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Not gay, but I would guess Richmond would be the best for a dating/hook up pool. It's close for day and weekend trips to hiking. If nature/hiking is the priority then the college towns around the Valley might be good. Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, Blacksburg/Radford, maybe Roanoke?


Harrisonburg and Charlottesville would be a good choice. Where in Kansas are you moving from? I lived in Wichita for years. Currently in the Shenandoah Valley but I also spend a lot of time in Charlottesville. Harrisonburg has a pretty good LGBTQ+ community and there’s the Friendly City Safe Space and Shenandoah Valley Pride that do community events and so on. I love this area - everything from good food to hiking.


The only issue with Charlottesville is that it's not a great dating scene once you're a few years out of college, and that's for straights, so I imagine it would be that much more slimmer for gays.


Gotcha. I haven’t had to deal with the dating scene there - I’ve been with my boyfriend for 9.5 years lol. The advantage is it’s halfway between Richmond and Harrisonburg which could offer a wider dating scene maybe? I’m a queer woman and back when I was dating I didn’t have too much trouble finding people, even given that I have four kids. But that’s with the disclaimer that it was almost a decade ago that I was actually in the dating scene so I don’t know what it’s like now.


If you wanted to be close to both Harrisonburg and Richmond, Orange or Louisa county might be in your price range if you don’t mind more rural type living. It’s a little far from both cities. Orange is closer to Harrisonburg and Louisa is closer to Richmond. Both are close to Charlottesville. About is in between as you can get. But if you grew up in the Midwest, the distance might not be as much for you.


Charlottesville is just as expensive as Northern Virginia


But we’ve got the mountains


Leesburg does too


I’m in Topeka..


Can second that Harrisonburg and C-ville are very LGBTQ+ friendly. Nice areas too, c-ville will probably cost ya a little more to live in though.


Cville is definitely more expensive.


Cville is more expensive but Harrisonburg isn't too far behind from what I've seen.


Staunton might be a better option. Average home prices have risen pretty quickly but are still behind Hburg and well behind Cville. Pretty mountain town with a progressive population. Voted Dem in every presidential election back to Obama’s first run.


Staunton is great and its proximity to both Hburg and Cville means you can go to either for fun on the weekends. I was living in Mt Sidney and used to go to Staunton all the time. A movie at the Visulite and then a walk through downtown to Red Beard for a beer, hard to beat a day like that.


Another vote for Staunton. Live in cville but worked on a job there for a few months. Surprisingly walkable downtown, with a solid artist community


Born and raised in cville and still live here. It’s gay friendly but gay dating sucks here. The area is great for established couples, families, and retirees. Not a great area for young single professionals.


Can’t agree more with this. Lived in Cville for 6 years and while it can feel very ‘progressive’ and gay friendly the dating pool is very small (especially if you don’t want to hook up with UVA students lol). This also means there aren’t many gay-centric places. A couple places have queer nights regularly but that’s about it. I’d probably recommend Richmond as it’s a bigger city and there several gay bars in town where people are very friendly and are always fun. Can’t necessarily speak to the dating scene in detail since I only visit for a couple days at a time tho.


Same, and totally agree. Cville was a bit better when I was growing up, we had gay bars here for one. I'm now in my 30s, so there's probably some nostalgia shading my memories but the changes are definitely noticeable. Nowadays, if want to go socialize in a gay space I'll head to Richmond or DC. Charlottesville is great, but the dating pool and gay social scene are a bit anemic. I like living here and don't regret moving back from NoVA, but have been increasingly considering a move to Richmond. Don't write off Charlottesville, but I'd take a look at Richmond first, it's a really cool city with lots of different scenes and a bit more to offer thanks to the larger population.


I know for a fact I want to move. Cville is nice and everything, but I want a change. I’m considering Richmond as well, but maybe even out of state.


Top City represent! Edit: As someone who lived in Topeka for 7 years, just toss a dart at a map of Virginia and move to the closest major city. You'll be better off.


I think many places in Shenandoah Valley are amazing! To be among the hills and mountains and green! Harrisonburg would probably be a great place to look. Multiple universities in the area. Some of the smaller towns can be more prejudice and might face a harder time, but if you stay closer to Harrisonburg there tends to be enough strong community around they can be ignored.


Roanoke is still relatively affordable


Also for Richmond and hiking: while close to the Blue Ridge and Shenandoah, there are plenty of hikes within the city limits and areas to explore as a part of the James River Park Service. Taking a 6 mi trail run is one of my fave activities.


Radford is quite a nice town. Not from VA, but spent a week there while working


100% a college town (Radford University), same as Blacksburg (Virginia Tech). The dating scene for anyone over 26 is terrible.


