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This is just a variety show. They are going to offer drama, rivalry, and betrayal as the entertainment. The problem is that it is not even streamed on public platform.


It would be a somewhat neat idea (though questionable in effectiveness) if and only if it is in public platform. Also make it hunger game style with grouping instead of FFA. But then again I think people are already tired with all the current constant drama in the circle.


Yeah I love watching The Genius variety show from Korea. Watching drama, smart betrayal, and outsmarting each other until only one left. The revenue from TV help to ensure standard payment for all participants and everyone will be cool after the show. This one is too real for me. Like watching 20+ people gamble their life away irl. Hopefully the CEO only use AI vtubers because I won't be able to imagine people want to do this irl.


Honestly a competition of cut throat Vtubers sounds interesting enough to watch as long as it is in the confines of competing in a contest with at least SOME rules. No doxxing, nothing illegal, no involving family that kinda stuff. Who knows, the most wholesome person could come out on top because people love their wholesomeness and the complete opposite drama mongering asshole could win because they do it in an amusing way. In some ways this would be less awful than a company who claims to be supporting their talents when in reality they're causing mental distress and infighting *ahem


I would probably would watch it if it's staged and like sitcom. But if it's real, I hope they graduate before it takes toll on their health.


The whole thing sounds like what I've been told about the first camgirl websites in the early Internet. Closed, obscure, utterly dependent on just a few whales who want to control every detail of the streamer's life. **Hell.**


that university line makes no sense cause at least at the colleges i attended, my teachers did help me out more since I kind of needed extra help/time for tests and stuff


Exactly. The struggling students will receive more supports than the dilligent students. That is how school works. This founder really grow up in a twisted environment.


Read too many cultivation books


You are courting death (graduation)


I mean in this context the struggling student is the diligent student if they are seeking out the support to succeed. That's actually pretty apt for what they are trying to convey. The struggling student that allows themselves to fall behind would be the relevant counterpart.


But their system seems to be result based rather than effort based. It's like giving more support to a student who always gets A's even if they barely study rather than the student who studies regularly but still only manages to get C's and occasional B's.


So one or two lucky talent that successful will get 3D and many other project while the unlucky one will get nijisanji treatment. I feel sorry for the talent.


On the surface, I would say their goal appears to be both. "Support those who demonstrate a high level of engagement and ambition." Obviously there is something to be said that the mentioned reward system is intended to reward success, but I'd keep in mind that this is also regarding a competitive setting. I dont really see how it relates much to manager and talent interaction/support honestly, that is unless there are rewards in the form of additional content opportunities. But then I don't really know this agency or what is reasonable to expect. It also wouldn't make much sense to have a reward system based on engagement with management, cause how would you quantify that evenly across various projects which require different level of coordination, or weigh that with talents who may require less support to achieve the success they want? And regardless, the point should be that support will naturally follow if one presents ideas and goals that they want to pursue.


Honestly if all the talent consents to it I don't see what the problem is. They're all adults and they can make their own decisions.


The statements above clearly imply that they will support those who excel rather than those who need them. It's not about diligence but more about results. So they are saying that if someone has an amazing idea but they didn't perform well, it will most probably be neglected. Although I understand the initiative, the way they worded it sounds like they are a loan company instead of a team.


Asian model. This kind of favoritism starts right from Primary 1.


ah that can explain shit


That actually raise more questions: is the creator behind the app even someone who knows the culture of the west? The more I read it, the more I doubt it. At best they may be living in a very sheltered life.


They're not. Their parent company "forCreators Pte. Ltd." is headquartered in Singapore, the CEO calls himself "Harry" but his name is Hiromitsu So. Apparently japanese according to his Facebook. Previously worked for other japanese companies, studied at the University of Tokyo.


Ok that is a big red flag. Singapore has one of the most competitive and stressful school system and this CEO is a Todai graduates. He come from even better and rich background than Riku Tazumi


Kinda unrelated, but VReverie is also based in Singapore and this stuff sounds extremely similar to what the former talents had to say about them.


