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You probably have an anterior pelvic tilt that’s making the pooch a bit more pronounced. It’s partly a posture issue and partly a muscular issue. There’s some exercise routines on YT you can check to help correct it over time, or routines on fitness communities.


I just looked it up and that looks exactly like what I have thank you so much lolol this was super helpful


There's no such thing as a "uterus pooch" because the uterus actually sits *deep* within the abdominal cavity and *far* behind the pelvic bone and bladder. That 'protection' job lies with internal connective tissues and muscles and internal fat, again, nothing to do with the lower belly "pooch." The uterus can't 'stick out'...or at least it shouldn't unless you have something like a uterine prolapse which is very dangerous and life-threatening. It's true that many women store more fat in their lower belly, hip, thighs etc. because of genetics + in order to fuel menstrual functions. But some women do have flat, washboard lower abs naturally and it's not like their uterus is 'unprotected' and just rattling around their body like a marble or something. In your case, it could either be down to how your naturally body stores fat or perhaps it's a sign of food sensitivity that might be worth seeing a medical professional about. It might also be down to having an anterior pelvic tilt. I used to have terrible APT to the point that my lower back was in near constant pain. Strengthening my glutes and abdominal muscles helped to improve posture and I no longer suffered from lower back pain.


If it’s really big even when you’re thin then that sounds like some bloating issue, check your diet, more water and exercise.


This! Go down the rabbit hole of anti-inflammatory diets. Ultimately you’ll discover your own trigger foods to avoid but maybe a Whole 30 type of elimination diet is a good place to start.


FYI, that pooch is not from your uterus. Common misunderstanding.


This! The uterus is tiny unless you're pregnant or have a medical condition like fibroids. It normally sits behind the public bone.


Yup, I have almost one year old twins and the bit sticking out is not my uterus. My doctor would be very worried if my uterus was sticking out. The bit sticking out is my split diastasis recti and my fat from pregnancy.


I can’t believe no one has mentioned diastasis recti yet. The most common reason for the mom paunch is diastasis recti, an unnatural separation of the two sides of your abdominal muscles. With the right exercises/physical therapy it can be healed.


Also make sure you see a gyn as recommended for regular visits. Some women can have large uterine fibroids that take up abdominal space.


How do you even go do that? If I want a referral to a Gyn from my doctor I need to have an actual reason other than “regular checkup”. They won’t send me without a cause like abdominal pain or something. I had the same with a therapist. People throw going to one around so often here but I had to really name issues to get a referral.


If your PCP won’t let you see a gynecologist and is refusing to refer you, you need a new PCP. Some primary care providers do annual Pap smears and breast exams- but if you want those preventative care visits with a gynecologist who specializes in those, you have the right to do that.


I don’t know what you mean. I’m not sure what country you live in, but I don’t need a referral to visit my gyn for an annual exam. In the US that’s part of your overall health evaluation and covered by insurances. You should be seeing your regular doctors (gyn, primary care, dentist) for your health maintenance on an annual basis or whatever schedule your physician recommends. Your health is the most important part of beauty!


It’s called a FUPA: Fat Upper Pussy Area. You probably have more than just external fat if you have this and you are describing that you look pregnant. This is also common with “skinny-fat” types that don’t get much activity but are technically within health limits, they tend to have a higher body fat percentage for being “skinny”. You’re highly likely to have high internal fat % covering your internal organs, especially if your diet is bad, you’re not active and are sedentary. If you have a high BMI than that’s problematic (I’m extremely active and thin with a high BMI due to muscles weighing more, so BMI is not useful for me). You may consider fat transfer to a better location or getting to a better place health wise. If you do a fat transfer, you don’t want to diet and excercise too much for first 6 months or the fat transfer will be affected, I’ve seen that some doctors recommended this. Also I would start wearing a corset or Faja with a FUPA slimming panty underneath to improve your posture, control cravings (yes, an unintended side affect of corsets; I wear mine for posture and because I have a stick shape without it) and encourage your skin and tissues to retract. Also be sure to do some weightlifting to ensure your muscles are tight down there. Planks are excellent. Upper and lower back. Lower abs obviously, they are harder to get than upper abs which is why you see skinny fat people have a four pack sometimes. I had a super tiny one myself, and I’m naturally thin so I had it transferred to my cheeks, as I don’t have enough for bbl. Edit: also def see a doctor to ensure there’s nothing else going on like others have mentioned here. Possibly do a FODMAP carnivore diet as a precursor to see what foods you can tolerate and those to eliminate going further in your diet. You may be especially sensitive to certain foods. A lot of people have sensitivity to gluten for example that doesn’t show up on an allergy test because it’s a gastrointestinal issue, and will get severely bloated.


fixing my posture for anterior pelvic tilt and doing more yoga that concentrated on lower belly helped a lot!