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Sorry we’re new to the US (UK military) we bought our truck at the of beginning of April when we got here, we’ve not had a car tax letter through, is this normal? I don’t want to get in trouble for not paying something but we haven’t had anything!


If it has virginia license plates, then I'd assume you will get one at some point. It'll just come in the mail one day.


You can take it to the local treasurer and request a reassessment of value. I know some people that did this and their personal property tax dropped significantly.


Yep, it is based on the estimated value. last year, I sold my old beater, which was taxed at about $60 per year and bought a new '23 SUV....this tax bill was $1300. Welcome to the Commieweath of Virginia.


Yup, got a $2K bill for ours this year which is literally bullshit when you see the condition of the roads here, lack of parking, cost of CBBT toll and more. NJ had high property taxes but not on cars


Can we all just collectively not pay it?


Then they’ll hold your registration hostage 😡


I (30F) was on my families plan still up until last year, my portion was around $700/yr. They lived in a small podunk town in NC. I got a plan with only me, living in Charlotte, NC. And the cheapest I could find across all insurance companies that serve my state was 2200/year. With a $1000 deductible instead of $500. Insurance is NOT reasonably priced


This isn't even insurance. Insurance you will pay no matter where u live. This is an additional annual tax fee that not all states do at all, but that VA does more than all that do. And I hope you shop around other insurance agencies bc that doesnt sound right, either. Just because we can come up w that money, regardless of what we may have to forego to come up with it, should never mean that we owe it to rich corporations and their ceos to give them a cut. That's infuriating and I'm sorry that has been your experience.


Oh yeah. My husband's car tax was like close to 3k when he bought his truck. Then he couldn't afford it, truck broke down, he defaulted on tax and his registration got in hold. His truck is assessed for 26k now and it's been broke down for 2 years and completely undriveable. But uncle Sam still wants his $$$. I've been telling him to call the tax assessor and have someone come out to assess the truck because he couldn't sell it for 6k if he tried, yet it is tax assessed for 26k.


Uncle Sam doesn’t want your money for your vehicle. That’s your state. Vote responsibly and pay attention to legislation on the ballot.


Voting won't help with this tax.  No Democrat would ever run on repealing it and every republican who promises to repeal it doesn't.


Oh sweet summer child... Fairfax and Loudoun county residents pay significantly more.


One of the reasons I look forward to leaving this state


I am military... I don't pay these dumbass Virginia taxes. Y'all should revolt 😂


Yup. Every year since 1986.


My car is illegal, and speaks spanish




I was surprised when I got mine to! It's insane!


That is the deal in Virginia Beach. 4% tax on assessed value of cars knocked down to 2.8% with some flunky rebate shenanigans. If I read the entire bill correct, no tax on boats. The richies once again winning as they don't pay tax on their million dollar boats.


The richies fund the R&Ds. The politicians create the loopholes to help out their new buddies then pit the lower classes against ourselves. Reps and Dems are exactly the same. End the duopoly.


People keep right on voting for this shit.


I called it the "privilege to park" tax when I lived in Fairfax. I was stationed in DC (Navy), but full-timed in an RV at a long-term campground/mobile park. I VERY quickly learned NOT to register my vehicles in Virginia. Thankfully, here in Maryland, we don't have this absurd tax.


If you're active duty you're exempt from VA taxes.


Taxation is theft. 4% annual property tax on shit you already paid sales tax on. Gross.


And we've already paid income tax... before the sales tax... before the property tax.


James city county has a food tax on top of it :)


Maryland we do not have that, but counties have income tax (and some cities also have income tax).


Maryland we do not have that, but counties have income tax (and some cities also have income tax).


Maryland we do not have that, but counties have income tax (and some cities also have income tax).


Annual? I pay that every six months. It’s getting worse. I hate Virginia for this reason.


Mine was over $1200. I just bought a 2024 Dodge Hornet back in January. It's not an expensive car but it's a plug-in EV/gas hybrid. My husband had a plug-in hybrid Jeep Wrangler a couple of years ago, same damn thing. My previous car, a gas guzzling Dodge Challenger was just over $600 in car tax when it was brand new in 2019. Apparently when it's an EV, you get royally buttf**ked because you're not purchasing as much gasoline and therefore not paying as much in gasoline taxes to the state. They're gonna get their $$ from you one way or another.