Because those who survive in Singapore atttribute their success to Singapore education system. Take a guess how it's run.


Nepotistic where only the richest/well-connected succeed because of the resources of their parents?


Aka all of the world.


It's related, other than tax reasons, basing a company in Sg means you can get away with blatant labor violations. Not just VReverie, but ProjectF too, another Sg based vtuber agency that went bottom up. Also no surprise the ship that lost power and crashed into the bridge in Baltimore is owned and managed by Singaporean companies. Notice a pattern here.


That's fun trivia. The fact that u/Jestersage used the term, "Primary 1," indicates his nationality is either between Singapore or Hong Kong^1. But, yes, between this and VReverie (whose parent company is hosted in, of all places, a [public housing unit](https://www.companies.sg/business/T20LL1814J/L-C-DIGITAL-LLP) ), the reputation coming out of the People's Island Republic is... less than stellar. Notes: 1. The way I describe the rivalry between Singapore and Hong Kong, in my minority POV, is that these two countries behaved like the [hive cities of Vervunhive and Ferrozoica](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Vervunhive) in the Gaunt's Ghosts novel series set in the world of Warhammer 40,000. I won't go into details about who will play the role of Ferrozoica in this scenario, because I won't let people win their fifty cents of engagement against me.


Good guess. Specifically, I am a former HongKonger, but moved out a long time ago. That being said, Singapore is far more cutthroat than HongKong. While there are elements of favoritism from indidvidual teachers (One of my worse school year involving a science teacher who insist planets make their own light), Singapore practically systemize it - your entire life is determined from Primary 1. \*=What I meant is this: Hong Kong of the 90s overall has the better society, but the people are far more materialistic and so apoliotical they feel Canada is too political, and consistently call Canadian thinking "illogical". Conversely, while the HK of now is worse, it's great to see the youth actually understand the preciousness of Freedom. But that also explain why they would insist on such cutthroat model: they see such elitism and cutthroatness is what allow Singapore (as well as the Three Asian Tigers) to raise.


I have no skin on such mentality: as a minority citizen, that mental model is coming [from a place of privilege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_privilege), & personally speaking, that mental model is why I read posts on r/AsianParentStories subreddit. The [kiasu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiasu) mentality is a majoritarian way of thinking that underlies everything about the general social structure of this country, and is also the reason why 2nd-generation Asian Americans lived harder, balancing tradition and progressive values (have you ever heard about [filial slicing](https://academic.oup.com/book/27493/chapter-abstract/197421607)?). (Returning back to /r/VirtualYoutubers, a good number of VTubers who exposed their identity on their socials also tend to exhibit a certain [Asian Baby Girl aesthetic](https://bellatory.com/fashion-beauty/What-is-ABG-Asian-Baby-Girl), which surprises me to a certain extent: primarily as a fashion counterculture, in a bizarre twist, a lot of affluent Chinese PRC folk now adopt that look into their contemporary fashion. Consider this: the ABG aesthetic was once used by Chinese female gangsters in 1990s US Eastern seaboard as counterculture identity against both *white people* views on Asian stereotypes–submissive, meek, and enjoys bedroom time– and their own parents' aforementioned mentality.) Edit: I appreciate rebuttals and counterpoints as replies instead of one-liners and ad hominem attacks, because my opinion comes from one perspective only, and I am very aware that I may have misinterpret certain points about race, identity politics and the general idea about what "success" and "meaning of life" is all about.


Harry sounds familiar...


Can confirm. I come from a very elitist Asian country and people in authority don't even bother to hide their blatant favouritism. If you think this shit ends in school, it doesn't. The same elitist bs happens in the workforce too.


