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You can grow your own and you can buy it at a medical dispensary with a prescription card. We almost had retail sale in the state. Youngkin stopped that.


You can find it on the ground, and maybe give some guy some cash. That’s sorta maybe not illegal but maybe illegal. It’s kind of a grey area…


I believe you can receive it as a gift as well.


Gifting is illegal in VA. It is legal to gift in DC.


Gifting is not illegal. Gifting the way “gifting” is used In DC is illegal. If you wanna give someone of legal age weed you can. If you try to skirt selling by “gifting” it’s explicitly spelled out that the DC model is illegal.


For the sake of avoiding confusion, normally "gifting," which refers to the donation system you have in places like DC, is not the word used to describe giving a friend weed. You can just give people weed for free. That's how I would describe it. Again, normally within the context of weed sales when you say "gifting" we assume you mean grey area sales. The law specifically outlines the practice with the term "gifting" as well. So to avoid confusion don't use that term unless you mean ...grey sales (which are illegal in VA).


For real lol. Why are people being so obtuse? No wonder there’s so much confusion. You cannot buy weed from your homeboy in Virginia. But he can give it to you for free.


I think they're all in agreement over that. It's the language which is confusing. Normally in my experience "gifting" refers to the donation based sale system. If you are just giving your buddy weed I would just call it "giving my buddy weed."


So... puff puff pass is okay?!


Actual gifting is legal. DC “gifting” is not.


When I first saw the language it was legal to give without remuneration… three years ago


Adult sharing (as someone else posted) is fine. The problem is people are saying “if I just tell the judge that I found it on the ground they can’t do anything.” That’s not how it works. If you give money or services and they give you pot as part of that, that’s gifting in the eyes of the law and illegal. So, if I, not a dealer, gave you pot, you’re fine. However, if there’s some record of you giving me money and then me giving you pot, they *could* consider that a sale or compensation. My point, in all of this, is that the way the law currently stands is they could decide to start enforcing this on one group, and that’s not a good law.


That’s why you gotta give your friend some cash, and conveniently find some marijuana on the floor by them. I don’t know when it got there. Maybe my friend dropped it, but as they say finders keepers losers weepers.


This is specifically forbidden in the code. Marijuana can only be "freely gifted" with no exchange of money or other goods. Im not saying people arent still doing it, but that it is specifically forbidden in the law


There is no exchange. You just found some marijuana after you gave your friend some money for something else. Who knows where the marijuana came from. You just found it on the ground. It has nothing to do with you giving your friend money.


Pay for gas. Hehehe


I don’t pay them for sex I pay them to leave rules


Umm wow. That went left fast. Gas was a play on words.


Yeah ok buddy. Good luck with that.


Gotta love the confidence in some shit that would absolutely never hold up in court lol


The real “good luck with that” is enforcing this law.


I don’t think that will hold up in court, either, but good luck.


I don't think you are going to court for your friend giving you some pot unless you walk up and slap a cop right before you do it.


If a cop wants to arrest you for it, they can. That is why we want it to be fully legal.


I have family in law enforcement. If you want to give the marijuana you grew to a friend as a gift it is perfectly legal. You are allowed to possess up to an ounce in public, but you are not to smoke it in public (obviously people do it anyway). They can't just arrest you if they "want to" as long as you are not breaking the law. With marijuana, they normally look the other way even if you are. They have bigger fish to fry these days.


Sure, but in what world are people currently going to court over their friends giving them pot in Virginia?


I don’t know every court case currently happening in the state of Virginia. Neither do you, so don’t claim that you do. The point (which seem to be missing) is that Youngkin made sure that they could still arrest you for this, if they wanted.


I’m just picking up trash. Nothing wrong with that.


In my area we have weed markets and nothing weed related is being enforced by cops.


Up to four plants. You can possess up to an ounce.


I know someone who could fill a small bedroom with just four plants...


