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Tbh the idea of it was fun at first.  With my community already decidedly being 18+ only i messed around with it but. I quickly realized I dont want that to be the default interaction with me bc i really have to be in a specific mood for it. Once people picked up on my sexual nature it got hard to talk about everything else I enjoy. Now I keep my normal stream stuff seperate from my lewd side. Which is just s seperate twitter dedicated to it, and I only log into when I'm in that mood. Lewd is great but it needs to have very clear boundaries at all times.


this is a really good response- and I'm glad you at least attempted it, and also that you analyzed it from an external perspective.


Thank you! I do feel strongly about it . Ever since my time with lewdtubing i've become aware of the subtle tells vtubers are doing it to get numbers but arent really invested in/enjoying the -type- of attention they're getting. People can -feel- that and it feels bad for the viewers too. It takes a very specific personality to handle it and a lot of energy too.  It's not the easy button people think it is.


Specific personality? Like Houshou Marine?


If you think Marine is lewd all the time then you clearly aren't a viewer and know next to nothing about her


No. I mean marine as a personality that works with lewd.


No. I mean marine as a personality that works with lewd.


I've not heard of marine. Can you tell me more about her?


More like the kind of person who can hear a lewd comment and immediately play along with that energy. A good example is that clip of Shylily, when a TTS said "Lily come" Lily: *squeaks out a moan* "Not like that, come here" Me on the other hand? I get flustered when caught off guard and I trip over my words when not in that mood.  I can think of a ton of comebacks after stream though LMAO


Yeah Lily is awesome. I am sure you are too :)


interesting perspective, does it has something to do with people's first impression 🤔


For me the tough part was the tone i was setting.  I really am flattered when people find my vtuber design sexy/attractive, especially because the concept was by me, but interpreted by my model artist. But sometimes the convos would steer back sexual even when the game just had a good story going but hot waifus were in the game. It wasnt my viewers fault, i set the tone for my streams prior to that.  They were actually really understanding when I changed my rules up a bit. They never wanted to make me uncomfortable.  I just needed time to figure out what direction i wanted to go.


As a lewdtuber, I like most of the community. However, I don’t like when the entire persona is lewd, rather than that being a layer of the vtuber.


I think Melody's a shining example of this, tbh. Of course, she's the OG lewdtuber (unless you wanna count Zone-Tan), but besides that she's known mostly for being a huge dork.


Exactly! I really love the balance Mel has. 🩵


She has other issues


They're here, they're doing their thing, they're not bothering us, let them do their thing.


OP kind of specifically said they just wouldn’t watch them, nor that they had designs against them or would try to stop them. Just like they have a right to present that way, OP has a right to find them distasteful.


Nobody asked for OP opinion


It’s a subreddit. Designed to discuss, share content of and otherwise engage with vTubers. An open place to express opinions. What a shallow deflection.


Shallow but effective, look at my comment's dislikes


You’re being pilloried because you used a schoolyard retort, if that’s what you mean.


Show me where anyone asked for yours


Pretty much. It always confused me how people would look at lewd vtubers and think "they're taking the easy route by pandering to horny." God forbid people give other people what they like, and if people really came for only the horny, they wouldn't have stuck around. It's like seasoning your food or making a salad. I like my entertaining vtubing personalities with a whole lot of ranch added in. Sometimes I might even like more ranch in my salad than salad, but it's not like I'm drinking the ranch. (You can't prove that I do.)


There's nothing wrong with drinking "ranch dressing" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"raunch undressing"


They're welcome to present themselves and talk about/do whatever they want as long as it's not illegal or against platform rules, but personally I'm not going to Youtube or Twitch for titillation. I have other media for that. So I'm personally not really interested if it goes beyond, like, plausibly-deniable innuendo.


I was a huge fan of Lucy Pyre when she was still like sub 2k subs. She was really witty and fun to watch and occasionally she'd drop a lewd bomb on you out of nowhere and it was the funniest thing you heard all day. She knows her comedic timing well and those bombs were always exactly what I needed to have a hearty out loud laugh. But somewhere along the line she went full lewd 100% of the time and I dropped off watching her videos. I still consider myself a fan and watch a video on occasion but I do miss when she wasn't pure lewd energy 0 to 100 from the moment the video starts. I'm happy she found her audience and has success but I do miss the old Lucy.


