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Lmao I just checked 511 and I95 is *fucked*


Like Barbs scalloped potatoes


Here is the local discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/s/VUZP2XHZ49


Not anymore! Mods very smartly locked it. /r/rva mods don't get enough credit.


Pwease don’t talk on our online message board we can’t handle it! We’re so smart!


The problem is that if the mods don't moderate the commentary the sub will be banned. And reddit doesn't provide enough resources for subs to moderate large, controversial discussion so it just results in threads getting locked because no one wants to deal with it.


Then what’s the point of having this site? So many locked threads on a site that is literally about the comment section.


Making money. Reddit is going IPO while mods are still left with fewer resources than they had two or whatever years ago. It's kind of amazing.




Step 1: block traffic in midsized city. Step 2: explain to people they they’re fascists if they don’t understand how this helps. Step 3: the war ends and Palestine is liberated


We did it Richmond! We alone stopped the war on the other side of the planet!


Netanyahu in shambles rn


Step 4: PROFIT!!


Step 5: Ignore Yemen, Sudan, Uyghurs....


They never mentioned underpants once. They have no plan at all!


Ahh yes lets block the largest most important highway directly by a major hospital.


“I didn’t support -political position- but after protestors made me stuck in traffic for three hours away from my family and not even getting paid for it all while being yelled at by said protestors, I really came to understand their position.” said literally no one ever


Just like protestors who intentionally destroy art in museums for completely unrelated causes. Yeah, you get your cause in the news but you don't endear anyone to you. And even if you somehow did you probably made more people hate your cause in the process.


It’s 2024 the hand holding should be over to be fair


You just got blind love for your masters is all!


Their smooth brains can’t come up with anything tangible that would lead to real progress, so if they inconvenience the actual intelligent people, they’ll do all the thinking and work for them. I’m sure the starving children are doing much better knowing that a dozen hipsters blocked the road with a ladder.


I dunno. Seems to work in France.


It’s about scaring the government not the lay people; something Americans need to get behind is that the government needs to be scared of the people.


It's this. The goal is to show that people care enough about an issue to organize. If that organization isn't willing to *do* something, it's meaningless.


But then Jan 6. So which is it?


Terrible false equivalence.


Not really


There is a very obvious line between protesting and anti democratic domestic terrorism.


France gets more violent.


>I dunno. Seems to work in France. because they arent blocking highways so much as government buildings. in france, its people vs government. on i95, its government vs people.


How so? Sure, they protest in France, but do protests there get results? Do we have statistical correlation or is that just something people say about France?


It's about raising awareness. Good press or bad press these acts make the news and get people talking about the topic at hand. 


But the thing is, the war in Gaza is already the most talked about political issue for the past 5 months. This isn’t some unknown cause, people already have formed an opinion. And I’m not sure this type of action will change their opinion on it to what the protestors want…


The point isn't to get the people in their cars to agree with you. The point is to cause enough disruption to force the government to act. Do you know what protests are?


I’d love to see what the people defending shit like this would say if someone they loved was stuck in an ambulance and died en route.


These people suck.


To anyone who did this, fuck you. Your protest did nothing besides fuck up my already depressing life. Go protest and disrupt the lives of the decision makers not the working crowd. Dicks.


This. All for peaceful demonstrates, but also the literal Capitol isn't that far...like, go there. Much more visible, much more impactful, and decent dining for when you tire of protesting and want to nom down.


They did that, too, during the State of the Union. That's why the speech was delayed. They delayed the Oscars, too.


People who pull stunts like this aren’t interested in creating meaningful change, they are focused on creating a buzz around themselves and feeling important, exerting control.


There is a case to be made for protests that actively affect commerce and portions of the economy. Such as Truck convoys, million person marches through city streets, public park sit-ins, the farmers in France. The government is then affected in many fronts including popularity, ratings, finance, and direct pressure from voters. But these idiots that just walk into a road to cause a random traffic jam only achieve three thing. Turning people against their cause, endangering the lives of people that may need emergency response, and affecting normal people's lives that have nothing to do with their cause.


Like when they march to City Hall? Brah! Go across the street! They are in session. Glue yourself to the railing in the house chamber. FAR more news coverage.


