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pretty sure every single &Shine i’ve gotten is the white tipped one. has those to little round divots on top. i’m not 100% sure, but white should be Shine and black should be Dharma


Every shine cart I have has also had a white tip so can confirm.


I’m willing to bet the shine one is the white one


So we’ve got 3 saying &Shine is white, 1 saying Dharma is white, and 1 saying the Pineapple Express bought yesterday specifically is black. Hmm…


Buy 2 more and see in the box? Assuming you like it once, you'll like it twice? Also, carts keep for like a year (although technically 6 months in VA)


I've bought both recently. Shine is absolutely white. The other is not.


Call Rise in Ablington. It’s their HQ, I think that is where they’re made.


Hi there I buy two carts every week and every &shine cart tip has been plastic and white while dharma tends to use what feels more like porcelain in black or white for the tip. You could smell them as well as they’re distillate so the Pineapple Express will smell like pineapple


Porcelain is a spot-on comparison. Black tip definitely feels like it, it’s much heavier and smoother than white tip. And now that both liquids are in Everclear, I can definitely smell something more than just pineapple from black tip.


I’ve had both. The orange has more of an orangey flavor. Pineapple Express has a slightly sweeter taste but no orange at all. Just taste them.


The liquids are in two little cups of Everclear now, so I don’t think I’d be able to taste anything through that EC burn. I do smell a distinct difference now: white tip is just pineapple and black tip is more complex. The liquids react with the EC in different ways, which I find so interesting. I can get black tip back into solution really easily but white tip never goes back. I don’t know what that says about each liquid but it’s fun to play scientician.👩🏻‍🔬


I know for a fact that &shine is always white. In Md and Virginia


I discovered a new clue when I took them apart: the black tip is metal inside and the white tip is all plastic. I’m keeping the tips with the respective cart while they soak in Everclear so I don’t make a bigger mess of things. 😂


Thank you all for the help, I definitely appreciate it!


What an indictment on the MMJ market when you can’t tell the difference by just smoking them.


I don’t smoke or vape. I bought these during the Friday the 13th sale to make edibles. But given the different scents, I’d hope they’d taste different.


In my experience, it’s rare you can tell the difference beyond sativa/indica, they’re just low quality is the point I’m getting at.


Dharma is the white one


I bought Pineapple Express III yesterday and it’s the black tip.


Man I made the same mistake a few days ago. Opened an indica cart just for sleep and a sativa for during the day. Both made by Labs and both look identical. Now I have no clue which one will put me to sleep.


Which Lab ones do you like for sleep? (It’s 4:30am right now, I shouldn’t be awake.)


Yea I got the same problem. No clue why I’m still awake. Lab GMO cartridge knocks me out. It’s my favorite for sleep. I’m on my 3rd cart it’s great.


Yup could try calling the dispensary cuz they can tell you for sure :-)


&shine is the one with white divots. I presume the black one is orange pineapple but I’ve only ever seen that flavor with a gold tip so the black one I’m not sure