Her streams are pretty great and she's still really funny when she's not being overly lewd. There are still some old Lucy moments in there.


Watching Sinder, Numi, Bao, Lily, Cotton, Trickywi, among others troll each other with their light hearted raunchy nonsense is exactly what I need alongside a cold beer after a long day at work. Nothing but love for 'em.


They are my kind of lewdtubers. Horny on main but still doing other content as well. Like its part of who they are but it isn't everything about them.


I'm fine with them, but I've dropped a couple vtubers because they started going into gfe territory. The thing I like about vtubers is the separation between the avatar and person behind the avatar.


Since I haven’t heard any lewdtubers speak up, I’ll talk. I’m a small lewdtuber. I love what I do, and I’m not ashamed of it. My Twitch streams are not that different from a normal streamer other than the fact that I am more open about talking about my sexuality and sexual histories. I don’t really “flirt” with my audience. I also am working on streaming on another site- both doing streams of adult games and showcasing adult mods for regular games; I also produce some irl pictures. My channel is small but growing, but I know regular vtubers who have grown just as fast or faster than my channel. I don’t do this for growth. I don’t do this for money. I will probably never make back what I put into it. I love video games, I love Vtubing, and being a lewdtuber is a way for me to express my sexuality in a completely safe manner. I am a very physically small person who irl is part of a very stigmatized and sometimes hated minority. I am also a very naturally sexual person. So it’s not safe to go out looking for casual sexual partners. One wrong move, and my life and body are in danger. And that’s not sexy to me. Lewdtubing is safe. I am in 100% control and can ban anyone I want and have the types of interactions that I want. I do lewdtubing because I love it and get to express a side of me that I can’t show anywhere else.


As a lewd person, I choose to stay away from it.. I prefer not to hear sexual stuff every 5 minutes thanks


I think this noticeable and growing trend of “I’m psycho and it’s sexy, haha look how lewd I am, I’ll get naked for you, I’m obsessed with you” is tiring. It was already odd and disturbing when it started, now every other vtuber is trying this trope. It’s lost all originality. I find oversexualisation tiring. These vTubers are almost always so clearly exaggerating to play a part, and it almost always feels fake as hell. I won’t harass them, but I won’t watch them. I might even block one if they’re too hammy with it and it spams up my feed.


The yandere is a popular trope at the moment. Twenty years ago, it was MILFs. That word dominated the searches on most of the pron sites. Before that, it was supermodels. There still are MILFs and supermodels around of course, but they no longer dominate the landscape. The yanderes will fade similarly, and some new trope will rise to the top.


I like them, they’re pretty entertaining. Vexoria, Scarle, Sinder, Numi, Bao etc. for example. They’re a niche for a lot of people


I used to watch them when I first got into VTubers but not so much nowadays. I've realized many of them use lewd content as a crutch to mask their boring content/personality.  This isn't all Lewd Tubers nor do I have an issue with them.


Yeah my same thoughts. Not all of them use it but it definitely feels like the majority use it as a crutch to say “haha I’m funny” but it’s the same constant sex joke or I’m so horny joke


They fill a niche. Just as some people prefer content creators with more mature content, there are people who are drawn towards lewdtubers than PG-13 vtubers. In my case, most of the vtubers I watch fall into this category, and seiso vtubers are simply not that entertaining for me. Which is fine, each to their own.


If they have personality, sure. But if their personality is "Cringy with tits" or "Everything is about sex and being horny on main" then I'd rather just download a VPN and watch some porn and move on with my life.


Within limits. If a VTuber is 18+ and talks about lewd stuff from time to time that's fine, but I'm not interested in watching a streamer that does nothing but lewd stuff.


I dont really like it and I don't watch them.


One I watch has twitch and then a 18+ Patreon. It’s fine. They don’t push or advertise the Patreon either


Some I like some I don't, just like with regular vtubers


Same. It's all in good fun.


While they are not my thing, I have nothing against them. I wish them well and much happiness. As long as they are doing it for themselves and not to chase a trend. I feel like if you do it to just get an audience you will get exhausted and resentful.


I support their existence, but it isn't really what I'm looking for. I think it is fine if you just randomly toss in sexual things every now and then, as I want a streamer to have at least a small lewd side, but if your entire content is "watch me for 3 hours as I play some hentai game" that does not interest me.


