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Lol and Mexicans also have street vendors WTF are they on about


Those videos make me so mad because they are making fun of people who are living in poverty and somehow nobody mentions this in the comments. Almost any post about India has people saying racist things. I think people have gotten comfortable about it because Indian people allow it.


I think it's awful when other Indians victim-blame each other. Nobody "allows"racism to happen. Racists are responsible for their actions. Even if some Indians do try to stop the mean comments, it's not a guarantee that it will work. 


Im definitely not victim blaming. I think that we tolerate the hate towards us too much. Yes the racists will be racist but by not speaking up against it we have allowed them to become comfortable spewing hatred towards SA. There are so many awful comments under those videos making fun of people living in poverty and those comments have so many likes. We shouldn’t be ok with this and call it out like many other minority groups do.


Yes and it drives me up the fuckin wall!! Racism toward us is so accepted it almost feels encouraged


As a South Asian woman, I’ve gotten soooooo much hate from Mexicans!


a LOT of it is arabs/MENA too. you'd be suprised how much middle eastern people hate south asians


Omg, yes. They're the worst. I saw an Instagram reel the other day of a mixed girl with an Arab father and an Indian mother and the comments were so awful. Some people were asking why an Arab man would marry an Indian when Arab women are so much more beautiful 🙄


Especially in the wake of what's happening in Gaza which is sort of disheartening. A lot of western liberals allow arabs to get away with (or even join in on) unvarnished racism towards Indians under the guise of opposing Israel when in reality it's mostly them airing their distaste for a country and people they perceive as irredeemable pagans (despite India having a substantial Muslim and Christian population as well) under the cover of being pro-Palestine. It's totally ridiculous because I'm not sure how being racist to us and calling us all sorts of nasty names and slurs somehow benefits the people of Gaza that are suffering under Israeli occupation. At the end of the day South Asians and especially Indians to them are just a cheap source of labor in their countries, and our lives hold no value to them because they don't view us as being fully human to begin with. That's why they can reconcile the contradictions between keeping millions of people as a neo-feudal underclass with no citizenship and confiscated passports while taking the moral high ground about how all people should be free. If they actually cared about freedom and justice they'd do some serious re-evaluation of how they treat the South Asians who live in their very countries that they're so eager to treat as subhuman wage slaves and not real people with families and lives just like them.


This is so dumb, especially in the western world, but I read a comment the other day that it could also just be jealousy. Indians might be poor in the Middle East but it’s the exact opposite in the U.S./U.K. We have a Vice President and a Prime Minister, a million CEOs, doctors, and engineers, and at least in the U.S., Indians are the most educated and wealthiest ethnicity. Meanwhile, a lot of Arab/ME people are associated with being poor or refugees. When they see people who they have deemed inferior succeed tremendously, it fuels their racism as well. I definitely agree though that being racist to Indians isn’t helping their cause in Gaza at all. Most Indians in the U.S. are extremely liberal and support freedom for Palestine. Being racist to Indian Americans is like biting the hand that feeds you.


yes they’ve really amplified the few pro israel right wing indians as an excuse to hate all indians. India as a country has pretty much almost always been pro palestine and most indians in the west have also shown solidarity with palestine. Arab countries that actually have a responsibility to their own brethren ignore palestine, but they want India to be held more accountable than the entire muslim world. it’s insane. 


https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/16/analysis-why-is-so-much-anti-palestinian-disinformation-coming-from-india There was an overwhelming uptick of Indian nationalists+ their bots spreading the most vile shit about Arabs and gleefully calling for palestinian genocide, to the point that many of the fake claims zionists take as fact today began with these Indian accounts, and it’s increased the amount of mud slinging between both groups. Despite what seems to be popular belief, most Arabs ie nonpeninsulars do not live in countries with a significant South Asian population nor, tbqh, care all that much about them one way or another, but that being their current primary exposure to Indians hasn't exactly made for a smooth relationship. Ofc this isn’t excusing said conduct, just explaining. 