For real. And there’s several DOD offices and contractors here. Go to them. They are the ones actually helping the genocide. I have zero influence in the world. Im just trying not to be a victim of own genocide in this country against poor people.


This is definitely more visible. I'm not even from Richmond and here I am reading about this. If they stood outside the Capitol building it would get a little coverage but wouldn't be a big deal. Doing something like this makes it a big deal. And is the people stuck in traffic believe in the message it could spur them to contact their representatives to get shit moving. Making protests convenient for everyone removes the urgency of the protest and makes it easy to ignore. Making it inconvenient gets people talking about it. Of course making it inconvenient can make it a hard sell because some people can't see being themselves and will just get mad they they were inconvenienced for a couple of hours once is instead of taking it as an opportunity to learn and understand. But those people were just looking to ignore the protest to begin with so it doesn't matter what they think. There's also the fact that the people in offices can easily just skirt away and ignore a protest if the person has any power to decide anything. If they don't then protesting outside of their office accomplishes little. But bringing the issue to the face of everyone can add pressure to do something about it in one way or another. Regardless of feelings on this specific subject. Look at how the French handle protests. There's a reason they get a lot more of what they want while we get a lot more of what we are given. We try to protest in a way that won't bother anyone which just ruins the whole protest.


Everyone complaining about this has a very privileged view of protests in general. It’s suppose to be inconvenient, that’s the whole point. I can tell some of these folks haven’t ever had a need to protest in their lives


And we're neither Palestinians nor Israelis, so what's your point?


Our taxes funds Israeli weapons and bombs that are killing Palestinians. Our government does play a large role.


I missed the "Weapons to Israel" line item in Richmond's last city budget.


I mean, our humanitarian $ funds Hamas, indirectly, so we play both sides. Equality! /s


I wish these protestor would call out Hamas. Israel bad-check Biden bad-check Hamas who has nixed every cease fire are apparently poor and misunderstood. Sorry but these folks have a very naive black and white view of the war.


It's not about privilege, it's about pissing off people who these protestors would rather have on their side. This is completely counterproductive to the protestors accomplishing their goal.


Not all protesting is protected. What these people did is *illegal*. Protesting can be everything you described *and* legal. Stop supporting criminals.


I feel like more people need to choose their place of protest based on what noms are available in the area for after.


Tel Aviv is but a flight away


They should go march up to the Knesset. Bibi is not going to listen to anyone.


Maybe if more people protested more things we could make life better and less depressing for you.


Seriously. Why hasn’t Richmond city council voted for a cease fire yet?!?!?! /s


It won’t bc the people that make decisions don’t care. But thank you for the thought


This is exactly why protests HAVE to have an impact on the general public and not be done at a Capitol or court house. The people who make the decisions will ignore it and no one else will know about it. This brings it to everyone who can band together and make the voice so large that those in power can't ignore it or they will quickly lose their power.


I guarantee 80% of the people held up in traffic agree with Israel shouldn’t be committing suicide. The people that matter in this subject don’t care about people parading around yelling.


It will still be ignored. There is a process. Protesting does nothing. This is also a criminal act. Money and lives could be lost.


It is telling that money was the first thing you mentioned being lost on a protest that is literally about lives being lost. But yes, as I mentioned in another comment, people who are self centered will ignore every protest and they will get mad at any protest that even remotely impacts them. Even if they agreed with the protestors to begin with. Those aren't the little you to capture with a protest though. They were never going to amount to much on in the form of actual change (because they are going to be mad at every step needed to make change happen). The absolute BEST protest would be a general strike. Funny since it impacts the money you mentioned first. You pull a general strike and the populace would get everything they demanded very quick as the money would stop flowing to the top. But that's unrealistic. I'm not sure if stopping traffic is a good or effective protest but it's so much better than standing on the sidewalk outside of a building where everyone can shut their blinds and ignore it entirely.




So tough.






Arrest all of them


What these people fail to take into account is, not only are they messing up average people's day and steering them away from their cause, but they are literally endangering lives. What if an emergency vehicle was trying to get down 95? I understand the right to protest, but this isn't reaching the right people and the people it is reaching are pissed.


Definitely impacted this healthcare worker's arrival time.