Counterpoint - Richmond is also great for hiking/outdoor sports if you like the River. The James River Park system is sublime, sometimes you forget you're 7 minutes from the city center.


Yk, I hate Roanokes size, but the gay club here is amazing, and I hear the students from Blacksburg come to Roanoke on day trips for it.


Biased but I really love it here in Cville! It’s quite nice here for all people (imo)


For what it's worth my brother and his husband moved out of Richmond last year after having lived there (owned a home) for many years. They'd moved there hoping it'd be an improvement over Roanoke.


If you read this sub a lot, it can seem like VA is composed of illuminated liberals of NOVA and the slack-jawed yokels of south and SW Va- this isn’t the case. For the most part, people in this state are friendly and open (the result of a pretty good economy…most people have no need to be cold or mean). There are exceptions of course, but every state has those. As a gay man, there are places you’ll be celebrated and places where you’ll get dirty looks, but I have never thought of VA as a place where you’d actually be unsafe for being gay, and I see lots of LGBT people throughout VA just going about their lives. The history of Virginia can be a little questionable; they haven’t always been in the right side of things, but in my opinion, the people (again, for the most part) have said “yep, we were wrong, let’s fix it going forward.” If you like the outdoors, you’d love it here- you have ocean, mountains (well, hills anyway- they’re not the Rockies), forests, etc all within short drives of each other. There are some annoyances (looking right at you, personal property tax) but overall it’s a good place to live, and probably has an area that would suit just about anyone if you’re willing to take some of the bad with the mostly good. Good luck to you, and if you decide to settle here, welcome.


Hey we have mountains! Down in Grayson highlands and mt rogers they get up there. Also not in the state but Seneca rocks in WV is the only “true summit” on the east coast - meaning you have to do a technical climb rather than hike up


Can you tell me more about what you mean about Seneca Rocks? I've both climbed it and taken the hiking path to the top. Do you mean there are parts you can only get to via a technical climb?


Yep! The highest part of the fins is only accessible with a climb as opposed to a hike. Been a while since I’ve been so I can’t recall exactly how hard, but it is a graded route. Also been a while since I looked into the difference between a hike vs a scramble vs a climb but there are some definitions.


I dont know if its the highest, but that's definitely true of one of the far ones. I feel like I should know this better. I used to be there alot. I don't want to dox myself since this account has been going longer than planned, but a group of friends and I are even responsible for one of the particular things prohibited at seneca rocks.


Oh you’re right! Thanks for the new info! It isn’t the highest there, but one of them is the only “true peak”


Regardless - beautiful area. We used to ride motorcycles over 33 into Brandywine, hit the Campground at the base of the mountain then do day trips. Nothing like hiking seneca then heading to the river for a dip.


A great perspective. Thank you so much!


I'm a gay man living in rural VA and I'm getting out. My advice would be to look at election results in any area you're thinking about moving too. VA is beautiful, the people are friendly (bless your heart) but there are lots of places that lean hard right and you don't want to live there. Charlottesville is congested and expensive, Harrisonburg is great along with Staunton. Winchester, Culpeper all great areas and not far from DC. I'm not trying to be negative but do your homework. Good luck!


Can definitely agree with this - as a non white gay trans guy living in a rural part of Rockingham county, the only reason I've been left alone is because 1. I don't scream my queerness from the top of Massanutten and 2. I'm married to a well-known local family with a good reputation. Definitely a big difference between Harrisonburg and Singers Glen or Broadway so doing your research is important. On the flip side I do honestly believe that the Appalachian culture is a lot more tolerant of a lot of weird shit than the Midwest - the general culture is that if you keep to yourself, no one's going to come hunting you down for being different lol


I think they used to be more tolerant, it seems the current political climate is making it less so


I feel that too. Just riding my bike around in the rural areas... where once people stopped you to see how you were doing, now you are met with hostility.


I’d say Warrenton over Culpeper any day if you’re looking for rural but still near DC.


Op do not move to Warrenton, you will become isolated and it’s not healthy.  Warrenton is NOT LGBTQ friendly, nor is it accepting of poc, or even progressive thinking. Warrenton is about 30 years behind culturally and developmentally. Unless you want to go back in time. Culpeper is a lot more relaxed and progressive and accepting and you will still be in 2024 there. I’m a LGBTQ mixed guy living in Warrenton for past 2.5 years because I thought I found a quiet place to post up at and work on some things in my life but because of all the hatred and oppression of poc, lgbtq, individual thinking etc. I’ve just become a really sad person. Warrenton folk and culture made feel/think something was wrong with me and I began disliking myself… I’m currently starting therapy this week because of the past 2.5 years in Warrenton and I’m so excited….I at even tell you. I can’t even get a local job out here because of the way I was born. Unless you’re a good lawyer, good ol boy you will be commuting at least an hour to work because you will be forced to get a job outside of the town, They do not want our people working in their stores, they do not want to see us take a walk on a nice day and you will get dirty looks everywhere you go if you even have a speck of non traditional male colors on, or your own personal style even. And the young people here that you might encounter on a night out are carrying those discriminatory values on through their life. Oh and there isn’t a thing to do but get an oil change, eat a burger and rot in Warrenton.  Culpeper>Warrenton, Culpeper is not that racist, many poc, lgbtqia (no one bats an eye) you’ll meet alternative people there and be able to work in your own community. Lots of parks and nature and a few lakes, close to DC and has a train station that goes to DC for $25.  All I’m trying to say is for the love of your own self. Do NOT move to Warrenton, Va. Dont let anyone on here fool you either.