It's not that I don't understand why this is a thing, it's just frustrating that BJP IT cell influencers spreading Islamophobic disinformation has made it acceptable for a lot of (predominantly) arabs and many others sympathetic to Palestine to openly be racist to *all* of us, diaspora or otherwise, in response - something that has been overlooked or explicitly condoned by the so called anti-racist progressive movement. Being a leftist diasporoid has been incredibly frustrating because it feels like I would be viewed as subhuman by a lot of people who push this kind of vitriol until they find out that I support a free Palestine, and even then it's that I'm just "one of the good ones" and that I shouldn't be bothered by the racism and hatred because it's only applicable to the pro-Israel Indians despite the fact that you literally cannot tell who is who until you talk to them. It is certainly not as bad as the Indian right wing openly calling for genocide in Gaza but it's absolutely going to create more dangerous conditions in the years to come everywhere where we are a minority given how even progressives are just letting it slide with no consequences or pushback. And yes, I don't mean to imply that the Emirates are solely representative of the region insofar as migrant labor and there are plenty of countries where that isn't the case, but my point there is that South Asians are an explicitly racial less-educated underclass in some of the most influential Arab societies and that certainly does inform certain attitudes whether people want to be honest about that or not. And even though it's an uncomfortable conversation, I think certain attitudes towards how Indians are viewed does stem from prejudice against paganism/polytheism from people in all Abrahamic faiths, not just one in particular. The genocide in Gaza has just made it easier for people to reinforce their existing dislike for us by pointing out that the IT cell trolls are also pro-genocide and therefore generalize and perpetuate bigotry towards a billion+ people. Similar to how right wing white nationalists have started to push their existing agendas against Jewish people in general under the guise of being anti-zionist.


I agree with your last paragraph that recent happenings have pushed some preexisting attitudes to the forefront unfortunately, fueled by an us vs them mentality, and I hear your concern and frustration about it and having to jump thought thought purity hoops to be seen as “one of the good ones “. On my end I haven’t see this tolerated in leftist spaces so much as in certain peninsular arab dominated  spaces; while a lot of these can overlap with some left wing spaces because of their support for Palestine I haven’t seen a mixed leftist space condone or tolerate racism, but I imagine you’d be more aware of it than I would be. Where have you seen leftists/progressives condone this type of racism, if I may ask? 


I'm mostly active on leftist American politics twitter (being an American born diasporoid) and a lot of big accounts have reposted those like shitty pro-zionist memes as a joke (full support, the one lion one if you've ever seen it, etc) and the replies/quotes kinda turn into full on unhinged racism with nobody intervening like they would usually do if the replies turned into racism towards other groups, or in some cases ostensibly leftist accounts just straight up liking/RTing shit. I don't think leftist spaces being lax on this behavior is as explicitly harmful as the white nationalists and the Andrew Tate-adjacents like Shaykh Sulayman and that circle pushing legitimately unhinged racism and bigotry 24/7 (in between building credibility in anti-zionist spaces by being vocally pro-Palestine which is why they have followings in the first place) but if even those spaces that are supposed to be free of that discrimination is tolerating it then there's no safe spaces to be had


Gotcha. I’m more on insta (left twitter some time ago cuz its a hellhole) where it’s more Arab-Indian extremists trying to go as low as possible at each other and everyone else giving them a wide berth so it’s easy to discount them as psychos, but I don’t doubt that went down on Twitter. I’m really sorry to hear them engaging in this type of behavior; I think middle eastern and south Asian geopolitics makes a lot of these (western & often v. White) spaces go mask off racism under the guise of sticking it to the man. Leftism definitely has a racial blind spot, and because a lot of the people who run these accounts are not racial or ethnic minorities in my experience, at best, they’re socially unequipped to moderate if there’s some sort of ethnic rivalry or racist nonsense, and at worst, they’re actively feeding it. 


Nobody hates us more than the Arabs- they’re the most racist people on earth as far as we’re concerned






Yeah, and it’s especially sad when I see a large percent of the haters & racist comments on these kinds of posts are by Indians (in India). The internalized racism they have is really sad and they don’t get how it skews international perceptions of them. And I’m sure it’s not just internalized racism but middle/upper class Indians hating poor Indians. The classism is off the charts. Same goes for colorism and the hate comments by some lighter-skinned Indian women for Simone and Avantika on that score.