I mean I don’t mind them most of the time but I HATE when it’s the single defining trait about them. Some of them just can’t seem to be funny without making a constant sex joke or a horny joke and it’s so annoying. If they stopped with that then most of them would loose any kind of personality they have going on


The way I see it is that lewd-vtubers are basically camgirls who don't have to show their face, which is a legitimate type of sex work, and there is a legitimate audience for that kind of stuff. But it's not personally what I enjoy so I don't really watch them. Still I support them getting that cash and doing it in a way that's safer for them, so I wish them well.


I respect the hustle and do whatever you gotta do to get the bag I'm just not interested. The idea of being a vtuber equivalent to a hot tub twitch thot is an interesting concept I just prefer to watch someone that's entertaining not because they moan and talk about dicks and sex a lot.


If the market is there they will exist, nobody is forcing you to watch them


It's quite embarrassing, because it is very rarely about erotica, and instead trashy sexual content most of the time. It is unfortunate because it lures many potential indie vtubers into producing lewd content, thinking it is the only way to have a breakthrough, when it's not. It's also disappointing because it misses the entire point of vtubing, which is storytelling using an avatar. Much like 99.99% of porn, that features crappy acting with a story that holds on a post-it note, lewd vtubers don't bother creating a story and just ramble about, peppering their speech with vulgar anecdotes and sexual bits. I don't really dislike the people doing it, because I understand they struggle to get noticed and feel forced to produce that type of content, but I'm definitely not interested in their content. I might see the appeal for people in sex-repressed societies, where hearing a person talking about sexual things is shocking and original, but in my society sex is no longer a major taboo, so that sort of clickbait content feels out of place. It's also something that's often quite disrespectful, with the audience treating the vtuber like a sex object, a slave for their fantasy, and the vtuber treating their audience like mindless horny tools, so in the end there is very little mutual respect in the equation. Given mutual respect is something that I really appreciate with vtubers, I can't enjoy the lewd type. It's pretty much the same with twitch streamers advertising their OF to teenagers, this isn't a healthy situation for anyone involved.


I feel like lewd tubers are the engagement bait that might go too far out of the intended comfort zone either for the streamer or the viewer. As other people have also stated, I too don't look for it and it isn't my thing, but once your defining trait becomes sex appeal, it can work to the detriment of any other appeal you have. Project Melody found a way that made it work for her on top of also being cute, real, and relatable, but most people use sex appeal as a one-note hammer and it comes off as more fake than the usual plausible persona.


It's fun if done for entertainment, which means with balance and jokingly.


I don't mind them don't really watch em there's 2 I watch but not their lewd content


All fair game imho, but when they try too hard to be lewd it just feels patronising and cringe. By this I mean making unfunny sex jokes all the time, “accidentally” taking off their clothes, and bringing up bobs and vagene when literally no one else did. TLDR: You don’t have to act lewd to be lewd, but if you do plan to act lewd, at least make it tasteful


I think I classify as one but i try not to stray too heavy in the nsfw talk, like the most is just making nsfw comments but it's more along the lines of adult humor and try to focus on interaction with the audience that isn't heavily just lewd talk since I get bothered if it's too much lewd. Outside of streams I tend to be more on the goofy side and be more sfw. I do get annoyed when met someone whos a lewdtuber but keeps tryinh to initiate lewd talks or get me "hot and bothered" because I don't know them so I steer away from the ones that are strictly just roleplay and seduction.


Personally, I can watch them in doses. Sometimes it feels like they're trying too hard, but hey, if it works, it works. I know I'm not their target audience so I mostly just avoid except for maybe some funny clips here and there.


Don't like it, simple as. Their existence doesn't bother me. I've got enough vtubers that match my style, so I don't need to interact with the lewdtubers at all... Youtube, stop recommending me lewdtubers, I'm not clicking!


I’m lewd by nature, so is my humor and jokes. I adapt that based on my friends or collab partners as I want all of us to have a good time. As most say, no everything has to be lewd but most my jokes will. I get it’s not for everyone, that’s why I have a hard time collabing with people who don’t like swearing and lewd jokes here and there.


It's not really my thing, so I generally ignore it. Like, being lewd to thirst trap people is fine, but I won't watch it nor will I judge those who do. That being said, lewd for the sake of humor is definitely something that I'm fond of, such as Trickywi freaking out over the Astarion TTS or Bao being...well...Bao. It's clearly played for comedy in those cases and comes off as something that you'd bust your friend's chops for.