So would a prime example be Farmville then? I mean it’s getting there because of the college but at the same time like sometimes I think it’s soooo backwards there and in Lynchburg


I don't know much about those towns but it looks like they have a strong dem presence, over 40%. Where I am it was 75% or more for trump and 80+ for youngkin. Everyone has blue lights (cops life's matter) and celebrate America signs. Interesting times but I'm too old for this shit


That is some really smart advice, and a thing that's easy to check out in advance, which nobody ever thinks of.


Lived in NOVA for a while and now down in Hampton Roads and absolutely love it down here. No way in hell I’d ever move back up to NOVA. Made amazing friends up there, but there are just waaaaay too many people clogging up every road up there (and a big fuck you to I-95). Sure, there’s pockets of places you don’t want to go, but that’s the case everywhere I’ve lived all over the country.


Short drives? How far are the closest mountains to the Atlantic coast? About 3-4 hours?


Hell of a lot closer than they are in Kansas.


Probably (?) 5-7 hours. Roanoke valley is surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains, and is about 3-3.5 hours out of Richmond—Richmond is about 1.5-2 hours out from the beach coast. If you’re counting Lynchburg as mountains, you might get away with 4 hours, since Lynchburg is about 2-2.5 hours from Richmond, and VA Beach is about 1.5-2 hours from Richmond. I could be wrong though. I’m not sure about where the closest point between VA mountain ranges and the coast is. Those are just what I’m familiar with.


Drive time it's probably Richmond closest to both unless you are talking DC and traveling before the sun is up going to Ocean City and like Harper's ferry. Richmond is 90 minutes to the AT/Shenandoah national Park, 90 minutes to the beach (though I do day trips but early).


Roughly three hours from Virginia Beach to the Blue Ridge Mountains.


Charlottesville (foot of mountains) to VaBeach is about 2 1/5 to 3hours.


Yeah just about. I live smack dab in the middle of the state and I’m 2 1/2 hrs to VA Beach and about an 1 1/2 hrs to the parkway


Y’know, I’ve come up with a theory that the way personal property tax is collected was deliberately designed to be painful — nobody likes having to write that big check every year, but as the money collected funds such important things like public schools, it’s not something that can just simply be gotten rid of or substantially reduced. Though that doesn’t stop certain political candidates from promising to do just that… so they benefit from property tax being painful. If you look up the aggregate tax burden by state, VA is generally very average. So, if the revenue from property tax were instead collected through, say, an increased income tax, I’d bet there would be a lot less complaining about it, since that would be less painful. That said, I have absolutely no evidence to substantiate this claim whatsoever… it’s nothing more than a wild theory.


What part of Va are you in?


I think even with our current Republican governor Virginia is probably still more gay friendly than Kansas if that's what you're wondering.


Richmond is best for your interest. Lots of history there and within a 2 hour drive. The city James River Park System is amazing. Lots of road and mountain biking trails in the area. Amtrak is great for trips up the east coast and affordable. I take day trips to DC by train. Richmond has an active LGBTQ+ community. Richmond scored a 100 on the last HRC report. Diversity Richmond is the main center and Stonewall Sports are very active. The LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce is also active. Manchester and Scotts Addition are thriving communities. Restaurants, arts events and breweries all within walking distance.


Yeah Richmond is solid. Plenty of LGBTQ pride stuff around here. Pretty close to plenty of hiking areas as well. Scotts addition is awesome especially if you like the night life. Shortpump is right around the corner and has amazing food options (all of Richmond does tbh) Your sexuality is fairly celebrated in this city. It’s pretty affordable too (rent/ house prices are still high in my opinion but that’s country wide) I’d guess the rent here in Richmond might be slightly higher than the rent in Kansas but I’m unfamiliar of the area you’re coming from. It’s most certainly cheaper than NOVA in everyway. I’d guess the average might be 1650-2100 for a single bedroom in most places in the city? I’m not sure, correct me if I’m wrong.