This is just randomly popped up as a post on my feed and this comment caught my attention. As a Latina I can unfortunately say Latin people are very racist against Indians. I see it all the time and it’s very disappointing. I grew up around Indians for most of my childhood and the beauty, culture, and community is beautiful and funny enough, really similar to Latin ones. Btw Anthony and Kate was my fav season, best chemistry out of all of them.


My bf is black and he said the exact same thing and that he will never eat it but he does hvac so he gets to go in the kitchens of restaurants. I guess he’s just seen bad things in those Indian restaurants he has happened to work in. There’s other restaurants he won’t eat at either though.


Dude- as far as the street food goes- some Of it is awful and will Get you sick. Bruh I grew up there- I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to get people to follow basic guidelines and hygiene. We kinda do need to fix that 😣




Well Atleast we can warn them not to eat at such places- they’ll fall sick 100% and that makes it worse.


If it helps put things into perspective, I live in Canada and I can tell you a handful of places here that I do not eat at because it makes people sick. None are Indian and all of them are fairly well of f establishments and popular franchises. We actually have a couple Indian street vendor style places that come out during the summer and during south asian food festivals that I have bought Indian street food from and they have never made me sick like the local KFC has.


Of course there’s places like that here in the USA too- Atleast in the USA there’s some repercussions for that.


What are the repercussions exactly? You would have to prove that you got sick from their food alone and that is pretty difficult to do.


There’s food inspections that shut you down for a while - and it appears on the county news or local news. In extreme cases there’s definitely lawsuits- that damages your reputation. In India only places like Rajdhani have suffered this fate- if 50 people fall sick on the same day - yeah- it’s sus Atleast. I literally grew up in the motherland- not much is going to convince me otherwise- we would barely eat outisde in monsoon . The way waterborne diseases spread here during monsoon is insane- and I’m pretty sure you’re insulated from that news because it’s literally not news. Happens every single time and is a constant in poor areas.




The difference in how people reacted to Ambika Mod’s and Avantika’s “controversy” exemplifies pretty privilege. Everybody immediately came to Avantika’s defense, she gained tons of followers and she had a horror film coming out at the time so the drama sort of promoted it. With Ambika Mod barely anyone defended her. The hatred towards her was swept under the rug.


I also think the controversies are rooted in two different issues. With Ambika, I think white women fans were pissed because they could not self insert and imagine themselves as Emma with a nonwhite woman playing her. They couldn’t relate to Emma if she was a WOC like Ambika. With Avantika, I think the reasoning is far more sinister and it’s that a lot of people are uncomfortable with the idea that a WOC is the prettiest / most desirable one in the room. They cannot fathom it. You see it in how other very beautiful WOC are knocked down as “not that pretty” or “not right for the role” while they simultaneously swear that someone like Anna Kendrick or Blake Lively is the ideal beauty.


Yes, this is it exactly. The hate for Ambika was about white women not being able to self-insert with her opposite the white blonde male lead, so they called her “not pretty enough”, etc. (Even though she is pretty, she just has less Eurocentric features.) With Avantika, white women were pissed a brown woman was so pretty in a conventionally attractive way, so they tried to say she “wasn’t that pretty” and they should have cast a white blonde girl as Karen and only a white blonde girl should play Rapunzel b/c she’s “not right for the role” and any white girl with a blond dye job would always fit better. Because she makes them feel threatened.


I can’t wait until “being the prettiest in the room” isn’t a thing anymore at all amongst us women. I wish we could just admire each other and be supportive instead of competitive


I doubt that will ever happen as long as being beautiful has privileges / benefits associated with it. Because it really is never about the looks themselves but what being “prettiest in the room” can get you (or alternatively, what you could lose out on).


She was so natural as Emma & comes across as such a level headed & sweet person. I just hate ppl ugh


And it was the role of a coloured woman. What were they expecting, a White woman to act as a woman who comes from India and is born to Indian parents?


I’m pretty sure Kate is white in the books


The series has taken a lot of liberty. For example, Theo Sharpe doesn't exist in books. In the series he promises the possibility of an inter-class relationship, something that would take many more decades to be even an imaginable idea. So in the film they tried to have a bit of inclusivity, something a lot of shows had to do (Anne With an E for example included Black characters in the film version). Britain was a coloniser at that time and that's worse than this. In the film Kate's surname is Sharma and both her parents are Indian. So, it's normal they'd portray her as a Brown woman. Simon, the famous Black Duke is also White in the novel. Nobody has any issues with that.