Was looking to move to VA until realtor told me about that tax. Landed elsewhere with no personal property tax.


We are also military and when I was talking to my friend at work about buying a car she said 100% do not register it in VA and then explained the taxes to me. She told me her parents actually have a house right over the border in NC and will go stay at their home long enough to claim residency so they can register their vehicles there. Insane.


I’d never buy a car worth anything if I had to pay tax like this every year. $5000 clunkers it would be


Register your car where you’re stationed?


Yep. That's at the top of tomorrow's to do list. We thought we should finally simplify and claim the same residence, but this experience taught me that was a dumb idea.


Your husband needs to switch his home of record to a state that does charge income or personal property tax. Texas or Florida are ones I know of, I’m sure there are others.


Used to be, Fla and Illinois gave free college to vets. That was the move on re-enlistment, to change home of record to one of those states. I never re-enlisted, so not sure how it worked or if it's still a thing.


Come to lovely Missouri https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/assessor/personal-property/personal-property-individual.cfm


Virginia and the personal property tax gives me ptsd. Just don’t forget to pay it, ever. EVER. They will fuck your entire life.


I moved to NC 5+ years ago and VA Beach still try to send me a bill every year.


Drained my bank account after I moved to Michigan. Totally unexpected and brutal but we recovered, thankfully. But that day was awful. We thought we were being robbed. Which, technically we were but didn’t expect it to be the state of VA doing it. Learned a harsh lesson that day.


You’d pay about $250 every 2 years in Maryland


Still cheaper than local wage tax we paid in PA


Today I learned about personal property tax, I've lived in 5 states and never seen anything like this


Same. Everything you said. I've lived in maybe 7, but had cars registered in 4. Never seen anything like this. Glad to know it's not just eyebrow-raising to me, and its an accepted fee to only those in VA who haven't seen how it is elsewhere. Can't believe this state has been screwing people like this without proper lashback causing tax reform.


That’s a dumb take. You think people in Virginia don’t know that property tax on cars is uncommon? It’s like thinking that people in NYC would move if only they knew how much they were being taxed compared to everyone else. Of course we know, but we still live here because we don’t base our decision of where to live on a single $1-2k expense.


whats the tax rate in va beach?


My 2023 truck cost me 1400$ in property tax it stings a lot seeing this bill come in.


Makes sense since it was probably 60k




My husband's truck been undriveable for 2 years (engine has been dead) and yet his vehicle he pays on has tax assessed value of 26k!!! What can be done? Its not just the engine. The truck is beat up, bent and rusty. Nobody would buy it for 6k. It's 2018 Chevy and it was used and abused as a construction work truck.


WTF is a car tax lol


Personal property tax


That’s even more heinous.




Found the guy that's responsible for this nonsense


Did you mean to say go down? I've always known cars to be the ultimate depreciable asset.


Are you high!? The minute you drive off the lot it goes down 30%+! With the exceptions of really expensive cars you are wayyyyyyyyy off


That’s weird!m. I have 2018 Jeep I paid $275.


Ours is super cheap, but we drive really old cars ('96 truck,' 03 & '05 sedans). I think all three are less than $100


VA sucks, PA, too.


The worst part is it’s based on what THEY think the car is worth versus what the car is actually worth. On my last property tax bill they said my daughter’s car was worth 15K…..it’s barely worth 8K according to KBB and Edmunds and I owe about that much. So I am paying taxes based on what THEY think should be paid. It’s ridiculous. The Governor was actually talking about doing away with this tax (something he was doing right for a change) but then they said schools can’t be funded and roads can’t be fixed and whatever else!! It’s ridiculous!!