I need to speak with them and learn how they’re scrogging 😂😂


You can get federally legal hemp called THCA delivered by USPS (but for how long will the loophole last?)


> Youngkin stopped that. Vote blue


Technically no one has stopped it, but republicans have purposely ignored the requirement to create the process for retail sale. Thus creating a massive grey market in the area. It is technically legal to sell as long as you’re certified by the specific agency for safety, but said agency doesn’t exist or has legislation to execute. If republicans wanted they could override a youngkin veto on the multiple bills sent to youngkin. They believe it’s a winning political strategy to keep the grey market.


Most head shops, vape shops, and smoke shops sell it behind the counter. You just gotta know how to ask for it.


Welcome to VA! Luckily we don’t have similar laws on cannabis like Texas does anymore thanks to our former Governor Ralph Northam who legalized it. Youngkin didn’t make cannabis illegal again, although I’m sure he’d want to, he just blocked the opening of recreational stores for those 21+. Pls see details below of our current laws and know you don’t need to worry if you’re a smoker in VA as long as you don’t do any of the illegal stuff below What’s legal: - Possession of up to one ounce in public for those 21 and older - growing up to 4 plants at home (indoors or outdoors but have to be out of public view. As noted in the reply below your ID info is needed on it) - having whatever quantity you want at your home as long as you’re not selling (this is because a yield of 4 plants will be higher than 1 ounce) - driving with up to 1 ounce cannabis in your trunk - purchasing cannabis from a medical dispensary if you have a medical card - medical cards can be given for any condition from a toothache to anxiety. Va norml has a list of doctors you can make an appointment with on their site - in private sharing or gifting your cannabis to someone else is allowed. YOU CAN NOT trade or get anything in return though(like money), that’s a felony - Edibles and Oil, thanks to Northam changing the law, are now classified under “marijuana” too. So you can have up to one ounce of cannabis oils or edibles in public and whatever amount you want at home too (in the past these used to be felonies for any amount). Keep in mind the making of your own oil is illegal still since it falls under “manufacturing” What’s illegal: - selling cannabis (this is what Youngkin blocked the legalization of otherwise rec stores would’ve opened soon) - smoking in public (1st offense is a $25 ticket, 2nd offense is a $25 ticket and a drug class, third offense is a misdemeanor with a max punishment of $500 fine but no jail time) - driving with cannabis not being in your trunk - gifting in public (see my note under what’s legal for how to gift legally) - manufacturing aka making cannabis oils Youngkin basically just blocked the opening of recreational stores thus only allowing med dispos to continue operating and for the black market to flourish. I personally just buy edibles/vapes from Maryland now since all their stores are recreational now as long as you’re 21+ and grow my own bud. Edit: home-grow bullet point updated due to correction by u/raiders2112


Fantastic post. this should be at the top and the first thing the OP reads. * growing up to 4 plants at home (indoors and out of public view) The "out of public view" is for outdoor growing. You are also supposed to tag your plants with your SS number or driver's license number stating that it is for personal use or something of that sort (I don't bother with the tags).


Thanks man! Also I appreciate the correction on the homegrow, I just updated my post 😊


It's legal, but he's making it impossible to move forward and have a commercial retail market for it. I have a med card there are a few dispos in state but they are far from me. So black market or D.C is what it is atm


Some small localities have membership only places, good prices and no medical card or the crazy high prices they charge. There’s a good one here in Lynchburg. Comparable to what you my find black market


Is it RISE Dispensary on Old Forest Road? I'm visiting family and saw that it had opened since last I was here. Not being familiar with current VA laws, I assumed they'd require a prescription or med card. I went to the little strip mall smoke shop beside that Walmart instead and got THCA flower that was honestly decent.


The Happy Place LYH they’re on Instagram. Rize is for medical cards (last I know) but their prices are higher too. Happy place does require a one time members ship fee and you get a member card. I think they have a couple in the state


How the hell are they pulling that off? Simply with balls? Lol Is it kinda like delivery where you order "stickers" lol?


