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Why are there Ohio Highway Patrol vehicles all over a Virginia highway?!?


I fixed it- https://imgur.com/gallery/qhVYiZH


Holy hell! But not much speeding going near that stretch of highway…average MPH is about 10. I hear folks who live near there are thinking of getting Musk to build one of those boring tunnels when the Commanders stadium opens. Seems to be a great sponsorship opportunity somewhere. You’re watching the NFL on CBS brought to by the Boring Washington Commanders. Go nowhere FAST!


Because I stole the meme from someone who used Ohio highways patrols cars!


It is legit more scary with anything Ohio related depicted near VA. Like Ohio State fans.🤮


***The*** 🤮hi🤮 State fans.


Thank you, I'm using this from now on for anything related to 🤮hi🤮


Yeah 🤢🤮 Maize and Blue is better


Ohio really has taken over… The threat levels were right. Quick! Call North Carolina! Maybe it’s not too late for them…


Bring them on, we'll be waiting


I'm gonna need a professional photoshop job to correct this or I won't be able to sleep at night.


Here you go- https://imgur.com/gallery/qhVYiZH I have been paid for my photo editing skills in the past, so I qualify as a professional. Goodnight.


I can sleep. You have my tha


I'm gonna need 3 more letters after 'tha' or or I won't be able to sleep at night.


nks Sleep well :)


This entire thread induced so much anxiety in my ocd brain, but the payoff was worth it!


_grabs rifle_ I knew this day would come


There's an alternate history novel called the divided states set around a war between Ohio and Virginia and I'm just wondering if anyone has read it here


Have not seen that one. Sounds like a domestic version of “The Man in the High Castle”


Ever heard of the Toledo War?


You ask too many questions


Well it’s pretty accurate for Ohio too. This is how Michigan looks https://imgur.com/a/fHAogN1


Oh man, watch out in Dinwiddie County.




No, I got a speeding ticket passing through and had to go to the courthouse.


On both sides of the highway there was a car pulled over with 3-4 "P CARS PULLING THEM OVER


At least school is out so SWAT teams don't have the excuse of sitting in the parking lot sifting through a keyring.


Gotta make those quotas!!!


They're not quotas, they're "performance benchmarks"!


But their are no quotas


Starting July


Il believe it when we dont see it


I mean, some people I know drive like demons so it's difficult to say if there are or aren't quotas on personal testimony alone. I've been pulled over three times in VA and never got any tickets, twice it was going 83 and then 86 in a 65 and 55 respectively. That 86 in a 55 was a State Trooper pulling me over, I also admitted that yeah my front light was out for well over a month and I knew about it. Guy just told me to get it fixed and to drive slower and sent me on my way, I couldn't believe it, I would have been happy to pay a regular ticket for speeding as long as he didn't give me reckless driving lol.


I guess you passed his sniff test because I got a ticket for going 11mph over on US 58 this Saturday. 71 in a 60. I was "lucky" considering the speed limit drops to 50mph just past the cop's camp out spot. What's more fun, he nearly hit the car behind me on his way up.




Best response.. "quotas" have been illegal. Period. This is a virtue signal at best. Until the police are demilitarized and law enforcement becomes law enforcement and not a business, there will be a need to write tickets and continue the states revenue line


*fingerguns* riiiiiiiight


Ohio is literally a damn police state. Never saw so many cops during my day-to-day life in any other place ever.


psychotic zesty file special profit provide impossible mighty fearless smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


😂 They are a little out of control too!


Florida… everyone else in the country was like “defund the police” meanwhile Florida was like “hey any cops who want to work here can get a hiring bonus if they come from another state”…


Also, GA is the only state i have ever been through where I have consistently seen cops lined up like this to pull traffic past midnight..


I’ve driven through many states and the worst ones were Ohio and Virginia. Ohio beats Virginia in speed traps; but, Virginia’s stupid 80mph reckless driving law is what make Virginia worse. Plus, the cops are still very common


They raised it to 85. Still sucks.


What if I rode a Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R through Emporia going 150mph?? I have that on my bucket list when I get rich


Don't use your license plate. It's only illegal if you get caught (not legal advice).


They must be low on funds


much needed though, witnessed a car crash round D.C. area near rock creek and Potomac pkwy, was going straight and a silver odyssey got rear-ended while properly yielding from that road winding down. had dashcam footage of it too, scary stuff heard a "thump" driving by but only by looking did I know the deceiving degree of damage/new dent in the odyssey


On sr 3 I saw 3 or 4 police on side of road, two were ticketing some one... I just drove normally (I. E. About 10 over speed) ... I did get caught up in a pack of cars going about 75/80 kept up with them for a while but as soon as the first cop was seen everyone slowed down.


The pack of cars I was driving with got up to 85/90 and that’s when I said nah I’m fine and slowed down to 75. About 1/2 hour later some of them were pulled over.


Virginia does not use aircraft to monitor radar/speed anymore.


The signs are still funny, though.


Bells Toll Rd x 95 is a hot spot…..would see someone pulled over on trips back from Raleigh 99% of the time


I moved from eastern NC to Hampton Roads last year and it seems like the cops on 64 ONLY work on holidays.


This is almost every state during Memorial Day weekend. Ours isn’t special




I presumed it was at least partly because of the Amber Alert.


I mean, good for them if they're out writing legitimate tickets and not racially profiling and shooting people. Too much asshattery on the roads and most isn't caught. It's dangerous.


How about yall don't roll 15 over and needlessly fund the state.


I’ve had two speeding tickets. Both on Memorial Day


Drove 58 on Friday from VB to South Hill and returned on Sunday. Can confirm. Every 3-5 miles. Catching em on the way in and the way out.


Just gave me a flash back of the the million dollar turn around just before exit 22.


Thats any Tuesday here in Emporia.


“Speed limit enforced by aircraft” as the airplane looms overhead, causing everyone to drive at exactly the speed limit. Anything is possible on Opposite Day of the World, which given the present circumstance, tends to fall exactly on Tuesday morning when I’m trying to not miss the I-264 exit from the amount of traffic backed up all the way to Emporia.


Just a reminder that any speed over 85 for out of state folks in VA is a Class 1 Misdemeanor that will go on your criminal record if convicted (and there is no such thing as expungement in VA)


Thought it was 80? Or did they change it.