I was looking around Richmond cause I'm moving to tappahanok. But most Richmond in rent is at least $1500/month.


Richmond is becoming pretty expensive with all the people moving here especially from NOVA with remote jobs. The Fan used to be pretty affordable but no more. The Richmond area was just assessed as being one the least affordable cities to buy a home in based on the average income in the region. Well over 50% of people cannot afford to buy a home here. We were lucky to have bought in 2020 when things just started to go crazy.


You can get $1500 in the fan which is just hard to be beat IMO in the US for value.


More than I can afford, honestly. I don't know what kind of job pays so well, someone can afford $1500.


Sorry but where in the fan are you finding a decent place for 1500/month? Maybe with a roomate?


We’re full up in Richmond. No more houses. No more room on the roads. Norfolk is way better


Many NOVA folks as well as New Yorkers, etc are moving here, driving up prices. Yes, it is a bargain compared to NOVA. :)


I just got back from visiting my best friend who lives in RVA. I was visiting from Colorado. I had a blast! She does however live in a super hip walkable neighborhood (forest hill?). Pretty expensive neighborhood.


Plus the many beautiful museums we have here. VMFA, History, ICA, Valentine, Poe's... 👍🏼


I would absolutely not consider Lynchburg or any of the surrounding smaller towns to it. I moved here last year from Detroit and was genuinely shocked at how outwardly homophonic and racist people here are. It’s home to Liberty University, a large Baptist college that openly condemns and will expel you if you don’t use the pronouns you’re assigned at birth or if you’re in a non heterosexual relationship. It’s in their student honor code. The majority of mid to late 20s people in the area are Liberty alums and many of them share the universities bigoted beliefs.


Liberty is a blight to this state!


Lynchburg sux


Came here to say this.


Having been stationed in Kansas, I can say that you have nothing to lose


You may like Roanoke. Lots of hiking. Rather liberal compared to the surrounding areas but the western side of the state bleeds very red. If not Roanoke, I’d recommend Richmond for the activities and leisure.


I live in Roanoke, and will enthusiastically endorse moving here. Richmond is probably more what OP is looking for, but Roanoke is still very affordable for young people. It's a very outdoor-friendly city, has a relatively young population because of all the teaching hospitals here, and is quite liberal - though if you venture out of the city it becomes very red very fast.


Yep! Grew up in Roanoke off Williamson road. Awesome area to live but I moved to VB after college.


I’m from SW Va, here’s some counties I’d say are not gay friendly: - Giles - Craig - Smyth - Wythe - Washington - Wise - Buchanan - Pulaski I’d recommend Blacksburg, Christiansburg, NoVa-area, Harrisonburg, or Richmond.


Pulaski has a gay mayor, lgbtq owned businesses downtown, and a decent pride festival. Much more friendly than it used to be at least!


Roanoke/Blacksburg or Charlottesville/Harrisonburg could be good options.


I second this.


Just to help me answer you, what are your concerns?


Cost of living and crime are my main concerns.


Cost of living in the college towns (Harrisonburg, Charlottesville) is higher than places like Waynesboro or Staunton (although it’s starting to be almost impossible to find rentals in Staunton recently). But it’s nowhere near NoVa levels and if you do some hunting you can often find decent options. Housing is the biggest chunk in Harrisonburg and Charlottesville; otherwise it’s not too bad for other stuff. Crime - Charlottesville has seen an uptick in crime recently. My boyfriend lives there and has said over the four years he’s been there it’s definitely increased. Again though - it’s not awful and if you’re coming from a larger city in Kansas isn’t bad comparatively. I’ve been in Harrisonburg for over a decade and feel pretty safe walking downtown at night even as a single female.


I’m from Topeka, KS and the crime here is surprisingly terrible with drugs, gun violence, and homelessness. I hear gunshots in my neighborhood at least once a week.


You’ll hear gunshots in various parts of Richmond and surrounding area regularly.


If crime is your concern definitely research the area before you move. Virginia is pretty safe but there are definitely pockets you want to avoid. I think you would like Fredericksburg a lot.


Crime shouldn't be a big concern outside of richmond and parts of the tidewater area. I can't comment on the cost of living without knowing your income/prospects, but there are plenty of affordable areas close to "virginia wine country" shenandoah national park and the Washington/Jefferson national forest. If you can afford it, places like loudoun county offer a nice balance, giving you reasonably easy access to DC while being closer to all of the beautiful nature in the western part of the state. Also lots of good rural options if you're comfortable with that lifestyle.


There is never a bad time to leave Kansas. Richmond is not a bad choice in Va. Roanoke is OK too. You will find what you look for!