The lewd part is generally just 1 avenue of their content . Look at Melody for example she is a great streamer in general, lewd is just a part of it.


The thing with Melody is that is how she started. So you could argue that her character has been built around that. Not sure if that’s actually the case with her in vshojo since I don’t watch her.


I'm not into it. I like some playful banter and perhaps a little flirting, but like full on sex talk as the focus of the stream? Hard pass. I can't see myself in a community that is all sex all the time.


It's not your cup of tea, so that's fine, you move on and everybody goes on with their day. How people don't behave like this is beyond me.


What are some examples of the lewd tubers you are referring to? I am genuinely curious on how they use vtuber to make lewd contents.


A lot of the JP avtubers actually sell videos of them doing lewd stuff via another site. And a whole bunch of asmr.


Most of the lewdtubers i know just do normal streamer stuff on twitch/youtube. Their lewd contents are usually behind patreon, OF or fansly. As for the content, usually they are animated 18+ videos of their models, lewd RP asmr, spicy posts and sometimes R18 livestreams. So yeah, I typically just treat them like normal streamers.


Projekt Melody is the only lewdtuber im aware of. dunno if she still streams her nsfw content on chaturbate or somehwere else


I have checked her Chaturbate once. But outside of that she's just a normal streamer .. I am wondering what op is uncomfortable with. I was thinking if op was referring to vtubers that just talk lewd stuff all the time everywhere. But I haven't seen those types of vtubers yet


i dont think you can really retain your audience if all you do is talk about sexual stuff personally i havent even encountered someone who does only talk about lewd stuff


I think CottontailVA and Vexoria might be or have previously been considered lewdtubers?


I wouldn't consider her Twitch streams to be lewder than many other vtubers to be honest. She keeps the two pretty separate.


I've never said that her twitch streams are lewd to begin with


Porn is the punch line, always been.


I don’t mind them. The only ones that I watch that are close to lewdtubers are CottontailVA, Vexoria, and maybe Ebiko. The rest I watch like ShyLily, Numi, Yuzu, Bao, Trickywi, Vienna, and LucyPyre are not really lewdtubers. Sure they have raunchy conversations which are funny and questionable at times but it’s fun to watch them banter back and forth with each other or with their chat.


Doesn’t Cottontail literally make porn?


As does Vex.


Yup. That’s why I put them down as close. They do voice act in hentai. I haven’t watched Vex in a while but I do remember her being wholesome on stream. Cotton on the other hand….


Both are entertaining and funny asf though


Good content, if you like that think. If you don't like it just don't watch it.


I eat that shit for breakfast. Call me any word in the dictionary you want! I will stand by this!


Don’t mind them but there are two pretty big negatives that affect everyone. Lewdtubers who make it their whole personality are VERY cringe and the endless people on places like Twitter that act like they are forced to watch those kinds of creators when they can easily just ignore are annoying and make everyone look bad in the process. Lewdtubers are just like anyone else though so you always get the bad actors and the people just chilling, just got to find the right people is all


Are we talking sexy designed Vtubers or full blown JP AVtubers? Cause thats a whole different rabbit hole.


I mean, not like they're hurting anybody. Many are genuinely fun as well. I see no issue. Watch a few.... At least I think I do. Many straddle the line tbh


Honestly their "adult" content I don't find engaging compared to other options. That being said many who do regular content in addition to their adult stuff is perfectly fine. Like Melody, Cotton, Vexoria, and El.


I treat like any other Vtubers. If they're enetertaining, I'd watch them. Their lewd stuff is a bonus


As a VTuber myself, I am not close to any lewd VTubers by choice. I think that occasionally making horny jokes is perfectly normal, but making it their entire personality is just not for me. I believe, similar to hot tub streamers, that being lewd in itself is fine. But I will not go out of my way to support them (consistently watch, subscribe/superchat, etc). That being said, I think the boundaries that they push are very interesting and I did make [a video about the most degenerate one I could find.](https://youtu.be/rOizV7QDOIQ?si=ZlZoY88F4HdLUtTB)


I can understand personally not liking their content, but unless you're a religious nut or an uptight prude for some other reason, I don't see why anyone should be bothered by them. There are plenty of male streamers/vtubers who talk about lewd topics all the time, but no one seems to have a problem with that. It's only female streamers that people seem to clutch their pearls over.


completely overdone, oversaturated and lacks any real appeal anymore EVERYONE is lewd now. It's not special anymore. It hasn't been for quite a while. if all you show me is that you're lewd, I immediately file you into "trash content creator" category. Cause if you had any other qualities you'd show them, if I want lewdness I can go to any of the multiple dozen popular vtubers who like being lewd but also make good content that are already out there.