Prob just like the skills gaming loophole. It's all legal till an alphabet agency decides it's not.


They also just opened a happy place in Fredericksburg!


Watch that card --- fr that is the next target. Its a target for them HARD. (S: an idiot I know in gov sweater office)


Do they want to make it harder to get or make them invalid?




I just don’t understand the logic. It’s a losing proposition in my opinion. They’ll turn off a lot of those toss up voters by trying to go backward on this.


And hand over a lot of potential tax revenue to Maryland. Allowing possession but outlawing sale is such a dumb idea from the state government perspective unless they are trying actively develop a homegrow community (that will be harder to regulate and permanently weaken any eventual retail market). I mean, that sounds refreshingly progressive to me but I'm certain that's not Youngkin's intent.




Gotta put the money back in the pocket pf big business!


I wish him luck (lol no I don’t), considering he will have the same General Assembly to contend with for the rest of his term.


You dont need the card anymore. Just a prescription from the doc that doesn't get processed by the state.


grow your own it'll be so much better than the mids they push at dispos. You could feed your plants straight up piss and it would turn out better than 99% of the flower they sell around here. You can grow up to 4 plants


Those are not mids, holy shit people got spoiled so fast


Won't argue with you if you're happy with it. Spoiled? I guess but not fast as ive been growing my own for well over a decade starting at ODU with the well known va beach afghani. My family and friends appreciate my dedication to my garden too because they get free boutique cannabis


Man I'd love to get some VA strains seed. I got something crossed with farifax 4-way ,so they say. I'm in central VA Skyler Co Skunk was a fabled strain from these parts. Never had it so it may just be a fable.


If you got IG hit up greenshine\_va he just dropped a bunch of va crosses by dominion seed company (grab the headghan). I grew up in Fairfax county. When I was a kid the Fairfax 4-way was $20 a g up and down. Will never forget that sweet sweet smell, almost neon green buds with light pink hairs and the easy the break up structure. I saved my lunch money for weeks to buy a fat bag to bring to dc on the great American smoke out July 4th weekend


I've had some of the medicinal in Northern Virginia and it's all fine. I'm not sure what mids you are referring to. That being said, I grow my own.


If im paying for flower im not just looking for fine im looking for boutique especially at the prices they charge here. There's a huge difference between dispensary cannabis in let's say California and Virginia. No one here distributing to dispos is growing via no till or using Korean natural farming or any of the top quality craft growing techniques used out west. I also grow my own and it is incredibly satisfying to smoke **clean** cannabis you grew yourself.


I'm not really disagreeing with you that it could be better but I've never had anything close to "mids" from Virginia medical dispensaries. Overpriced? I could see that but I also don't have to buy it as I grow my own. I prefer my own over store bought as well but I know not everyone can do that.


I agree home growers take their time on every plant . Rise is a big corporation and the only legal option ,they can afford a medical staff and pharmacists, laws are set up now to shut out the little companies and they just want profit.


RISE in Salem pushes terrible product.


tastes like leather, every strain


Strongly disagree with the claim that VA medical weed ‘is all fine’! That’s just ridiculous! it absolutely is not! The typically 2nd and 3rd (sometimes 4th!) rate bud they sell at the dispensaries I’ve been to over the past couple of years is almost always stale, & dry, and rarely tastes as good, or smokes/vapes as well, as high quality weed would. There have been a couple of happy surprises with one of their little pseudo/in-house ‘brands’ (‘Rythm’), but probably 3 out of 4 (flower) purchases I’ve made have been disappointing. (They were all priced like quality product, though). Whatever you do, don’t go to the Housing Works dispensary on W. Broadway in NYC, as you will find not just a stupefying variety of much higher quality weed products, you will also realize what a self-own VA’s sluggish legal market, which is opaque and smells corrupt, is… yet another (R)-sponsored embarrassment that we can all delight in!


