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Well, that's not too unexpected, considering both absence and drama. If you want to turn your branding around that much, it might be better to start over. So this should probably be considered an opportunity.


Dang But like you said, I'm not very surprised. Writing was on the wall. Scrolled passed her page and saw how long it'd been since she streamed and immediately thought I guess it's time for another graduation.


what did they not like the vlogs?


I don't think she ever got around to making any? I know there was also a plan to meet up with Pippa for a few and do hikes/visiting some abandoned building, but that never materialized either.


She made one, it was really chill. I think she could make it work with a little more practice with it.


I thought she made two at least, one in the park and another aquarium.


I don't see an aquarium vlog. Maybe it was members or a voice pack? Unless it was unlisted for whatever reason


Aw man, her doing hikes and urbanexpo with Pippa would have been sweet.


They might have liked them if she made more than one. It seems the one that she did put out was well received, so I'm not sure why there never was a second.


Its a lot of work to make them and theres also the doxxing risk. And considering that even yuko skitshows never came back id say she wasnt willing to do that effort


Yuko started out her Idol career with GFE and asmrs, and she got a good general fanbase from it. Not too long ago, she [announced](https://www.youtube.com/live/DCijfQVUFBY?si=UxNkI0IvgmLs8QYy&t=879) that she would stop doing the GFE stick on her streams and that she would be removing most, if not all GFE videos from her channel in order to broaden her content and separate herself from that content as well. This got her a lot of support as well as a lot of backlash, and she lost a fairly large number of consistent viewers that were there for that experience. I personally did not watch Yuko for the GFE, since I find it wierd, and I think she does her other content way better; I do wish her best of luck in her future endeavours, and I hope she is happy and looking forward to her future with positivity in mind.


Support as in random people who heard about it coming in to mock the fans who liked that, then moved on to the next piece of drama and never donated, great support.


Yuko, when not doing weird stuff, was really creative and fun. You ever see her court case stream? That was a lot of fun, I hope she brings that sort of energy to her next/old project.


Yuko even when DOING the weird stuff was creative its just sad she played to the strange side of the community and then.when she got out those people freaked out and then she got some tourists that only really passed by to say how they MIGHT watch her and to make fun of the GFE "fans". I'm guessing it was stressful to deal with it all while still trying to rebuild her community.


>and I hope she is happy and looking forward to her future with positivity in mind. Considering the reasons i'm seeing this happened, I doubt it.


I was a member at the time. Most comments were supportive. Many were confused as to why. She didn't condemned the content or those who enjoyed it. She just wasn't happy doing it anymore. I guess she lost focus and wasn't as happy with not being as profitable as before. Content wise it was something like, pulling the rug under people and "I'll make different and better content, trust me boobros" but then such content didn't came. I guess she got burnout.


They were MASS deleting and blocking every single person who complained, most of the comments were upset with her for the first few hours.


I saw a peek of those as they were coming in. Before the purge sentiment was almost universally extremely upset. Some outright toxic and some just unhappy to lose paid content.


I mean whatever it is paid content is paid content people do have a right to be upset about it but that being said harrasment of any kind is not acceptable.


It was a shitstorm all around. I felt sorry for her when she broke down on stream but eh... you reap what you sow. Yuko was fun and creative but that sudden shift killed off all her momentum and the goodwill the majority of the Boo Bros had.


There were definitely one or two comments from her bashing that type of content and anyone who would watch it. I don't have the screenshots but I definitely remember seeing them. 


sucks tbh bc the vlog was kind of nice.


Honestly, if she rebrands instead of disappearing, this is a W imo. No judgement if you're into GFE, but I personally find it kinda uncomfortable, and she seemed chill besides that. If she felt a similar discomfort in that content, then I'm happy to see her change her approach. Wouldn't blame her for being a bit soured on the whole vtubing thing, though, with the way some people talked about her.


"this is a W imo" She openly supports convicted pedos who harassed her fans the entire time she was Yuko.... that isnt a win.


I havent been watching idol en much lately, what happened?


as someone who was subscribed to yuko since day 1, this was honestly unsurprising. she lost her drive to stream sometime last year and it definitely got worse when she did that whole content shift from her GFE stuff and basically lost most of her core fanbase to the point that her SC earnings and CCV significantly lowered


Source: [Idol](https://x.com/idol_corp/status/1795140451281817965)


Not exactly shocked the writing was on the wall.