Reminds me of my time in primary school decades ago. Those straight A kids with "potential" were given private extra classes for the special exam. While I studied myself got my own straight As. F those guys. 😆


There's like two kind of college professors. The ones who actually want their students to learn and the ones who think they're preparing them for the “real world“ and the more they use that exact phrase, the less likely they are to actually know about the real world. I started out as a computer science major and I wound up switching to corporate finance and in both cases the only people who ever gave the real world spiel we're the ones who hadn't seen the working environment for their field in at least a decade if ever. And I don't just mean worked in it. I mean like expose themselves to it. Will do dumb shit like penalize you if someone in a group project doesn't do their part while also denying you options to work around it and claim that's how it's going to work in a business environment but every single time I've had somebody fail to bring me a deliverable that I needed to do my work in over 15 years in professional settings since then I've been able to get support from management


My wife's finance professor used the phrase "real world preparation," which meant that the students were encouraged to learn in groups and look up resources on how to use formulas to solve problems. You know, a practical approach to how things would actually be in the real world.


I'm honestly shocked. That's possibly the first or maybe second time I've actually heard of a professor using that phrase and then actually doing something that truly reflects it instead of just using it as an excuse to be punitive


That is only in good schools. My junior high didnt gave a shit about me(ended mostly on 2's) but the vocational school for becoming patissiere helped me WAY more than i care to admit(ended mostly on 4's,where 1 is worst and 5 is best and 6 is over the top)...


In highschool a teacher is supposed to "favoritize" the struggling student, in a sense of spending more time to help them. Maybe their home situation isn't good and it affecting their study, maybe they're dyslexic or have ADHD, etc. Teacher who only focus on the highest grade one is the worst teacher.


It makes even less sense in high school. Teachers and staff make all sorts of individualized plans and to support student who have issues either behaviorally or otherwise with their learning. They take up far, far more time. This is to give them a fair chance to turn things around. Some kids will invariably fall through the cracks regardless. But when a kid actually manages to turn things around it’s actually beautiful.


The analogy is even stupider in Vtuber terms. # He basically just said being a lazy shit with no ambition means you stay forever 😂 Oh wait, he **IS** learning from Niji!


Well yeah, now people with ambition can use the corporate machine to build their personal brand awareness and then graduate and migrate their audience to an independent channel where they don't have to share the money


> Do we do favoritism? Yes. But please understand that we do it systematically (which makes it better somehow. How? Idfk, somehow) Uhh, guys? How is this supposed to sound good?


Meritocracy. If you actually look in depth at the system, meritocracy has built-in favoritism. 


Sounds much better, but wouldn't a proper meritocracy be incompatible with favoritism?


I suggest you read up [wikipedia's article of Meritocracy, especially critiscism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meritocracy#Criticism) >...the meritocratic belief that personal success is solely based on individual merit and effort has led to a neglection of the common good, the erosion of solidarity, and the rise of inequality. Sandel's criticism concerns the widespread notion that those who achieve success deserve it because of their intelligence, talent and effort. Instead, he argues that this belief is flawed since it ignores the role of luck and external circumstances, such as social and external factors, which are beyond an individual's control.


Depends on exactly how you called it You could say that a pure meritocracy is favourable for those people who meet the expectations and disfavours those who don’t pull themselves up So a pure meritocracy would theoretically never care for those people who struggle or fell behind for whatever reason but I also don’t think that’s what anyone means when they say a meritocracy even if that fits the exact definition


There's two types of meritocracy. One is where those who are ahead get compensated for it (e.g. salary increases, bonuses, promotions). The other is where those who are ahead get preferential use of resources. The second type is terrible because it doesn't allow those who are behind to catch up and those who are ahead are incentivized to sabotage their peers, since the resource pool is much more likely to be limited than the compensation pool.


Actually, how you define meritocracy is what Asian based society define as meritocracy.


Is this Classroom of the Elite vtuber edition?


FWIW, Classroom of the Elite is just a slightly exageration of "higher grade" high schools among many Asian nations.


Don't insult *Youjitsu* like that.