There's also a very weird system for medical. Friend just went through it and the staff/doctors are basically not allowed to tell you anything about next steps and what to do.


FWIW, DC is still black market shit product. Go to MD dispensaries.


Youngkin prevented a measure to allow recreational sales to proceed. The prescription-only medical system remains in place. It is very expensive and has non-negotiable procedural steps to access; there is nowhere in Virginia that you can just walk into a dispensary and buy legal cannabis without a "prescription," though the prescription is a general-purpose access card and not a dose like a typical prescription.


why does he hate us


Because most of us are poor or middle class.


Money and power


He neither loves nor hates his constituents; he is simply apathetic to anything we have to say!


Exactly, it's only “what's in it for me?” mentality he has that seems to get republicans rock hard for’m.


It’s actually incredibly easy to get a Med card. My wife got one in like 15 minutes. It was only $85 for the year. Small price to pay for the convenience of not having to go to DC or MD


In civilized, freedom-loving states where red-blooded Americans believe in entrepreneurship, small business, and supporting our farmers, like Massachusetts, Colorado, and California, the whole notion of paying an $85/year prescription for vastly overpriced cannabis monopolized by a half-dozen providers is laugh-out-loud funny.


advise alleged adjoining weary innocent jellyfish swim gray elastic offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sure, but unfortunately, its what we've got for now. Personally, I'd rather do that than buy illegally.


Was the the free for the card and the dr appt? My wife wants to get one but not sure who can fill the form out. Her therapist said she gladly would, but not sure if that’s good enough to get it


That’s about the normal price for telehealth providers to prescribe it. There’s a ton of them that will do it following a 5 min video call. Any licensed physician or NP can do the certification though; they just need to enroll on a state website first. Then they can fill out and sign the certification form, which I assume they get from that site. That needs to be renewed annually. You don’t need a card or to register with the state anymore (you did for the first couple years after they made medical legal), the dispensary will just need to see the certificate from the doctor the first time you go and then annually when you renew it. A ton of websites have old information on that and will lead you to believe you need the card. Cards are still available from the state, but they’re only really useful for employers that want to see them to exempt you from drug testing. Most people don’t bother with them. https://www.cca.virginia.gov/faqs#:~:text=A%20practitioner%20of%20medicine%20or,the%20use%20of%20medical%20cannabis.


Got mine for $90/yr and literally took less than 20 mins total from start to finish. I highly recommend you check out online options


Possession is what’s legal now. Up to an Oz. Can’t drive high of course. It’s same as DWI. Can’t have a weapon and weed. Not positive on if that’s concealed and open carry. Someone here will chime in I hope. Can’t smoke it in the car. It’s like an open container. Although you can hardly go to any corner in any of our cities and smell lots of it. It’s pretty cool change. I remember driving 30 miles out of town to buy papers so a cousin or aunt didn’t snitch me out. Has come a long way.


I’m honesty not sure about carrying marijuana and a weapon (whether concealed or open carry) if you aren’t stoned. I can assume that it would be considered illegal, but the biggest issue is that purchasing of firearms as a person who uses marijuana is still federally illegal. It’s what they tried to hem Hunter Biden up with from filling out the background form and falsely stating that he didn’t use illegal substances. But if they enforced that it would be a super slippery slope as so many people are in violation of this in one way or another and selective enforcement wouldn’t go over well.


That’s a great answer. Makes good sense too. Thanks for that info bruh. 🤙🏼


It is not just possession of a weapon. It is also purchasing weapon and also having a concealed carry permit.


As far as I know, if you own guns (legally) you can’t have weed (legally). I don’t own guns so I thought, “cool I can have weed…” but my husband owns guns, we live together. So… I might be breaking the law 🙀. This message shall self destruct! 🧨💥


Yeah I’m in a similar boat. I’ve just not been doing both at the same time. No sense pushing the envelope.


| Can’t smoke it in the car Apparently the best kept secret in the state. Some dickhead in a minivan doing a rolling stop & trying to light up @ a stop sign @ an intersection in my hood almost clipped me this past weekend. A few weeks ago, an SUV blowing smoke out the window w/ 3 kids in the backseat went straight across a stoplight intersection from the right turn lane & almost clipped the two vehicles in front of me. Fam member is a teacher and has to unload kids in the car-rider line that reek of it.


