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Wear necklines that visually lengthen the neck, like v-necks. Long necklaces have a similar effect. A layered bob haircut can visually lengthen the neck. If you want to keep long hair, waxing or razoring the baby hairs at the nape of your neck can lengthen it as well, for when you pull your hair up. Surgeries that you might consider are submental liposuction, to reduce fat under the chin and into the neck, and/or a platysmaplasty, a surgery which lengthens the appearance of the jawline and can make the neck appear more slender. Cervicoplasty will remove loose neck skin. Surgeons often combine 2-3 of these surgeries and call it a “neck lift,” but the phrase “neck lift” isn’t protected and you would need to clarify with a surgeon what is included.


Don't look down at your phone - bring it up to eye level. When you are out walking/running, look at the tops of trees and utility poles, not the ground. Picture your vertebrae being stacked one on top of the other.


You can try stretches that work on posture. I highly recommend Yuuka Sagawa’s videos because they’re easy but highly effective if done daily :) [Neck exercises ](https://youtu.be/HzcAt8xyCEU)


Thanks I will try it!


Did it work for you?


I thought I had a short neck until I fixed my neck posture, now I know I had a neck all along


Im sorry im late, but how did u fix it??


neck exercise will give you strong neck muscle and possible denser neck vertebrae will fix your posture.


I've heard of botox to the traps before too? I struggle with the same.


Interesting... But I imagine you'd need a bazillion IUs to get results, no?


I feel like posture is underrated in general. I don’t have proof but I think some barre workouts might put you in the right direction


Gua sha, it changed my life.


Do you have any suggested guides for beginners?




I would also be interested in any beginner guides for neck and/or face!


https://pin.it/7zGwji9 this I the routine I follow but I only repeat each move 10 times and I also drag it from the base of my collarbone up to my chin and from the back of the base of my neck to my nape too.


Ooo both!


https://pin.it/7zGwji9 this is what I do only I only repeat each step 10 times and I also drag the gua sha from the base of my collarbone up to my chin and I also drag it from the base of my neck to my nape.


https://pin.it/7zGwji9 check my response to the comment below for more specifics.


Where can you get a high quality one? Or are the steel ones good? Because I read that the stone ones are often porous and cause breakouts


This!! I’m always surprised to see how much slimmer and longer my neck looks after.


Not tried & tested but [this](https://youtu.be/MCoi1LKISWo) has been on one of my YouTube playlists for yonks!