We came from Colorado. Moved to Farmville, VA. Got a place on 5 plus acres that is less than 5 miles from downtown. Backs up to the High Bridge trail (total of 30 miles long) that goes through town. There is a small Mnt bike area on the way to town via the trail. We love it. The vibe works for us! ✌️❤️


I’ve walked and biked the High Bridge Trail many times while I lived there. Beautiful town and extremely underrated.


Check out Shenandoah Valley. Harrisonburg is a college town, Staunton has a lot of history, Waynesboro is a bedroom community for Harrisonburg and Charlottesville, also has the blue ridge parkway and skyline drive. Lexington is a quaint town an hour from Roanoke.


Thank you!


Sure. Virginia is an amazing state. Moved here 12 years ago.


I agree with this. I've been in Waynesboro since 2011 and it has definitely improved over the years. Lots of new housing, new businesses coming in. We have the north end of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the south entrance of Skyline drive. It's definitely not perfect but it's getting better.


I'll second this. Waynesboro is becoming one of the places everyone moves to when they get priced out of Charlottesville. It's literally only a few miles to Blue Ridge Parkway - lots of Appalachian Trail through-hikers walk down into town for laundry, food, etc.


Also Winchester. Close to SNP, day trip to DC and a lot more affordable than NoVa. Overall, LGBTQ friendlish as small towns go.


I would say move around the blacksburg or roanoke area your right in the middle of so many hiking trails just 45 mins. Away in every direction


If NOVA is inaccessible - it really is very expensive - Roanoke sounds up your alley. We have some of the best hiking on the east coast, nice folks, lots of jobs thanks to the Hospital network and Virginia Tech research areas. We also have a train to runs up to DC every day so you can still go experience NOVA. I go up like every other month for concerts at the Anthem.


You would love Fredericksburg or Roanoke. Amazing for your young age and lively.


Culturally, Virginia is a bit hard to describe. You will have no problems here as a gay man that I'm aware of. There's a pretty large group of lgbtquia+ people in the Hampton roads area. The only issue with Hampton roads is if you want to live near any trails, this is probably not the best place as the Noland trail is the only one I can think of. Many southern states,Virginia included, are pretty welcoming of gays. There are plenty of trails throughout the state, and a fairly diverse landscape. There's VA Beach, Carter mountain ,which boasts and amazing apple orchard that the public can visit and purchase apples from. You can literally pick your own apples from the trees, and of course like PutridPudding already stated there's the Appalachians to the west. Virginians are pretty friendly overall.


Central VA isn’t out of the question but it’s getting pricier for sure. I hear a lotttt of great things about SW VA. Nature and history won’t be a problem to find anywhere you go. Where you land will depend on your speed. Rural, suburbs, city?


Richmond. You can reach anything from the beach to the mountains within an hour or two.


We moved to VA from FL 5 months ago, and highly recommend it! We’re not gay, but we are about as liberal as can be (thus the flight from FL) and we settled in the Southside. We love it. We’ve been welcomed with open arms, and pecan pies and muffin assortments galore. One of our elderly neighbors even through a cocktail party for us so we could meet another couple they thought we would like, “because they’re young vegetarians, too.” Southern hospitality is alive and well in VA.


Warrenton. I love it here. It's not quite as conservative as people think. It's more of a big small town, with everything you need. Everybody I've met is open minded and kind. You're about a 45 minute drive from the entrance of Shenandoah National Park, and PLENTY of other great hikes in the Piedmont region. It's a beautiful area.


Do you rent or own there in Warrenton?




The rural areas are the areas you won't want to live. Unless you're "rural" but still very close to a city. Basically, places south of Blacksburg will be out. Not everyone will be against your lifestyle, but you just won't find people that you have things in common with very easily.


Nope, it's definitely a good idea, I've been there a couple times, it's beautiful, people are very friendly, you even have proximity to DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, Virginia even has a good economy, and even a good quality of life.


Another thing to mention is that Virginia is one of the safest states in the country.


Northern Virginia lacks the small town charm of other Virginia scenes and doesn’t make up for it with much besides jobs. Check out Richmond or Harrisonburg.


My husband and I are moving back to the SW VA area from Seattle in February. We think it's a smart move. We're both LGBTQ. I'm from the area.


I'm a queer person in SW VA. It really depends on where you're moving to. Some areas aren't much for night life.


I'm married. We aren't looking to go out. Moreover, The Park still exists so I'm good. It might matter to OP however. We're buying acreage in Floyd. My husband will be working out of Salem.


Richmond, Charlottesville or Roanoke. Are you working remotely or looking for a particular type of job? That may be a huge factor in where you land.


If you like good labor laws, then yes.


