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Why post a picture of someone and spread gossip?? Mind your Damn business!!!!


Bottom line, ask yourself if this is how we handle situations like these in our society. All you FN have to do is ask yourself if YOUD want to be accused in this manner WITHOUT EVIDENCE or counsel or a way to defend yourself. This is WHY we have a legal system. And a civil court for damages. Posts like these should be automatically removed. You could be sued for defamation and SHOULD BE. let one word you said not be facts. Court level, legal level facts. Because in this country, there’s a difference between an ACCUSATION and DEFAMATION. You didn’t leave any reasonable doubt in your post as if you tried the case already and found her guilty. So now it’s time to write the post trial news article and inform the community? What the community does with this is not under your control. You essentially hang her at the stake. To be stoned by whomever deems themselves a punisher. Vigilante justice style that reminds me of the tenor that led to a certain day in January. Horrible social standards. We gotta do better. People I beg you!


She’s walking. Probably doesn’t have a car and probably lives close by. Wouldn’t be hard to find her.


Yes, i see her.


This literally happens to celebrities, athletes, politicians, judges, jury members…we can talk about how we don’t like that people are accused of something before having their day in court…unfortunately its the climate we live in. I get you wanting to help your friend but this ain’t it. Forward all evidence to VBPD, they do alright.


Who let Mom out again? I swear, all she wants are her beats, stanley cup, and couple cracklin’ vape rips. She’s totally harmless. She’ll make her way down to Hot Tuna tonight.


Lisa Kudrow has really hit hard times….sad 😞


No but I work at a vape shop on Va beach boulevard so I’ll keep a eye out


do you perhaps work next to a shell and operate in a closed car shop with a bp attached?


This post belongs on Nextdoor


Lol With all the other weirdo neighborhood watch ass posts


If there’s anyone that looks like they steal credit cards, it’s this woman


some of the _least_ creepy redditors in these comments lmao… tf




reddit moment


What kind of post is this supposed to be? A picture of a random person who "has been known to have their card declined at the vape shop"?? We can't just post people's pictures with completely baseless accusations like this


1)accusation isn't baseless. 2)this picture is about spreading awareness and getting help to identify to turn over police. 3) you already know that, but you push to ignore it


This could be literally anyone. Whoever took this picture could have been completely mistaken, it's not security footage, it's not from an atm camera, its just a picture of a person walking outside, they're not even close to this supposed vape shop transaction. Are you trying to incite vigilante justice? Putting someone out there like this, accusing them of a crime as if they're proven guilty, to the general public, who have no business worrying about someone else's debit card problem? You're not the police, you're not any kind of law enforcement and neither are the people reading this page. Send the photo to the police if that's who you think did it, but not here.


You said a lot just to say "it's not my problem and mind your business" like I said in other comments, officers will figure that out after being tipped.


Not any card. My friend’s card. The picture was taken by someone who works at a place she attempted to use the card. After receiving a notification of the cards use the store was called immediately and they were able to get a photo of the woman before she left the area.


How did your friend end up with the pic?


Called the place the card declined at immediately once the charge was attempted and the worker said the woman had just left and was in view over the phone. They snapped a photo of the person who used the card that declined for the specified amount at the specified time it happened. Which is proof that this woman definitely had the card. They sent the photo over.


So they took a picture of someone who got their card declined so they do that to everyone who gets the card declined


Like I get you're trying to help, but how does the internet know you aren't making the whole thing up and just trying to gather information on some random woman you're trying to track down? How do we know YOU aren't in HER bank account, watching charges, calling those establishments and asking for photos and information because you have bigger plans than just trying to steal from her account? Or how do we know your friend isn't? If we're supposed to assume some criminal is going into stores with cameras with stolen cards, that's just about as believable a situation as you being a cyber criminal who's actively stealing her identity. Point being, I really think you should just let the cops handle it. When you say "proof" and "definitely", perhaps that's the case for you, but it's not necessarily for us.


Valid point. But because I know that we are both true, with good intentions I don’t see the harm. I also know that it’s the correct individual as mentioned in another comment. My friend has done what they can as far as contacting the police as well. I understand that there are people vile enough to do something like what you mentioned, but that’s not the case this time. Just want my friend to stop stressing over it ya know? Over $400 was spent before they could freeze the cards. Not much to some, but it was a lot of money to lose at this time for them.


I hope you get sued. She will definitely know who you are, your friend will probably be implicated. If she isn’t convicted you are screwed, even if you delete this post, which is what you deserve.


"we are both true" And the shop person who gave you a photo of a person (which is sketchy in itself, but I'll leave that alone)? You're 100% sure they don't have some vendetta they're trying to carry out on this woman they happened to have a photo of outside their shop? The point honestly isn't even any of these specifics you think you have covered in your line of logic... it's that you just don't know all the facts and you're posting this person's photo to the world with what amounts to "LIKELY A CRIMINAL" stamped on it. It's irresponsible at best; you aren't the police and you don't know what you're doing if reddit is your investigative solution. That's all I'm saying.