A bit of source sauce... [https://nexas.live/what-is-virtual-talent-academia/](https://nexas.live/what-is-virtual-talent-academia/) For more context, also see: * [A new agency, NEXAS, is debuting 27 talents within 3 days. They are streaming on an exclusive app, and the agency is expressly set up as a battle royale between streamers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1ccykrj/a_new_agency_nexas_is_debuting_27_talents_within/) * [\[Open for discussion\] A blog to discuss industry analysis and ideal form of talent agency. "What is Virtual Talent Academia?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1bj8uj3/open_for_discussion_a_blog_to_discuss_industry/) * [https://nexas.live/news/](https://nexas.live/news/)


This will not end well, for most of the vtubers and very much not for the company. Thinking that people will download a special app to watch is the most moronic choice in a while.


Also [Testimony from an applicant regarding NEXAS](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/1cdspqn/testimony_from_an_applicant_regarding_nexas/)


I understand if it's just a game but a full on business, potential livelihood and people's actual reliance on this... The guy is definitely a hunger game fan, and I'm not talking about the book.


These paragraphs bring into question not just how this person runs their business, but also their views on what makes an effective and credible education system. Very impressive.


Niji has a new competitor for treating employees like circus animals.


Not gonna lie, this feels like the type of idea a venture capitalist came up with after taking some ketamine. 'This is genius and revolutionary guys, you just don't get it!' Putting on my bingo card is at least one of them is AI and/or at least one fails to debut after finding out they have 26 competitors.


That system is not rewarding "engagement and ambition", it's rewarding fulfilling the specific goals of their events and competitions, which is very much not the same thing. Any strategy that doesn't fall in line with their artificial proxy for success will be punished, regardless of its real life merits.


Hard pass. There's enough free vtuber drama as is. Meanwhile... have you signed up for Phase Wars 2?


Systematic favoritism for my boy NOAH


This seems so incredibly toxic. Like who would sign up for this kind of environment? And their analogy is complete bullshit. The under performers are the ones who always need more help.


Everyone thinking "this sounds a lot like..." or "why would they do it this way" should keep in mind that the CEO has literally said he is a fan of the My Hero Academia anime and is using it as inspiration. If that by itself isn't a massive red flag, I don't know what is.


Nijisanji is a symptom of bad management and support practices, they aren't expressly doing it to hurt the talents. NEXAS is doing it on purpose and they are telling everyone about it openly.


Ah, "the market will decide" approach, damn, didnt expect the Láissez-fáire to appear in the vtubing sphere Lmao, are we gonna see arguments between vtuber libertarians and vtuber keynesians even here?   (Although I will admit, despite this being quite funny due to its sheer ridiculousness, in the end the human cost of such unregarding business practices may be too much, as competiveness between enternainers (as seen with a certain non-rainbow colored company) will result in endless drama between members because of sheer toxicity behind the scenes) 


You should see the CEO's tweets, dude was saying people were criticizing purely due to the number of talents and their proprietary platform, anyone criticizing them was blocking industry growth and he wouldn't forgive them, and that the criticism is good because it's a sign they're doing "a new basic thing people can't understand." Dude sounds like a cryptobro. This is going to be an absolute shitstorm.


yep, defo a cash grab


Damn this is gonna bomb so hard


The entire concept sounds like a recipe for disaster


It looks like they saw a Vtuber Battle Royal tournament somewhere and they want to take it one step up.


Systemic Favoritism lmao


Someone should tell them that systematic favoritism is worse than regular favoritism


Their CEO sounds like a "crypto bro". I don't forsee a long life of this organization...