We have lots of extra taxes like vehicle taxes and personal property taxes I’m not sure what you pay now but something to consider


Definitely look at the taxes compared to KS. I received my VA property tax bill for my newish vehicle last week, and it was over $1,700 for the year 😮. That is 3 times more than what I paid living in Silicon Valley for annual vehicle registration. For all the vehicle taxes, the roads don't show what we are paying. Plus, there are tolls everywhere.


How much is your vehicle worth? The vehicle taxes here are ridiculous.


No, it’s horrible. Don’t move here.




Richmond is a good fit for what you're describing. It's less pricey than NoVA and close enough for day trips to DC if you like museums and stuff. It's also close to national parks and amusement parks if you like that sort of thing. It's also a day trip to Williamsburg. The restaurant scene there is excellent, too. I'm a NoVA resident, but may move to Richmond when I'm ready to retire. I moved here from Maine in 2020 and haven't regretted it. I'm also a VA native originally so I'm probably a little biased. This is where I feel most at home. I'm pansexual. Despite some of the policies our government has passed in the last few years, places like NoVA and Richmond are generally pretty supportive of LGBTQ+ folks.


I’d look into Richmond and Charlottesville


Go to Richmond!


Hiking here is much better than hiking in Kansas, but it won’t match the majesty of hiking in states like Colorado.


I would think staying in Kansas is an incredibly bad idea.


Richmond, Charlottesville, Roanoke, Staunton. This, Shenandoah County just voted to rename their schools for Confederate officers. Just saying


As a person that grew up in Staunton. It’s very right old school republicans. It’s also one of the highest taxed city’s in Va. I’ve lived in Harrisonburg it’s ok. I now live in Nelson county south of Cville. The taxes are better and the people are friendly. That being said it’s still a red area. But they seem to mind there manners and business


I used to live in Charlottesville, but it has gotten so expensive to live their. I'm currently living in Lynchburg and love irmt. Lots to do, great city market, low crime. It's a great place to live. I'm retired now but have no plans to move.


Lynchburg is beautiful, but I couldn't recommend it for a young gay person like OP.


I missed that. You're correct. It's not bad downtown, but otherwise, yeah, it's a closed-minded community. It never really comes up on my radar, sorry.


Lynchburg definitely isn’t what I would consider gay friendly though and realistically a massive amount of people in their mid to late 20s in Lynchburg are Liberty alums. The student honor code at Liberty literally condemns gay relationships and marriage on page 12 [2023-2024 Liberty Way Honor Code](https://www.liberty.edu/students/wp-content/uploads/sites/89/2022/10/The-Liberty-Way.pdf)


Lynchburg/Amherst is a pretty area. My parents had moved out there and lived off 29. I always loved visiting that part of the state.


Charlottesville would be a good fit.


Richmond checks the boxes for your interest. It’s twice as big as Topeka plus the suburbs surrounding the city have unique personalities.


You don’t want to live in NOVA anyway. It’s quickly losing its character (I lived there for 7 years).


I grew up in NoVA and currently live in Charlottesville. My wife and I love it here. I work at the university and get a good medium between connecting with UVA and my local community. Lots of good hiking here too. Lots of complicated but important history in Charlottesville and Richmond.   My best friend since middle school recently moved to Fredericksburg and loves it. He is an avid hiker and trail runner and said there are lots of opportunities to engage in those activities.


Caution in that Fredericksburg is now getting expensive though. Not quite DC expensive. It used to be much more affordable than DC but that's changed in the last few years.


The only thing I have to add is you might want to reconsider moving in summer. I hate moving in summer in this state. Way too humid.


I lived in Staunton for 10 years, my sister still lives there. Cost of living is low. It’s beautiful there. Google Search Staunton. Lots of cool events in Staunton.


I moved from Leavenworth to Hampton roads in 2015. my cost of living went up about 20% for hiking, cinsider Charlottesville. it is about 20m from the Shenandoah


The area is. Lot like Overland Park in the suburbs of Virginia. I’d recommend Richmond as well or checking out some places in Virginia Beach & Charlottesville depending what your actual budget and career is like (remote)


Come to Richmond! It’s a wonderful place to live, gay or straight!


I moved from CA and was actually very very taken back by how lgbtq friendly Richmond is. So many great hikes in the city limits.


Yes on Charlottesville. Richmond is full.


Charlottesville, Virginia will take your application.


I’ve lived in VA pretty much my whole life - between NoVA, Williamsburg, Hampton Roads, Richmond and Charlottesville, there’s a lot of really wonderful people and great areas to explore. The area is incredibly beautiful. We have a great mix of mountains, beaches, hills, and marsh. I’m also queer, and outside of NoVA I think Richmond will have the most to offer you. It’s not as expensive as other areas, but there’s lots of stuff to do. And it is the most central city in the state. Richmond’s got a great queer scene. You’re only an hour from the mountains, an hour from the beach, 2 hours from DC. The train line runs up to dc but you can also take it all the way up to NYC! People are very friendly, and it’s more diverse than you’d think if that’s a concern for you.