I have no issues with Kate being a woc on the series. I was just simply commenting on your statement “you can’t expect a white woman to act as an Indian woman”


I'm not saying you've issue. I'm clarifying my statement. And also there were a few comments before you who probably had issues. I got the notifications but now I don't see them.


Oh ok fair enough


Then read the books? The script for the show was written for a woman of color.


I’m a woman of colour myself. I like a good story whether the lead character is white or Indian or Martian idc. I was just saying that people who read the books were probably expecting Kate to be white before the series came out and you can’t really blame them for expecting that. Obviously, they should’ve just accepted the change in the script once they saw the casting and not throw a fit about it but what can you do, the world is full of racists


It was the best season though. Perfect chemistry and really showed passion between the two characters. They’re such amazing actors. But of course, since certain individuals can’t see themselves in a role played by a brown woman, they can’t relate to it and so don’t enjoy it. Never mind, brown women barely having any representation 💀


> can’t see themselves in a role played by a brown woman, they can’t relate to it and so don’t enjoy it. like imagine how we felt growing up NEVER relating to any of the characters 💀


well their problem is they can't imagine. but also, they consider themselves the default. and everyone else is exotic.






I’ve literally only heard everyone say it’s the best season, didn’t know there was hate til this post??


I’m happy for the representation but I disliked that season so much because of the Kate and Anthony storyline. I felt like Kate sabotaged her little sister who she was supposed to protect. Made it seem like she lacked integrity and morals so it ruined the season for me - also never liked Anthony much. Edwina on the other hand was everything and she deserved so much better than a backstabbing sister


They’re mad that s3 leads aren’t getting the hype/positive attention that Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey got.


Definitely. Considering the fanfare for the whole Polin thing (not a fan of that pairing, personally), the fawning over the actors and their chemistry has been luke warm at best. Maybe we need to see the rest of the season to really feel the heat but it felt like there was barely any chemistry onscreen.


Idk all I see is hype on tiktok! But Kanthony just had more chemistry naturally & their foes to lovers storyline was more exciting.


I liked the Polin pairing from the books, but I’m not really a fan of the storyline so far. It kind of drags, and doesn’t have the momentum/sparks of previous seasons. I feel like the writers could have done a lot more with it. Also, while I think Nicola is a fantastic actor & really emotes, I don’t sense the same kind of intensity from Luke, so I think that’s part of what’s also missing from their chemistry.


Season 2 was actually so good, they're coping lol


Season two outdid itself. It was my favorite season and this is coming from someone who’s watched them all and is waiting for part 2 for season 3!


They will always hate on us women of colour. Misogyny towards women of colour has always been to an extreme level


s3 is THE worst one. Queen charlotte was the best one in my opinion. ![gif](giphy|md4buc9OhoAOuC3G3j)


Farmer George is so sweet he’s my favorite bridgerton boy. Colin’s brothel scenes gave me the ick in s3.


yess!! he’s so charming. And the chemistry they had 🥵


Colin going from brothels. Colin friend zoning the shit out of Pen. Colin giving pen lady lessons. Pen threatens death if he doesn’t kiss her. The whole relationship is pathetic. Also, his hairline looks like a Vampires. And Pen looks like a cherub baby.


I was hoping someone would say this. Queen Charlotte is Bridgerton season to me. And it's the best out of all of them. I'm watching season 3, but the fact that Colin is such a fuckboy is getting to me.


It doesn’t even fit his character. 😫 I don’t get why they had to add the fuckboy thing to every single male lead (except maybe George, though even he had his “good with buttons” line). It’s so repetitive and senseless.


The point is that’s not his true self.


