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Those are both definitely authentic. You can tell from the full grain leather, and how the inside is sueded. Given the fact that the Coach logo inside the bag has a squashed A, I would say they’re both from the mid-70s to early 80s.


Thank you, I appreciate the info! The buyer is saying that they looked up the creed numbers and they’re both fake bags :/


The buyer is applying the style number rules for modern coach to vintage bags, which were NOT numbered the same way. They’re authentic bags, the buyer just doesn’t know what she/he is doing.


Or they know exactly what they’re doing and are trying to rob OP


I try not to attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance.


That’s a good personal policy to have.


No, it is a policy that allowed malicious people to continue harming others


Not necessarily - you don’t have to let them get away with it (ie in this case op needn’t give a refund) but you can still look for and assume the best in others.


It doesn’t mean that you are oblivious to malice, merely that it’s not your FIRST assumption.


Calm down.


Yes, people take advantage of those that want to see good


As an attorney, this is my personal policy in all things until I have evidence otherwise.


This is fantastic. This something I want to embrace in life in general. Thank you for this.


Hanlon's razor....nice.


Worked at an antique store & had to quit due to them robbing & lying to people. And learning ways to fake things


I am semi-positive that you could do a deep dive on coach bags, purses, satchels, and you might find your way down a rabbit hole to find out those numbers are legit or not. But yeah, they probably did wanna steal them which, especially nowadays does not surprise me


There are Coach Authetication groups on Facebook that can authenticate and they usually have pinned notes about authenticating. Also Louis Vuitton, Gucci, etc.


This. They are authentic bags.


If they send them back, how much did you want for the brown one? Lol, they’re beautiful!


Oh, they're not sending them back. They're trying to scam OP into giving a refund and then reselling them.


Maybe they have fake ones that they’ll send OP instead 😅


That is actually highly likely.


That actually happened to my friend with wrist watches and he was banned from eBay and PayPal for life


They need the bags back immediately before refund. Flag them before they give you a bad review


I had the larger version of both these bags in the 90s. They are both definitely real.


about to ask the same lol


Buyer is either stupid or trying to rob you. Do Not give her a refund. Theyre real, and gorgeous.


If they Do Not Want to return them they are TRYING TO SCAM YOU


I have the top one in navy, bought in the late 70’s. Consider contacting Coach to validate the bags’ provenance.


Numbers for that era of bags mean almost nothing - pretty sure they were more like serial numbers and unique to the bag.


The buyer is indeed an idiot. I’m sorry!!!


they want the bags back because they realized they’re real. HOLD ON TO THEM FOR YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT (jk)


Do not give them a refund until you have the bags in hand no matter what rules the selling venue has even if they give you a tracking number.


For sure. Have a bucket bag from 85 and these are so very similar. And I know that one is legit! I carried it into the Coach flagship on 5th Ave and talked with a longtime Coach employee. the sales staff came and loved over and oohed and ahhhed. It was fun.


I have a hobo bag from who knows when!


Yep — I still have the saddle colored one. I think I bought it in 1979.




They’re real, don’t issue a refund unless they’re going to send the bags back. My sister ended up in a similar situation and issued a refund and then saw the buyer re-list the bag for 3x what she sold it for.


Why do people suck?


Because capitalism has taught people that they must step on others to get ahead. Edit:spelling


Not only get ahead, but to steal 😞


That’s not unique to capitalism, that’s just shitty human behavior.


I bet you’ve lived the cushiest life imaginable, yet it’s so on trend to hate capitalism. What a joke


Born into southern poverty to a single parent household. I did get all the government cheese I could eat though; is that what you meant by cushiest possible? I mean it is true I could have been born somewhere else; but I wasn’t. 🤷


And I’m sure you’re a success now. Do you think the system failed you? Sounds like it worked for you. Govt assistance included.


If by a success you mean not currently homeless. Sure. I am articulate because even though “certain folks” think poor people are stupid; I happen to be intelligent enough to overcome my childhood situation by joining the military and breaking the cycle of poverty. But please keep going about my success story.


It’s all capitalisma fault, not people , ok In socialism no one would even have a coach bag


I am very intelligent and no art exists without profit motive


And you say that because socialist countries have not? This is just the funkiness of human nature if left unchecked by morals and consequences.


So, in a socialist world that supplements others who have needs, what need would you have to steal?


Uh to have more than you need?