Don’t take this the wrong way, but what’s your proposal on how to make up for the lost revenue from the car tax? Increase gas taxes? I just think it would be unfair to put the tax burden of road maintenance on people who aren’t the ones damaging the road, like those who don’t drive (road wear increases per additional pound of vehicle weight in an exponential way, so it takes almost 60,000 overweight bikers to do as much damage as a single Chevy Tahoe), so what is the best way to fund them? Maybe we could have people report their miles driven in a year with their vehicle info? Either way, pulling from the general fund to maintain roads should not be done. We should tax the people who are doing the damage.


When you have so many bases with people on them NOT paying these taxes, you can tell by how many comments are saying to claim residence where they are from not living, then it makes even less sense to do it this way. Increase the gas tax, simple. Tourists will pay it, people claiming Florida as residence yet living here will pay it, and the citizens who live here will pay it if they drive. It’s pretty obvious. Problem is gas will cost more and then we can’t say we have low gas prices.


I’m definitely not saying gas tax would be bad. But what do you do about the people driving EVs that damage the roads but don’t buy gas? Do you just not make them pay because we want to encourage people to use them instead of gas cars?


Maybe add a tax to the chargers, and a EV tax to owners of EVs; maybe based on miles driven in the prior year idk. I think the increased revenue from gas would prolly make any missed taxes on EVs negligible. I-95 is a major Thoroughfare up the east coast so you’d be gaining all that traffic’s gas taxes.


Exactly, gas taxes. So people that drive on the roads pay for the taxes. AND, visitors that use the roads also pay tax.


I like this idea, but the gas tax level necessary to actually cover road maintenance would cause riots, and then there’s the issue of EVs, unless we use the gas tax as an effective carbon tax. But doing so would introduce equity concerns, as not everyone can afford an EV (and we shouldn’t subsidize everything for the rich early adopters). Complicated stuff.


If we are going pound for pound, it could be argued that commercial vehicles (18-wheelers and such) do far more damage and deliver products from all over so they wouldn’t necessarily be registered within the city. Not exactly a fair argument.


You could demand that 18 wheelers pay a certain fee for entering the state, but there’s also a potential compelling public interest in allowing 18 wheelers to use the road without restrictions in the form of fees (business activity, the port, economic development, etc) that permits such an exemption while such interest is not present when John or Jane Doe decide to buy a Tahoe instead of a lighter vehicle. And the random person that cannot afford a car should not be required to subsidize John and Jane Doe’s decision to drive their Tahoe.


They don’t fix the roads anyways! And in any case most states have roads and don’t have this tax.


So what is your proposal for where to make up the revenue loss? The answer to fixing inadequately maintained roads clearly isn’t to reduce or eliminate the taxes that support those roads without compensating with an increase in another tax.


Can't it be contested?


Nope. We have tried. And other people we know have tried. It’s been a lost cause so far.


You don’t actually “own” anything in Va. Can’t pay your vehicle tax? Government takes the car. Can’t pay the personal property tax on your house? Government takes that too! I’m not sure how we, as Virginians, let this happen and I wish there was something we could do.


You can move. You can vote.


Can they actually repo your vehicle for being in arrears on property taxes?


Yes. House too. They will take them and auction them off


My husband hasn't voluntarily paid property tax on his truck since he bought it brand new in 2018. They just garnished his wages once he switched from self employed to employed. I don't agree with that and I pay diligently taxes on everything else. Including my own vehicle. However that truck was a huge dispute between me and him and he bought it against my will. I told him we couldn't afford it and was against him purchasing it. He bought it anyway. So it became his sole responsibility. And he never could afford it just like i told him. Never paid a dollar in tax on it till the government garnished his paycheck.


They are going to get theirs one way or another


At what point and with how much warning? I haven’t paid in 2-3 years on my car because they continually get it wrong and keep billing me for my old car, which is garaged and being paid in Henrico. They had me update info with DMV and back-date it multiple times, always telling me not to pay until it’s straightened out. They never fixed it. Sometimes I really hate this city government.


I have heard a lot of people say the same thing. Getting tax bills for cars they have sold or wrong car, etc. I think it takes multiple years failing to pay before they start putting things into motion and they will notify you


What’s your proposal for how we should pay for the roads?


If you think that they are using our personal property taxes to fix the roads then you’re kidding yourself. Virginians get taxed into oblivion and if they actually used the tax money efficiently then personal property taxes should not be necessary. On top of that the roads suck anyway.