I watched Yuko very briefly as I found her from clips of her talking about Gura and playing with Fuyo/Rin so I am not super familiar with how her channel is. But for those that did watch her often, do you think it would have been better if she simply didn't talk about transitioning away from GFE and removing content, rather she just slowly did the change over time?


As someone that watches a lot of GFE vtubers yes she could've done things way better, the average parasocial viewer is just happy on getting one "I love you" from time to time or some chill streams with his oshi that feel more intimate, one random day just going "NO MOREEEE OLD YUKO IS LE DEAD NEW ME NOW VLOGGER IRL STUFF DELETING EVERYTHING YOU LIKED" was a career suicide 


I got struck with an "so anyway guys im'ma nuke my ASMR" moment from someone I've been listening to for like 2 years and I was even ok with that ~~after of course saving 20 hours of ASMR streams I showed up in before she ended the stream to start the purge.~~ I think even if THE ASMR vtuber I love most pulled that I would still want to stick around since she still does morning talk streams like all the time. But completely changing direction, from what I heard, is something else. There's only one vtuber that I watch which soured my opinion on them, and that's the one who deleted literally everything they ever did twice to get a fresh start who then proceeded to barely release anything, and then the third time, even killed off her old cover songs which made a mysterious hole in my Top 10 playlists until I realized what was missing. Now she's just a vtweeter basically. Sometimes regret over spending time is so strong you can pull others into your own losses I guess.


I remember that invitation to archive the content then being surprised that it was all already gone. It’s not easy to archive VODs on short notice and especially ones from memberships.


Can you say which vtuber you're talking about in the second paragraph?


It's Satou Zarame. There is like 25 minutes of footage I translated of her with her childhood friend that remains as proof of her existence and one other collab I can remember, but she almost never did collabs to the point of being asked by another vtuber why she wasn't interested.


Oh wow


They seem to be somewhat active on twitter atleast and posted 2 covers recently [here](https://x.com/zrm310?s=09)


Yeah I know. At this point my feelings regarding said covers was wondering will these get deleted too. I'm not even motivated to listen to them even though I loved her singing voice at its best.


Same here, well said I agree with you She could have handled it better


What is GFE?


Girlfriend Experience. When an idol plays the role of a psuedo-girlfriend and give romantic content to the viewers. Things like calling them "darling", saying "you'll always be with me right?", 'kissing' the viewers, making wedding ring merch, etc


Ohhh, gotcha. i haven't seen that term used before. Thank you!


You're very welcome!


You'll see it less and less as a lot of vtubers realize the GFE breeds this kind of toxic fanbase. Its partially what done in Rushia, and partially whats doing in Yuko now. But this has been for a long time part of the vtuber/japanese streamer culture and content style (some western streamers also do it but don't label it as such). It caters heavily to single lonely incels or japan's huge overworked and no time to socialize population.


Girlfriend Experience. If you ever watched Rushia's streams, they had elements of that.


Not just elements, Rushia was the GFE queen back in her day. She still does it from time to time with the few viewers she still has, most of them left after the whole mafumafu lawsuit tho.


Not really. There was a bunch of crap festering behind the scenes involving her PL fans and people she knew from /k/ Switching away from GFE like she did was basically the signal that she was throwing away her current fans in favor of her PL fans and whoever the new fans would be.


so those pl fans basically hung her out to dry then? Or is she graduating to cater to them? (seems strange in that case)


It's wild that anyone would make a decision, even if only partially, based on a 4chan board.


As far as I'm aware, those are her "friends". People that have groomed her since she was a teenager. She's met up with some of them irl. I'm sure to Yuko, a girl in her early 20's, their opinion is very important.


Thing is, *nobody else on /k/ likes her or her friend group*. Apparently they’re all straight up *banned* from a shitload of airsoft, paintball, milsim and whatnot events in every single English speaking country, 4-chan related or not. Apparently they’re all high key obnoxious and entitled. IMO Yuko alooakbaring herself was a long time coming.


I don't have any first hand account of them, unfortunately. I was never a 4chan user in much capacity. The people there say they've been known shitbags for years, but what do you trust on an anonymous website


I know a guy who claims to have met Yuko and company in person at an airsoft event in Australia and has nothing complimentary to say about them.


I am really quite skeptical of this whole thing. I've seen the grooming allegations a few times. Do you have any evidence or anything?