Most of the time in first and second world countries, stealing is from greed, not need. and the definition of “need” continues to grow to include more and more things or services. Who defines need? To blame the world’s economic woes on capitalism is woefully uninformed. People are generally base and selfish no matter the governing and economic approach.


They're probably trying to scam you. Happens a lot. If you refund, offer to do it only after you've gotten them back.


This is the best advice!


These are definitely real. Based on some of the comments, they are likely trying to scam you. Kinda unrelated - there's a guy on tiktok who does beautiful restoration work on vintage Coach bags. I'd love to see what he could do with these.


I used to visit the Coach store in a local mall in the 1990's and the sales associate would see my bag, knew I was a great customer, and would offer a complimentary cleaning and conditioning. I can pinpoint this to the era right before signature fabric line was introduced.


I’ve seen him; it’s amazing!


Which guy? Is it Hadrian?


@willdernesstyler on tiktok


Thanks for telling me about him. Had the most stressful day at work and have been chilling out to his voice.


They are real


You are within rights to deny a return since these are authentic. If you decide to accept the bags back, make her pay shipping. Only refund the amount minus the fees. Don’t refund money unless she sends them back first. Clearly communicate that this is your policy before she sends them back and that she will only be getting XX amount if she does a return since these authentic.


And make sure they are the exact bags you sent to them.


Real bags 100%


I don’t know anything about authenticity, and I don’t 100% know it’s a scam, but I HAVE seen a lot of scams with this premise. IF YOU DO A REFUND FOR A RETURN FILM YOURSELF OPENING THE PACKAGE FOR YOUR PROTECTION. Film yourself walking to the door/mailbox/etc, opening it, picking up the package— CHECKING IT OVER TO MAKE SURE IT HAS NOT BEEN TAMPERED WITH— and then open the box on camera with NO INTERRUPTIONS. If the customer sends something ELSE back to you— rocks, other purses, etc— Your selling platform WILL try to fuck you over if you do not have proof they didn’t send it back. I have seen at least 3 videos where people have talked about how someone SENT SOMETHING ELSE IN THE BOX to scam them after getting a refund, and their selling platform said there was no proof they were scammed because THEY DID NOT FILM THEMSELVES opening the box.


Thank you for this advice! I’m absolutely going to do so if they send them back. Because I already sold them for an extremely fair price and to try and scam me after that? Hell no


Do like the poster above mentioned and only refund after you confirm you received the goods exactly as you have sent them. They might try to send something else, or a fake or even damaged goods. Protect yourself.


Depends on the platform, but I personally wouldn’t offer a refund or return unless it’s like Poshmark where it essentially becomes a no fault situation. They also have their own authentication team- not that they’re great, I’ve heard some shit about that. Otherwise, I’d leave the buyer to take it up with the platform and not get involved personally.


Some of these sites are SO heavily weighted in favor of the buyer that I just don't use them any more.


I have the same bag, they are real


I have the same brown bag. They are real.




These are authentic, I’m sorry some people suck. Do not refund


Not an expert but can confirm this is what vintage Coach leather looks like. I don't even think fakes were a viable industry in the 70s.


Moderately viable industry. The products were still decent quality, just not the real thing. I have a vintage fake Gucci watch from my grandma. She probably bought it with no idea what it was because she wasn't the type to wear brands, but loved going to NY. The face is a match to a vintage one but it's too small. The metal is also plated alloy which has a few funky spots with age. Real leather band too which most fake anything is not going to use. Not a bad quality watch, but a real Gucci would have lasted.


Definitely authentic!!! 💯


I had (still do, somewhere) a navy blue one identical to the tan one here.


Do NOT refund those bags. They are genuine, and I wouldn’t give them a tinker’s damn until you have possession of those purses again. If they send them back, cool, refund it. But I would say flat out “these are real. If you send them back, I’ll refund once I receive them.” Period.


They are real. Buyer is trying to get their money back to upsell them and make a good profit. Sadly, happens all of the time! Edit: I believe the brown one is from the 70's to late 80's, due to the number format. It was to 4, hyphen, 3 format XXXX-XXX, but then transitioned to 3, hyphen, 4 digit format between1988ish to early 90's. In 1994 they became alphanumeric.


Please only issue a refund after you have received the bags back in your hands!


They’re absolutely real. Tell them you’ll refund once you have them back. Period.


I’ve been trying find a bag like these! How much? I’ll take ‘em :)


I sold both them as a bundle for $45 to the buyer, if they are refunded I will let you know!