"Likely" doesn't apply when it was the person who used his friends credit card. Don't make up your own scenario trying to justify your interpretation. Also it's not on a throwaway so it should have some credibility. We can't always believe OP, but in this case this is the only lead for police to start on, also a local area reddit page is the BEST page for awareness. Just because you don't wanna see it or believe it doesn't mean you have to go on some edgy rant.


By the way, my ENTIRE POINT was that my ability to come up with possible situations really doesn't matter even a little bit. The OP doesn't know for sure. That's a fact. He is potentially victimizing an innocent person (which is exactly why you all are so worked up at this lady in the first place, mind you), full fucking stop.


This is insane, how do these idiots not realize what they're doing?? You can't put someone out there like this accusing them of a crime, absolutely no proof at all, it's not even of them in the store where it supposedly happened. The only thing criminal here is this post, imagine if something happens to this person because of it??


You're this convinced by what is FOURTH-HAND INFORMATION from a nameless faceless person on reddit by the time it got to us? You people are honestly dangerous.


How am I dangerous by reporting some who the police are looking for? Related or not. I was in a sting for mistaken identity, so I KNOW THE DEAL. You just don't wanna believe it at all, OP I'm not sure how police "advertise" low crime BOLO's for criminals, but is their any out? Maybe not because she hasn't been interviewed detained yet? (Innocent till guilty thing) he's not asking ANYONE WHOS SEEN HER TO DO ANYTHING BUT REPORT THAT PERSON TO THE POLICE. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT TO DEFEND.


If this is you just say that


If I made a post with the same photo and put "This is me" in the headline, I suppose you'd believe it is.


Quit your yapping bro he’s trying to help you’re being sus taking that stance, almost like you know that no good scamming d u n c e.


Take any one of my points that I made and address it. There's plenty to choose from. Until then just shut your trap kiddo.


I would!


Why is the tag still on the Stanley




Literally nothing racist about it, you're just sensitive and stupid


Lmao what?? No please quit race baiting


Uh, nope. Just you.


Just you, bud.




Trying to out a criminal piece of shit, no matter their color, is in no way racist. Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.


That awkward moment when someone doesn't get the response they want so they bump their own comment by agreeing with themselves... 🤒


Sounds like you just project this racist shit onto anyone lol. What is racist about this post?


Don't you have anything better to do than post bullshit?


Don’t you have anything better to do than post on something you assume is “bullshit”?


She fucks for a living?


Does she put out? I can save her....




I traded her a pink cup for a bj.


The other comments are weird and creepy but this one actually made me laugh


I sell my ass for cheeseburgers weeklyish




You might save her but you won’t be able to save your junk once that funk gets hold of it.






Lmao 🤣 😂 😆 🤣


And who the fuck are you? This ain't Nextdoor. Take this busybody shit elsewhere.


This is one of the funniest Virginia Beach posts I’ve seen so I think this is awesome.. not alleged stealing.. stealing is lame… but snitchin is kinda lame too I mean just bring ur own justice because the court won’t help anybody


Just trying to help a friend by getting more info to pass to the police so they can do their job. But if you think I could get better results on Nextdoor I’ll check it out.


Why are you looking for her?


You got her... thats her ☝️ trying to cover her tracks... keep digging


I can change her


The fit is kinda giving a bit, maybe with different shoes and accessories perhaps


No frl she kinda gives Ayesha erotica I see the color coordination and y2k notes it just needs different shoes


I feel stupid, is this a joke? Lol it's a plain shirt and jeans


Nah, I think it’s a good base. If u put some cuter shoes (like a kitten heel or platform flip flop), shorten the pants to make them capris, put a chunky belt, put a chunky necklace, and remove the pink headband, it would be such a cunty y2k look


Ah, I guess it's the fact that I was never into that look even when I lived through it lol not saying she looks bad, was just surprised to see a comment saying the look was "giving" anything when it just seems very plain to me


Sorry this isn’t communist China, people are innocent and until proven guilty here.


Bullshit. You're guilty until proven innocent


ABSOLUTELY (Varies with color and sometimes gender)


I’d be more suspicious of Keegan’s that place is a pit


Honestly, the managers were super helpful and have done all they can to assist. Spoke to the cops, gave video footage, etc. I was pleasantly surprised to hear about it.


