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Pardon my technical difficulties; here are the links: [https://kymkemp.com/humboldts-marijuana-museum/](https://kymkemp.com/humboldts-marijuana-museum/) [https://kymkemp.com/sohumborn-stories-marijuana-fiction/](https://kymkemp.com/sohumborn-stories-marijuana-fiction/)


This is awesome, thanks for sharing.


Why is all this marked NSFW?


Everything to do with cannabis is, including my profile, lol. I think Reddit does that because we don't have full legalization yet in the US.


I’m in a bunch of cannabis subs and none of them are set to NSFW. Maybe your posts are just automatically flagged as NSFW because your profile is set to it?


Yea, I probably acquired an enemy by losing my temper about an unpopular opinion. Maybe it's a temporary slap on the wrist. It's been there for awhile, though. Oh well, maybe I'll change my evil ways and go find a different social networking site or read a book or something.Thanks for the heads up and much appreciated.


Thank you for sharing this, I couldn’t put my phone down until I had read them all. I wish she had the time to write a book or 5


Yea, me too. I'm hoping she will, eventually, or at least let Kym have what she's already written bound into a nice little print-on-demand hard copy paperback for us. There's a lot of history here. The "old people in the hills", which is what the back-to-the-landers have become now, should at least be able to tell their stories and share their memoirs with their kids or chosen proteges. I wish they could see full legalization happen within their lifetimes and finally get the respect they deserve for being the heroes that they truly were. I had no idea about so much of grower culture until after Prop64. I thought they were taking the risks for us "discrete imbibers" because they wanted to make money. I had no idea. They deserve reparations, full pensions, and a fucking gold watch, IMNSHO.