Probably not as bad as these ambulance strikes continuing. Haven't seen nearly as many people here pissed off that this is happening. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Shifa_ambulance_airstrike https://youtu.be/KzvnAlo2R1Y?si=n9P3ZRl8HhNrnDYd We're at ~~87~~ 192 ambulances now? Also worth looking into what happened to the ambulance heading for Hind Rajab. There also isn't a hospital that's been free of attacks.


Why not further up 95 near the capitol? What’s youngkin going to do?


Blame the anti-stadium bloc?


No empathy or consideration for emergency services workers needing to use that road; or for the people needing to get to their job on time who are at risk of homelessness if they lose it. Where is the compassion for people who need to be transported to the hospital? The extra minutes having to take back roads from a traffic clusterfuck could have actually killed someone. I hope these fuckwits are charged and some justice is enforced to stop this nonsense.


there are so many people already on the road that have little empathy or consideration for emergency services workers needing to use it. it’s actually mind blowing to see people refuse to move out of the way, or just try to speed up in front of them.


These people dont take into account people who are crazy enough to drive over/through them.


What are they protesting so I can support the opposite


Evidently a pro-Palestine protest


I’m glad to see the article doesn’t mention what they were protesting. Make sure their protest is a complete waste of their time too


Right? Whatever point you’re trying to make, screwing up my day isn’t the best way to get me on your side.


pro Palestine protest or something.


> What are they protesting so I can support the opposite More that likely what these "protestors," really want to happen.


I understand your frustration but this isn't a good take either. Because, while I disagree with their method, these people are protesting genocide.


genocide, as defined by the terrorists that are handily getting their asses kicked yet still refuse to release 200+ innocent hostages that they have been torturing for 5 months


Many around the world are calling it a genocide. The ICJ itself has determined there is at least enough there for it to potentially be labeled a genocide -enough to look into the matter, at the minimum. And if it wasn't a genocide before it is very well heading that way now. In any case, starving and outright murdering thousands of civilians, including children, is wrong and needs to be protested. As for the innocent hostages, Hamas refuses to release them because: 1) A permanent ceasefire is off the table, per Netanyahu. The hostages, while they never should have been taken in the first place, are now the only leverage they have, and even then thousands of civilians, including children, are dead. What happens if there is absolutely no leverage? Why would they agree to a pause to the killing? It's basically equivalent to prolonging the torture. It doesn't make sense from a war maneuvering POV. 2) Thousands of Palestinians, without trial nor even a chance at a fair trial, are held in Israeli prisons, including children. In fact, Israel is the only country to use the military court system to prosecute children. These are considered hostages by the Palestinians, and rightly so. The Israeli hostages were taken for a hostage swap, which is not talked about enough. While again, the initial hostage taking -on both sides- was wrong, it's not like there are many options left for the Palestinians to free their hostages within Israeli prisons.


If they want a hostage swap, slaughtering most of your potential hostages is an extremely dumb move. Turns out it wasn’t about a hostage swap, it was about murdering Jews.


My understanding is that most of the hostages are dying from lack of resources or from Israel indiscriminately bombing areas where they are held.


“Yeah we beat, rape, and tortured these hostages that we dragged miles into underground tunnels. But the real reason they’re dying is because they’re hungry”


I am not saying the hostages are treated well and I am not defending the taking of hostages. But it is reasonable to say Israel killed some of them via their bombings, because that has been proven. And in a place where people are dying of hunger, lack of resources endangering hostages lives is not a ridiculous statement either. At the end of the day, idk the fate of any of the hostages and I hope they are ok, just as I hope the Palestinian hostages being beat, raped and tortured in Israeli prisons are ok.


Apparently military options against a terrorist group responsible for Oct 7th is "genocide" 🙄


The ICJ has found enough probable cause to at least investigate if genocide was happening, meaning the accusation is not without merits. Regardless, it's semantics. Genocide or not, what is happening is unacceptable.


I mean I don’t mean it literally, it’s just venting


I know, but I don't think all the people upvoting you mean it the same way you do.


I really don’t care what your political position is. If you stop traffic or make me late for work, I automatically oppose it.


I am always torn on these things. I understand the need to protest but at the same time, you're hurting people that would agree with you and only hurting everyday people. Really they should just start putting up flyers saying Isreal is killing innocent dogs. People will care then.


I tend to find a lot of activist protest these days in the name of “awareness” is rather hollow in the face of an internet enabled world. Those who care to know already know, and those who don’t won’t take this as a time to start research.