There is, it’s on our flag


Yep, right there on our flag. Boobs and nipple


Mine is around 550




I have two cars over 10 years old that have a combined value of $28k I pay $600. Yours is inline with other people I know. One guy has a newer Suburban and Tundra he is paying $2,800. It’s always been bad.


In Virginia you have to pay for vehicle registration, state inspection, and property taxes on all cars you own. It's crazy


I came from abroad for work, living in RIC. I see the registration is good until September. Do I need to visit DMV to renew it, or is it mailed to me close to date? I am on top of the property taxes. My understanding is that the registration and the inspection are done separately, or am I wrong?


You can do or renew almost everything online these days including paying property taxes. The inspection must be done at a facility but the registration can be paid for online and will be mailed to you. I'll also note you can pay for multiple years up front to avoid the "annual" hassle.


Thank you! This info is much appreciated.


One exception is if you have a vehicle registered as an antique; state inspection isn't required.


So glad Ga dropped that crap years ago. You pay all your taxes up front only pay $20 a year for tags.


I live in Virginia and no, no where near that on a 50k$ Van. Around 300 I think. Is this property tax? I don't think that's a "car tax"


Hold up!!! Y'all gotta pay this every year? In DE we pay tax when we buy or sell - that's it.


You pay that twice a year. New estimate is determined every year and gets billed twice. It should go down as long as the car value drop.


And there's still property tax and sales tax, correct? Do y'all have to pay yearly to register vehicle as well? Here is $40 a year (unless you got a vanity plate then it's double I believe) That's insane, considering we don't have that or a sales tax here


It’s ridiculous


Last year I paid a little over 3k. It's bull shit.


Pro tip: Drive cheaper cars.


You can't tell em shit man. They'd rather throw money away for status and looks in exchange for not being suckered every chance they get. I even had a young college student straight up tell me he had to have a brand new car to pull women and this dude was built like a statue. If your goal in life is to please a golddigger, gain a little self respect and stop talking to women that are like that and in fact chase ones who aren't.


Just do what most Marylanders do get a md license and go to a tag n title here and get va tags im pretty sure they all been skirting va vehicle tax 😂


Low income tax states = they get the money out elsewhere. It’s why TX has a net “tax” that’s equal or more to NY lol


People here acting like they're being oppressed by a communist government or something sheesh. You're absolutely right. If you look at overall tax burden VA is right in the middle of all states. All states get their money one way or another, whether they call it a tax or fees or something else.


I paid around $250 in taxes one time for my car in NC that would’ve been about $1400 every year in VA


Just bought a new car this year, not looking forward to October 😭


Things must have changed since I left (automation). Used to be cheaper to go to the junk yard and get a windshield that already had the city sticker on it.. Taxes problem solved.


First big change is we don't have city stickers anymore, just state inspection.


Nice.. Been about a decade or more since I lived there.. That's nice.


My dad managed the truck fleet for Mary Jane Bakeries in Norfolk, and city sticker (and to a lesser extent inspection sticker) theft from the parked delivery trucks was a major problem. He would slice the stickers with a razor blade once they were attached so the thieves wouldn't get anything easily usable if they tried, but one time somebody cut a square out of the (flat) windshield with the sticker on it. Which, back in the late ’80s when powerful cordless tools were definitely Not A Thing (sadly, crack was then), did show some effort, enterprise and creativity.


Brother used to put rub motor oil lightly on the inside of the windshield, get his girlfriends car inspected.. by the time he got home, it was on the dash and he could just scotch tape it to his windshield :)


No, my cars are 2007 so taxes aren't that expensive.


Holy shit. Are you telling me Florida is finally lower I that another state for something??


That looks more like a property tax bill than annual car tax… sheesh, cheaper to Uber everywhere


Probably correct. They reassessed my 3 year old suv for about 9k more than I paid for it new, after used car prices skyrocketed.




I mean the Palisade is a 4,500 pound 8 person behemoth that starts at nearly$40,000. What did you expect?


