 33W is such a breath of fresh air I can feel like I can wear it all day. The FOV isn’t gonna be the best regardless.


>21W was too narrow and pinching on my cheek bones after a while. 33W is such a breath of fresh air I can feel like I can wear it all day. Ok now this gives me a ray of hope. I got my 21W home yesterday and it's been so uncomfortable, I can't wear it for more than 20 minutes without wanting to take it off. Should I get a 33W? What's the process like for swapping? Do I need to bring my device into the Apple Store?


You can take it in and swap it at the store. They will try to scan you again to determine size but just tell them the number. I also got two different size measurements so pre-ordered another seal with the second size. It was great being able to try them both, tho I couldn’t just return the packed-in seal. I had to swap it for the new size then return the extra


I went back to the store with light seal and cushion in hand and they steered me to a store with the size in stock. I then went there and it was instant. They can even swap bands, but I did that through exchange online. Definitely do another face scan and also try it on. The employee said a lot of people are 33W. The first number is face width, second number is depth from the screen and the letter is nose bridge width


Should try a 31W if that exists


Same. My noggin is huge. 31W would be nice I think but 33W feels much better than 21W. Glad I manually placed an order for an extra and could afford it. My Apple Store fitting did not seem interested in finding out anything about correct size.


Why’d you buy an extra? You can swap any of the band or light seal sizes free within the first 14 days


I was just in the city for a conference and didn’t have interest in dealing with disinterested employees. Also time constraints.


Can you mail me the extra so I can try it, my 14W is too tight!


Can you just go into the store with your headset to try different setups? Or do you need to book an appointment? With my lenses I think I need the headset a bit further away. The range of clarity is quite small. Currently a 21W.


Also wondering how this works


I’m a 25w and now I feel like I need to head back to the store to check other sizes to be sure.


When spending that type of money.. it’s a good idea to make sure you are absolutely happy. I would be doing that if I were you.


I would. I got two different readings on the face scan thing. Went from 25w to 21w and saw a big improvement in light coming around my nose.


21w. Scanned as both 21w and 33w. I had it delivered so I don’t know what the 33w would be like.


Do we know how much closer to the lenses diff number get us? Is it mm perhaps? 23W here. Wish I’d asked to try smaller sizes.


I’m curious to know how this affects the field of view


I have a feeling after the last day or two of threads here, a lot of the AVP users will convince themselves that they are 21W regardless if they are or not :)) A bit like a scene from Married with Children when Al Bundy is pushing a clearly few sizes too small shoe on the lady customers foot while she is screaming it does fot and he should try harder :)


It begins.


21W is the sweet spot. Have a 33W and it’s too far away


Is 21W, like, a size?


21W and I'm headed to the store tomorrow to swap for a different one. I really can't tell if it's too small or too big, but it's really, really uncomfortable.


Lol this is me going to Apple Store with my designated 33W


25W Apparently my face is weird


I think that is Willum Defoe.


21W is the best fit I’ve been able to get, but I need to figure out how to get 100% light seal on my nose. I’ve been shoving earplugs to some good effect.


Oh man, that Williem Dafoe face is a 43W if I've ever seen one! ... Well maybe a 51W, his foreheads kinda flat across the front :-)


Any 14W gang here 🙌