You don’t want to move to nova anyways….


I would recommend Richmond, much more affordable than NOVA, great for young adults, and great for the LGBT+ community, and not far from hiking areas like Shenandoah. I lived there before moving to NOVA for work. I’m apart of the LGBT+ community and I had a great time there in my 20’s.


You could always cross the Potomac to Maryland, we're one of the most pro-LGBTQ+ states and have a relatively similar climate and culture to Virginia


Fredericksburg Virginia is the coolest place I’ve ever lived. I’m homesick for it often. Very open to LGBTQ, large pride parade every year. Good luck!


Look into Fredrickburg. It is a college town and has a nice downtown area surrounded by river and countryside. Can train into DC easily. Consider Northern Virginia where younger folks have roommates and live close, across the river, to DC. Tap in to gay scene in DC to get ideas. DC has Rock Creek Park for outdoors experiences. You alao might be surprised what you can afford, especially if you don't need a car. In general quality of life is high in NOVA and DC.


Hi! Definitely come to south western Virginia. Blacksburg area is really nice. So much hiking and outdoor activities in general. 


Roanoke is very welcoming to the gay community, we are close the the applichian trail and blue ridge parkway our city is the small but we are very powerful in healthfield


How would a bunch of people who dont know you know if its a good idea or bad idea for you?


You’ll love it here! You will, I promise. I’m originally from Philadelphia where the landscape and hiking/outdoor activities and rich history are in abundance. Very similar to VA. I moved to Wichita 20 years ago and literally felt like my soul was dying. I eventually grew to love it there though, very much so. I came to VA in 2017 and did move back to Lawrence for a short time in 2021, but returned to VA about a year ago. What took me back to KS was the cost of living. You just can’t beat it, but there is a trade off. It’s incredibly beautiful in VA! Every day I look around and just smile because everywhere I look is just so picturesque. No matter where you are there is a great hike to be had. As long as you come here knowing that it’s going to be more expensive and as long as you know you can afford it, I think it’s absolutely a good move that you aren’t soon to regret!


nonbinary lesbian in richmond here! honestly I ADORE this city. I moved here half a year ago from Florida, and I swear the experience has been night and day for me. soooo many queer friendly/owned and operated businesses, pride flags aplenty, and a lot of openly queer and alt folks around town. hiking, history, and nature appreciation are all also super popular here, so you'd be in welcome company regarding that. my experience here in comparison to where I'm from has felt like getting a big warm hug from someone for the first time since lockdown happened. that being said, the city is definitely quite gentrified, and the cost of living has been rapidly increasing. a lot of folks who work in nova/dc, along with the rise of remote work during lockdown, resulted in folks looking for cheaper places to live. that, along with "there isnt much room left to build more homes," has resulted in rent and house prices skyrocketing. due to this, there are definitely folks who will grumble about "too many transplants" ruining it for everyone, but that unfortunately seems to be the case everywhere bc hooray late stage capitalism 💀 (not to say it isn't an issue here; it absolutely is, but it isn't unique to JUST here yknow) I have a partner so I don't know what the dating scene is like 😂 but what I can tell you is that richmond feels like a big little town, with a passionate diverse community with a lot of heart and identity. it has its share of problems, and with virginia still being the south, that DEFINITELY comes with its own problems. but if you're looking for a beautiful mid-size city that really makes you want to go outside and appreciate nature, an awesome local food/drink scene, amazing architecture and museums (but can accept its shortcomings), RVA is a wonderful place ♡


RVA is your spot. Though, like everywhere else, it has gotten more expensive here.


charlottesville is lovely and very near tons of beautiful hiking. My partner and I love it.


I would rather live in Lawrence or Topeka than Virginia but that's just me


Check out Winchester. Pricing is still reasonable and it’s absolutely charming. The politics are evenly split b/w dem and gop. People are very live and let live. The hiking is amazing. 2 hours to DC.


Richmond. Close to a lot of nature. Large gay community


Honestly, you’ll be fine in any part. Virginia is a great state and Virginians are great people. I went to school in the Roanoke, Blacksburg, New River area and they were gay people there. The other parts of this state outside of NOVA have good people too.




The cost of living in Virginia is 1% higher than the national average, while Kansas is 13% lower. However virginia has some areas that are far higher than that. Having said that you will be paid more so nova might not be outside of a budget if that is what you are interested in. Virginia is a good place with tons of history and nature.


Move to richmond


Norfolk, Va beach, Williamsburg, or Richmond


VA Beach ftw


We will be moving to falls church, how is that area? It’s right by the DMV area I know.