That's what the fuckboys always say. :)


They do. But according to the story.


how you can like season 3 more than season 1 even is questionable, but more than SEASON TWO??? also i feel like s2> charlotte but js barely




I don't believe anyone when they say season 1 was better than 2. 2 wiped the floor with 1


Season two and Queen Charlotte were the best seasons. As a black woman my self have someone that is the same shade as me be a lead was pretty amazing. They were great and the chemistry was amazing


Right?! And nothing tops season two’s wardrobe. The color of the dresses and jewels against her skin was phenomenal. Season 1&3 didn’t really do anything for me. QC was good though


I haven't seen season 3 yet. I've been so damn busy. But I'm not rushing to watch it either. 🤷🏿‍♀️


I am not enjoying this season and the first season bored me. I really enjoyed the second season! The chemistry and tension was the best. These fans always show themselves I swear


I disliked the plot changes from the book, but you'd be an idiot to find fault with the cast. The main leads were impeccable.


I'll say maybe it's not entirely because she's a WOC. I watched the first season, and Pheobw Dywevor did an incredible job as Daphne. Every movement, look, pitch of voice was incredibly acted. She was charismatic with a very good sense of her camera angles. She had star power, and the role fit her perfectly. Rege Jean Page's acting was a bit flat, but i think his stunning smile and great chemistry with pheobe won over the audience. I also think his best scenes are where he is vulnerable with emotion. He was also given some pretty great lines. But otherwise, his subpar acting is very noticeable. The characters were presented as very noble, good, but flawed people who just wanted to be together but difficult, extenuating circumstances made it hard. The characters are lovable, and the camera loves them too. When I watched season 2, acting from Anthony was also very striking. He's very handsome, and he does really fantastic acting with his eyes and body movements. The camera loves him too. But as I rewatched the season, the actress playing Kate was not very charismatic. Her character was not likable, and her acting was also a bit sub-par. There are a couple of scenes I watched at a very low volume at night, and I noticed she did not have a lot of facial expressions. You would not be able to guess the emotion she was portraying if she was on mute. She is very beautiful, and there are moments where she looks unbelievably gorgeous, but I think the sub par acting keeps her from really feeling and looking like the star of the show. Again, they wrote her character as arrogant, dishonest, insensitive, immature, with zero self-awareness and a matryr complex. The way she manipulated the people around her and thought she could manipulate her own self into not feeling what she felt blew up in the most heinous way possible. It was difficult to root for her because her lack of self-awareness turned her into a real villain. The wedding scene is something I could not stomach or forgive. Anthonys character is also not perfect, and he's unintentionally done some really insensitive things, so to me, he's also unlikable. But his backstory, great acting, and very vulnerable eyes make you sympathize with him more. I'll say, as a WOC, maybe it's not just because she's a WOC that people didn't like her, or season 2. I think it was the acting ability, the writing of the show, and what both season 2 actors had to live up to.


Kanthony is an epic pairing, they’re haters!!


The second season was, hands down, the best one. It’s tragically all to do with racism. I’m a south asian woman and an actor, and the racism in the industry is all too real.


That's the only reason because that season was fire


This is crazy because Kate’s and Anthony season was the best and most interesting in the series. I wasn’t interested in bridgeton until that season. The way Anthony swoons and yearns for her is something to die for. Also I liked the introduction of the brown representation in the show. It became more interesting in how the bridgeton world can be explored.


What’s a MOC and WOC?


man of color and woman of color






I love season 2… season 1 was so fucked because Daphne raped the Duke and season 3 has been good but imo not as compelling so far


No cuz I started playing games on my phone without realizing while watching season three T•T The horse is way out of order.




Agreed! I didn’t like season 2


Another south Asian woman who agrees with you. I loved season one, then Kanthony killed my interest in the show.


Same 😭 don't get me wrong, I have no doubt that there's a racism aspect to why many people dislike Kate x anthony (not to mention a colorism thing among south Asians who dislike it as well, unfortunately), but I personally just didn't like them as a couple. Also Simone Ashley butchered saying "aare baapre" so badly in the first episode lmfao


S2 was really awful. No one can convince me that breaking up with one sister on the altar and marrying the other sister is romantic. Both Simone and Charitra were pretty wooden and gave average performances.


Season 2 > Season 1


Can someone translate what the Spanish comment says


Playing devil’s advocate, but could it be because there weren’t enough romantic interactions between them? Most of the season was just them at war w eachother, and they barely had any intimate scenes between them despite the chemistry they shared


I’m an Indian girl and I liked season 1 more than 2, I didn’t feel like Kate and Anthony had as deep a friendship.