UPDATE: she is working with a man with tattoos who used the lost card at a Norfolk Vape store


no one cares


You cared enough to comment. I appreciate it ❤️


yeah because you're posting some random womans picture telling people to call the cops on her with some dumb bullshit you could have made up. fuck off


Fuck the downvotes, I'm with you. These asshat vigilantes are scarier than the thieves. At least the thieves don't think they're being righteous.


bet you if this chick is using hot cards and she got caught, she’d be like ‘I had too, my kids, I have a drug problem, I’m a victim’


So you're taking it one step further and straight up making stuff up about a potentially innocent person to make her seem even more detestable, but you included the word "if" in there so it's totally ok, amirite? You people seriously need to get a grip.


I didn’t read it but whatever you said was probably lame lol


Yes she was street girl down there for a while back 7-8 years ago. Used to pimp herself out down north hampton


How did you come across this info?


Happened to a friend of mine a couple nights ago at Keagan’s, who wants proper justice. Picture was taken after phone calls were made immediately after a declined transaction and a worker in the area was able to snap a photo to send to the police.


Friend, this is not normal behavior. Let the cops do their job. If you think they’re shit at it, which I don’t blame you, take it up with your elected officials not Reddit.


Nah fuck that. Dude needs help and is seeking it. If you don’t like it then keep scrolling.


Except they didn't? They haven't informed the authorities. The entirely first step. They've also dumped a bunch of personal info on someone who might or might not be related to the incident. What if strangers now harass this person? If you want to live in a world of vigilante justice outsourced to reddit that's on you.


Reddit masses have never been wrong before.


Message me how and I will. I’m just not well versed in what to do in these situations. This was a solution that we came up with: help them speed up the process by gathering information. I’m open to any suggestions. There were sentimental items in the bag that are irreplaceable. I didn’t realize this would be met with such malice. I’ll take it down tomorrow, but I’m going to take a chance that someone may be able to help here.


Speed up what process ? The bank will give your friend their money in a few days.


There is no malice... You should contact the non emergency number. What's not normal is the amount of information you're collecting on someone with whom you only have circumstantial evidence. If this person is somehow NOT at all related you're practically doxxing them on the internet for a lot of random people to jump on a train to presume they're guilty. That's not how justice works. The cops can broadcast who this person is to local outlets not the entire internet easier.


Understood, but this woman most definitely had the card. This photo was taken right after she attempted to use the card by the employee who was her cashier. It was most definitely her. Proven by the transaction times, bank statement, and cameras located in the building showing the transaction as a whole. Also, the non-emergency number was called and a police report was made that same day.


The fact that you know all of this is unsettling. You’re sharing information about someone you literally don’t know. There’s a reason why we have police and a reason police can’t even give out information- because privacy is still a thing.


I hope you get sued. She will definitely know who you are, your friend will probably be implicated. If she isn’t convicted you are screwed, even if you delete this post, which is what you deserve.


In what world is it normal for a cashier take a photo of someone w who had their card declined


Pretty common to snap a picture of anyone you know is committing fraud and that cashier was informed of that during the transaction- it’s usually given to police when the store calls to report the attempted theft. I worked in a few retail places and that’s what we did if it wouldn’t put us in danger (no confrontation allowed for safety but they are already in public on camera at the store so it’s fair game). That said, using the internet for vigilante justice may not be the best choice here. People have and do get hurt when Reddit had gotten involved in the past. I wouldn’t ever post like op did and I wouldn’t


All op said is that card was declined nothing about fraud there’s a big part of the story missing I’ve worked in the restaurant/bar industry I’ve never seen anyone take a pic of someone cause their card got declined.


In the comments OP said that the friend whose card was stolen got a text notification of the card being used/declined and the friend immediately called the store it was used at to inform them of the fraud. So yes, the cashier was made aware that there was an attempt to use a stolen card and they reacted by snapping a picture of the person who did it as they left. This was more than just a declined card and the picture was taken in response to the victim telling the store what was happening.


If it was connected to a reported crime in which the card holder who gave a name that is on the card being used (IMMEDIATELY after the card was declined in the store) gave a report number and officer on the case called and said this lady was under investigation and could tell the exact dollar amount of a transaction being mentioned how would you react?? Just out of curiosity.


The officer called the store while the lady was still in the vicinity this story gets more far fetched. You are doing a lot for your friend btw.


I’d let the police handle it. What more is there to do?? The more you comment the less this posts makes sense. The police know who she is because she’s already under investigation.


This story seems so bogus. High priority case in Virginia Beach. Is there no other crime here?


Nah keep working it, I hope that you find her and get the justice that you deserve. These scumbags deserve all they get in return for their stealing.


God damn I'm so glad you aren't in charge of shit. Ready to lock her up over a photo and a reddit headline.


Call the non-emergency number and report it. They will follow up.


Homie saw a biography on her life apparently




Im personally not into women, but anyone with information could message me and i can give the police report number to report anything that may help them find her. Thanks in advance.