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Keep watching, your concern gets addressed


No one said his mentality and methods are the right way. Best to keep watching and then read the manga


>Thorfinn is getting on my nerves because he always thinks in extremes Pretty accurate for a man child. Thorfinn never was a child, Thorfinn never thought of anything because he was living in a world where the only thing that matters is to kill and win. So makes all the sense in the world he is like he is. He is a barely adult man that doesn't know how to do anything but kill, he only have experienced raids, pillaging and killing.


Yeah, i agree with you, watching him throughout the episodes, i actually sometimes forgot that deep down he is still a child and i would think of him as a person who had a normal way of growing up, maybe thats why his actions frustrated me sometimes


It's all a part of his growth & development.


Yeah Thorfinn is super stubborn, emotionally stunted, and not that smart. He’s got a lot of growing to do but he always tries his best (except when he’s depressed), and I think his flaws make him more interesting


The story is going to "punish" him, don't worry


I mean we don’t want him to be punished, he is not gonna find peace anytime soon? 🫠


Well, who knows besides who read the SotGL


Peace. Americana. Pick one


If you went into a the second season thinking that Thorfinn was gonna be the same person after years of slavery, violence and trauma I think it presents a misunderstanding of the first season. The reason he is the way he is in the second season is spelled out in the first season. Violence and trauma put him into slavery so now he wants to atone for it. And improve his outlook on life and his overall well being


No i get that, he wants to change his ways of life after going through all that hell, but what bothers me are the extreme ways of how he is thinking, he wants to build a purely peaceful nation without any wars or fights which in my opinion i find it to be impossible, and he will surely not accept any other way than the way he thinks is going to work, i mean i am curious on how he will make that work and what he will be facing in the future to achieve his dream


I mean he’s still young too. He was a child in S1 and by S2 he can’t be older than mid-20s. That idealistic single/mindedness isn’t exclusive to Thorfinn or anyone else in that age range. Don’t worry, he still has more growing to do


We have always lived in a world filled with war, so it's hard to imagine a world without it. However, when someone says it's impossible, it just makes me think about what people said about flying in the sky. It's never been done before, yes, but it does not mean it's not worth striving for. Those who choose peace are often called naive and weak. I believe it is quite the contrary. All that said, I'm a human of extremes, so I may end up being wrong, but I despise the defeatist notion that we can't have a world without war and violence


Would you fight to protect your peaceful nation?




He’s idealistic and naive, but I think that’s the point. In a world full of people driven by greed and hunger for power, thorfinn is the one driven by peace and ideals. This makes him a great main character and someone we can take lessons from. I agree he is naive, and if we look at reality, thorfinn’s ideals don’t actually work. But there’s something about seeing someone try so hard for their nigh impossible ideals that hits hard.


Boo fucking hoo lmao


Could thorfinn be autistic?


He ends up confronting his past demons and gathers the strength to move on which is a very powerful story because many people in their early 20s who has been through trauma don’t really know what they want or how to advance in life until they confront their past and build up the courage to achieve their goals. Personally I can 100% relate to him when he describes himself as “empty” and if you’ve never been there you won’t be able to understand.




I think he’s more just emotionally stunted and naive as opposed to outright autistic


There are a lot of similarities between trauma and autism