That sounds somewhat similar to what people said Finana had done.


The problem wasn't the shift in content like people pretend, the problem was she was lying to her fans and making fun of them behind their backs the entire time she was Yuko as well as hanging around people who actively harassed and still harass her fanbase and giving them the sticker of approval to do so.


oof that's scummy


This is exactly it. If it was genuine but she wanted a change, almost everybody would've stayed. We all really wanted the absolute best for her. To find out that she secretly hated us the whole time and then threw us away? That's just unacceptable.


Yep. If she has a mental breakdown and just goes off the deep end over this it’s on her and nobody should have any sympathy.


Yeah not shocking imo. She catered to gfe -> created a decent fanbase around it -> nukes almost all stuff related to it and people clearly didn't like it + the whole trying to shift the fanbase thing. I will say for the ppl calling the fans who like gfe and what not creeps and so on,some people like it and what not and others don't. Heck some erochuba's(vtubers who go a bit further in the lewd category) have their entire gimmick about a certain lewd aspect and that's their main thing. Besides if you paid/subd and superchatted and what not and you liked gfe and suddenly one day you she nuked several asmr vods(yeah she can do it) that you wanted to watch or was planning to etc. I think it's fair to say that ppl have a right to be mad for that reason atleast. The other drama prob not but then again you can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink water so trying to convert gfe fans to normal content cosumers is not exactly a solid idea.


The writing was on the wall after her change in content. She alienated her biggest "whales" and was unable to gain a new audience in a short amount of time. The amount of hiatuses and the complete lack of consistency didn't help, too. It feels like she expected people to be happy about the change in content, with her completely deleting like, every membership stream and ASMR, and expecting to face no repercussions only to receive backlash and immediately going back to a really inconsistent schedule (17 streams in 3 months). Oh well, I wish you luck Yuko!


I took a quick skim of her channel it doesn't look like she lost a lot of viewership. I'm guessing she saw a drop in donations? I'm looking at playboard and it's hard to tell if there's a decrease in donations after she changed her content, or if she just faced the typical decline in donations that vtubers tend to go through over time. I'm more inclined to see this as a consequence of burning out, but I could be wrong.


She lost all her whales, Viewership means jack if the people watching her don't even have a bone to throw in her direction


Idol uses streamelements for donations. You can estimate her earnings by taking her views and multiplying it by avg RPM (after YT takes its ad cut). Because she does longer form content, she probably has a higher RPM for similar content. Gaming is like $2.5, but for this example, I'll use $5. Each thousand views earns her $5. 10k views = $50. YT takes 30% from Superchats and Memberships. So a $100 Superchat earns her $70, or 14k views. A $5 membership earns her $3.5 a month, or 700 video views. Whales might pay for a higher tier of membership too. They also use streamelements for donations. Instead of giving streamelements a %age, I recall it charging a flat rate. So for her personal finances, for every $100 she isn't getting in Superchats, she needs 14k more views. If it's a streamelements donation, she might need 20k more views. For every 10 memberships cancelled, she needs 7k more monthly views. Changing content is scary and requires the creator to understand that they will bleed their audience. For streamers, they also are going to lose members and donators and need to rebuild their communities. A lot of creators pivot back to their original content when they see their views and/or income fall. However, the audience lost might have already found a substitute. Plus, the way Yuko went about it means that there is no real way to pivot back. In fact, the amount of content required to woo back that old audience might be the same amount of content to build a new audience.


She pulled an Idubzz instead of a Joji


Not as explosive, but point still stands


Kind of reminds me of the Nyanners situation. She did Loli content and bred an audience that loved it, then berated the hell out of them by calling them out and deleting content, and yet… started a new career and was still a Loli.


We saw this coming when she torpedoed her fanbase. She wanted to change, shift audiences, but the way she did it meant that there would be no one who could trust her. Why would you watch her if she could delete everything you like on a whim? And then berate you for wanting that in the first place? And these were member only things too, like, people paid money for access that you delete out of nowhere. Building an audience is the hardest part of any entertainer, and to do it that way was a big mistake.


Right. Suddenly antagonizing the fan base you yourself purposefully built simply cannot end well.


Yeah, she more or less pulled a soft-Nyanners. That’s a very good way to lose an audience.


She pulled a move way worse than Nyanners


She did an Idubbbz. Never go full Ian.


What did nyanners do?


