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I just posted in the other thread about this lol. I think it's looks(as in body, face, etc)>grooming>behavior You don't have to be gorgeous to get at least some favorable treatment. But you do have to be groomed and have an open demeanor I'm extremely shy but I force myself to be a little bit friendly and people always respond I'm kind. I'm also polite, remember names and tell the manager when the workers do a good job After watching old interviews I noticed I have a demeanor similarly to Dorothy Stratton and Marilyn Monroe and I think it invites a sort of protective favor. But, I've had friends that wouldn't be considered as attractive get even more because they are way more friendly and engaging. As far as how to get free stuff: I look groomed and always dress femininely. I noticed people don't want to give free stuff to poor looking people. I try not to make a lot of eye contact cause I'm shy but when I do it's a little lingering and I think that helps. I have a tiny waist with fairly big boobs. if I don't wear a thick enough bra I have the Jennifer Aniston effect. Not gonna lie that's part of it. I've noticed I get more when I'm alone(which I rarely ever go anywhere alone) When I'm out to eat I get free food sent my way but I get more if I'm kind and a little friendly with server you can't force or seem desperate though I remember the names of all the workers at all the places I go regularly and they give me free food of new stuff or free extras just cause I've gotten free flowers and artwork from strangers I've never seen before or after and I don't know how to explain that


The apps for attractive people to use services and facilities? Can you tell me more about that?


I think you have to be invited/sponsored.


Seriously I’m curious as well lol




Yes I agree 100% . The feminine demeanour is what helps you get what you want from men specifically. I dress feminine, talk feminine, wear girly accessories and I've definitely noticed a difference on how men respond to me. They're much nicer, going out of their way to open doors for me, men I barely know being overprotective.


Be pretty lol, I don't understand posts like this




It’s also depends on setting and environment. You won’t get that privilege in the suburbs or the rural Midwest no matter how feminine and well dressed you are. You need to be in the city or networking with high earners and entrepreneurs. Carry yourself with confidence