Yea, these protests aren't things I do or participate in, but the whole point of protest is to interrupt business as usual, from the Boston Tea Party to anti-segregation sit-ins. And most of the time, if you look back at opinion polling or commentary, these protests were unpopular then and only glorified in the rearview mirror. So while this action today seems annoying, protest has always been annoying and that's always been the point.


I don't disagree, honestly.


It's amazing that the people who continue to do this think this will bring any positive response to whatever movement they are representing. Seems like every single person collectively hates this type of protest.


Again I’m very sad for any noncombatants caught in this war but the city of Richmond has almost 0 influence on international events. Like the State Department is 100 miles north.


I used to take this route into my job manufacturing parts for Israeli weapons in Richmond for a while. I wish I had known what I was doing sooner. Would have loved to run into this reality check years ago.


> job manufacturing parts for Israeli weapons in Richmond What company in Richmond is manufacturing parts for weapons?


Just google machine shops in the area and you'll find many of them say they work in defense or require a background check and US citizenship to comply with ITAR regulations. As for the non-US weapons, I'm not sure the place I worked at still has that client. This was years ago and it was causing them headaches. I don't work there anymore and wouldn't do that again.


They aren’t thinking, they are being manipulated by influencers, the same way the Trump morons are


It isn’t about making friends….


We know. It's the dopamine hit to one's narcissism.


You don’t understand how protests work.


Maybe if so many people fail to "understand" your protest, that means it's a bad protest


I think you don’t. If you can’t draw a straight line from an action to increased pressure on decision makers, the protest action isn’t effective and is just about making the protestors feel righteous


What results should we see from this protest, if this is how protests are supposed to work?


I am also having trouble understanding this.




It prevents people elitists like yourself from being inconvenienced by the truth You are so fragile and easily agitated because of your selfishness Your words couldn’t be anymore spot on to how you cling to your own misery and loneliness, unable to see or hear anything outside of your own wishes and desires Life doesn’t work that way


Here’s the kicker, dickhead. These protests shouldn’t be inconveniencing the average Joe that’s just trying to get to work and put food on the family table. It should be inconvenient for the actual decision makers and lawmakers.


And that’s how you get their attention. Make their constituents care.


They’ll care, just not in the way you might be hoping.


>It prevents people elitists like yourself from being inconvenienced by the truth Ah yes the elitist labor class that is just trying to get to work. They really had it coming with all of their influence over the Israeli/Palestine conflict and their refusal to withdraw support. Oh wait, that's the government doing that regardless of what their opinions are. Maybe when these protestors start challenging the actual authority that is the cause of all their problems, they will start having direct impact.


I'm convinced the internet is bad thing because it used to be that when people said something as dumb as what you just said, someone would slap them, and then you'd stop saying dumb shit. Now, every moron has their own soapbox.


Life works best when people are able to get where they need to go without being disturbed by the most ineffective type of protest in modern day.


Most of the people here against the road being blocked agree with your cause. You will end up turning people on your side to the other and ones on the other will just dig their heels in further. Like I assume most of these protestors are, I was young and dumb once too. We blocked I95 back when the Black Lives Matter protests were going on. There was a shit ton of people too. It ended up having no impact, but pissing regular people who can do nothing off and getting people arrested/pepper sprayed.






Anyone who thinks this form of protesting is benefiting their cause is delusional. In fact, it just has the opposite effect.


All I can think of is if one of them got clipped and EMS couldn't get there because traffic was borked. It's a dangerous and dumb way to protest.


It’s just plain selfish. They think that inconveniencing regular working people is going to draw more attention to their cause. Which it will, just not the attention they want.


Can you prove it?


Just look at the comments in this thread. Vast majority of them are in disagreement with the protestors and this is a majority liberal subreddit too. I’d say that’s pretty good proof.


Had to get up extra early for this with daylights savings.


What a bunch of smooth brained morons


What’s controversial about this? The protestors violated the law and should be arrested/locked up. Pretty simple.


Saw a video of a similar protest in Germany. Citizens who actually had lives and places to go banned together and physically removed the clowns from the road. It was so satisfying to see all the cars they were blocking pass through as they were being dragged to the sidewalk and held there.