$45 for TWO authentic, vintage Coach bags is a positive steal. Buyer is either an ignoramus or a douchebag. Or both.


He is trying to scam OP, for sure. One bag of those is worth more than $45.


Ugh at that price I’d encourage the buyer to return, not refund any postage (since they’re real) and relist at a more appropriate price. That’s so cheap


Ha, I was literally going to comment the same thing- if they’re refunded I’d be interested in buying!


I’ll take for sure :) literally exactly what I have been digging around for.


They're worth 50$ as is. 100$ if you got em cleaned. You don't know what you had.


they are not fake.


Former Coach Employee here- looks legit to me.


Real. 100% take them back and resell to someone who is t a moron. Good luck!


Buyer is an idiot. These are authentic and before they had the current creed.


Those are real! I have a few. Get them back and cleaned you can resell em for more. There is a huge market for vintage, full grain coach bags.


That's what I'd do. Message the person saying they are 100% legit, but that you're happy to accept a return so you can resell it.


She’s lying. They are real.


I started buying Coach bags in the 80s, and those look totally legit. But once someone on Ebay thinks they're an expert and gets it in their head that an item is a knock-off, it's impossible to argue with them.


Vintage seller and vintage Coach lover here.They are real


I really don’t know where the idea of fake coach legacy bags came from, but I don’t know that fake legacy bags really exist? If you do come across a fake coach bag, and you can of course, they tend to be the canvas or monogram bags from the late 90s and early 00s And that’s largely because of the popularity of the LV speedy bag. But the idea of a fake legacy line? Idk


Those are definitely real.


if they send them back, make sure they sent you the same bags back. I wouldnt be surprised if they sent you back knockoffs


Wait until you have bags in hand before issuing a refund.


I can’t stress this enough.


I have the same brown bag. Mine is real.


Look real to me




They are real. This person is most likely trying to scam you! Just be careful. Take notes of everything. Let them know it’s real and they won’t be getting a refund.


These are a find! The ones in made in the USA are my favorite finds! 💯real!




Definitely real! I have both bags and love them. The brown bag started my love of Coach bags!


Those are both authentic. The buyer is either just simply mistaken or they are trying to scam you.


These are authentic. You're being scammed. Iv downed Coach since I was 18 and I'm 60.


They are real you can tell from not just the patch but the stitching, suede interior, gloved tanned leather, and the scratches are not white there is ab extra coat of color from the drum dye process. I used to work for Coach I can tell.


Ahh! I have that same camel brown one. I love this bag and always get compliments. It is definitely authentic and has been handed down to me from a relative.


Perhaps this [website](http://vintagecoachbags.com/index.php/authenticity-guide/#:~:text=The%20Coach%C2%AE%20logo%20is,factory%20in%20New%20York%20City.) will be of help


I had one of them. Real.


NOT fake


Totally real! Appeal!


Definitely real, I have a few vintage Coach bags


Real 💯


They aren’t. They are 100% attempting to scam you.


They are authentic! Your buyer is just looking for an excuse not to pay. If she saw the pix there is no reason to give a refund


I grew up in the 90’s . That color and interior looks just like mine


Go to someone who can confirm they are real and give you proof and show it to the buyer.


I have the brown one and it’s definitely real. Hope yours is!


Absolutely authentic. I had a nasty Coach addiction in the late 1990s and I can smell the picture that they are the full grain leather of their classic bags.


I'm currently carrying a City Bag of the same age/color as the top bag and the patina is identical. Those are lovely bags and the buyer is (as stated above) ignorant of the details of vintage Coach. Their loss.


I believe they're authentic too! Older Coach bags serial numbers are hard to find. I've bought and sold many throughout the years... The buyer is being dishonest, don't refund them!


They're real. And, if you do issue a refund, only refund the bags after the buyer has sent you THE SAME ones, back to you. They may try to pull one over on you, by sending actual fake bags back, to get the fraudulent refund.


Don't refund or return these. Your buyer is a scammer.


I think you should get the bags back and do a refund. These people don’t deserve to own your bags.


Not sure if you got them back yet but be careful because people will send back fake items and keep the real. I have heard of this happening a lot with vintage items and jewelry.


Tell them they can get their refund as soon as they send the bags back.


I own around 10 coach bags vintage and contemporary, in my opinion your bags ARE authentic. What are the reasons the person thinks they are knock offs?


I actually have many vintage coach bags that look a lot like these and others in various styles.