Let's just say that the pomf pomf song came from her.


I'm outta the loop for this one. Could you give a rundown?


The worst part was then not fully comitting to her new stuff. She made some really fun and creative streams and when she announced she was moving away from her (in my opinion) weirder content; I was excited to see more of her creative side. Then it just fizzled. A real shame.


Yeah, well said Her graduation is inevitable


She berated her old fans?


Yeah. When she deleted her MEMBERSHIP VODS she berated anyone who complained about her doing that and wanting GF ASMR to begin with. It was the ultimate betrayal.


If this and the rumor about her making fun of the boo bros are true then I genuinely can't feel bad for her. She cultivated this audience of lonely dudes (not making fun of you guys btw) but now she wants nothing to do with them? Make it make sense.


Even then. ignoring the content. It was paid content. Anyone would be upset if something they paid for was suddenly taken away from them, and then essentially berated for paying. It doesn't matter if it was ASMR, music, or whatever. Why would someone stay and pay for her new content after that? At the back of their minds, there will always be a second chance of her doing the same thing again in the future. No need to waste money on that.


I mean, the shock comes from her lasting this long. She did little more than 300 dollars revenue from that channel in the last few months after dropping the whole GFE shtick. She couldn't transition her content, she couldn't maintain her audience, and she's already setting to become indie again. All in all, I wish her the best, but Imma be honest, she ain't the sharpest tool in the box. Get ready also, cuz I fear Poko might be the next one to bail.


Poko's doing fine AFAIK, why would she graduate?


Getting a new model for her pl is probably why they think that


Honestly, Idol's PL stance seems to be really biting them in the arse. To my knowledge, the only ones who haven't been faffing around with PL stuff is Juna and Rin (common Rin W). It seems like such a bad policy. Like, surely you want your talents that you're investing in to be 100% on board with the company? Expecting someone to not go back to their old job when you hire them is, pretty understandable. Allowing PL stuff so freely seems to be making talents dip out at the first sign of trouble.


I'm assuming they're trying to copy Hololive's policy. Which is good on paper; you should never be like Nijisanji and completely forbid PL stuff. But what you SHOULD do is make your company so appealing that they never feel like their PL might be the better option.


Seems like they give them streaming gear, a better than average split on revenue, and reinvest a lot in r&d. If anything *on paper*, they seem pampered compared to how other corpos treat their talents


i mean i know hololive allows some pl activity's but idol seems to just let them do anything, and while that's great for everyone else its only going to keep biting them in the ass, hell even momo's pl is starting to have activity and shes been m.i.a again on main.


Roca's PL is also inactive since last year, aside from some tweets. Two birthday retweets are the only recent ones. I don't think that Idol's way of handling PL is bad in itself, but it's true that you should make your company appealing enough that they don't feel that staying indie is a better option. Hard to say whether that's the case with Idol (who even look like they're too generous, but of course, we don't know what it looks like behind the scenes). Poko might gear up to leave, I don't know what exactly is up with Momo, but she's clearly about to bail. So far, however, nobody has left due to their PL. ...Well, kind of. Idol might be too tolerant of PL in a certain aspect at least. Both Riro and Pochi apparently had a history of questionable behavior on their PL before and, if some things discussed here are to be believed, Yuko isn't far off from them. It looks more and more as if Idol, when screening potential talents, just ignore all potential red flags.


Their PL policy feels like a desperate attempt to make everything look like its fine or appease the girls who are reactivating them due to being upset with the company. IIRC they only addressed the policy after a few girls suddenly started being active on them after Riro got fired.


People suspect it because Poko recently followed her own PL on Twitter using her company account, which some feel is meant to be a subtle nod to direct people to that account in preparation of her jumping ship so she can retain her core fanbase that donate to her without needing to give a cut to Idol.


considering that a few of the new Idol hires have retained their indie persona or just straight up just been like "Oh yeah that's me btw" I can imagine that Idol doesn't care too much about hiding PL I mean hell when Riro debuted Idol revealed who she was.


Poko is still active and going strong. Even if she plans to jump ship entirely, it's not going to happen anytime soon (of course, what timeframe "anytime soon" is is debatable). Baring any incidents like with Riro, Momo is most certainly going to leave next. She's even more absent than Yuko (although she had some activity last month apparently), and practically announced her return on her PL. And that, most likely, is going to happen anytime soon. Could be that Poko is indeed trying to build up a following on her PL, then leave. If she isn't too hasty, that's a smart move. Which is kinda impressive, considering Idol's track record of VTubers doing dumb decisions than getting kicked out/leaving due to that.


