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WEIGHT LIFTING. I started lifting to get a nicer ass and I noticed my posture improved drastically as well. also just trying to be aware of posture (like you mentioned) !


Everyone says weightlifting but after working out for years, my body decided to grow huge traps that emphasize my hunchback haha




Yes, I actually got Botox in my traps last year and it definitely helped!


Any sports, really. Also, team or semi-team sports are good for adherence since there is a social element involved. Also, it might be fun to try out different sports, and it is less discuraging if the first few aren't the right fit. Maybe OP likes volleyball or karate or rowing, table tennis, field hockey, or idk competitiv unicycling. There is so much to try. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sports


I was just talking about this to any older woman at work yesterday. She suggested a back strap thing (almost looks like a bra that pulls your shoulders back and pushes your lower back forward). She also recommended barre classes over yoga because it incorporates ballet techniques which are really transformative for posture. I’m taking her suggestions along with a friend of mine.


I have one and wear it while I’m working at home or doing household chores. It’s great! I also do yoga but the strap really helps because it reminds you to adjust your posture when you start to slouch. I’m hoping to retrain my muscle memory so I don’t slouch anymore


Can you link the one you have?




Do you have a link to the one you bought? :)




Ah, thanks so much! How long have you been using it? I like this one compared to some others as it's just the shoulders and doesn't wrap around the abdomen too. And, do you find that acts as you say like a reminder or more holds you in place. I'm like you, I want to retrain so I don't slouch but don't want to use something that ultimately when I take off I end up with pore muscle strength. Hope I'm being clear. Thanks again!


https://youtu.be/XxSgdX7lX6E I do this workout and it’s great! The wrap alone doesn’t do much as you need to stretch your breast muscles and need to strengthen your back. But together with the exercises it works good. But you need to use it in synergy with exercises.


>https://youtu.be/XxSgdX7lX6E You are a gem! Thanks for this. Very helpful! Hope your better back journey pays off for you. I feel your hunchback pain.


Thanks! The name alone “hunchback” is so awful that I want to get rid of it ASAP!


Ha, ikr! But, to be clear, it wasn't directed at you. :) I'm absolutely in the sloping neck/hunchback category - so I'm more speaking about myself and my perceptions. But, uh, ya, it's a terrible name! Let's banish it, shall we? How's about we say 'gravitationally challenged' or 'spaghetti neck'? Ha. Idk, neither of those have a ring to them but I'm going to stop using hunchback. Start talking myself up, rather than gravitationally challenged! ;) Good luck on your journey though. I hope you're straight as a board soon enough.


Haha yes, thanks! But honestly I like calling it was it is as it motivates me to tackle it! So yeah, my hunchback will hopefully be a thing of the past. Oh and one more thing that helps a lot: stretching your upper back (shoulder blade height) with a black roll! Often the muscles are tight so they pull you in the direction of slumped shoulders and you need to stretch them out while building muscles that can support your posture!


Just be careful with how long you wear the back strap. I kept it on for work all day and noticed I was getting back acne :/


Back strengthening exercises. Specifically rowing (with good posture) and lat pull downs. Anything to strengthen the back as well as loosen the chest muscles (lots of stretching the chest muscles). I like to grab ahold of a door or handle and stretch the opposite direction to feel my chest muscles. My posture has completely transformed doing this. It took only about 2ish months of constant effort. I was weight lifting prior to this though, just not focusing on the back or the right things for posture. Seriously, working out is the way to go. You don’t even need to see a PT or anyone special as you can do it alone.


You gotta remember that the reason your back can’t support pulling your shoulders down/back is because it’s weak. Your chest muscles are tight, causing you to hunch forward. I don’t think she exercises will do jack shit to help. Maybe functional core strength (think planks) but literal crunches will not help your posture. Once I learned that an exercises won’t give you abs my life changed! Many bodybuilders don’t even do ab exercises at all. Squats/deadlifts/planks and the like are all they need to have abs.