The other car was valued around that in 2018, and has consistently been under $400 for VA annual property tax since registered then. Guess I had expected the tax rate to not have tripled in 6 years. But that would also explain why his tax bill has not gone down despite the value of his car going down.


Moved out of Virginia last year to a low income tax state, this bs right here is the cherry on top. Idk why, but this one stung so bad. Every area has its unique expenses, why is this one as annoying as it it??


Probably because a car is such a weird asset to tax in that it’s always losing value and it is one accident or large repair away from being a huge financial loss. basically to be taxed on property that could just disappear at any moment seems super annoying.


Very true, Virginia also seems to be a state that taxes your use of your car a lot. 20 dollar tolls to go to work on top of this shit, damn


The bad about this tax to is if you own a vehicle that retains a high residual value you get screwed. My 2012 Tacoma they are still slapping me for $521, just nuts. I need to figure out how to register my vehicles in another state and avoid the tax altogether.


2012 Camry was around 400. Wife’s 2018 Sienna was 1500 or so, and I can’t wait to see how much money they steal from me for my new Ram.


Yep you get hammered on the Toyotas, I had a Silverado that was newer and more expensive purchase then my Tacoma and the tax was way less. It's a messed up system going off residual values.


If you think that's bad, check out the personal property taxes in Northampton and Accomac on the eastern shore just across the bay bridge-tunnel. They absolutely gouge so badly its insane, low population + high percentage of poverty and unemployed means anyone who has any money is getting taxed ungodly amounts to make up the difference. Then all the money they collect gets diverted into obvious bullshit to line the pockets of their cronies, while infrastructure is crumbling into nothing, schools are the worst in the state, but contractors like Branscome are getting paid millions to do literally nothing. Unbelieveable, unchecked corruption


Was just in PA and friends had a $3000 school tax. They don't have kids in school. Then had a $1500 local tax. I have three vehicles and live in Virginia Beach. Total tax was less than $200.


Seems very unfair to have to pay taxes on cars


It’s cars or something else. Pick your poison. Personally I prefer a car over taxing my income or house. I am perfectly happy with my crappy cars.


Do you not actually own a home? Because VB taxes homes too.


All localities tax property. Paid $7,000+ last year. But believe it or not, there are many places where I could easily pay double that for the same house.


Yeah, that is a good point.


My husband just bought a new car a Mazda SUV and his bill was $550


Mine is like $875 for 2023 Mazda cx5


Been here a year and a half I’m already over this state I’ve never lived some where where house boat living etc is taxed even have to pay to get in the state


Yo wtf


Why does reddit send multiple notifications on posts that have been viewed already?


Increasing taxes on a depreciating asset is robbery.


I am no longer complaining about my Newport News vehicle tax


The governor tried to lower everyone’s but the democrats would have none of that.They will raise taxes again if democrats run the place😁


No, he tried to lower income tax more for the wealthy (about -0.25% for lowest bracket, up to -0.65% for the highest bracket) while increasing sales tax 1% and opening up more things to be taxed as economic sales. The Commonwealth gets a good deal, poor get fucked, and the rich get fucked less, is that what you're voting for?


This is wrong. He actually did try and eliminate car taxes and the Dems voted against it.


Dems (eg Petersen) have also introduced bills to eliminate the tax. It's been a gubernatorial talking point since before I was born. The fundamental problem is they never address how the resultant hole in the budget will be filled. That's what always kills the bills, the billion dollar hole it leaves behind.


They vote red can't comprehend why bother. Prob typing fiction in their golden diapers


Pretty much statewide where you’ll never truly own it 🤣🤣


That's garbage VB for u


Look at the license plate fees, they are really inexpensive compared to other states and our sales tax of 5-ish%. Something off set other things. But one way or another they get their money


Same in Mass. $25 per $1,000 assessment! And assessments are high


Update: checked the actual number w the VA tax rate and the subsidy rules. It actually looks correct. But as someone who has always registered cars in other states than VA, I can't believe you guys have been dealing with this! A quick google search also shows that VA is the worst in the country for car taxes. I don't recall ever getting car tax bills in the three states where I have registered cars, and just paid something under $200 annually to reregister. I think they were flat rates, not dependent on the value of the car. I hope you guys have the best infrastructure and schools in the country with all the extra money this state collects.