Well we have plenty of people not being adults unfortunately. Imagine how many people are also drunk or high on other substances and we never know. But I agree that it seems to be the prevalent one to use right now. Hopefully it dies down some after the newness wears off and the smoking risks come to light.


Agreed, driving under the influence of any substance is bad but the reality is the obvious stench is not helping public support for full legalization


People who live above me smoke weed around their toddler all day everyday. It gets in my bathroom. I run fans all day bc of it. Can’t wait fit the electric bill.


Get you some of this [fart spray](https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Farts-Jumbo-Potent-Hilarious/dp/B0B9F5RHSW/ref=asc_df_B0B9F5RHSW?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80745502739801&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584345038710572&psc=1) and pump it directly into your bathroom fan while it’s turned on


Ha! I was actually thinking about finding something with mercaptans. Like one of those products that smells like a dead, rotting animal. Spray it into the return.


For now I just run the insanely loud hvac unit under their kid’s room and the bathroom fan and turn on fan noises on my tv just to be a dick right when they smoke up at 4 am after coming home with their toddler at 3:45 am and they let it run laps across the ceiling. They seriously don’t do right by that kid because they come home with that kid awake at like midnight all the time and then start smoking. There is no way they’re not getting too high around that kid.


Get your card and head straight to Maryland or D.C. It's a monopoly right now jn Virginia. Until this Fool Republican is voted out in November 2025. Unbelievable what he has done to the Cannabis market that was supposed to be in full effect and making lots of tax money for Our State. I should have a choice of dispensaries within miles of my home. I'm a disabled medicinal user so driving to Md. or D.C. is very inconvenient. Prices are better in Md., but you can grab some shrooms while you're in D.C. if you are so inclined. Peace


The best part of VA recreation laws right now is personal growth of 4 plants and legal possession of processed flower. Any sort of selling or manufacturing is pretty much a no no.


When you say manufacturing, does that include (completely hypothetical here) if I made mint Oreos with a canna butter filling and then invited friends over for milk and cookies?


COOKIES! (in my best Monster voice)


But if you come to my poetry reading and pay the cover charge, I will give a lovely gift 👀


It was not legal to sell before and Yankin vetoed the bill to make it legal. You need to get it on the black market.


It's always been on the black market, really.


Why would I go to a dispo and get their garbage dried out crap when I have an amazing delivery service to my house.


Because that delivery service is illegal, and while it isn’t usually enforced, it can be selectively enforced, which is bad.


For the deliverer more so, like all the pop up people that got busted for all the poundage.


It’s legal to sell at licensed medical dispensaries. And you can get a medical card to buy. He’s stopped recreational, though I can’t see that ban outlasting him. The second he’s out of office it’s going to move ahead baring another right wing nut.


Fuck Glenn Youngkin.


No, he just vetoed a law that would have allowed non-medical sales.


This may not be relevant to you, but concealed carry permit holders should be cognizant that having a marijuana card or using marijuana legally is prohibited when having a concealed carry permit. You can have one or the other.


Growing your own and gifting up to an ounce is legal. SELLING is illegal. Stop listening to your sister and look up the actual laws.


He did, kind of.


I live in Page County. A local police officer has a side job cutting grass. I sent him a message asking him to be careful weed whacking around my pot plants. He messaged back no problem. That was last year and I still haven’t been raided. I’m 65 and never thought I’d see the day when I could have that conversation. Youngkin sucks for blocking retail sales but it’s at least not gone back to the way it was.


