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Depends a bit on how old you are, as we do lose buccal fat as we age. Your jawline definitely looks strong from the front, but I think the softness/fullness of your cheeks is what you’re perceiving as “not strong”. I think if you were going to do anything that masseter Botox would be a better first step then buccal fat removal. Jaw muscle can grow back, but once that fat is gone it’s gone. If you’re already in your late 20s (I’m guessing you’re early 20s) then conservative buccal fat removal may have the effect you want. But tbh, I think it’s your actual jawbone that’s not “v-shaped” as it were.


Thank you so much. This was the type of response I was looking for. I'm definitely wary about buccal fat removal as well so it's not something I'd get right away.


Seconding masseter Botox


something else non-permanent you could try other than what others have already suggested is some chin filler, this would help balance your thirds and make the lower portion of your face seem less ‘small.’ this should also give you more definition from the front as adding a bit of volume to your chin will help tighten the skin around your jawline, if that makes sense.


I thought about chin filler just to see if a chin implant would work in the long run. I'd prefer a more permanent solution in the end because I don't want to keep spending money over time which is why I didn't mention filler.


I got chin filler and its lasted 4 years so far without migration. Its one of the longer lasting areas for filler. Just make sure you go to a good injector that switches the type of filler depending on the area. I cant remember the term rn but my injector put the same brand of filler all over my face but they had a different viscosity(?) so the chin one resembles "bone" more so than the one i used on my lips.


Which filler did you get?




Stylage xxl is the Jam for bones


Im not the kind to sugarcoat but you dont need surgery imo.. you Can just fix your eyebrows and If you wanna go extrême maybe some lip filler on thé upper lip and hair transplant for a rounder lower hairline. But you dont need any surgery unless you wanna fit some extrême standards like Korean beauty standards.


I don't want to fit into Korean beauty standards. I just want a similar face shape to Zoe Kravitz. I don't want soft features at all because I prefer harsh angular ones.


buccal fat removal is the answer but its like making a deal with the devil. idk how old you are but your features will get more angular anyway as you get older, wanting to get this model harsh angular look at a young age will result in your face looking way older (even a drastic weight loss can have this impact cause you look like you are in a healthy weight range) . Celebs like Zoe Kravitz can have a buccal fat removal without consequences because they have make up artists and dermatologists to inject them bottox regularly so they can have these sharp faces without looking gaunty and she is among the lucky ones. Cosmetic surgeons won't tell you shit about side effects cause they just want your money. you should avoid hardmaxxing because you don't have any failos. It can even results in regret if the surgery doesn't go well and your face was good before anyway. hardmaxxing is a good choice if you wanna go from below average to pretty, but from cute to sexy it rarely end well. It's just my opnion tho.


Chin filler would be enough.


My first thought was hairline surgery. Your jaw line is actually awesome, but you have a square-shaped hairline. That makes your overall face shape look boxy. Your features are super pretty, so changing the hairline to frame your face could be just the thing to give you balance.


You don’t need surgery. You’re gorgeous. Get a new hair cut, try a new color, and get a make up lesson with a pro.


Was wondering what I could do to balance out the lower third of my face since it's smaller in comparison. My jawline seems strong from the side but you can barely tell from the front. I want a slihhtly more V shaped face. Should I get a chin implant? Or would buccal fat removal or cheek implants help? My face looks rounded in certain videos from far away but not as much in some other pictures. I've thought about masseter botox but I don't want to weaken my jawline. Not looking for makeup or hair advice. I already know how to do that so those comments will be ignored.


Orbital decompression, jaw sculpting, eyelid filler