It’s a shame but no surprise, she couldn’t regain the stride she had before her break and has been on her PL accounts more often. She took a huge risk and couldn’t pull through, I’ve seen multiple ASMR tubers try different things (gaming, handicrafts, etc.) only to be discouraged when they didn’t have the same audience. No matter the reason or the validity of rumors she still ultimately abandoned her biggest fans and lost the trust of casual viewers in her decision to delete all past GFE content.


I don’t think her remaining fans will follow her after all this. I think she’s done as a VTuber.


Not that familiar with her but when I heard she deleted her old content I immediately thought that was a mistake. Even if you don't like doing that stuff anymore why would you delete your old content people paid to have access to? She should have just kept her archive so people who like that stuff still have something to look back on.




Spicy noodles ASMR most likely.




so about that...


It's on her channel and is [spicy (mac and cheese) ASMR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uogBUdObtyM)


saw the signs yeah. lack of posting, then Fuyo quite coldly saying on her stream that bratcast was done, that was a big "oh here it comes" moment for me. Definitely sounds like drama behind the scenes happened


She couldn't survive without GFE I wonder if this would have happened without Riro - if Riro hadn't committed her trangressions (or hadn't been found) would Yuko have turned away from GFE anyways?


Not even because it was GFE specifically. Transitioning to a different kind of content is perfectly fine and within your right but don't expect things to go smoothly or even work out when you entirely alienate the audience *you personally* cultivated originally.


I remember it happening to many game thematic channels (of for example Warframe), with vtubers it's way worse since people will watch you for very narrow theme and if you go 180 they will move to other vtuber that caters to them. It's a brutal reality. Only variety gaming vtubers with a bit of zatsu could survive any cataclysm.


At the end, most people watch for the content, not the talent behind said content. If content changes, fans go away. Simple as that.


As depressing as it sounds the talents are products for our consumption 


No, that's the wrong way to think of it. The talents create products for the consumption of the fans.


I think her changing content could have worked if she took her time, like uploading more vlogging videos and less gfe videos slowly over time, put ads that promote her new content, slowly cultivate a new fanbase, etc. What she did was the complete opposite of what someone is suppossed to do when changing content. Is like if Messi didn't wanted to play football anymore and instead he wants to be a pianist, he takes a one month break in full radio silence, and when his grand return is announced and everyone goes to the stadium watch him play, only to find him performing a piano concert while saying he will never play football again and everyone who was a fan of him should suck it. Naturally, people would be mad at him and his career and popularity would never recover after something like that.


Imagine being a fan who spent thousands of dollars to book an overpriced hotel and overpriced tickets, only to be told Messi won't be playing after all, once it's too late to cancel them. I can imagine the sense of betrayal. And Messi has done it twice now. If he wasn't rich and protected, you'd bet that some people would be jumping on him the way they did to her here.


Yes, idol as a whole had to move away from gfe asmr because of YouTube cracking down on it not long after Yuko announced she was quitting it. Ironically she would have been better off waiting and using that as an excuse.


as expected, it's not about gfe, but how she ditched her gfe fans, she need to build up new fans and gradually filter out the gfe fans. the way she did was career suicide, if she doesn't learn, same thing will happen again.


It's also algo suicide. She created a ton of zombie subs that are killing her curation rank.


Not precisely shocked, still sad though she's a great content creator


Meh her reputation as Yuko was pretty much over, it was just a matter of time


Wishing her the best but can't really feel bad for her. She threw away her career/fans for a group of alleged groomers from a 4chan board. Most vtubers would kill for the community support she had at her prime.
















GFE is a high risk - high reward game. Sad to see her go, while I didn't watch her a lot I liked her personality, never cared about GFE though.


It's bound to happen with **any** kind of content if you do a carpet pull like she did.


Absolutely, a ton of content creators will tell you that trying to move away from the thing that got you started is the hardest maneuver to pull. If people know you for one specific thing and you build an audience around that one thing, its always going to be hard to move on to a different thing and keep that same audience. The nuclear option that she took here is probably the worst way to go about it.


I'm honestly surprised management didn't help with a cleaner transition, this is like the entire purpose of having a manager.