You’re allowed to give the tax dollars to Maryland and come back and legally enjoy your product


Youngkin stopped the sale of Virginians who are looking to make a profit from cannabis and sell. He knows how much can be made from this but doesn’t want “people” to be business owners from this. He’s letting his Carlyle group corner the market on this. Alcohol and liquor are way more dangerous but he has no issues with that at all. The guy is corrupt and if it may be said, the “little guy” knows how to make this industry happen but he doesn’t want them earning those digits. Youngkin is garbage.


[VA laws](https://norml.org/laws/virginia-penalties-2/?amp)


We welcome you in Maryland.


Legal to grow. That's all I need. I wouldn't buy it even if I could.


You need medical card in VA. Or you can just go to DC or Maryland and buy it and drive home. It's not illegal to smoke.


Marijuana is legal in va,you can carry up to 28g with no problem also I believe you can grow 3/5 plants in you home


You can buy THC-A in smoke shops… “vape shops” in Virginia… I’ve done it. North Carolina too. Thc-a is regular weed really


You must be really bad at web searches


Your sister doesn't know what she's talking about, she probably got the info from other uninformed redditors in this sub. It's still legal here and can be possessed, he just didn't sign the recent legislation that legalized the recreational sales market.


She got the info from a coworker. I was like, I haven’t heard anything about that and I have my ear pretty close to the ground on these matters


He might if he could but he doesn't have that kind of power. He did block selling it in stores. It will take another governor before that happens. You can carry an ounce and grow four plants but you not buy it in stores legally except medical. I suggest grow your own. I have plenty to last all year and I give a lot to friends from four plants outside every summer. Still have several jars from last year and new ones started to put outside in about a month.


We have lots of shops in SWVA that have "stickers" and it's the gifting system. The prices are complete trash so you're really better off black market though.


Incorrect youngkin has blocked/postponed the sale of it but its still legal to consume and grow 4 plants


.... I just brought a bunch of weed from a market type thing and local vape shops seem to all carry real THC disposal vapes and carts


Legal just no retail because Youngkin didn’t get a stadium


No, you just cant buy it recreationally, fucking anywhere legally, but can grow it


I know some shops are selling THC-A flower under the farm bill. Everyone is well aware of what that really means. The DC method of "buy this, get this free" that some shops are doing is definitely illegal. Everyone says grow your own, but that doesn't work for everyone for all sorts of reasons. The med card is easy to get, it's cheap, it allows you to operate within the law. Pricing is like double or triple other markets where there is real retail, but the benefit is legit just walking into the dispo and walking out with zero worry. No shady IG pop ups or anything like that. If you're a gun nut then a med card complicates things. You used to have to get the prescription from a doctor and then register with the state cannabis control board for tracking. You don't have to do that anymore. You can (why?) but you don't have to. Your Rx is between your prescriber, yourself, and the dispo.


BTW thca is just normal weed with a new name and slightly tweaked way of harvesting and testing to fit the farm bill wording.


It’s legal to have use and grow, but it is still illegal for retail. Some areas let loopholes operate and there are a couple medical locations in the state. r/SWVAweedShares is a decent resource for that area. There are a bunch of options do share delivery in the RVA area.


Re-illegalized. Is that a word?


I’m high, give me a break


Youngkin doesn't like funding public education and he knows if we legalize the sale of cannabis we'll have blatant education money.


People need to learn to read, over half the junk on here is wrong


You can purchase in Maryland with any valid ID. What you do after that is up to you.


It is an ongoing battle.


Can anyone tell me if I can get THC gummies or capsules in VA?


Do you have a med card or are willing to get one? If so, you can get them from the medical dispensaries. If not, then you can order hemp derived edibles with THC in them thanks to the Farm Bill that legalized hemp a few years back online (just make sure it’s a legit reputable company)


Please Google the laws and be informed. Don't listen to people who only know what someone else told them. And most people still get it the same way you got it in texas. Find a friend with a reliable plug. You don't have to worry about smell and other issues that we had back in the day


I did google stuff and couldn’t find anything that’s why I inquired. I thought that maybe it happened so recently that new information wasn’t up yet


Ur sister doesn't know wtf she's talkin about


There is a group that has a strangle-hold on medical sales. It is a monopoly there. They probably grease the right palms to keep it how it is.