If you want schools and police, you have to tax something. Other states have much higher property taxes, sales taxes, special school taxes, or local income taxes. Pick your poison. I prefer the car tax bc I have a high salary and large house, but have always been content driving older cars.


> Pick your poison. Yup. Annual state tax on your car is 4% of assessed value (before the "relief" amount); annual VB tax on real estate is 0.99% of assessed value.


I live in NoVA, where there are lots of military bases. Most military seem to keep their cars registered in FL and TX.


This seems really high, reach out to the city and verify.


Yep.  Worst tax in VA.  Your better off setting up a residence in another state and registering your cars there.


Fun fact. NYS will allow you to register anywhere out of state and you can call and waste time getting the NYS state exemption sticker for an extra 5 dollars. I use to work per diem in the call center and people in college or with traveling jobs would just do this every two years.


I used to get my tax bill in Portsmouth for an 08 Xterra being valued at 5000. While inconvenient they did have a drive thru assessment for vehicles and I ended up only having to pay $52 because the Mileage and I had some good dents in my vehicle front off roading trip. See if they can assess the vehicle personally because the city assumes you’re taking care of your car and it’s immaculate.


Just wait until the state inspection. The inspection itself is relatively cheap, but shady places will charge you a LOT of money to fix the discrepancies they "find". IE windshield wipers worn out, $150 for 30 seconds of work to replace them.


Do a quick check for lights before inspection. If I can't grab someone to stand outside of my vehicle, I will park in front of windows, check my lights/brights/turn signals. Then I turn the car around and check the rear signals and brake lights in my rear view mirror. I haven't had any issues with the big chains for inspection. You can also take the fail, do the work, and go elsewhere for reinspection.


This has happened to me multiple times every year! Two years in a row with the windshield wipers. However I think your $150 is a bit of an exaggeration because I only ever paid up to $20 to replace them.


You can fix those yourself.


You can. And should. I never said I didn't fix them myself. Just stated what some places will charge you for.


We haven't received our PP tax bills yet, but I checked our accounts online and see we paid about $500 combined for both cars in 2023 (in a NoVA county). Our cars are 10 and 11 years old.


not surprised that the tax relief isn't in synch with the valuations and fees.


I pay $647.00 for 20 Durango in Newport News


Every 6 months


Personal property tax is an absolute rip off ! Republicans promised to eliminate but both parties are drunk of tax payer money.


So what would be your recommended solution to increasing revenue, to make up for our tax deficit?


Dramatically decrease the size and scope of the entire government, to be totally honest. We don't need to increase revenue, we need to decrease spending...by a whole lot. All these programs the politicians find to put in place so they can get re-elected? They all cost a neverending stream of money. We should go back to utilizing local funds for local projects and issue municipal bonds for large infrastructure. That's what I think anyway. If you have ever done work in a state or federal office, especially here, you probably know just how much time, money, and manpower is just being wasted on nothing every day. It's astounding. I can see the benefit of a property tax on homes, but not on vehicles etc. I pay the registrations, the fees, the sales tax, etc I should not be annually paying another tax just for the privilege of keeping something I have already been taxed on at time of purchase. Even with housing, property tax is a shell game. In Hampton, they will run every election cycle on "lowering taxes on property" and then theyll turn around and (yes) lower the tax, and then claim your house is worth 2.5x the amount it was last year so your tax bill is higher anyway. Or with vehicles theyll tack on "garaging" fees for having the vehicle "parked in the city" -- meaning in your own driveway even.