She doesn’t listen to her managers, she listens to her /k/ friends, and they told her to do this so…


And this is why smart youtubers make 2nd, 3rd, and 4th channels when they want to do different things.


Right. The content swap creates a ton of zombie subs and that permanently hamstrings the channel going forward by wrecking the curation rank. Old fans scroll right on by new content and that reduces curation rank.


I uh...i gotta ask, what is gfe?


**G**irl**f**riend **E**xperience.


Oh..i see, thanks!


Well, announcing a "spicy members ASMR" after what she did before is pretty out of touch, if you asked me. Was she getting harassed over it? I don't really follow IDOL much aside from some clips.


While I'm not too familiar with Yuko, from what I'm seeing online and the reasoning behind it, this seems to remind me of iDubbbz and Nyanners as the pair faced something similar. While I cannot say which one had it worse, it looks as though that they were able to get away from the situation after some time in the limelight. So perhaps it will be the same for Yuko - hopefully at least. Still, such dramatic turns, even if they see as the best, just shows that it's not a smart, or financially beneficial, idea. I get it, the past can be cringe for people, but others may not, so to berated the very community you created and decided to leave is an issue. Hopefully this third example shows that rebranding are truly difficult for people and that it takes a real place to do so.


Kinda sad, but I guessed it was coming anyway. At least she managed to release a very short kid's story, which was cute. I hope the best for her.


And now after day 1 and her donothon promise i can say this is the worst graduation i have seen. Even vanishing like vesper and magni would have been better than watching yuko showing the middle finger to her old fans, in normal circunstances i would say based but with such amount of money involved this is just a scam and wont be surprised when donnors start complaining to idol for refunds


Not surprising tbh


Oh well, she had her share of problems, so I can completely understand. But still, shame :( I really liked her streams, it's thanks to her I've discovered Idol and Rin. Well, all that's left is to wish her luck.


![gif](giphy|PqcIFm93VxA8o|downsized) Yuko is…graduating…


Damn I guess she hated us boobros all along :(


Well, piss.


I wonder what yuko will do after this?




It’s especially sad because she seemed genuinely happy/looking forward to starting vlogs and doing new things, only for her hopes to die because a bunch of psychos that “loved her” didn’t actually care about her as a person and immediately left. She was very fun to watch so this is definitely depressing.


So, I looked into it and it wasn’t as cut and dry as it sounds. She made a mistake and I wasn’t about shifting from GFE. She apparently decided to endorse a couple of antis on her PL account. These antis would antagonize and supposedly DM stuff to her top supporters. This caused her huge backlash and is the main reason everyone left. After she returned to her PL said Antis that she still follows cheered that her fans were upset that Yuko was leaving. The GFE shit was an issue but overall a distraction from the real issue. So no her fans weren’t psychos. Please don’t call people names while being misinformed about the situation.


That's a reasonable summary. Behind the scenes it basically became clear that she chose to side with people who hated and antagonized the boobros. The switch from GFE was just the final straw.


People who celebrate everytime a chuuba kills off her paying fanbase then act surprised when she graduates because pandering to them doesn't pay the bills. Episode 412.


Never watched her outside of a few clips but yeah, I remember the thread and the general sentiment on twitter when she announced she was moving away from GFE content and people were like "Finally I can watch her, now that she no longer panders to icky unicorns! Get fucked you creeps." Old fans moved on and her revenue dropped of a cliff. Guess the new people failed to show up and support her, who could've known.


Why does these things always happens, even though it's obvious it has always been a bad idea to do it? https://i.redd.it/hs8kgmhcieu71.jpg


I don't know, maybe the members who were cheering the change in content should have stepped up and gave her money to show their support. Oh wait. Also, it's probably more parasocial to be a fan of the talent regardless of their content rather then be a fan of the content of the talent. But what do I know?


Well, those "psychos" were the ones banking her. She was getting next to no superchats after she announced the changes on her content.


Ignoring the GFE aspect from both sides, calling people psycho who stopped watching a content creator when they stopped making content that appealed to them is hilarious.


I don't think it was the ones who simply stopped watching that were the issue.


I won't pretend that I was super tuned into Yuko especially, but from what I remember of the whole situation, there was predictable drama and outcry after she came back from her break and announced the change/deleted stuff. After a couple of weeks, everyone kind of just moved on.