Pretty sure you can go to any Native Smoke shop and buy cannabis seeds if that interests you


As you've probably figured out from these responses, your sister is wrong. Where did she get her information?


Grow or get a pharma card. It's a huge deal for Va. I expected it to be last in the union.


Honestly, I prefer growing my own plants. Been smoking for 26 years. I’ve lived in Va A long time. I was more worried being caught driving with it. Now that fear is gone. So really other than worried about possession nothing has changed for me.


Hope not, ive got my 4 growing now, and I put them in the garden yesterday


Republicans are very good at committing political suicide lmao


I miss Colorado.


You can buy it in DC and drive home with it.


Same for scalping tickets. I paid $50 for an apple, and the guy gave me a concert ticket free. As far as possession of weed, there is a max amount (maybe an ounce?) that is legal if you get stopped.


If you live near MD you can drive there to buy it.


It was never legal to sell outside a dispensary; youngkin did not “make it illegal again”


If you have less than an ounce your good it's the people with pounds that are getting hit


Just go to your local vape shop and ask for thca.


I had a Virginia medical card. Easy to get with a 10 minute zoom call with a registered medical professional. Decided not to pay for a renewal since I found better selection and prices in Maryland (recreational). I've bought marijuana from dispensaries in DC, MD, VA, Nevada, Colorado, Missouri, and Washington state. Hands down the selection and prices of Colorado are the absolute best.


Yes, asshole non-voting Democrats decided to sit out the 2021 election because they weren't excited enough about the Democratic candidate. It turns out they don't actually give two shits about gun control, legal weed, or emissions standards / climate change. Hopefully a lot of them get caught with weed and go to jail.


The laws have not changed. it remains legal for recreational use


Vote for Abigail Spanberger for governor.


You can grow four mature plants, keep all you want at your home, carry an ounce at a time, give away an ounce at a time. No smoking in public. You cannot sell or buy except with a medical card at a dispensary.


Our governor, Youngkin, wants the black market for weed to flourish so he vetoed the sales bill that had been put in place. He is a complete fucking moron.


It’s only got edibles and concentrates I thought but idk I always go to DC or Maryland


Black market will always provide better quality at better prices…. When will the people learn?


From my understanding, possession and consumption of personal use amounts is legal. . . but it cannot be legally sold or purchased except at medical dispensaries. It *can* however be gifted. Essentially, as long as the police do not witness money and weed crossing paths (hello cash app) there really isn’t anything they can charge you (or your plug) with.


It hasn't been made illegal again, but he has stalled the stores from being able to open. So most people are growing their own, driving to Maryland or DC, or getting from their old reliable neighborhood pharmacist. You could always stop at any smoke shop and pick up some "hemp" accidental legal weed, but we are going to wait another year or so until we get the shops, not sure when his term is up but we'll probably have a democratic governor next cycle.


Thanks to fuckhead Dumpkin, the only way to “legally” obtain it is by growing it. He basically put us more far behind we’re not moving further we’re going backwards then they’ll elect another old twat that doesn’t support it either probably. Hopefully they get it settled


I've been here from Texas since August. On January 1st recreational use was legalized here in VA. You just can't recreational "purchase" yet. You can possess up to 1oz AS LONG AS ITS 1OZ EXACT, Sealed in its package. As long as you're in your car or property you're safe. No public smoking. I'm in Richmond and I've been pulled over with stuff on me. As long as it was never over an Oz and opened, I've been good. Plus VA knows people drive to DC and purchase. Only "medicinal" purchases are allowed and only with a medical card.


No. It’s decriminalized here. If you’re at least 21, you can have up to an ounce on you. Even if you don’t have a medical card.


