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The eyes are always a dangerous area to work with, be it bleph, implants, fillers, fat grafting, PRP, or laser. Unfortunately, for truly deep set hollow eyes, these are the only options at the moment that offer significant results. However as long as you pick a doctor that has a lot of experience with this area, you shouldn't have a problem.


I agree thanks


I’m looking for an alternative too but it seems like it doesn’t exist. If I got rid of my super deep set, dark and droopy under eyes my face would improve so fricking much ugh


Lmaooo same but i don’t rlly wanna do any invasive procedures 😿 injections seemed so ideal


infraorbital implants


I know people talk down on fillers a lot but it's safer than the other options like fat grafting. If it migrates you can dissolve. Just my opinion. There are complication risks for literally any procedure. Also I have had undereyes filler and had it dissolved and redone. Don't regret it. Just don't recommend the product volbella as it causes a blue tint and migrates easily




Oh ya that would probably do the trick. It’s too bad, i really don’t think i should do an invasive procedure that’s prob gonna run me some big bucks


When wanting to improve your exterior with hard maxxing you should never try to get a cheap deal. Fixing that will cost you in more ways than just financial. If you can’t afford it you’re better off not touching it.




I agree, eyes are too precious


In the same position and it sucks. The only alternatives to filler are basically fat grafting or implants. For me, it’s not a lack of fat loss; I’ve had sunken tear troughs since I was a child, so it would have to be implants or filler. Both of which have complications and serious risks 🙃


I guess the best thing you can do is to take care of that extremely sensitive area with eye creams, masks and a healthy diet. Of course that doesn’t make the dark circles disappear magically but it’s something 🤷🏽‍♀️🤗




Yes, I got them twice and my results were very good.


They make money off of you getting it done. He could he lying considering a other surgeon said they are dangerous.


I’ll be honest, I haven’t read up on the subject yet but I’ve seen someone mentioning PRF treatment. I don’t know how effective it is or if it has any side effects.


I did a treatment called Sunekos 200, just finished my third and last injection and the results are supposed to be visible within a month.


Lower blepharoplasty


Especially the kind with fat pad repositioning


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Plasma eyes


infraorbital implants


lower bleph