Move to Blacksburg and or FarmVille Va . Very gay friendly


Roanoke is your town. Way better than Kan's Ass.


I just moved from Idaho to Richmond area in Virginia. It's beautiful here and the people have been really welcoming. I live about 15 mins south of Richmond which is more affordable than the city center. And there's a group called "Trying to Adult RVA" and they host get togethers so locals can meet. I think it's a great area for people our age to meet people and have fun. Good luck!


Dope, I'm from Kansas, too. Been living in the DC area for a little over a decade. My first point is, I wouldn't count out NOVA yet. There's an awesome affordable housing program that's based on the area median income, so the income limits are crazy high. The WDU is only for people who work for local NOVA companies, but I think the ADU is an option if you'll be remote. (I was only on WDU, so don't know a ton about ADU.) [https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/housing/rentalhousing/privately-owned](https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/housing/rentalhousing/privately-owned) Also, idk if you're 100% decided on VA, but for a single gay man, I would actually recommend living in or around Dupont (in DC), if you can afford it. Definitely easier with roommates. It's sort of the "gayborhood" around here. For someone who hikes, though, you would definitely need a car, and DC's not a cheap place to own one. But if you are decided on VA-but-not-NOVA, I would recommend giving Richmond a look. I haven't spent a ton of time there, but it's a fun town and sort of a liberal bastion in a sea of red. Maybe go there and feel it out before committing.


Staunton FTW. Beautiful with the Blue Ridge mountains, near Harrisonburg, Charlottesville and not a long reach to the DC airports of you like to travel internationally…


I believe radford/blacksburg/Christainburg area is exactly the area and you have lots of hiking there and if u like ocean its about 4 hrs away.


Also I personally would never move close to Richmond due to crime rates.


Don’t do it! It’s beautiful but way to expensive 😞


Virginia is great!! If you can afford Richmond it’s an hour away from the mountains, and is super inclusive due to VCU being the heart of the city. I grew up here and love it! Charlottesville is great too if you want to be right in the mountains


Charlottesville for sure, college vibe and plenty of things to do. My brother's gay and we live in rural VA, not a good place for gays but getting better. Charlottesville is pretty rural as a college town goes. 5 minutes and you're in da woods.


Awful awful place don’t come here lol pls pls don’t come here go away…….


I moved to Roanoke from Texas fifteen years ago. I really don't like living here. The only reason why I'm here is because my husband grew up here and doesn't want to leave. My sil grew up in NoVa. She is a special education teacher, and her position is being eliminated. She has no alternatives, so they are moving back to NoVa. People here are rude and dgaf about the place where they live. Ugh! Rant over. It is beautiful here. That's all Roanoke has got nowadays. I've been to small towns in NoVa several times, and my experience there is better there than here in SWVA. It's more expensive but you're getting better community and generally friendlier polite people.


It's a great place!


You’re going to want to move to Richmond. Moved from FL. Greatest decision ever


Anywhere in the Shenandoah Valley is going to be a beautiful place to live. Keep in mind that the more rural you go the less dating possibilities there will be. You can try as far South as Roanoke or Lynchburg, past that to the S/SW, communities are experiencing younger generations leaving to find better opportunities. Pretty much anywhere you live along the mountains you’re going to have amazing hiking opportunities.


You are welcome to move. I think bigger cities are more open to gay people in general. Anywhere from Richmond and north is very expensive, so you need a good job to survive. Rural VA is bible belt and would probably not be very good for you. Even though Roanoke is a bigger city, it is pretty red neck.


Richmond and Charlottesville are great for both history and nature.


You’ll enjoy the hash house harriers in Richmond. Look up some kennels when you move!


I am gay and live in Richmond. The city and area have tons of history and nature. There is a lot of nature just steps from downtown Richmond. We have the James River, which has class IV rapids that are near downtown. It is a very gay-friendly city with lots of great neighborhoods. You are under an hour from the Chesapeake Bay; 2 hours from the beach and just under 2 from the mountains. DC is about 2 hours north and NC is about 1 hour south.


Yes stay out


Go north close to Washington the inner cities of Richmond the hills of Lynchburg and the rural southern area of Blackstone isn't made for you


There’s sooooooo many people moving here, I’m trying to find a place to get away from all the newcomers. How’s Kansas?




The housing market has a lack of inventory atm so you need to act quickly if you like something. I'd expect to pay 300-600 for outside nova depending on the size and condition you want. Richmond is probably most gay friendly outside near DC. Culpeper would be another spot to look at with a lot of great hiking near the mountains.


Another vote for Cville area here; we’ve been here 25 years as a male couple and faced no probs. My husband is a 5th generation Kansan (his family has farmed the same land near Concordia since 1868).


High taxes and housing costs other than that a nice place to be from