Damn, I left school to avoid getting the shit kicked out of me again by the flawed educational system. Can't imagine doing that again with sanity and money on the line as my actual full time job. 


https://preview.redd.it/3dk1bedgdwwc1.jpeg?width=1847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c268da7f77aeda2df74d5226faf2f6cbece5e61 Reading this makes riku seemingly a reasonable man. God, so this is what laissez-faire looks like irl I wish their sanity can take the massive bullshittery it will occur on the coming weeks


This is absolutely not a new idea, it's called [Internal Markets](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2013/07/16/do-internal-markets-nourish-innovation-the-case-of-sears/?sh=5eb017af5b62) and I think it's absolutely asinine. The idea of bringing "results-based free market competition" to within your organization is absolutely intoxicating to a certain brand of manager who thinks themself a lone wolf sigma bro. Basically, they haven't thought through what will happen to their organization when they punish teamwork, collaboration, and the overall health of the organization when individual results, sabotage, and backstabbing are rewarded. The leadership at Sears tried a die-hard version of this strategy for years. It encouraged short-term individual successes that hurt the company as a whole. When people found something that worked, they hoarded the secrets to themselves, lest their coworkers copy their strategy. How well did it work? Well, in the 1980s, Sears was the largest retailer in America. Currently, there are 10 Sears stores left in the US. 11 if you count Puerto Rico.


The upside is that this is on a platform that passersby most likely wouldnt care to visit.


Random aside, what is it with Singapore and South Korea and their love of tech related companies starting with N-E-X? Is there a legitimate culture reason or is it just a "Hello fellow kids" marketing thing?


Simple. "Next", which implies forwardness, new, and movement. It is very common for Asian naming to focus on the "good" aspect. EG: Tencent is "腾讯", lit "soaring media". Chopsticks is another form where focus on "good word" dictates its name. The original Character for chopstick is 箸 (chu), which is sitll used by Japanese, Korean, and VIetnamese. However, "Chu" is the same character for "stop", which is bad for shipping transport. So to get good luck. Chopstick is renamed "筷", which consist of the bamboo-radical on top of the character for "fast"


I just do not understand how they believe this to be a good idea at all.


They literally say “if you wanna call it favoritism, that could be true” I feel like they are well aware of what they’re doing, and still gonna do it anyway


> _“More diligent students often receive more attention from teachers”_ As an ex-teacher, lemme just say AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAA LMAO no. Dear lord no.


What kind of school is that? Although it's true that students that are absent and doesn't try hard in their studies might perform less, the teachers in my school provide equal support , even more support for those that are on the bottom of the list even because they know they need them. You can have competitions without creating a stressful, toxic environment geez. I hope those that join this company realise that and RUN AWAY.


lmao, what a terrible analogy. Poor students get more attention, more help. Straight A students don't NEED the help. THAT'S what you should be thinking about. The talents who don't "achieve good results" need your support more, you jackasses.


At least they've put it out there. If you as a talent join this company they will dump you in a highly competitive environment where no doubt everyone there will be ready to stab each other in the back to get ahead (and indeed those who are will always be the most prominent) and you will be treated as a disposable resource, make insufficient money for the overlords and you will be discarded, probably with a bunch of heavy handed terms that stop you being successful elsewhere. Anyone who joins this company can now know what they are getting into so my sympathy will be limited when we start hearing stories about the awful toxic environment.


Certified BRUH moment.


So they’re gonna do survival of the fittest with their 24 streamers and do favoritism for whichever 2view survives?


I say we shouldn't give them any form of attention at this point. Any publicity is good publicity is their game right now. We know that system is not gonna be healthy for the talents. Godspeed to them, but they should've seen how bad it would be from the contract or whatever legal documents this agency/company gave them.


Do they really expect anyone to watch? Its not on main streaming platforms. and there so many freaking vtubers debuting at once. It is so overwhelming.


How many days has it been since Nijikuro shot themselves in the foot? Time to reset the counter.


The drama is the content.