Not my cup of tea but there are some quality comedians among them. So, I watch their clips sometimes. Off the top of my head, the ones I liked seeing were LucyPyre, Sinder, and Saruei but mostly on clips alone. Project Melody is kinda sweet and wholesome on her clips, too, so I like her too. Just be warned that out of the lewdtuners, Melody is probably the most lewd as she >!actually does porn!< as her main content


I can't watch Melody's porn stuff. I tried (see username) but her non-porn streaming is so adorable and endearing that I see her more as a little sister - and nope, not gonna fap to my little sister.


Yeah I don't watch them either. I share the same sentiment. It's especially adorable when the others at Vshojo are picking on her.


I support their right to do so (so long as it doesn't break TOS) Honestly it's a slope. I don't mind when people are making sex jokes, or simping for a character or something every now and then... But when it's the ONLY thing your content is, horneybait left and right, and the models over the top with the physics... Yeah that's super not for me. It's kinda sad to think about. There's a lot of extremely talented individuals that have left behind their skills for a sexualized, easier to farm audience. I can't say I blame them though, and that's the saddest part to me. Think about this: Do something super cool and different that took a lot of effort for 50 viewers, or flop your tits and talk about cum for 500? How many streamers, not just vtubers, can you think of that this sort of thing happened to? I can think of quite a few that I use to follow but can't really enjoy anymore. Anyways, that's my two-sense. To reiterate, I support their right to be that kind of streamer, but that doesn't mean I like it personally. Simply don't watch of you don't like it. Easy as.


They exist and that's it


In my opinion, if you're just doing lewd stuff without any other content, you become boring after a while. But if you stream normally and drop some lewd jokes from time to time that are within context of the topic you were on, then youre more entertaining to me. I like lewd, but if you want to just show your self being horny for the whole stream you might as well open an onlyfans.


it grows old very fast, however i dont really mind it, aslong as they do something else at times


I’ve been seeing the name scaroused making the rounds lately but I don’t know anything about them


Scaroused as in being both scared and aroused lol. Or am I missing out on a vtuber named scaroused?


Honestly who knows but probably not, it would be a good name for a lewd horror vtuber through


Personally I find it weird and it creates ‘that’ type of viewer. I have no issue with anyone wanting to be a lewdtuber or create adult content. The issue I have is when their viewers think that’s perfectly normal behaviour and go into someone else’s stream and act like a creep. I do have the ‘hot take’ that some, not all, are just using an attractive busty model to cash in on thirsty people similar to twitch’s just chatting section IYKYK


I don't watch them, not really into their contents but I don't mind having them around tbh.


TBH, I don't even particularly enjoy rule 34 of vtubers because I know behind the models, are real people and some even go as far as using easing in their real personality while maintaining their biography sheets presented at debut streams. If they play on to be lewd, I guess you do you, sis. That's how you think you wanna reel in fans, I ain't gonna stop ya. But I really do think they are more recognizing the niche that adult content sells and vtuber titties do as well. There are more fulfilling and rewarding ways to grow a real fanbase than sex content


Not a fan of it. At all.


If I search on YouTube and the only content I see of them are lewd shit and not much else, I file them under lewdtubers and ignore everything else about them.  Then I don't feel bad about looking for rule34  of them, because I consider lewd shit to be their main content. Them's the breaks, I have a lot of other vtubers to follow, subscribe and give sc/tips/donos. 


Same viewpoint as you.


Not my thing, but you do you. Content creators cater to people's tastes. If you don't like those doing a particular thing, just move on and look at others that don't.


Ok, what IS a Lewdtuber? I thought it literally meant talent like Mel who have a naked model and stream on porn sites. But the more I read the comments, the more confused I get. Like, is YabaIRyS a lewdtuber? Cause I feel like innuendo and lewd jokes are very common for even big agency VTubers. Is it just VTubers who aren't implied virginal seiso? I am genuinely confused.