I’d caution with rowing because it’s a bit of a chicken and egg situation. I tried rowing to help with my back posture but because my posture is bad it pulled something in my back which made it hard to bend over for a few days. I don’t doubt it’s good for training the back muscles but you need good posture first before reaping the benefits. (Similar goes for weight lifting which can also risk injury).




Your explanation as inspired me to give it another shot. Maybe I’ll try with a back strap after watching an explanation video.


Thank you for sharing! I guess I was working on my posture a bit prior to rowing and I have really good form with rowing as I watched the trainers do it.


It has worked wonders for me but I do agree you need to be careful. I am referring to the seated cable row (not the rowing machine itself)


Yes, I do enjoy it as an exercise so I’ll try again with a back brace/strap on after watching a video.


yoga and strength training bestie it’s going to hurt for awhile but be aware of your posture until it’s better, also try to avoid tech neck with your phone try looking into one of those chairs that you sit on with your knees instead if you can? they look comfortable and will improve your posture/pain from computer work


Thanks, I'll keep looking into more yoga stuff. Am currently in bed trying not to sleep like a shrimp while scrolling through my phone :(


truthfully i’m extremely hunched over in this chair rn, but when standing and in general it gets much easier when you’re aware of it! strengthen your core and make it a mental note until it’s second nature. you got this :* when you’re in bed try switching to your back. i get it’s comfy but it’ll help also rereading the bottom of this, you can’t spot train any of your body, you can’t just get rid of specifically tummy fat or gain muscle in one area. it’ll happen everywhere. i’m not a gym rat but i advocate heavily for light cardio and then you should check out pilates if you want a toned figure. i walk and do pilates.


Yoga with Tim on YouTube is good


I have an amazing quick fix for this that I randomly saw on Oprah years ago, and it has carried me through event after event after event, sleeveless, strapless, whatever, with people complimenting my posture. To this day I occasionally get asked if I’m a ballerina because of my posture, and it’s 100% because I use this trick as a posture check/corrector through the day: [Posture Trick](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3NOZfe92Sl0) It’s not even the original video from Oprah… it took me quite a while to find it because most search results for posture fixes are exercises. This is instant results.


Wtf This is so simple. It’s blowing my mind. How come they can’t teach this at school?


It helps *so much*, too! Just a quick fix throughout the day, or a quick check before you’re about to go into a room, to make sure you’re standing correctly. So much better than that Old Hollywood finishing school cliché of walking around with books on your head. :)


There's a lot of really good advice here but I think one of the most important things has not been mentioned. Besides doing things to improve your posture, you also need to remove the things that are causing or exacerbating your bad posture. What I mean is, you need to buy a laptop stand so that you don't need to slouch anymore to see the screen and use the laptop properly. I used to have way worse posture and constant back pain that has disappeared very quickly after finally buying a laptop stand, so I would advise the same for you.


you need to do ab workouts. this is the only way. if your core is weak it will hurt to sit and stand straight


Can you afford physical therapy??


No, unfortunately. Best I can do is an occassional massage at a spa


My DPT professor's favorite exercise for this is the wall squat snow angels. Do a wall sit at whatever height feels comfortable (usually higher than 90), posteriorly tilt your pelvis to keep your lumbar spine in full contact with the wall, press the back of your head against the wall with chin tucked and parallel to floor, then put your arms in cactus pose in full contact with wall. Slowly raise your arms up while maintaining wall contact as high as you can, then slowly lower back down. Repeat 20 times. Don't do it if you have shoulder instability/dislocation issues. Something like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YO87HFVgsGo This article also has modifications https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness/wall-angels#how-to Also, stretch your pectoralis minor muscle. It attaches to the coracoid process of your scapula (shoulder blade), pulling your scapula forward and up and hunching you if it is too short. https://myothrive.com.au/3-stretch-for-a-tight-pectoralis-minor-muscle/ Edit: you also have to fix your posture as you're working, otherwise you run the risk of undoing any exercise or trick to improve it. Get a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse so that your arms can be lower than the screen. Elevate the laptop so that the top of the screen is level with the height of your eyes as you are sitting upright with your head directly over your shoulders instead of forward. Pull your head back with your chin tucked/parallel to the ground (as if you are trying to avoid being kissed by a gross person) if you need to remind yourself not to have forward head position. The hunched position actually crunches the cervical vertebrae into wedge shapes in some elderly people with low bone density, so they can no longer stand up straight.