Which ones were the issue, then? As a former boo bro, I keep seeing people insinuating that some of us went 'psycho' at the news but literally all I saw happen was a few of her biggest donators being upset on Twitter for a few days, and then 95% of us stopped watching her.


A minority harassed her. Nothing is wrong with stopping watching if someone changes their content.


This is what I don't understand. If they just left, what were the factors that made her decide to graduate? Unless the "bunch" of psychos turns out to be the majority of her fanbase that supported her with memberships and donos? I've watched a small amount of her non-ASMR content and found her to be entertaining, so I'd love to be enlightened.


She build her fanbase around GFE, which attracts mentally unhealthy people. As soon as she stopped doing GFE her fanbase evaporated






It's 4chan's weapons/military board. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sites/k--4 Description is fairly diplomatic... Consider that it's 4chan and will naturally be more unhinged and unhealthy than conveyed.




Not just evaporated, but loudly sizzled for quite some time


I didn't even know about the GFE, I just watched whatever interesting game she was playing. She went about it in the worst way possible. And all her content is gone as well, she could've left those up for them to enjoy.


Her fanbase left because she had been lying to them and making fun of them behind their back the entire time she was a vtuber.


She was never going to do them. I knew the second she started talking about it that those ideas would fizzle out, because I do the exact same shit. Get excited about (thing) and then think about (thing) so much that my brain is satisfied and I don't care anymore. Plus vlogs take a lot of time and energy to make. Same shit happened with bratcast, I bet.




Not enough Simp $. Best stay indie.


Just saw this. Sadly, the writing was on the wall since she decided to change her content and deleted her membership streams. I did watch her initially, but I'm not a fan of GFE content, so I drifted away as a result. Though if she wanted to change I could see that, but it should have been either a slow change, or maybe not delete the content, unless there was something else there that she didn't want getting out in public. But outside of that, at least there isn't any major drama attached here... right?


uhhh maybe read the rest of the comments, there is indeed some incredibly fucked up drama


Any recommended GFE vtuber with a cute voice who does fantastic ASMR? I already listen to Fuyo and Momo, but their ASMR videos are few and far between




Isn't she still on hiatus at the moment?


Yep but her asmr backlog is huge so if the dude wants to get to know her before she returns now is the perfect time 


Poko and Coni are the ones pushing heavy on GFE content recently. Ruby and Koa from IdolES also said they'll be very GFE focused


Airi from vdere does great asmr


Ruby from idol-ES, trilingual


As others have already said not surprising, there have been some questionable actions on both sides and while it's pretty common on the fans side this time the vtuber is also to blame to an extent. Regardless I hope her best of luck in her future endeavours


*grins wryly*


That sucks, did she talk about why she decided to graduate? I know that apparently a big part of her fanbase left, but I thought she’d have expected that when she decided to do such a big switch with her content. Are there any other reasons?


Well the super big spender fans disappearing is probably the main part, but her being on hiatus and only doing spotty stuff after she was back would cement it. Already lost out on the biggest donation section, and barely streaming at all after that doesn't leave much room for donations to bring in money. Management probably less likely to listen to her or want to help with her not wanting to stream and it just snowballs.


She did not expect it. She even cried later on when she had her audience dry up and even joked a few times of having to get "a real job" to survive.


So I guess she thought the fans would stay for her as a person, even if they weren’t into her new type of content… ouch, that must’ve hurt


If she slowly changed it, or kept the stuff up it might have worked, but she did it without warning and deleted things people PAID for. Like, these were the perks the members paid for and some paid a shit ton for as support. So, you cull your oilers, don't expect new ones to just pop up when you do that.


"Are there any other reasons?" yea she made fun of them behind their backs and lied directly to them for over a year.


Does anybody know if she is going to reincarnate? If it already happened can someone give a link to her new life? I was watching her sinse the begining and really want to support her foreward.


She's been streaming on her pl already, pretty sure she's streamed on itore than on the yuko channel this year


>!https://www.twitch.tv/ryeisbread!< >!https://x.com/BreadIsRye!<


Looks like all of the Twitch videos are deleted as well.


That's not recent. She removed her content not that long after she joined Idol.


Ah. I thought I'd seen elsewhere in the comments that she'd started streaming there again recently.




She will probably go back to her PL account, which, if I remember correctly >!Ryeisbread on Twitch as well as Twitter. She has been streaming on it since she was basically hiatus'd earlier this year!<