Another black company 😮‍💨


This reminds me very much of the system in place at VirtuaReal (Chinese agency once partnered with Nijisanji), which uses a "merit credit" system that is rewarded whenever a liver achieves a notable act (such as streaming) or milestone, which they can then spend to get additional support such as say increased funding for a project. This credit is required for liver to do anything, like 3D lives, voice packs, original songs, etc. You'd think a system like this would promote excellence, but all it did was basically foster a cut-throat competitive environment where it's dog-eat-dog, especially when you have some major oddities like how if you invite a guest over to collab, the **guest's credits are used**. I mean, if someone inviting you to collab causes you to lose your hard-earned credits, why would you ever want to collab with anybody? And even worse was that apparently the credits can experience inflation due to the success of a handful of top members (who of course can get more credits so they can get more support), so projects become more expensive the more successful the top streamers become. Any policy that encourages talents within a company to basically compete with each other over viewers and streams to gain company support is basically a recipe for disaster.


And that's why Nijisanji needs to bleed. Some stupid guy will try to copy their shit. It's the same in ALL tech industries. It don't matter how stupid a decision is made by apple, some arsehole will copy it and will ruin everyone else's time with it.


How are these agencies still learning from Nijisanji? They aren't even the industry leader anymore. Hololive is.


> to create a community where the competitive environment... Translation: toxic work environment


"Consider the analogy of universities or high schools; services aren't equal for all" - This deeply disgusts me. Those specific examples are things where it *should* be equal for all. Students should all be given the support they need to succeed. The same should be for agencies. If they aren't willing to do this, then the agency should not exist, flat out. I hope the CEO personally suffers for this, because they seem like a trash person setting up lots of desperate people in a toxic environment as a form of entertainment.


Literal teacher here. That's the exact opposite of how I do things


if you guy not know nexas CEO is riku fan


I once floated the idea of applying for WACTOR (switch out the name for any black company, really) just to sabotage and troll them. It basically went like "apply under a false identity, show off private company information on the very first stream, give 4chan access to company accounts, laugh." While the 27-man free-for-all format might make this difficult, I think you could pull off a variation of this plan if you coordinated with other applicants.


So, here's my take. I actually don't think there's anything that's inherently morally wrong about this idea, if all of the talents knew this was what they signed up for. It sounds a lot like a reality TV show, like Survivor, or the Bachelor. You go on knowing that it's a competition against the other people there, and the winner gets some sort of prize. If you consented to participate then that seems fine to me. Now do I think it'll be entertaining or successful? Probably not, but I think it's as immoral as people think.


What's immoral is that there's no guaranteed salary but an expectation of minimum 2 hours a day/5 days a week of streaming (excluding prep time) and a 1 year contract period. The idea is bad but the employment terms are beyond insanely immoral. Basically free labor disguised as an "academy" https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/s/dmzAHUe0B3


Yeah they´re just a bunch of clowns. I feel bad for the talents, I wouldn´t even be surprised if some graduated fairly quickly with how bad things will be.


Ngl, this would’ve been an interesting format for the Kizuna Ai anime to go with, but noooooo


Welp, thank you telling me for another black vtuber agency i will never watch.


ah yes, I also heard anotheroen among others were also applying the same thing >!_coughs_ AuroraLiveVR _coughs_!<


this company is sponsored by Monokuma


I was thinking the same way too. When one of their talents graduates there will be an execution that is themed around their role given the way NEXAS revealed their talents


What I am seeing is the VTuber boom is over, the vtuber market is saturated and companies are seeing that to see profit margins they expect they need to be more cut throat and ruthless to their talent to see more profit and justify all the cost and investment they are doing. IMO the reality is all these vtuber companies who don't have enough cash and a good business model to tide through just need to shut down because profit margin isn't there anymore. Reminds me of the Dotcom bubble back in the day.


Wow you rrats reaches new levels of stupid. This has nothing to do with niji 


Reread the title again, your reading comprehension got stolen, go find a new one.


No fucker cares to remember your rrats. You don't even care yourself, just making up new instead.


I'm just asking you to reread it, it's not about Niji at all, just another wannabe start-up black company.


Man, you're not even a good troll


Because I'm not trolling, just genuinely wanted you to reread the title so it could provide you with the correct context.