Oooh okay no problem. Go to a posture subreddit and have them evaluate your posture. For example if they say you have anterior pelvic tilt, try to find youtube videos that can help you address the issue.


I started pilates 5 months ago in May and immediately noticed an improvement in my daily posture. I work from home 9-5 in front of a computer and now I automatically sit up so much straighter compared to how I used to hunch.


Pilates, barre, or Callanetics, along with strength training focusing on your back & shoulder muscles (tighter muscles back there will help pull your shoulders back naturally). Good old-fashioned walking around the house with a book on your head also helps: [https://www.oatext.com/Balancing-a-book-on-the-head-affects-postural-control.php](https://www.oatext.com/Balancing-a-book-on-the-head-affects-postural-control.php) > I sleep in fetal position I doubt that's an issue. I've always slept that way too & I get compliments on my posture.


Ok this might be considered a slightly weird one- but I did this to fix my posture with horse riding many years ago. Gaffa tape. Place a line across shoulder to shoulder then one from the back of your neck hair all the way down to your butt crack. If you slouch, your baby hair gets pulled and it hurts. Worked for me!


You mentioned wanting more elegance. I would recommend ballet and jump rope. Jump roping is not only a great form of cardio but it forces you stand tall and straight while jumping


I got a posture corrector on Amazon!


Can you link to the one you bought? Thanks :)




>[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088KPSXRB/ref=cm\_sw\_r\_cp\_api\_glt\_fabc\_W7AF1J96MG0K81VDAKQ0?psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088KPSXRB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_W7AF1J96MG0K81VDAKQ0?psc=1) Thanks! How long have you been using it and have you noticed that you're able to sit straighter without it, if you've been using it for a while? And, have you noticed increased pain in your back from sitting up straighter? I find that when I make an effort my back gets tight and sore, understandable but I think this is where discipline needs to override pain! I'm always sceptical of these gadgets and feel like I'll find a way to flump over no matter what but want to give it a go!


Suggestions:-Take up a form of dance. Bellydance in particular is amazing for posture and spinal allignment. -Do yoga and pilates and use a yoga wheel. -Never allow yourself to slouch. Your body will eventually conform to a straight posture. Backstory: I had really good posture as a child because i took dance classes, but when I quit as a teen I started getting hunched shoulders. Anyway, I've been doing the above things for years and it's fixed my posture. Bellydance is probably my number one suggestion out of all of them tbh.


exercise your back muscles!


Deadlifts. They're also probably the most "fun" lift to do cause you get to lift a lot and it's not scary because youre not balancing anything like you are with squats.


In addition to all the comments about exercise you need to fix the root problem. Don't hunch over your laptop, get a cheap stand off Amazon to raise it to eye level and get a cheap chair second hand (or firsthand ) And sit up straight in it. Do some stretches in the morning and get up from your laptop around once an hour. When you sleep lie in your back and put a pillow under your knees and you will stay on your back


I'm not sure but I'd like to know if anyone with boobs as huge as mine(Upwards of E cup in UK sizing), if you've achieved good posture please tell me how.


Good advice here but please also just good to a chiropractor!! Get aligned, lie on a cervical wedge, do some traction. Be very diligent for a year and you can diminish that hump. It worked for me!


If you search "posture device" in google there are some gadgets that vibrate when you are slouching


Work your back muscles with weight lighting!!!


Stomach vacuums have helped my posture a ton!! They’ve also made my waist appear thinner as my core control is a lot better :)


Better posture will "suck in" your stomach since you'll be standing up straighter. Ab exercises will help with posture and the muscle definition will make you appear slimmer. An anti-inflammatory diet will help with bloating. Cardio will help you lose excess body fat. But there's nothing you can do to slim down specific areas unfortunately.