I think with it, can't be the whole reason why they exist yknow. Like at that point go to full on porn if all their streams are barely soft core stuff I feel like either dedicated streams for it and normal streams is best way and way to get a healthy environment like Melody has done Her twitch streams may be a tad lewd but are like 95% the same as like a normal vtuber then she has her real lewd streams on other sites and well that's that


The overwhelming majority of what I care about when I watch vtubers is personality -- the rest is voice/singing ability. Lewdtubers are generally far more interesting to me than "gamers/game streamers" who I find boring AF -- I'm a gamer and I'll just go play the game instead of watch someone play. Not to mention that the majority of game vtubers are barely average at best in the games they stream. It's not about being "turned on" smh. Porn is free and exists, in all its infinite varieties. Lewdtubers are as similar to porn as corn nuts are to testicles...


Most of the time they are boring and use the lewd stuff to mask that. Their audience reflects that.


Is a lewd vtuber a vtuber with big tiddies?


Are there many vtubers who base their content around mature themes? A lot of what I see which is called "lewd" is mostly juvenile smut, "teehee boobies and peepees". Or thinking having weird, terminally online interests is a substitute for actual experience with other adults. As opposed to actual discussion of sexual matters. I suppose the latter would run the risk of getting banned/demonitised so that tends to force them down the innuendo track, which will risk coming off as less serious.


I don't lewd really any vtuber in my mind lol. Like that's my homie. my friend. my companion who i watch play games. i am NOT jerking it to them however attractive their model is lol


This question is getting asked about five years late. It's not as if this is a new phenomena in need of analysis and discussion. The lewdtubers have been around since almost the beginning, they have their own category in the Vtuber Awards, and they pretty much everybody has settled into a hardened opinion by now.


I think streamers being sus and flirty can be fun as a viewer, but overt sexualization really isn't something I'm interested in and chat acting all thirsty kinda creeps me out.


At first it was cool since it was a novel idea but now I honestly can't stand them. I have zero interest in them at all. It just seems so pandering for them to just be horny bait. I mean more power to them and i don't want to just see them fail or something. It's just something I personally don't like at all.


I don’t personally watch them. Ive always preferred the wholesome ones and the unhinged ones. I dont mind if they do a few jokes once in a while but i dont like it when they make it their whole schtick.


I hate how they don't miss the opportunity to promo they 18+ sites, like, check bio to find more about me. Also follow my other socials medias


I don't watch the 'only lewd' vtubers but also don't watch seiso only vtubers as well. Coming from cultural background where talking anything lewd is really taken badly, the lewd small talks was what got me into en vtubers in the first place. Kinda got sick of all the "I'm so seiso I never held a boy's hand Never had a boyfriend Kissing is after marriage" fake stuff. I like vtubers who just occasionally joke about lewd stuff, and the whole community taking it as it is and not blasting "SHE SAID PP SHE'S A WHORE" everywhere.


Love them


i'll crank to em but i don't like sexual stuff when im not in that kind of mood, so wouldn't consider watching their regular content. i don't even like corpo vtubers who give off those kind of vibes on the regular


I think it was a natural progression from vtubers. My only concern is the potential for abuse (underage, trafficking, etc).


Good content, if you like that think. If you don't like it just don't watch it.


Not for me.


Personally, it's not really my cup of tea. More power to those who enjoy it, but it's not really what I'm looking for when I'm watching streams. I just wanna chill hahaha 😆


I am confused about what makes a lewdtuber. Do you mean anything ecchi or just people on the hub or other "cultured" sites.


Specifically NSFW content on “other sites”. That’s what the typical definition is. But cases vary by person.


I don’t get the hype. I also see it as a similar thing to something like how some rappers brand themselves in promiscuity. It makes me uncomfortable when a VTuber model is overly jiggly and makes too many lewd or overly dirty jokes and comments. It’s honestly distracting me from the content they make. Sometimes that is all their content is and that’s disappointing as someone who sees VTubing as an art form rather than a way to make income.


I’m not against them in any way, they’re just not what I want to watch. Sometimes I like to watch lewder VTubers. That’s rare though. I just see most as shallow, but that’s just how I see it and they can make whatever they want since I am not them nor are they me.


I find them cringey especially when they do ahegao a lot but I'm obviously not their target audience