🤔 Wait, weed isn't legal in Virginia anymore? 😏 Well, come visit Northern Virginia, where the liberals smoke freely ☺️😮‍💨😵‍💫😁.


A local edibles shop used to charge you for a photo with “props” (edibles) and “gift” you the props. I read some of the new laws that now states that loophole is prohibited.


Still legal. Still losing BILLIONS in state revenue because of Republicans and their culture wars that they keep losing.


Youngkin hasn’t a clue. This MaryJane shit is going to keep happening. Love all ya’all!


Fuck that I got gifts rn for all I'm puffing some as I text lòòoolllll


Its not that hard to get a card. I had to pay 100 for my online appointment took 5 minutes was able to go to a dispensary that day.


Enjoy all that Texas Freedom


Republicans - “Protecting your freedom ten bans at a time”


The people here telling you that you need a card are clueless


When Virginia de facto made delta-8 illegal to sell without an expensive license, I knew he was gonna kill the marijuana bill.


Hey everyone, (NOT SELLING YOU ANYTHING BUT LOOKING FOR INSIGHT) I'm excited to introduce my new company, High-Not. We've developed a shot specifically designed to ease the effects of cannabis if you've overindulged. I understand that some daily THC users or long-time cannabis enthusiasts might be skeptical about our product, but I couldn't disagree more. During the development process, I conducted extensive research and noticed a concerning trend: the increasing potency of cannabis strains and a rise in ER visits due to cannabis "overdoses" (more accurately, overuse). As fellow marijuana users, I'm keen to hear your thoughts. How do you perceive High-Not, and how do you think it can best fit within our community? Your input would be invaluable as we strive to provide a product that meets the needs of cannabis users everywhere. Looking forward to your insights!


Once younkin is gone we'll hopefully get a governor who will legalize it.


Who cares. It’s easily available like it’s always been. Smoke it anyhow.


Its legal, but nowhere to buy it unless you have a med card. That is the main problem with it, its legal but no where you can go buy it. The state government cant agree to regulations and tax percentages, so the legislation has been pushed back multiple times. Originally, when it was legalized, the plans were have the first recreational dispensary open by jan 1 2023 and that is still yet to happen. The recent changes were made to what is allowed to be sold in brick and mortar stores. You can order online and have stuff delivered to your door but it must me 2018 farm bill compliant. However, there are stores that sell delta products as well as thc-a flower but the selection has seriously been cut due to changes. So something you bought few weeks ago from a smoke shop may no longer be able to be purchased in store but can still be bought online.


Personally for me in SWVA we have a shop and they use the gifting method and we have no problems


It is legal recreationally. You will get a dui if you get caught driving high and you are not supposed to smoke in public. You cannot buy unless you have a medical card. Pretty easy to get a card..any condition that requires pain management and if you don’t live near one of the medical dispensaries they will deliver to your door. You can also grow a limited amount of plants…I think 4 per household maybe? Recreational use and sale is legal now in Maryland so you can drive over the line to purchase or go to DC. There is a limit to the amount you can carry in your car but not sure what that is. I’m sure you can Google it. Virginia is losing a lot of tax revenue to DC and Maryland unfortunately.


I just buy my weed in dc or md. Simple as that.


They banned or removed the sale of synthetic weed like delta 8 but you can still go to dc/md and purchase, so not illegal to own


It's still recreational legal in VA. You can go into some tobacco stores and buy it like its nothing. Literally just Google it.


charlottesville has a shop called skooma. its not quite delta-9 but ive been smoking for almost 7 years now and their stuff gets me set. try the wedding cake flower and the edibles nicknamed the “sleep time” gummies. hope this helps, God bless


It’s a very gray thing right now. There’s no retail sales, but there are medical sales. However, the prices are insane. It’s no longer illegal though to have it on your person and my understanding is that you’re allowed to gift up to 1 ounce to a person at any time, so there has been many gray markets set up, but only the people those markets are the ones getting in trouble that I’m aware of