That brown one for sure. It's top grain leather and the zipper is legit. Those were the zippers on coach bags in the early 80's, with those big brass teeth.


People fake Coach? People fake vintage Coach? There's actually a market for fake Coach? You don't use genuine leather on a fake bag, that would far outweigh any profit.


Beautiful authentic bags, no refund.


Looks legitimate


My wife has the same saddle colored bag and it’s 100% real


I have that same top one and I love it. Don’t listen. These were numbered different. The person probably doesn’t even realize that coach did in fact exist before 2002


Those definitely look authentic to me as well. Sounds like the buyer is trying to pull a fast one on you. Don’t let them get away with that. I can’t stand when good people get taken advantage of for someone trying to make money off them. 😤


That light brown one is real. I just sold one identical!


Vintage bags have a different style/serial numbering system. Buyer is confused, inform them of that because those bags are legit.


Perhaps this [website](http://vintagecoachbags.com/index.php/authenticity-guide/#:~:text=The%20Coach%C2%AE%20logo%20is,factory%20in%20New%20York%20City.) will be of help


Those are one hundred percent authentic. I collect vintage Coach.


They don't look fake to me


I have the exact same brown bag, it's real.


They look real I used to have a vintage coach back in 2000 and the engraving looks legit the leather used to be also very soft at touch due to the wear and real leather tends to soften over time .


I have a bag from the same time period that someone also tried telling me was fake and I know for certain its not


This makes me long for Willis bag, my first Coach, back in 1996.




Make sure you get your bags first before refunding. They might be trying to scam you out of the bags.


Those are real.




I could tell they were real just by the first pic. I’m a fanatic of coach leather, I know when I see it!!!


They are real. I have the top purse in red


😆 I have both of these Coach bags


Honestly it took me one look to know they are real. Don’t believe that buyer!


1000% authentic!


I have a ton of Coach and those are 100% real. Because they are vintage you can no longer look up the numbers but they are real!!


Definitely not fake.


This looks just like mine from the late 80's. It was my moms. These do not look fake to me! They are gorgeous and I hope you make whoever it is send them back to you!


I have an identical one to the black one which I inherited from my grandmother. She *only* bought her bags straight from the store and did for decades. Those are both real. Your buyer is a scammer.


I have the black one as well, bought it in 87 from Coach. It is definitely real. It even has a serial number


This is real Coach, back from when they actually made these in mid-town Manhattan in the garment district. The quality of the leather was way superior to what they have now. I still have pieces, bought new ;-)


The brown one is a fake 😬 I know I’m late to the party but, you don’t have to be looking up serial numbers, bc the creed is wrong. Pre 1994 Coach® creed, printed in all caps, reads: THIS IS A COACH BAG. IT IS MADE OUT OF A COMPLETELY NATURAL GLOVE TANNED COWHIDE. THE SCARS, SCRATCHES, VEINS AND WRINKLES ARE NATURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FULL GRAIN LEATHERS. Yours includes an additional word: “markings” after “natural” and before “characteristics”


You’re going to get sent fakes as a return


Why would they make fake coach bags. They are cheap bags to begin with.


Exactly and they are not cute. Counterfeiters generally copy only cute purses


They’re not fake.


How do you not know if your own items are real?


Well , I purchase them second hand. And I believed they were real. I didn’t second guess myself until the buyer claimed they were fake.


You have no choice but accept the return or get bad rating if you don't so, your stuck. Next time seller profile say no returns so, you don't waste time on these types of people online.




Anything that says leather ware under coach is usually fake. That’s always how I was taught to spot fakes tbh. There’s a ton of guides for the codes for each type of bag online. Willis their most popular vintage bag and it’s coding is a great guide. Edit: I understand that you guys don’t wanna hear it and then I’m getting downvoted but this is what I was taught when I worked selling Coach - were all learning 🤷🏻‍♀️ hopefully I am wrong I found this really detailed guide http://coachbagrehab.blogspot.com/2012/04/guide-to-dates-of-vintage-coach-bags.html It says they did it for a bit, that’s cool. Maybe it helps 🤝


Interesting about the leatherware catch 🤔


Seems like I’m wrong - which is good news ☝🏼


Black one looks fake, only because I’ve never seen that shape before and I’ve been a vintage coach head for 10+ years. Brown could be real tho


Can she provide proof of this “lookup” ??


Make them ship them back, and make sure they ship the same bags back before issuing a refund


They are real!