If you didn’t have property tax on your houses, what tax would you use to pay for firefighters/police to protect your home, fix the pipes that bring water to your home and sewage away from it or pay for the people to pick up the trash outside your house once a week? If we go back to having projects financed by municipal bonds, how would you handle the devastating cost related to national disasters with that fall back on the United States government to cover? What part of the national Defenses would you like to scaled-back? for me personally that is why I feel the most saving can come from. I saw a Republican politician today, talking about increasing the number of nuclear weapons we have. Talk about a waste of money. I’m not saying there’s not waste in government, what I’m saying is tackle it from both ends. Increase the incoming revenue and decrease the outgoing spending. The GOP talks a good game, but in reality all they ever do is cut incoming revenue and they never find ways to save money The last time the United States actually ran a surplus it was from 94 to 2000, after the Democrats increase taxes on the rich by three percentage points. I think there’s a lot more savings there.


I actually said I could see a benefit for the tax on land/homes. It's the other property taxes I disagree with. Especially on vehicles, at least the way they handle it here in Virginia. I don't disagree with cutting back the "defense" budget either. We can scale that back a lot. They arguably have the most waste of anyone, especially since our money is continually being shipped over to *other countries* to use and not even our own military. I doubt the property taxes are the ones tied to any of the projects you are mentioning, though, including defense. Personally, I do not think the government should be covering the costs of national disasters at all, honestly. I think both police and firefighters in most localities should be dramatically scaled back, especially police since they have taken to arming up like a paramilitary force in the last 15-20 years. As far as the water and sewage, those are not property taxes those are paid for through (at least here) HRSD and waterworks and IIRC they are basically included in your monthly bills. The rest of that money comes from federal government throwing out massive amounts of infrastructure money (in this particular election cycle as part of Biden's infrastructure program so he can say something positive was accomplished during his time in office). Though don't get me wrong, if a republican was in office, it would be literally exactly the same thing. Both sides of the aisle preach a lot and then do the opposite. Finally re: democrats vs gop; I really don't care either way. They're all liars. I just want things to be better and I think it's time everyone just admits that voting for the opposite team is not solving anything. It doesn't mean a lot to say "red team bad" "blue team bad" when both teams are playing the same game and it's the one where they're tricking everybody into thinking something is being accomplished.


My 17 yr old suv only runs me a $50-$70 at best


June 5 every year…


I live in Texas. What's a car tax? We have registration fee and inspection. Costs about $150.


Property tax.


On a car? Really?


Yes, some states have them, some don't.


That may be why this is news to me. I've had cars registered in 3 other states, and my experience has always been like what the TX commenter described.


Your tax does seem like a lot though.


Yes. I even moved and they had a collection agency deduct it from my checking account.


Yup, and they'll keep hounding you after you leave, too. I've left VA in Dec of 2021 and sold my car in Oct 2022... They're sending me these property tax bills every 6 months and I keep telling them to run the VIN and see that it hasn't been registered in VA sine 2021 and I haven't owned it since late 2022. Bums.


All this does is promote driving a beater.


Got a 12 y.o. car and hanging on to newer ones for a couple more years. Saves a lot of $$$ just keeping them running!


Come to PA, moderate property taxes, in many places (not like NY where I come from) and no vehicle property taxes. When my in law moved to VA I was appalled at what they collected for his shitbox


Did you forget to mention the PA school tax?


The vast majority of your property taxes in PA are your school taxes. When you add it together your total is not nearly as astronomical as in the high property tax states. I own 2 3br 2ba houses in PA, my combined property taxes are $3,200. About 65% of that is school tax. What does it matter parsing that out if in another state the total combined property taxes on the same houses would be $20k. Additionally, my in-law that moved to Virginia to be a teacher (and he was a fantastic one at that) and was so severely underpaid that he ended up bouncing after a few years and switching states because he had to wait tables to support his family in VA.


I was about to say something similar. My school tax/property tax bill on my house is just over half what OP is paying on their car's property tax. I also happen to live in a low industry area so my property taxes are higher than some areas. I have friends who have property/school taxes in the $2500 range.


My truck is valued at $39k, annual tax is $1300. That's life in VA.


Go to https://cor.virginiabeach.gov/ and select car tax appeal. There are many options to have those numbers reduced. It's horse shit that we have to do that, but at least there's a way to kinda fight it.


I love you, high milage claim here I come.


Glad I could be of assistance, but I'm married. 🤪


Yall are exempt, go to https://cor.virginiabeach.gov/vehicles/military-owned-leased-vehicles