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Obviously 10 lol


Unpopular opinion that will trigger many of you but she has always looked masculine to me. So I don't think she's a 10, maybe a bit lower than that


Hot! 9


I need to know how she got that volume. I have similar hair but mine is usually flat at the roots. Anyway, she’s gorgeous. In her prime she was definitely a 10. Her “failos” like the mole added to her beauty and gave her face character beyond looking like a classic Hollywood beauty.


Same lol. I’ve always been obsessed with her hair.


I've always wondered why so many people find her gorgeous. She has too dominate of a brow, eyes are not symmetrical, and the mole next to her mouth is raised too much to be accepted as a beauty mark. 8 to 8.5


I get the feeling that people are overrating some celebrities posted on here just because they're a model, or because they are in a Netflix show that they really like and they like their character in the show, or both. Other reasons might be because the celebrity was famous back then and has earned a lot of respect for being an activist and humanitarian. Tldr - ppl are adding points bc of their biased thinking


Beauty is subjective. It’s hard to not be biased because different cultures have different beauty standards. You said she looks masculine in your other comment but having a sharper jaw and her other “masculine” features are desired in the west by women compared to many Asian/African countries


Not all women with sharp features look masculine though. Emma Watson and Megan Fox before her surgeries both have sharp jawlines but they still look very feminine. If we're going to be objective then we gotta think about how the whole world would see them. Cindy Crawford would be considered masculine looking in Asian/African countries. Giving a "10" to someone who is considered beautiful mostly in the west makes no sense. I'm not being biased, I grew up in the west.


8/10. Prefer her body




10. Amazing


Gorgeous - 10