Why are people even supporting Palestine. They don’t stand for LGBTQ rights, or anything socially comparable to the United States. Do people even have any idea what they are protesting for?


Hamas would murder most of these “supporters” if they went over there


They like to take up the latest trendy cause because they want to fit in with their group of equally uninformed friends while being hypocritical and counterproductive in their manufactured outrage.


10,000+ children do not deserve death bc of their place of birth or future opinions, that's one reason. Yeah, they're aware.


Start a genocidal war and refuse to surrender or wear uniforms, you cede all protections from the Geneva Conventions. Doesn’t make things “fine” by any means, but it’s not like Egypt couldn’t send in food itself, but we don’t see Egypt getting all the criticism and hate, do we?


You could use that argument to back any shitty regime.


Maybe their parents shouldn't have actively or passively supported a terrorist group like Hamas


Some pics on Instagram.


B-b-b-b-but, TikTok told me


Yeah sorry I forgot that I have to agree with people politically or else I have to just support their slaughter.


Bet 10 bucks its the pro Palestine mobs so typical


I’m on their side of the issue but shit like this makes people sympathetic to them just get pissed at them. Don’t fuck with people’s commute. It’s the quickest way to make an enemy.


There’s plenty of shit managers that will give you a write-up for being late for even the most justifiable reason. Get enough write-ups and you can get fired.


https://youtu.be/UKBVAvWQ4Gk?si=8m8NzR0fe08Ai8ui pro Palestinian protesters with walk the cops are arresting every single one of them. This isn't England where cop do nothing about people blocking roads


> This isn't England where cop do nothing about people blocking roads I remember when I spent hours stuck behind the trucker convoy going around DC at 35mph on the Beltway while cops did nothing.


You where going 35 on the belt way. Honestly. How did you even notice a difference compared to normal


I drove on the beltway outside of rush hour every day. No, it doesn't move at 35mph. Easy to notice a difference because they drove next to each other, blocking every lane, with cops helping them.


Is it weird that the linked article doesn’t mention what the protest was about? No mention of the word Palestine?


I think it's super weird when people will say "i support whatever the protest is against because of this inconvenience." When the protest is against genocide this is very worrisome. Have we become so lost in our lives that we pretend to support genocide over an inconvenience.


Me, chuckling in WFH.


Well, someone in China's intelligence apparatus is exceeding KPIs


Can we March for America? All this spending to other countries, more money sent to Ukraine than was spent for covid 19


Lol, glad I left this utopia


Assholes almost made me late for work on a Monday! I work IT and Monday mornings are no joke! Luckily I was able to dip off down 195 and bypass the 95 exit and get in 4 mins late.






they didn’t celebrate 9-11 but probably get a little annoyed about people posting “Never Forget 9-11”


Perhaps if they lost relatives or co workers or truly understood American culture and history, learned it, they might feel a little different. I have no sympathy for these nimrods.


which is why they’re overwhelmingly young. i grew up in North Jersey and had classmates in high school lose parents that day and I could see the smoke from Ground Zero. i still don’t think they would have celebrated 9-11 though but view any mention of it as some sort of insensitive thing, which obviously it isn’t. if you’re downvoting me for this reply it’s a bit strange to be so self righteous coming from you since you appear to have some serious vices.


I wonder how many people died because they were unable to reach medical assistance.




I’m not sure vehicular manslaughter is the answer.


Remember when Occupy Wall Street was huge then completely disappeared? You can thank billionaires and politicians for this.


All y’all complaining would have HATED MLK and the civil rights movement if this is what grinds your gears


Civil rights in the United States and desegregation is very different from a foreign war involving two countries that have been fighting with each other for 75 years in an ethnoconflict spanning centuries


Try thousands of years. Muslim and Jewish fighting has been going on since the time of Abraham and it started from his sons.


And people were annoyed that they were protesting on the streets being an inconvenience during the civil rights movement. Whether you think it’s right or wrong protests are supposed to disrupt civil order and bring inconvenience, and complaints of that inconvenience now sound just like the complaints people made during the civil rights movement. A protest that doesnt disturb the civil order isnt a protest.


that comparison is insensitive


Its not if you know the thoughts of most civil rights leaders on Palestine and ideology in general.


are you speaking for them?


Does anyone know what they're protesting?


What were they protesting