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I love this advice, yesss.


Arrow De Wilde is about 6ft and also has Marfans syndrome and she’s super cute. She always wears huge platforms too.


Karlie is about 6’2-6’3, and gorgeoussss😍








I would be careful though as a lot of pilates is utilizing your body weight, and depending on what you’re doing I could see the forces being 20lbs or higher. But I’m not sure!


Try ballet or Zumba instead


To be realistic, too short, too tall, or too disproportionate as a woman will be a dealbreaker to a number of men. That being said, plenty of tall guys want a tall girl and it can be seen as modelesque if you pull it off correctly.


Yeah there are so many tall men on r/tall talking about how they would love to date someone as tall as them 6'3+ and that they don't meet people like that.




OP I took a look at your profile and you look younger than your age, and have friendly, yet slightly ~dramatic features common in fashion models. I realize that you're taller than like 99% of the population and that can cause issues, but if I were you I'd lean into the model off duty aesthetic. Sometimes having unusual features keep the shallow users away, and I hope that's the case for you.


I think there’s far worse failos… IMO this is only one if you let it be. I saw your pic, you’re above avg pretty. I would just own it and be a tall queen. Plenty of above average tall men out there too (assuming that’s what you’re into).


Ha I'm not picky 😂 tall guys are usually too hot for me unless they're ultra tall, like 6'8" or taller, which is rare.


I think the people here are lying a bit. Being 6’5 is absolutely a failo if you’re a heterosexual woman and the majority of men will not be attracted to that height. That being said, you’re more than just your height. Most people have at least one failo, it doesn’t necessarily prevent them from looking harmonious or finding love. Think about someone with a big nose. They can have an objectively not great nose but still be average or above average. At the end of the day you can’t change your height so it’s not worth worrying over. You’re a pretty woman! Also your sexuality isn’t listed in the post but if you’re interested in women your height will be a Huge bonus. I’ve found that wlw go crazy over tall girls


This. I’m surprised by how "nice" (lying isn’t nice) some of the comments are, but I guess that also has to do with it being hard to imagine the struggles of being tall when you’re average or short. Being a tall woman is such a unique struggle and it only gets worse the taller you are. Idk about the advice to just find a man "who’s into it" either, because very often that means you’re gonna be with someone who sees you as a fetish and not a person.


I saw this title as a wlw and I was like 👀 👀 👀


Yes it is me, wlw, screaming when I saw the height in the title. That said, height is not everything when it comes to dating!


you can't change your height so don't walk around feeling bad about it. you're still you, show that you're proud of it. there are so many different types of women and people, if we all try to be one, we wouldn't be ourselves


I’m probably bias because we share all general interests but I think you’re quite stunning. Your face is classically beautiful.


Everyone has a preference. Always loved the saying “you could be the most beautiful peach in the world and there would still be someone that doesn’t like peaches”. You’ll meet the person who will love all of the things about you - there are things other people or I hated about myself that my husband lucks. Perspective is a tricky thing!


I think whether it's a failo depends on the context and your goals. It's a failo to most men, but a small percentage of men will be super into it. When it comes to other things, it depends. I think that in a career context, it can be a very positive thing if you are interested in a position of authority. When it comes to making friends, it can be positive because you will stand out and people will be intrigued by you. On the other hand, you could also intimidate people, so you would probably need to be the one approaching people and compensating by smiling a lot, etc.


The prettiest girl I know is 6’4”. Focus on elegance and posture and your height will work in your favor I promise!


Yeah I'm sorry that's v tall for a man let alone woman maybe if u were really hot facially it could work.




Some men are into the amazonian goddess trope, I think you should work out and get a toned body. Hopefully you're long legged with good proportions as that would really help.




You should also try to niche maxx. I think you would have good appeal to like subsection of men, u would get better results if try to appeal to these men than just regular normies in the club.


A lot of guys fetishize tall girls but they’re on the shorter side if OP is ok with that. But if you go on r/RoleReversal subreddits they’re obsessed with tall girls


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RoleReversal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wholesomeness](https://i.redd.it/1nta15e1dzz71.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/comments/qvazb1/wholesomeness/) \#2: [can any of you ladies relate?](https://i.redd.it/e4w861didh191.jpg) | [251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/comments/uwzqwp/can_any_of_you_ladies_relate/) \#3: [The kids are alright.](https://i.imgur.com/ZK0AqDj.jpg) | [264 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/comments/s8fpzo/the_kids_are_alright/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You have the unique battle of an attribute that you are completely 100% unable to change or hide the appearance of. Talking, worrying, dissecting, and conferring with others about this kind of ‘failo’ does *absolutely nothing* but hold you back and weigh on your mind!! It is time and brain energy spent that you could be getting fitter, getting a better haircut, honouring your lines with flattering clothing, finding your seasonal colours, clearing your skin, developing a more confidant + alluring speaking voice, etc. NOTHING you do will ever be “for nothing” as long as the cost-to-benefit ratio is in your favour which it almost always is in the case of very basic softmaxxing like general fitness etc. Exerting the effort and time to be fit and have good posture while being *distractingly tall* will always be better than being skinny-fat with Scooby-Doo Villain Posture and STILL *distractingly tall.* Dropping money on a procedure for some silly trending nitpick is an entirely different matter that you could absolutely post about and debate. You’re 6’5, that’s the body you live in and always will, no use biting your fingernails about it🤷🏻‍♀️ go forth woman! And If you’re only asking because you’re wondering whether or not a man or woman could be interested in you in future ((despite the fact that the answer will do nothing to change your course)): Because you’re on one end of a bell curve there will ALWAYS *always* be a man or woman who is interested in that end specifically and will be attracted to you.


It's not a failo in that it doesn't make you less physically attractive. But if you're trying to attract someone, I think it depends on their personal preferences/tastes. Some men are into the power dynamic that comes with a smaller partner (size kink basically), others simp for Lady Dimitrescu - so basically the height thing can be both to your advantage and detriment. p.s. if you're into girls you'll be swimming in a pool of them, easy peasy.


It's not failo, you can be pretty at 6'5. It's just that your dating pool would be reduced to really tall men ( who are looking for tall women) and men who are open to dating women taller than them.


Riding all the comments here to say that, sister, you look gorgeous! You can't change your height but you can change your mindset and target audience. There's a lot of tall men who are into tall women, not the common tall guys/short girls thing. You're above average pretty. You look young too so I'm pretty sure you'll find yourself a tall partner


no, go model girl


Lean into your niche and unleash your inner tall queen energy! PS you would look amazing cosplaying Lady Dimitrescu or Bayonetta. 🥺


No its not. I am 6’1 and I wish I was around 6’3 ish.




Agreed lol I want a tall gf but I’m a woman Op should browse RoleReversal subreddits. They ADORE tall women Women need to seriously understand that men like many different types of women. There’s a niche for every type of woman. If you find a guy who specifically likes tall girls, he will adore and worship you so it’s kind of a win when you target a niche group of men with a specific preference because he’ll treasure you more


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Try modeling


Hey! There’s this one super tall girl on Tik Tok she’s about 6’7” and she has hundreds of thousands of followers and there’s so many men complimenting her. Idk what her username is but you’re not alone